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Your darkest fears

Johny Farenheit

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My three worst fears in order from least to worst fears are definitely

1.) Heights. Can't stand them I just get dizzy and sick to my stomache

2.) Spiders. If I see one I just wanna scream. Except for the little one's that cant do a thing

3.) My worst fear ever is death. It's just so scary to think about what happens after death since theres no way of knowing :(

  • Brohoof 1


My OCs: Mellow Genny Techmo

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My top three fears:


1) The feeling of falling - As odd as it may seem the feeling of falling makes me panic. For example if I'm on a roller coaster It's no big deal at all for me until the roller coaster goes down a big drop. Then I start to panic. 


2) Bugs - I can be the manliest man on the planet but if a bug lands on me I'll run screaming into the night like a little school girl.


3) Being alone for too long - I get lonely very easily.

  • Brohoof 3
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Spiders= duh, spiders are the only thing that actually gets me to move


Ants- I hate ants, they are horrid little things, and this has everything to do with when they swarmed my room.


People harming my guitar- yeah, pretty straight foreward


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1: Never finding a lady to date, seriously I have bad luck and have never been on a date :(

2: Going to certain areas of every city. Theres always an area with a "bad" atmosphere.

3: The thought of being alone in my life


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Roller coasters, those things are mechanical death traps

Clowns, just dammit

Driving. NEVER going to do it. it'll be the end of me.

  • Brohoof 2

"You really are fond of chatting with me, aren't you? If I didn't know better, I'd think you had feelings for me!" Solaire of Astora.
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1.demons. okay demons are super freaky and freak the crap out of me. they can also kill you, too. atleast ive never seen 1 for real :)

2.spiders and centipedes.these things are freaky and its hard to kill one when i spot them.however, centipedes are alot freakier, though.

3.super high heights. im not really afraid of high heights, but when i look down when at a super high height, i get scared.

  • Brohoof 1


Sig made by meh ((Find me on Deviantart if you wanna talk to me))

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1. Being alone - I have trouble with lonliness a lot of the time and have PTSD from how people have treated me in the past.


2. Falling/ going down a steep slope fast - I've always been afraid of heights, but I think I have an even bigger fear of falling that my fear of heights plays into. I used to be able to handle roller coasters even though I would get very scared. But after having dream after dream of going fast down steep slopes, my house being turned completely upside down jarringly fast, and other horrific things (I was essentially tortured in my sleep) I can't even handle a fast ferris wheel because I loathe the feeling of falling so much.


3. Wasps. I've always been afraid of them, and always will be. I don't blame people for being afraid of spiders, since they are creepy, but in my opinion, spiders pale in comparison to wasps. After conquering my fear of spiders, I've picked them up and held them many times. They never bite and simply try to get away - they're gentle but fast creatures that aren't out to get you or anything. They only bite if their lives are in absolute danger. Wasps, however, are assholes who will sting without much provocation. Worse, they fly, and it's usually towards you. Oddly enough, I'm not afraid of bees. I guess it's because bees are cute and fuzzy while wasps just... aren't.

  • Brohoof 2



Together since October 19th, 2011


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3: Tails doll, Ben, and other creepypasta characters- Let's just say that I hate creepypasta and leave it at that.

2: Spiders- Does this really need to be explained

1: Large bodies of water- When you think about it you are more vulnerable in water than anywhere else.

Edited by protoman151
  • Brohoof 1
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1.demons. okay demons are super freaky and freak the crap out of me. they can also kill you, too. atleast ive never seen 1 for real :)

2.spiders and centipedes.these things are freaky and its hard to kill one when i spot them.however, centipedes are alot freakier, though.

3.super high heights. im not really afraid of high heights, but when i look down when at a super high height, i get scared.

The demon you saw, I'm pretty sure I know exactly which one you're thinking of. In-fact I saw it, and everypony else has seen and heard of "Him" The monster needs to put to sleep. Justin Beiber... Okay, that was a little mean. However, I know no-one disagrees! XD

  • Brohoof 3
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Chuckie trailer when I was 5.




I honestly don't know where this comes from.... It's just a natural feeling.  :huh:


Nuclear Explosions:


I'm really paranoid.  <_<

  • Brohoof 1


"I keep the walking on the right side, but I won't judge the next who handles walking on the wrong. 'Cause that's how he wants to be. No difference, see."


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1: Spiders- Oh god have they scarred me many times...


2: Death- Not my own death but one from my family's death.


3: Heights- Don't you ever ask me to climb a mountian...

1: Spiders- Oh god have they scarred me many times...


2: Death- Not my own death but one from my family's death.


3: Heights- Don't you ever ask me to climb a mountian...

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Oh so many choices...


1) The Dark - I have a hard time falling asleep every day. Especially with the thought of ghosts and demons.


