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Love and Tolerate - Good Or Bad? *MATURE*



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  1. 1. Love And Tolerate

    • We should not disagree with them.
    • We should disagree and explain to them who we really are.

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I've always loved the phrase, "Love and Tolerate". Yet, recently i've found it to be a bit, inconvinent (Lack of a better word) to the brony community, in the sense of us looking helpless and not being able to argue. Now what sparked this thought was that a few months or so ago, a hater had made a thread about how all bronies are "faggots", "idiots", and other petty insults. Instead of me saying, "Love and Tolerate", and being helpless, I spoke insults to him. I didn't make up insults or call all haters anything. I spoke the truth by calling him iggorant (iggnorant = lack of knowledge) about the brony community and other subjects. Instead of reciveing support from the brony community; I recived a lot of hate. I was called a non-brony, a hater, and even an asshole. So I thought, why do we have to say "Love and Tolerate", acting helpless and hopeless, when we could at least take a few seconds to talk back and tell them that we are not all, "faggots", "idiots", or "loners". I'm sure that there is enough confidence in a brony to be able to not take someones lies and insults. This is my opinion. I made this to hear everyone else's opinion.


(This was made on mobile, please excuse spelling mistakes or being too vague.)

Edited by Dragonshy
  • Brohoof 4



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As long as you kept it civil you were actually loving and tolerating. So all the Bronies calling you a non-brony are actually just ignorant. :) hope that explanation helped.

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  • Brohoof 1
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I hate people who blindly say "love and tolerate". While I am not up for stupid stuff like that "Brony Army" thing, I'm certainly willing to defend myself when someone calls me a faggot and stuff like that.

  • Brohoof 4


On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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It depends on the situation. Normally I do not bother with haters at all, but I try to tell it as it is most of the time.


You are not any less of a brony for failing to comply with an illusionary mantra. You are an individual who can stand up for yourself regardless of what "sect" you come from. While it perhaps is best to just ignore ("love and tolerate", as it were), there's no crime committed in standing up for your beliefs.

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i try to take love and tolerance to heart, i try my best to ignore haters and the such,


i best try to avoid arguements with these people because they are the kind of people your not going to win against, because they are so dense that at the end of the day they will still be ignorant and the such so often its not even worth getting into the arguement in the first place

  • Brohoof 1

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Love and tolerate doesn't mean being a doormat and letting haters walk on you. It's about giving them respect as a person and hearing out their opinion, whether it's ignorant or informed. You can disagree with them, but as long as you maintain a level of respect it should be fine. Stooping down to their level and insulting them instantly as soon as you read what they have to say is not loving and tolerating


Honestly, the phrase has lost so much of its meaning that as a fandom, we should retire it and never speak of it again. It was effective and cute for the infancy of the fandom, but now it's just ammunition for both haters and bronies alike, being wildly thrown about.

Edited by Doctor XFizzle
  • Brohoof 7

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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Ultimately, what does responding to hate with hate get anyone? It's a waste of energy, the people that seek to troll bronies or pony sites aren't going to be offended when they get flamed or insulted - they're going to be amused, because that is the reaction that they want.


Why respond to such people at all? Why waste your time and energy arguing with someone that is, quite frankly, not worth arguing with? Why not report the person making hate filled comments and such to whatever moderation staff exists on the site in question?


Now, with that said I do not feel that 'Love and Tolerate' is the same as 'Be a doormat', rather I would take it as meaning 'Don't respond to raging idiots by being, yourself, a raging idiot'

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Love and tolerate doesn't mean being a doormat and letting haters walk on you. It's about giving them respect as a person and hearing out their opinion, whether it's ignorant or informed. You can disagree with them, but as long as you maintain a level of respect it should be fine. Stooping down to their level and insulting them instantly as soon as you read what they have to say is not loving and tolerating.


Exactly, but see how it took a paragraph to explain? A hater wouldn't take time to read or be reasonable.



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I honestly cringe every time I hear that phrase. It started out as a joke, nothing more.


If that's what you believe, do it because it's what you believe, not because you feel compelled to because you watch a TV show.

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Love and Tolerance works for me, as a christian, it is sort of like the "turn the other cheek" phrase you here jesus say. And actually ever since I have become a brony, my give-a-fuckness level is literally zero. When people issue hate towards me, I just don't let it get to me, I know who I am, and I know who they are. So let them speak garbage, it literally has not impact on the brony community, we are still going to love the show no matter what.

  • Brohoof 1


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Exactly, but see how it took a paragraph to explain? A hater wouldn't take time to read or be reasonable.


Then most likely they're hating just to get a reaction from bronies such as yourself so in that case, they're best being ignored. I edited my post since you quoted it fyi lol

  • Brohoof 1

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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Ultimately, what does responding to hate with hate get anyone? It's a waste of energy, the people that seek to troll bronies or pony sites aren't going to be offended when they get flamed or insulted - they're going to be amused, because that is the reaction that they want.


Why respond to such people at all? Why waste your time and energy arguing with someone that is, quite frankly, not worth arguing with? Why not report the person making hate filled comments and such to whatever moderation staff exists on the site in question?


