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  1. 1. Would you enjoy/be intrigued by a presentation on why a human invasion of equestria would fail?

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  2. 2. Do you think a human invasion of Equestria would fail?

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[image snipped: "I know that feel, bro"]


I love dem ponies.


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If humans discover a way to Equestria and try to invade... I become supervillain and stop them!


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But, hey... If I'm a supervillain stopping humans from invading Equestria, am I a supervillain or superhero?


Eh. Mastermind either way. Kinda like this:




Alright. Here's why it would fail.


First off: What is the motive of the invasion? What nation is invading? Unless this is an international attack based on an extreme motive, the attack would fail. Although there are not currently any actual treaties that protect nations that are not of this dimension from an attack by any force, the basis of social contract theory states that an attack or invasion of a peaceful nation without solid evidence of that nation being a clear and present danger to society at large will merit any measures necessary to impede that invasion. i.e. If it is just one country (or a group of countries) going after Equestria, A more powerful military will come in to stop the invasion.


Secondly: The brony community would not allow the attack to happen. As promoters of peace, love, and tolerance, and as lovers of the land of Equestria, nobody in our community would allow this invasion to take place. Our power comes from the fact that we have the most intelligence on the matter of said invasion. We know everything about Equestria because we MADE it what it is. We know the topography, the culture, the biology, EVERYTHING. This means that our cooperation is necessary if the invasion is to take place. Our voice is made louder by the fact that we know what they don't.


Thirdly: Humans don't understand the terrain or biology. There are hydras, manticores, cockatrices, dragons, and many other dangerous animals that humans have no idea how to deal with. The topography of Equestria is all KINDS of messed up. bogs, deserts, mountain ranges, plains, everything. All of it grouped together in a way that humans have never even imagined before. All of this makes for an extremely dangerous place for humans to even step foot. Especially if they happen to be trying to invade...


Fourthly: According to fanfiction, Ponies have guns, and are damn good shots.


Finally: Ponies.The dominate race of Equestria are a species with the intelligence of humans, and the physical abilities of horses. That makes them stronger AND faster than us. Oh, and by the way: two thirds of those ponies can FLY or DO MAGIC! Pegasi appear to be able to fly with the same speed, and with greater accuracy, than human fighter jets. Magic is what allows Equestria's monarch deities to move the SUN and MOON! Did I forget to mention that the royal family can both do magic AND fly? Oh hey! The elements of Harmony! That shit turns malevolent deities into STONE! The power of love is able to banish entire armies of pony like creatures that can CHANGE THEIR SHAPE in Equestria. The shyest of ponies is able to control creatures by staring at them. Some ponies are able to defy the laws of physics on a regular basis all while wielding a party cannon.


Bottom line: Humans are bucked.


Good point on the motive. Just another Vietnam, probably, at most, what with all those local problems you mentioned.


Oh... I loved this line...


...The brony community would not allow the attack to happen. As promoters of peace, love, and tolerance, and as lovers of the land of Equestria, nobody in our community would allow this invasion to take place. Our power comes from the fact that we have the most intelligence...

(Me and other brony assistants)


Edited by EASA - Matt
  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Fourthly: According to fanfiction, Ponies have guns, and are damn good shots.


Fanon really doesn't hold up here, but I assume that you are refering to Fallout: Equestria?
  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, It's getting late, I'll get to my wargame tomorrow (maybe, I really should work on my book...), but in more serious reply to this, I don't think Celestia and Luna control the sun and moon quiet like that... I explained my headcanon on it in another post in this thread :P


And you may have a moderately valid point with the flying thing, but at the same time, shotguns were made for flying bio targets, and are pretty effective.


Either way, though, there's a deep magic in Equestria that would never allow an invasion to succeed. This is the same magic that had the filly RD pull off a feat of legend - that even the greatest fliers practicing their entire lives - could not come close to performing. And she did it as a filly without trying - at the exact right moment to set all of the future bearers of elements of Harmony lives' on the right course for them to be friends and stop Luna.


