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Closet Bronies UNITE: Experiences and Discussion


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That would look like a link to my profile. I'd say it's better to just quote people, because that way they get "X has quoted you" message.


Curses...  Whatever, I suppose I'll figure it out some other time.


Anyway, I have two problems - one is the drama about it. Let's face it, some people overdo it and it's just not good for them or anyone else. Tho I've describe that in more detail in the pressure thread, so I won't go there again.

The second, well, you can't be "in closet" when you have nothing to hide. Unless you really like the closet, which would prolly link back to the drama. Why not just treat it as a show instead? I bet you don't "come out" about everything you ever watch, but wouldn't say you're "in closet" about it. No matter whether you love MLP or just kinda like it, if you don't want to be too open about it, just treat is as any other show you ever watched.

Adding the "This is absolute taboo" element really doesn't help. It just creates suspicion and stress. And actually makes the show a taboo, obviously. It's hypocritical and foolish to expect other people to accept the show and community as "ok" when half of the bronies themselves think they are doing something wrong and twisted.


I think the thing is that we don't believe that we're doing something wrong.  However, we know that there are those who don't understand the fandom that do think we are doing something wrong, and we fear igniting their wrath.


However, you do make a decent point about 'closet' vs. 'not open'.  When you put it that way, I'm not really a closet brony, because I wouldn't lie to someone if they outright asked me.  I will actively try to hide it from my parents, but if they asked me, I'd tell them the truth.  I suppose that I'm really just more of a not open brony.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Ok, as most people might know(I think, maybe not though.) I am a closet brony, my parents don't know none of my friends know nobody. Except the people here on these forums.


The reason I am a closet brony is, well theres many reasons. The reason I haven't told my parents or my brother is because I'm pretty sure my brother would just shout it to everyone that ever came around and he could never keep it a secret I doubt. As for my parents, well I don't know, its iffy on whether my mom would accept it, I have a feeling my Dad won't. And my stepdad even less(I honestly think hes kinda closed minded.) So thats my reasoning for them.


As for people at school, I already am pretty sure alot of people think of me as dumb or weird already in most places outside of band, if I did open up on it then I'd have alot of band people turned on me. Therefore all of the people in band who are some of the only people I feel comfortable around would suddenly become uncomfortable to be around.


Also one of my only and best friends i'm pretty sure is in some form a hater, or atleast he doesn't like bronies, I don't want to lose some of the only friendships I have so I don't bother with it.


I am also quiet shy, which doesn't help any, honestly I have a hard time even saying hi to people sometimes, especially if its my crush or something. The brony thing would be almost impossible for me to reveal when I'm already as shy as I am.


And I really just don't feel I have a really big reason to tell and stop being a closet brony, I think the negative for me outweights any potential positive, I mean I already hate having people dislike me, so I don't like making enemy's. myself. Revealing my being a brony would only further complicate things.


Plus judging from my observation, I highly highly doubt anyone in my school is a brony. So it just overall doesn't seem worth it to me, Its to much change, I already had enough trouble moving from Homeschooling to public school my 8th grade year and then trying to fit in somewhere, revealing me being a brony would make that even harder.


In the end I'm not ready right now, and who knows, maybe I'll never be. As of now my good reason's are overshadowed by the bad. So thats why I'm a closet brony.

  • Brohoof 5


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I am sort of 50/50. I am not afraid of wearing the shirts. I just want to see how many people will figure it out. I have 1, so, I do t really count it as much. I do want to go to hot topic and buy a few things. I want to show my bronyism, but, I still don't want to wear a shirt saying Brony on it. I kind of am more open about it. I am telling a few friends about the show who have been curious. I think I am more open

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Curses...  Whatever, I suppose I'll figure it out some other time.


I think the thing is that we don't believe that we're doing something wrong.  However, we know that there are those who don't understand the fandom that do think we are doing something wrong, and we fear igniting their wrath.


However, you do make a decent point about 'closet' vs. 'not open'.  When you put it that way, I'm not really a closet brony, because I wouldn't lie to someone if they outright asked me.  I will actively try to hide it from my parents, but if they asked me, I'd tell them the truth.  I suppose that I'm really just more of a not open brony.

