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Whats the most trouble you have gotten in school?

~Sugar Sprinkles~

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This one requires some backstory:


So this past school year, I told myself I would be a bit more social, instead of being a wallflower. I branched out, tried to make new friends, took the long route to my classes, etc.


I came across this guy, whom, for the first couple weeks, seemed like a good person, so I got to know him, and we hung out a few times.


He turned out to be a slight bully.


I immediately severed what contact I could with him, and began to avoid him. He notices, and starts pestering me about reasons and what not.


For the most part, I ignored him, and I was pretty successful about it. He stopped bothering me, and I rarely saw him.


It continued on like this for a couple months.


Then, towards the end of the first semester, he begins coming up and talking to me as if we were best buds. I'm all like "Dude, I told you, I'm not going to be friends with a bully."


He's like "I've changed my ways."


So I give him a second chance.


A couple weeks later, I see him tormenting this freshman, who he claimed had "Looked at him funny."


Once again, I try to sever the connections, but this time, he won't go easily.


He starts coming up to me, about once or twice a week, and slightly shoving me into walls and lockers and such, or hitting me on the arms and stomach.


He's doing it in a way so that it looks friendly, and the teachers don't mind, but it still hurts slightly.


I just ignore him each time, and it works pretty well, but when exams start rolling in, and I get all stressed and stuff, he starts affecting me.


Last day of exams, he comes up and shoves me again. I stumble over my bookbag, which was on the floor behind me, and hit my head against the corner of a pole.


Feel it, there's blood. I tell him, quote un-quote, "Dude, I'm sick of your sh*t. I'm tired of you shoving and hitting me all the time, so I'm going to tell you this right now: If you touch me, in any way, one more time, I'm going to knock your teeth out."


He laughs at my words, and punches me on the arm, so I bring my fist across his jaw.


Loudest sound in the area, people look over.


He spits out a tooth, turns around, walks inside, comes out with principal.


I get ISS for that day, the three make up days after, and the teachers work day after that.


Worth it.

Edited by Parties like Pinkazoid
  • Brohoof 2


Cred it to DragonShy for the AWESOME sig!! :3

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Pushed a guy, he fell and hit a window which cracked it. My parents ended up paying for the window repair, I had ISS for 3 days, and I was also grounded for a month.

Edited by Veiled Enigma


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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I got numerous demerits and afterschool detentions. I was also suspended for a week in 10th grade because I carried a backpack and refused to let my teacher look through it. Not that I had anything in the backpack that I shouldn't have, but still...it was my own private pack, I walked into class that day and he demanded to look through it. Apparently some other kid had carried a squirt gun and shot him with it while his back was turned...apparently he took it badly and obviously he couldn't take a joke. But yeah, he suspended me for a week for that. Now no one is even allowed to carry packs to class.


I also was suspended for a few days in 5th grade for not turning in homework or some such nonsense. :P

Edited by Storm Dapple
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I got numerous demerits and afterschool detentions. I was also suspended for a week in 10th grade because I carried a backpack and refused to let my teacher look through it. Not that I had anything in the backpack that I shouldn't have, but still...it was my own private pack, I walked into class that day and he demanded to look through it. Apparently some other kid had carried a squirt gun and shot him with it while his back was turned...apparently he took it badly and obviously he couldn't take a joke. But yeah, he suspended me for a week for that. Now no one is even allowed to carry packs to class.


I also was suspended for a few days in 5th grade for not turning in homework or some such nonsense. :P


Oh man, demerits, I never got any merits but I have got demerits so my total number of merits is far below zero. XD Edited by Chill Mists (Chilly)


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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I don't usually get in trouble beyond getting told to stop throwing paper or parts of erasers at people from time to time. But people I know on the other hand.


Once in grade 8 my class was being noisey at lunch (as usual). So a teacher comes in and tells us to be quiet but we don't so she yells "Silence". And then a guy in my glass yelled back "I kill you". He got detention. Another time, more recently my friend almost got suspended for pretending to be someone in a class he wasn't in when there was a sub. He was exposed by some girl but all he got was detention.


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I think I already posted in this thread, but I think I forgot to say that I got in huge trouble for calling a teacher the B word.

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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Getting in a fight with my jerk brother, who punched me in the face after I called him a name in middle school (mental wasteland), got grounded though, never suspended from school, expelled, or even got a detention, I was the quite kid (and I still am) Edited by SamtheLegoman
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Couple times in Detention when i was 10 or 12 for socializing during class. Wasn't really a thing for me. I did also walk away from a course in high school and got removed from it. I remember telling the teacher that she was terrible and i would be much efficient on my own(I was). I'm generally pretty nice. She wasn't so i didn't feel like being either.


Imagine when you are asking a legitimate question that many of us has been wondering and instead of a helpful answer you get mockery from a self absorbed narcissist.

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I shot a teacher with a paintball gun.


Please don't ask.

  • Brohoof 2

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We'll care for your soul (with some possibilities not limited to burning scalding impalement soul destruction unnecessary hiccuping etc.)!


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Babylon's Soul Care

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Most traumatic experience I've had which got me into trouble happened during my elementary school year (which is silly), one of the kid got into trouble and the entire class got punished. I absolutely refused to follow the teacher's order because I firmly believed that I have done nothing wrong and I shouldn't be punished for something I clearly didn't do. Teacher made me stand in front of the whole class and had me apologize to the rest of the mates. Then again, what can you say about Asian culture.

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I can't decide if we judge it from the consequences or what we did....


I punched one of my only friends really hard in the stomach.


I turned the bathroom lights off.


Guess which one got me in more trouble.


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I'm so baaad! One time, I thought about throwing paper at the teacher. I didn't though. Crazy me, right? It was pretty scary too, because the teacher was so mad in my imagination.