This deep magic controls the fate and course of events in Equestria. It would ensure, in the end, things turn out alright, and either the humans would become peaceful, not kill everypony, or lose. But eradication of the pony race would never succeed because of this deep magic.

Edited by EASA - Matt
  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Bullets: The only unicorns that have ever brought a shield up are Sparkles. That family has some real extraordinary magic skill, I highly doubt it's typical. Shining Armor and Celestia's own protege and bearer of the element of magic, Twilight Sparkle. Shining Armor also said he's the only one that can cast that shield.


As for dodging, bullets are supersonic (or, at least anything other than shotgun or handgun bullets), you hear the shot after you're hit.


I'm pretty confident in what I said about Twi stopping bullets earlier, too. The average unicorn has MUCH LESS a chance of ever doing so. My guess is Rarity was pretty aggressive/mad when she threw those pillows, and she threw them hard. That's probably about what an average unicorn can do. (Though, seeing as Rarity would focus more on precision than strength (due to work with thread and needle), and a lot of her magic is gemfinding, you could argue she's weaker than average)


As for missles, those are even worse. Massing about a ton, or two is my rough semi-educated guesstimate (they're about the size of a person and by necessity include some very heavy materials), re-entry vehicles from an ICBM are not only that massive, but also travel at the very least, three times faster than a bullet at near-impact point, and thus have, probably more, but at least nine times as much energy (KE = 1/2 mv^2, velocity squared), IF they had the same mass as a bullet. Add their, about 500x-2000x heavier mass, and you get something nigh-unstoppable.


Honestly, I don't know what detonation system they use, but they normally detonate in the air, as another note. That gives them a farther reach, actually. None of them are impact-sensitive, at least I don't think. It doesn't strike me as likely, though I may be wrong, but at those speeds, and the enormous mind-boggling pressure of hitting the atmosphere, and when they hit the ground it might destroy them before they could detonate, and I don't see the pressure plates on the front that artillary rounds have. I may be wrong, but It's extremely unlikely any are impact-sensitive.


It may only be the Sparkles, but we can't be sure. It'd be a little strange if unicorns only could use their magic offensively, don't you think? An indestructible shield should be possible, certainly not as large as Shining Armor or Twilight Sparkle could cast, but at least large enough to encase the unicorn.


Bullets, there's no specific method I mentioned for knowing they're coming. At a close range, though, sound is out of the question, and sight may be. It's still possible to see a glint from the bullet. A pegasus' or an earth pony's best bet would be to keep moving.


And yes, I would argue that Rarity is weaker than most, because she owns a boutique and all. I never said anything about stopping bullets with magic, but the force field should do that by default, unless of course a unicorn has been using it forever and is running low on mana.


Yeah, I wasn't too sure on the impact-triggering missiles remark. I had assumed it was an old method of detonation, due to some simulations I've seen. If the ignition of the explosives inside wasn't fast enough, yes, I think the missile would be destroyed before it even had a chance to detonate. They generally trigger from proximity, correct?

  • Brohoof 1

Yo Applejack...



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Alright. Here's why it would fail.


First off: What is the motive of the invasion? What nation is invading? Unless this is an international attack based on an extreme motive, the attack would fail. Although there are not currently any actual treaties that protect nations that are not of this dimension from an attack by any force, the basis of social contract theory states that an attack or invasion of a peaceful nation without solid evidence of that nation being a clear and present danger to society at large will merit any measures necessary to impede that invasion. i.e. If it is just one country (or a group of countries) going after Equestria, A more powerful military will come in to stop the invasion.


Secondly: The brony community would not allow the attack to happen. As promoters of peace, love, and tolerance, and as lovers of the land of Equestria, nobody in our community would allow this invasion to take place. Our power comes from the fact that we have the most intelligence on the matter of said invasion. We know everything about Equestria because we MADE it what it is. We know the topography, the culture, the biology, EVERYTHING. This means that our cooperation is necessary if the invasion is to take place. Our voice is made louder by the fact that we know what they don't.