I really don't know about tagging, I just know that without quoting, it's pretty likely that I will never find out someone actually talked to me, unless I watch the thread.


I guess my simple point it that noone should be "in closet" about it, because there is nothing to hide about it. Whether you talk about MLP and wear those cool clothes or just keep it to yourself, that's a different thing. But as it is now, it just seems to stress people and make the whole fandom a bit uncomfortable.


But yeah, my thinking is a bit different on this topic and it's because of three reasons.

One, I'm a bit older than most closet bronies I saw so far. Just a bit, but there is a difference between school and work, just as well between "school society" and "adult society". 

Two, I don't live with parents, I live in my own, on my own. If I want to walk around in fursuit and sing Smile, smile, smile, I can and noone will or can say anything.

Three, even on high school I didn't care at all. I've seen people get badly bullied for being different, but it never happened to me, both because I had somewhat friendly relations with everyone and because it was widely known I do and am rather successful at martial arts since I was 5.




Can anyone "confess" to something that is expected or the popular opinion? For instance, could you really "confess" to wacthing t.v. or to being heterosexual? I doubt anyone is hiding because of this being a show (unless youre Amish I guess), just like I doubt anyone hides being homosexual because it is a sexuality. It is because the show happens to be MLP that it is hidden.


You're right, the term does imply hiding something out of fear or shame, but it also implies that you have to hide it from something/ someone. This is what I believe the main cause of bronies hiding is. If everyone accepted the show or were a fan themselves, there would be absolutely no reason to hide. It's because there are those that can't stand bronies (whether they're a vocal few or not, I don't know) and, more importantly, society's view of bronies that pushes them into hiding.


The term "closet brony" shouldn't have existed, but neither should being "in the closet" have existed. People shouldn't be forced to hide their preferences or beliefs for fear of persecution. Hopefully these terms will become relics of the past.


p.s. I'm also a closet brony.

Well, I guess that if you put it like that, it comes down to whether you want to wear a mask and be accepted for what you are not or be open and be accepted for who you are, while risking rejection. Third option is to not give a flying muffin about about what "society" thinks.

And that's not really about MLP, that applies on many, if not most things in life.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there, this topic hasn't been touched for a bit so "insert 2 cents here..."


Alright first of all, I am one of the most open Bronies the world has seen.  When I say this I mean that I wear the merchandise, thus making me easily identifiable as a brony.  I love and tolerate everyone, even when it hurts.  Then when I'm confronted by an IRL hater, I simply stick to my friendship cannon and let them say what they want... Then surprise surprise, I LISTEN.  If someone has a problem with me then haters gonna hate.  I have worked up the reputation I have by not hiding a thing and letting everyone have a chance to see the magic of friendship (Let it be known that I am in highschool and completely straight.  Plus I don't feel any mental health issues.  So be assured that I'm not stereotypical or crazy).  By giving everyone a chance to see what a true brony is, I aim to represent the fandom for what it is at heart.  


As for "closet" bronies whether by Jessper's definition or whatever comes to mind, I only have one thing to say.  Do what you want.

If you feel more comfortable concealing your love for ponies, then by all means do so, but understand that if you don't think your friends would love and/or tolerate you for who you really are than maybe those aren't the kind of people you should associate yourself with.  Remember that there is always people around who are suffering the same circumstances you are and if you open up, you may just find them.  Just take comfort in the fact that I personally don't have any enemies (maybe people I dislike, but no enemies).  Logic is a powerful weapon my friend, use it to your advantage.


When it comes to family, well... you only get one... If they don't like the person you are, what can they do?  Thats right, they can't do anything!  You are under your own control.  Now I'm not saying be a rebel, I'm saying be happy.  I mean hay, who knows.  They might just accept your personality, for change is scary and it doesn't come easily... but it still comes.


Well it seems I'm out of pennies so if anypony wants some friendly advice or maybe just a chat, PM me. I'm usually on latenight weekends

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I am a Closet brony. not because I am ashamed of watching the show or something awful like that. I choose to not be open about being a brony simply because that isn't what defines me. its a fanbase im part of. im NOT dissing bronies and NOT saying we are nothing. im saying that being a fan of a show isn't something I need to go shout to the world, if people ask, ill probably tell them im a brony, once again im not ashamed of being a brony.


