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mega thread Do you have any pets?

Mint Petal

What Pet do you have? "Poll"  

246 users have voted

  1. 1. What kind of pet do you have?

    • Dog
    • Cat
    • Hamster
    • Fish
    • Mouse
    • Guinea pig
    • Bird
    • Snake
    • Iguana
    • Ferret
    • Pony
    • Stick Bug
    • Turtle
    • Some type of farm animal
    • Other (Please tell us about it in the comments)

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Currently have 3 cats:

-Cake, who talks alot, likes having the base of his tail patted, bumped & spanked, and has a habit of throwing up on bed sheets.

-Jaysee, who tends to slink around, remain up stairs and who's meows sound like morse code.

-And Meenis, who sound still sounds like a kitten, loves cookies and even though she isn't fat, she is very heavy. My dad calls her a fire plug. 


Had several more pets who are no longer for this world:

-Einstein, our first cat. He was around longer than I can remember. Had a defective tear gland on his eye, licked himself whenever you scratched his back and acted like a mother hen to the rest of the cats. Lived to be 16 years old. 

-Comet, who loved to be carried, flopped down like a rag doll, and tended to drool whenever he was happy. He lived to be 14 years old. 

-Munchkin, who was very fast, loved to complain loudly and would jump on you and start needing your arms and neck. She lived to be around 8-9 years old. 

-Our Dog, Bubby, a German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix that served as our guard dog. He had big ol paws that looked like they were getting a little bigger each day, could jump really high, sounded like Chewbacca, and would howl every time the train went by. He lived to be 14 years old.  


We also had at varied times gerbils, a guinea pig, a turtle, the usual fish and several snakes. 

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Right now, I don't have any pets and it's stayed this way for most of my life. The idea of having a pet never really appealed to me that much at the first place. I remembered panicking everytime a dog followed or barked at me when going to someone's house. I'm not like that nowadays though. I once had a fish when I was younger, but then it died.

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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I used to own three dogs. A Shih Tsu named Sunny, a German Shepard called Blackie, and a Corgi named Sheep. They all died though  :( But one of my friends has 2 dogs, and one has cat, and I half own them, so I have about 6  :lol:

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One cat and one very old dog. There used to be two cats, but our other one was hit by a car a few days ago. :(

^ don't listen to this guy ^


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I have a red nose pit bull named Roxi,

She'sthe sweetest, smartest little thing!




I also have a border collie at my dad's named Missy


After I save up money, I plan on getting a pair of degu's or ferrets.

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I have two chihuahuas and a cat. :3 Our cat has two different color eyes, so she was named after Yuna from Final Fantasy X/X-2. ^_^ Our first chihuahua is named Pinto Bean. He's rather old, but he's still kicking it despite having arthritis in his joints. He sleeps a lot, but he also likes to grunt at you... almost like he's talking. Our other chihuahua is babied and carried a lot by my mom though. She also likes to shake, so my mom named her Chillie Bean. I have pictures of them, but they aren't very good. :/

x Haruhi Suzumiya x


goddess of the world


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yes i do have a pet she is an adorable cat which i have named Buffy and is part of the ragdoll family so she is extra big extra fluffy and at some points extra rambunctious (though that also means she sleeps more as well) but i love her with all my heart <3



signature by Pucksterv

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I have a yellow lab mix. He's mostly lab but I don't know what else he is. He's my best friend, though.

Edited by #1FluttershyFan

- "Um... I was just wondering if it's okay if I hold you down against your will for a little bit?"


:fluttershy:Fluttershy is Best Pony! :kindness: 



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My family grows  :wub:

At least for a moment that is...


I've had my little girl, Princess Lulu (Yeah, guess where that name came from  :P ) for about two years now.



Last year while I was in the army, she was taken care of by my parents, who decided to take another cat to be of some company for her. And what a company he was (If you know what I mean...  :tAjTk7v:) When I returned from active service in September and took her back home, nothing seemed different at first. Then I noticed a slight difference in her gait. She was sorta... wobbling a bit. In October it became clear that something was indeed different when she started getting bigger in the middle. And as you probably guessed, in November I had a nice little bundle of fur to come home to  :pinkie:






They're eight weeks old now, and quite the rowdy trio... Enough so that I relocated to the couch for the nights to avoid being woken up by their nightly combat training and whatnot  :lol:


Sadly, I don't have the resources to take care of four full grown cats, so I'll have to give them away in four weeks  :(

Luckily my parents decided to take the only boy of the trio to be of some company to his now-alone father back at their place, so I'll get to see him from time to time  :yay:

Credit for the amazing signature goes to the equally amazing Iridian! Thank you :3

When life gives you lemons, say "Thank you" because lemons are awesome.

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I have 3 aquariums, But i would absolutly LOVE to have a cat :squee:  :wub:


But of course, Me, my mom, my dad, my granparents, and my stepfather is allergic  :(


Oh, and my sisters >_>

Edited by PinkieTheRealMVP


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

Signature banner by ~ Akatsuki ~.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Let's see. We used to have three bloodfins (fish), but one of them jumped out of the tank. We do have three blackfins and three more betas that I forgot what they are called. It sounds fancy though.


And then we had two corydoras, but again, one of them decided to be stupid and jumped out.


My brother really wants a turtle, but he'll probably not get one any time soon. And we're going to get a puppy sometime next month. I'll post pictures when it happens. :3

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