Though we have made what Equestria what it is, most, if not all of what is known is already on a world wide information network. The Internet. And if we even tried to stop whoever is invading, I'm using a multi-national army as an example, we would most likely be branded terrorists, or turncoats. From what I know terrorists are usually imprisoned, and or executed. Sure it would be a very large execution, but there have been genocides of the same and larger scale.


But that's if another group of countries, let's say the UN, wasn't against the invasion. I doubt many countries would want to invade a land of colorful ponies, so the invasion would probably end up a very small army considering.


So in the intelligence part of the war, the ponies are fucked. The political part I believe belongs to the ponies..

  • Brohoof 1


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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When it comes to the dPhoenix bit EASA, they wanted to smash it, not eat it. They just wanted to break/kill/smash something, like some teenagers out there like to do.

Edited by Rainbow Sparkle

Self-declared general of the Legions of Anarchy

Harmony? Order? Bah, where's the fun in that. Come with me, and we'll have some real fun with Discord as we ride towards Armageddon!

Join the Legion of Anarchy, and take up the flag of Discord here on MLPForums~

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I can see Queen Chrysallis teaming up with the humans for revenge.


Possibly, but I can also see her using their troops for food as well.


It's weird to see how everyone is now obsessed with killing ponies.


Obsessed with killing them? No...I spent over 12 hours yesterday fending those types off. ;)
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It may only be the Sparkles, but we can't be sure. It'd be a little strange if unicorns only could use their magic offensively, don't you think? An indestructible shield should be possible, certainly not as large as Shining Armor or Twilight Sparkle could cast, but at least large enough to encase the unicorn.


Bullets, there's no specific method I mentioned for knowing they're coming. At a close range, though, sound is out of the question, and sight may be. It's still possible to see a glint from the bullet. A pegasus' or an earth pony's best bet would be to keep moving.


And yes, I would argue that Rarity is weaker than most, because she owns a boutique and all. I never said anything about stopping bullets with magic, but the force field should do that by default, unless of course a unicorn has been using it forever and is running low on mana.


Yeah, I wasn't too sure on the impact-triggering missiles remark. I had assumed it was an old method of detonation, due to some simulations I've seen. If the ignition of the explosives inside wasn't fast enough, yes, I think the missile would be destroyed before it even had a chance to detonate. They generally trigger from proximity, correct?


*Brohoof on the mana part


Well, you call it using magic offensively, but really it's just their normal telekinesis. It was never meant as a weapon, though it could be implemented as such very easily. I would expect most their abilities to be peaceful, like Cadence was able to spread love, Rarity can find gemstones, and so far it looks like Twilight's teleport "blink" ability is pretty unique (she was shocked the first time it happened, after all).

(Spoiler for season 2 finale)



So, while there are some spells that can be taught (In "It's about time" she went to look for a book to learn how to cast a spell), it looks like others can't. After all, Shining Armor had to stay in Canterlot and couldn't tell his own little sister about the wedding in person because he was the only one that could cast/deploy the shield.


I think that in itself is quiet a point.



As for the shields, it looks like they take a certain amount of stress, then collapse, looking at the Changeling's methods. So continual bombardment would probably be the solution to a shield.



As for thermonuclear warheads - the big question is how they detect the proximity.

Apparently, they have fuses - and despite being 1960's tech, it's classified: http://defensesystems.com/articles/2008/05/return-to-sender.aspx


My guess would be some sort of altimeter, though how they would install that to work on an ICBM warhead crashing through the atmosphere at mach 27+, I have no idea.


Perhaps a timer? If it's a single second off, it'll make the difference of 5-3 whole miles, and according to the wiki page minuteman ICBM's have an accuracy of 200 meters, but at the same time, the same guidance computer that creates the trajectory also would simultaneously be calculating the exact time of arrival at target. So it's also possible it's just a computer-set timer.


Though we have made what Equestria what it is, most, if not all of what is known is already on a world wide information network. The Internet. And if we even tried to stop whoever is invading, I'm using a multi-national army as an example, we would most likely be branded terrorists, or turncoats. From what I know terrorists are usually imprisoned, and or executed. Sure it would be a very large execution, but there have been genocides of the same and larger scale.