Quick add on: I have tons of tons of tons of respect for any brony who is super open with the fanbase..... too bad none of those type of people go to my school :(

Edited by Rocket Blast
  • Brohoof 1


SIgnature by Reverie


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I'm not a closet Brony but I do understand why someone would be. Although I will say I do feel that generally being a closet Brony is a negative thing. I'm not against then I am just a great believer in being open and honest.


Regarding this topic there seems to be three groups of people: those who don't understand closet bronies almost to the point of hating on them (there's a very small number of these, but I have seem them), those that wish to get the closet bronies out of the closet, and the closet bronies themselves.

I actually think there are two types of closet Brony too. I've not got any real classification or anything but they seem to be those that are afraid of acceptance and those that feel its deeply personal and therefore private.

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'll admit, I am a closet Brony and I adore Fluttershy. Hearing you talk about how you don't want to tell anyone because the possibly negatives are worse in relation to any positives makes perfect sense to me, and I'd like to bring an additional point to play. 


I am a very imaginative person. I am working with another writer right now on a piece of fanfiction called Darkside Equestria: Redemption and Ressurection (shameless self-advertising, but it's on FimFiction so please critique it) and I've drawn tons of MLP art. One thing I've found about ideas is that a lot of the time the ideas you put so much work into while they are in your head tend to become less significant when you put them into the real world. 


Allow me to explain. 


I am a fan of My Little Pony, and I purchased Season 2 on iTunes recently. Now I am a huge consumer of fanmusic for the show, and had been downloading some one day when something rather exciting happened. My father was in the room at the time my computer finished downloading a song, and for some reason when it finished it uploaded the song directly into iTunes. My computer was muted, but after the song was finished playing my iTunes played the next item in the recently-added playlist: an MLP episode. 


I come back into the office to see Angel Bunny running towards Fluttershy on my huge desktop screen, my father merely 3 feet away, but luckily the angle of the screen was just enough so he didn't notice. Now we're he to have seen it he probably would have just laughed, but by the same token I feel like if I told him and my mother a feeling of significance would be lost. No longer would this fandom be a precious secret, then it would become a defining part of my everyday personality and I worry deep down that this might cheapen the experience for me. 


So on top of concern for how my parents, friends, and classmates might feel, what I'm really worried about is whether or not revealing this to them would allow them to ruin my solitary experience of the show. That and I'm also terrified that allegations of homosexuality wouldn't be far behind. I have zero interest in any romantic affairs, straight or honosexual, and the thought of anything that might further rumors towards either of these about me is deeply concerning. And yet at the end of it all I feel like I'm just running and avoiding the issue at hand (or hoof, if you prefer).


Any words of wisdom my fellow maidenly pegasisters and knightly bronies? I'm in dire need of some feedback. 

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  • 2 months later...

Im a closet brony, I've been thinking about telling, but I fear my parents think im gay or something. (they see me as a very manly guy)

I prob will tell my best friend, but I prefer to let him discovering because im not the person to go around and tell such big secrets. I cant tell anybody at school cuz they are relly intolerant, I have obe guy in my class and hes a spongebob fan, I feel bad for him because all the populair guys are now teasing him and making fun of the fact he likes spongebob. (which isnt a problem for me) so telling them im a brony probbly ends up getting teased for the rest of my school carrier

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How closet do you consider "I've cosplayed as Fluttershy" to be? (6'7 guy in a pink wig isn't weird at all!) Maybe it's just because I'm secure in my masculinity, (Or in this case, lack of it.) Being bisexual probably played a bit of a role in me not having to worry about it.

Edited by Brosparkles
  • Brohoof 2



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Well, I'm certainly not a public brony.  So far, I've only explicitly told my sister, though there are a number of people who found out through her...  I try to keep it secret if at all possible.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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Public Brony all the way!!! 


Just today I did a stock project on Hasbro in my Personal Finance and Investments class, and use a whole lot of brony stuff to emphasize the huge impact that we, the community have had on the Hasbro stock. Such as buying toys and stuff, It turns out that the Hasbro stock has increased in price by 40%!!!! 