Well, in all seriousness, I'm not bad, so yeah. I have no real stories to tell...talking too loud is probably the most recent one. And it's funny because before that, I was really quiet. So the teacher telling me to talk louder before was now telling me to shut up. :P

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I'm a pretty good kid, but I've got a little to tell.

Okay, so, in fourth grade, me and a few friends brought a magnifying glass to school During recess, we burnt anthills and stuff. I burnt a few ants and a piece of plastic. So, after recess, we head back to class. After working for about ten minutes, someone bursts the door open, and they're all "OH MY GOD, JOSEPH STARTED A FIRE!!!", and I was immediately sent to the principal. I told him exactly what happened "I burnt a few ants and melted a piece of plastic with a magnifying glass", and I got it taken from me, and I got suspended for a few days. Best part, there was no fire.


There's this other time, 8th grade, me and some kid were throwing sticks and pinecones at each other. Neither of us had intent to harm. So anyways, I stoop to pick up a pinecone, and I standup and turn around, and BAM. A stick hits me right in the bridge of the nose. Also, all the dirt on it flung off and got into my eyes. I get a nosebleed that I remedy with a piece of notebook paper. I'm practically blind, and the other kid is all "oh my god I'm so sorry!". Anyways, a certain girl walks me home. I'm able to see about halfway home. So I get home, my parents see my bloody face, I tell them what happened. It's the weekend now and nothing eventful happens. But when I wake up Sunday, I go downstairs, and my family is all "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE", and it turns out that I got fucking huge black eyes overnight. Both eyes. I looked like a freaking raccoon.

So, I got to school, rumors of me getting in a fight break out, and the councilor talks to me. Me, being the guy who wanted to protect the other guy, kept my mouth shut. So then, they tell me that if I don't fess up, they would have to call Child Protective Services on me. And then the girl that walked me home appears and tells the whole story, and then everything turns relatively normal.


There was this other time I got suspended for about a week, and I have no memory of what I did. It was a long time ago.

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Awesome story here:


When I was in 1st grade, we had this little joke going around that sticking your pinky finger up was a "chinese swear." Being of Chinese descent, my classmates would always "Chinese swear" at me. (I didn't really care, was an easy-going guy :P)


So one day I was in art class, and my friend decided to come up to me and Chinese swear and say "You like this?" (It was a joke again.)


I subsequently remembered some stuff I heard, stuck up my middle finger and said, "Oh yeah, what about this? AMERICAN SWEAR!"


Art teacher threatened me with going to the principal's office, but he didn't cause he liked me a lot. I cried. I've also learned my lesson. XD

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  • 8 months later...

During a ride home from school on the bus a bottle was being tossed around and landed on me, than I pushed it off and it got some kid wet. He went to the principal and they targeted me responsible for it, wanting me to pay for a new shirt and 3 dentitions. I basically said screw you both and walked out telling the principal I wasn't coming back. And you know what? I didn't. I switched schools just because of it. #regret nothing

Edited by Retro✮Derpy


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Lets see, well honestly I'm normally a goody toshoes of a kid so I don't really ever get in trouble. I guess I almost got in trouble technically when the  teacher was trying to get me to pick out a book for reading class and I being the indecisive person I am could not pick anything, I don't really read books much anyways. So yeah just don't ask I'm so indecisive like I said.


I ended up eventually almost crying in the corner, even though the teacher had already been yelling at me and all telling me I had to and stuff eventually she calmed me down and told me I could go the next day to have the librarian help me pick a book.


I came from being homeschooled so yeah.. I know it sounds stupid, but yeah.


I can't think of much more really.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Back in third grade, I got suspended for the dumbest reason ever.


So, this African-American kid came to school smelling like shit. I told him he smelled funny, and got suspended for racism. Just because he was black, that makes it racist. FML.

Edited by Bloo47
  • Brohoof 5

"For those about to rock, we salute you!"- ACϟDC
Signature by Gone ϟ Airbourne (click the signature) My Tumblr

Member of the Equestrian Gaming Clan


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When I was in fourth grade, we were in the bathroom and I was the Bathroom Monitor (Thing they had at my school). There was this pipe hanging from the ceiling and I got bored so I started messing with it. I ended up managing to break it, causing water to shower out from the ceiling. I ended up flooding the boy's bathroom. Long story short, I ended up in detention for the rest of the day.


The good thing is that I actually didn't get in trouble from my parents. They were actually mad at the school because I was able to access the pipe. 

  • Brohoof 2
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I've gotten 2 detentions this year, but they were just because I was late to class so many times. I know, I'm such a badass.


I finally learned to take my backpack with me to classes so I don't have to always stop at my locker.


I think detention is the worst punishment I've gotten.

Edited by Link



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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The two times I got in the most amount of trouble was being thrown out of a class for insulting a classmate (lets say it is something it is best I don't repeat here) and Suspension and Saturday school for getting in a fight. I didn't get in trouble much at school but when I did thanks to my temper I really did.

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To Be honest my school punishment sheet is a mile and a half long. Lets see in and out of element school suspension, in school suspension and detention, In middle school It was alternative education center, court, suspension, in school suspension detention. and  detention and again in high school truancy court, alternative education center, in school suspension, suspension, and detention as well as more repremandations than I care to count.

I got in trouble for the most asinine things such as cell phones or chewing gum or not having a pencil all the way to terroristic threat, and assault with a deadly weapon. Now however I have a squeaky clean rap sheet aka meaning I grew up and matured a lot in 2 years of my life.


I BUKING LOVE AMERICA AND POLTICS. some wise quotes "An armed society is a polite society." "if it neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg, It should not bother me if my fellow man believes that there are twenty gods or there is no god" Thomas Jefferson.

Don't worry I'm a pinkie pie fan and I have my random moments of cupcakes.

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