But that's if another group of countries, let's say the UN, wasn't against the invasion. I doubt many countries would want to invade a land of colorful ponies, so the invasion would probably end up a very small army considering.


So in the intelligence part of the war, the ponies are f[____]ed. The political part I believe belongs to the ponies..


Well, going to war in the middle-east in third world countries ridden with terrorists and that fund terrorist organizations behind the 9-11 attacks and ruled by a ruthless Hitler-like dictator is a very different story from Equestria. I just hope NATO would have enough guts to defend Equestria from more aggressive countries. Heavens knows NATO didn't stand up for Georgia.


It's weird to see how everyone is now obsessed with killing ponies.


Posted Image



Lol, but in all seriousness, it's a matter of curiosity. Who would win in a war? Who is more mighty?


Well, true strength is strength of character, which the characters in the show show a lot more of than humans, seemingly, anyways. But people are more interested in warfighting ability.


You have to admit some curiosity...

  • Brohoof 1

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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*Brohoof on the mana part


Well, you call it using magic offensively, but really it's just their normal telekinesis. It was never meant as a weapon, though it could be implemented as such very easily. I would expect most their abilities to be peaceful, like Cadence was able to spread love, Rarity can find gemstones, and so far it looks like Twilight's teleport "blink" ability is pretty unique (she was shocked the first time it happened, after all).

(Spoiler for season 2 finale)



So, while there are some spells that can be taught (In "It's about time" she went to look for a book to learn how to cast a spell), it looks like others can't. After all, Shining Armor had to stay in Canterlot and couldn't tell his own little sister about the wedding in person because he was the only one that could cast/deploy the shield.


I think that in itself is quiet a point.



As for the shields, it looks like they take a certain amount of stress, then collapse, looking at the Changeling's methods. So continual bombardment would probably be the solution to a shield.



As for thermonuclear warheads - the big question is how they detect the proximity.

Apparently, they have fuses - and despite being 1960's tech, it's classified: http://defensesystem...-to-sender.aspx


My guess would be some sort of altimeter, though how they would install that to work on an ICBM warhead crashing through the atmosphere at mach 27+, I have no idea.


Perhaps a timer? If it's a single second off, it'll make the difference of 5-3 whole miles, and according to the wiki page minuteman ICBM's have an accuracy of 200 meters, but at the same time, the same guidance computer that creates the trajectory also would simultaneously be calculating the exact time of arrival at target. So it's also possible it's just a computer-set timer.


That's true, a shield should weaken by taking continual hits, but if a unicorn expends enough energy maintaining the shield, it shouldn't be affected much, if any. When they run out of mana, though, I'll admit to them being screwed if nopony else is there to help, which I hope will never happen. :(


And I had thought that it was possible to trigger on impact because I've seen many explosives trigger by an impact on a hard surface (some fireworks, some types of grenades, etc.). Not sure about the proximity triggering, though. I don't consider many other things possible aside from a timed explosion (with, as you mentioned, a system detecting the distance from the target and calculating the approximate impact time or something like that) and one that triggers when a distance is reached between the weapon and the target. Haven't that much knowledge on how all of this works, anyway. I find Minecraft more interesting than explosives :P


In all seriousness, if I was a pony being shot at, I'd probably hide behind Discord's statue and wait for it to crack open. :D

Yo Applejack...



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That's true, a shield should weaken by taking continual hits, but if a unicorn expends enough energy maintaining the shield, it shouldn't be affected much, if any. When they run out of mana, though, I'll admit to them being screwed if nopony else is there to help, which I hope will never happen. :(


And I had thought that it was possible to trigger on impact because I've seen many explosives trigger by an impact on a hard surface (some fireworks, some types of grenades, etc.). Not sure about the proximity triggering, though. I don't consider many other things possible aside from a timed explosion (with, as you mentioned, a system detecting the distance from the target and calculating the approximate impact time or something like that) and one that triggers when a distance is reached between the weapon and the target. Haven't that much knowledge on how all of this works, anyway. I find Minecraft more interesting than explosives :P


In all seriousness, if I was a pony being shot at, I'd probably hide behind Discord's statue and wait for it to crack open. :D


Step 1 of any human invasion:

Come in at night with a Chinook, take Discord's statue, and set it in the deep ocean somewhere.