Now, with that said I do not feel that 'Love and Tolerate' is the same as 'Be a doormat', rather I would take it as meaning 'Don't respond to raging idiots by being, yourself, a raging idiot'


Bronies get so much extra hate being called "pussies" for not replying or replying with love and tolerate though. It really doesn't help, and even though we can it ignore it, it's would still be better to not have it. I'm not saying insult them, just to explain it to them. Also, this happens everywhere, including outside of the forums.



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Love and Tolerate does not mean blindly accept everything that comes your way.


For people like that, it's generally best to ignore them. They've made up their mind a long time ago, and that choice was to be an asshole. If you want to (usually) waste a few minutes, go ahead and post something simple to try and straighten them out, but 99.99% of respones you'll get is just troll rage.


Giggle at their childish, ignorant rage-fest and move on.

Edited by Strife
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I concure with SkullBuster. While we were at BronyCon, the AP released their piece on the convention and at first I was trilled until I started reading the massive amounts of negative tweets that were being generated. Then I got MAD, I wanted to tear into them because that's what Ol' Sarge does (or did). But I realized that it was ruining the enjoyment and happiness of my new found Bronyness. So I reminded myself that we like what we like because we don't care what others think about us.

  • Brohoof 1


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Love and tolerate doesn't mean being a doormat and letting haters walk on you.


What if "Putting Your Hoof Down" was really a training video for bronies to properly "Love and Tolerate" haters?


Posted Image

  • Brohoof 5
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What if "Putting Your Hoof Down" was really a training video for bronies to properly "Love and Tolerate" haters?


You hate on ponies? I'll kick you in your cajones!!

  • Brohoof 2

MLP Forums' resident timelord, sports dilettante, and purveyor of wit and humor
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Bronies get so much extra hate being called "pussies" for not replying or replying with love and tolerate though. It really doesn't help, and even though we can it ignore it, it's would still be better to not have it. I'm not saying insult them, just to explain it to them. Also, this happens everywhere, including outside of the forums.

So don't reply with love and tolerate. It's overused and honestly annoying to hear constantly at this point.


By all means, explain things to them calmly and politely, just be prepared for the person you are replying to to


1: Not read your response

2: Not care about your response

3: Respond with more insults/flames


There are plenty of image macros that discuss the usefulness of arguing on the internet, typically with a high degree of accuracy. If someone thinks we 'look bad' or are 'pussies' for not wanting to get into back-and-forth bitchfests with people, chances are that the person in question is an idiot.

  • Brohoof 5
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if your in that situation i say stand up for yourself, but a lot of times if your dont act violently or rashly against a hater they may give up or actually start to see it your way, it sounds cliche but occasionally it can work

Edited by thesteampunkninja


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I don't view the concept of "love and tolerate" any differently from creeds in life you should generally follow. You should aim to be kind toward people, but if someone gives off an expression you strongly disagree with, then you try to reason with them and show your own perspective rather than explode at them. If it's someone that's only speaking up to get your goat, (which is most likely the case for people that throw a hissy fit whenever they find out someone watched a harmless cartoon) then you shrug them off. Saying "love and tolerate", which has been used to the point of loss of meaning, as a response to any of those situations is rather pointless, as acting in the aforementioned matter is no different plus provides less ammunition.

Edited by Salty
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It really is sad that there are people that find it 'fun' to troll. Honestly what do you get out of it? I honestly think the world is too messed up. People are not even nice anymore, it used to be when i was 4-7 years of age people were nice. I remember my dad breaking down on the side of the highway and a couple pulled over and helped us right out. But now, my battery ran out at a gas station/restaurant and so I asked people for a jump. I went into the restaurant and asked some truckers and farmers for a jump. No one helped, in fact I got insulted by a biker. People are just jerks now, I actually had to call my brother to give me a jump. I wish it was like it used to be when I was younger but the world has gone to shit.


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I swear I've seen this discussion in another topic before. I even responded to it. Oh well. Too lazy to go find it.


'Love and tolerate' is for everything besides the moronic haters, in my opinion. Someone disagrees with you and your ideals, but isn't a troll dick about it? Love and tolerate. Someone is rude to your ideals and insults your interests with little to no care? Go ahead and give them a taste of their own medicine, as far as I'm concerned. In other words, self-defense has and always will be okay. Loving and tolerating the douches who will never ever change their blatant opinions is nothing but putting a burden on us. Some will choose to ignore them, but we should never use the love and tolerate thing on them, because it's not winning any battles for us. Kick their asses, or ignore, with jerks. There is no love and tolerate for them. Save it for those who you may disagree with, but who are at least civil about it.

Edited by ~Chaotic Discord~


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because it's not winning any battles for us

1: So what will 'win' battles for us?

2: Why do we need to 'fight' battles with these people in the first place?

3: What do we get out of 'winning' these battles?


I mean really. What's the point?

  • Brohoof 1
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1: So what will 'win' battles for us?

2: Why do we need to 'fight' battles with these people in the first place?

3: What do we get out of 'winning' these battles?


I mean really. What's the point?


Some feel the need to stick up for their ideals and opinions, even against those who try and annoy them on purpose. If you don't then you're the ignore type. Carry on and prosper.


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