The kids didn't laugh or call me names, they just took it maturely as possible! Ah I love my school XD  



Swiggity Swag, Comic Sans is irritating.


"For I am so omniscient that if there were to be two omnisciences... I would be both!" - Ziltoid the Omniscient

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I don't wear it on a sleeve, but essentially all of my friends know that I have ascended into bronydom. It took me a while... I had the whole phases of acceptance. 

  1. It's a good show, but I wouldn't say I'm a brony.

  2. Shite, I want to write a fanfic...

  3. Ooo, I made OCs....

  4. OHMYGLOB, base cannon. 



Original Characters? Guess I truly am addicted now...


I write and do physics too. Crazy, ain't it?


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I am neither. I don't go around telling the world, because that's not me.

If someone will ask me because they had a hunch or something. Then and only then will I say yes. Asides from my friendship group who well and truly know I'm a fan of the show, but I wouldn't say Brony.

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I would have to say public but I don't go around and announce that I'm a Brony. If someone brings it up, then of course I'm going to say yes I am a Brony. But in the end, I honestly don't care what random people think of me. I only care about my friends and family's opinions.   


"Slapping Faces Ever Since"

-Legion v3, 2013



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Closet brony. And deep in the closet at that. My best friend knows but I wouldn't dare tell anyone else. But I'm hoping one day that will change.

Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!
Your PMs are not safe! Trust no one!

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Are you a Public Brony or a Closet Brony?Reply to this topic! I personally am a Closet Brony I've told few friends. wacko.png


Edit: Oh and those friends are also Bronies! laugh.png



One time is that my mom was in the same room, and I passed by the hub on my cable box and had MLP Fim recording.She then said "You watch My little pony?"and I said yes I do watch the show." she was fine with that. so my mom knows

Err, neither.

I don't identify as a 'brony' and I don't see what's so special about telling friends/parents etc.

It's a useless fact for them to know that you like a cartoon. It's like coming out to my friends as a Bugs Bunny fan.


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I consider myself to be neither. I don't make an effort to hide that I'm a brony and will honestly answer that I am a brony to anyone that asks, but I'm not going to go wearing my Derpy T-Shirt to school every day (No matter how awesome it is). I make a few random references every once in a while, but they're usually accidental.

  • Brohoof 1

Sanity is overrated. So are signatures.

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Kinda on the fence. A lot of people know, and it's become a sort of joke amongst my *ahem* "non-enlightened" friends. But, at the same time, I don't really advertise it. Mostly just the occasional obscure reference to see if someone gets it. If not, oh well. If they do, yay.


I've got elements of both.

  • Brohoof 1


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closet definitely, i only know one other person that is a brony.....but i dont know how to approach othe  people about it.Any one  have any ideas.....



Im just one hell of a butler.

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Closet brony, My mother knows would not ever dare tell my father, hes a Fascist, my school also rips on bronies all the time and I do not need to deal with that.


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Eh I'm pretty public about it. "hey shell my band is playing tonight. wanna come see?" "yea sure man. ain't got anything goin on cept gettin drunk and watching MLP reruns"

does anyone care? nope. if they did, come at me brah. Wear it like you own it ;)

Dude I totally love your avatar. Do you mind if I use it for my facebook? It would be oddly appropriate, even hilarious, for me to use!

Kinda on the fence. A lot of people know, and it's become a sort of joke amongst my *ahem* "non-enlightened" friends. But, at the same time, I don't really advertise it. Mostly just the occasional obscure reference to see if someone gets it. If not, oh well. If they do, yay.


I've got elements of both.

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I am told I am a closet brony because I do not talk a lot about it publicly. I think it's a little like my sexual orientation. If it pops up in conversation, or if you absolutely want to know, then I will tell you. Otherwise it's not a subject I tend to talk about to anybody.

I do not hide the fact that I am a brony. I make a lot of references to the fandom in my everyday life. I'd say 99% of the time people just look don't pay attention to it and move on. A few might think I'm weird. Once I made a reference to somepony who replied with another one, and it was pretty obvious that we were both bronies.

  • Brohoof 2
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