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Posted Image



Lol, but in all seriousness, it's a matter of curiosity. Who would win in a war? Who is more mighty?


Well, true strength is strength of character, which the characters in the show show a lot more of than humans, seemingly, anyways. But people are more interested in warfighting ability.


You have to admit some curiosity...


I do admit I was interested at first, then I realized I was reading a "how to" guide of killing ponies.
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I do admit I was interested at first, then I realized I was reading a "how to" guide of killing ponies.


Lol. I think of it more as a "what if..." sort of deal :P


I've got some comments about the Elements, though. The deep, extremely powerful magic that permeates the land of Equestria would never permit something truly evil to happen...


Whatever happened, it would turn out for the best in the end.

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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Step 1 of any human invasion:

Come in at night with a Chinook, take Discord's statue, and set it in the deep ocean somewhere.


And let the pressure down on the ocean floor crack it open :D


And even if that doesn't work, I'm pretty sure he'll bust open because of all the chaos that will take place if humans attack!

Edited by Stoner Spike

Yo Applejack...



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And even if that doesn't work, I'm pretty sure he'll bust open because of all the chaos that will take place if humans attack!


Actually I kinda doubt any kind of chaos will free him if the source wasn't close enough to him. Throughout the session 1 we got enough chaos in ponyville to make a new Lord of Chaos (Parasprite attack, sleeping dragon, mane six fighting each other for a Gala ticket, and Fluttershy fashion fiasco)


Unless there's a human chocking the hell our of a pony right beside the statue or we launched a direct attack on it, I doubt anything will happen on Discord


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Actually I kinda doubt any kind of chaos will free him if the source wasn't close enough to him. Throughout the session 1 we got enough chaos in ponyville to make a new Lord of Chaos (Parasprite attack, sleeping dragon, mane six fighting each other for a Gala ticket, and Fluttershy fashion fiasco)


Unless there's a human chocking the hell our of a pony right beside the statue or we launched a direct attack on it, I doubt anything will happen on Discord


A human invasion would probably be one of the single most chaotic events in Equestria. The mass hysteria of the ponies wondering where the hell these bipedal creatures with metal contraptions of death came from, and why they're trying to kill them. That much chaos would surely be enough to release Discord, even if not close by.


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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A human invasion would probably be one of the single most chaotic events in Equestria. The mass hysteria of the ponies wondering where the hell these bipedal creatures with metal contraptions of death came from, and why they're trying to kill them. That much chaos would surely be enough to release Discord, even if not close by.


Nah. I'm pretty sure if their beloved sun princess got kidnapped by an ancient mare of the shadow, the ponies would get surely freaked out much more than when they got invaded by humans. But that never happened :/


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Nah. I'm pretty sure if their beloved sun princess got kidnapped by an ancient mare of the shadow, the ponies would get surely freaked out much more than when they got invaded by humans. But that never happened :/


It was never said that Celestia was kidnapped, she was just absent during the whole Nightmare Moon crisis. Probably looking for a way to stop her sister from screwing everypony over. There was also nopony killed during said crisis.


Now if there was mass killings from strange creatures who seem ruthless, and uncaring, then I'm pretty sure the ponies would freak out a lot more than if their Sun Goddess was gone for a few hours.

  • Brohoof 1


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
Sadness Is our Neglect.
If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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Ponies have flying ability and magic.


We just have the clothes on our backs.


Quickest. Evasion. Fail. Ever.

  • Brohoof 1

~I love the way Storm Spark makes love to me! No one is as manly as he is~

Twilight Sparkle is yummiest pony!!!

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Desert Eagle .357



Bullet proof armor

M39 emr

Maska-1SCH helmet

A10 Warthog


In all honesty we could probably win a war against the UNSC from halo.

From bitterness I arise. I shall thrive in the cool darkness of this moonlit winter's night. Oh how far I have arisen to meet you my friends.

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