2) Insects - I can't stand ants, ticks, mosquitoes, bees, hornets, flies, mantises, beetles, cockroaches, and spiders!


3) Heights - I feel like I've lost my legs when I'm really high up.

  • Brohoof 2

Avatar made by Krystal and signature made by ~Chaotic Discord~.
My OCs: Cherry Blossom, Octavinyl, and Apple Mint.
"It's not about how smart you are, but how thick your heart is." - Cherry Blossom.

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1- Insects. I hate them little buggers. (See what I did there?)


2- Heights. I fear about falling from great heights one day...


3- Balloons. I don't know why, I just hate when they're popped. Scares the crap outta me

  • Brohoof 1
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Well, my top 3 fears are:


3: Fail in tests 


2: heights (but the strange is, that i only get scared when i look up, but i don't fell scared when i look down)


1: cockroaches

  • Brohoof 1


Made by the awesome Angels_Gal

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Alright. Here they are, top 3.


1. Bees and things like that. Not so much bees as it is wasps and things of the Vespa Genus. Bee's I've gotten over somewhat but wasps still scare me.


2. The dark. Well, noises I hear and what they could possibly be. 


3. Heights. When I'm on a roller coaster, this height seems to go away. But when I'm not, I never look down.

  • Brohoof 2



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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1. Vines - I even started a thread about them to ask how to get rid of my phobia (it ended up going away mostly when I talked to my friends about it, but I would still scream if I saw a vine).


2. Shots. Oh God. Last time I went to the doctor's for a physical I spent 10 minutes just pacing and crying because I did not want my tetanus shot. It didn't hurt, but I still HATE them and am scared to death of them. 


3. Horror stories and movies. Not the actual story/movie, but what it includes: slenderman, bloody mary, etc...So many nights I've spent falling asleep with the light on that I've lost track. 


(4.) Centipedes/Millipedes. This isn't an actual fear, I'm just really disgusted by them. 

  • Brohoof 2


Credit to MatrixChicken for Signature

Credit to Генерал Четник for Avatar

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1. Facing my true fears

2. Admitting my true fears

3. Thinking about my true fears


Those were jokes. I really don't have much fears. Mostly because of the fact that I don't care about anything really. If I had to choose a legit 3 I guess that would be:


1. Getting a shot - last time they told me I needed a shot I ran out of the building to never return again.

2. Getting blood drawn because they have to poke you and stuff... Ended up puking last time I got my blood drawn.

3. Dogs- I got bit a lot when I was a child.

  • Brohoof 1

This is a signature.

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My top three fears? Hmm, let me think... I actually have a lot.


1. Being buried alive - Nothing frightens me quite as much as being buried or being stuck somewhere I can't scream for help or make my way easily out from.  The thought of just accepting and knowing that all I can do is just let myself slowly die is just frightening.


2. Being seen/Light/Being judged - Now this is an odd one.  Most would say the dark scares them. It's not so much a 'phobia' as I'm not AFRAID of light/mirrors perse but it's excrutiatingly uncomfortable and I really dislike it.  I have excessively low confidence and self-esteem so when there's light, I fear people have a clearer view or perspective of what I look like or 'who I am' and thus judging me.  It's pretty difficult to explain but I suppose it just has to do with that.  In the dark, where one can barely make me out, I tend to feel more comfortable, of course.  Mirrors tend to tad of an issue as well, as I can see myself.  Strange? Yes it is. D:


3. Failing - Self-explanatory.  I hate the thought and feeling of failing not only myself but others around me.



It was very difficult to just pick 3 fears, yet alone a 'top' list of them, but I tried! ^^

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you for the amazing signature, @Sparklefan1234❤w❤

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My Top 3 Fears...

3:Loud Sirens

They give me a weird "end of the world" feeling when they go off...they make me feel uncomfortable.

Bah...I just hate them to death. ;~;


Oh god...HEIGHTS!

It just scares the mess out of me when I am just so high. The first (and last) time I even got onto a plane I freaked out and clutched my seat for an hour worrying about the plane going down or having to jump out and whatnot. It was horrible knowing I wasn't on the ground. I just hate being high up. It gives me a weird feeling inside.

1:Tornadoes (Storms)

 I have seen a tornado before and they scare me so bad, whether I'm looking at them on the computer or on the news. They make me scared, un-safe, and like I am going to get sucked in.

The way they look and move. I would just hate to get sucked into one or even be near one.

NOTE: I always watch the weather channel on during storm season. Just in case. ;~;

Those are my top 3 fears. 

Now I wish to not talk about them again lol.


Extra fear: Being buried alive, god.....it's weird just staying stuck in one place underground where no-one can hear you what so ever. 

Edited by ~Wubs~
  • Brohoof 1


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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My three are:

1. Heights

2. Spiders

3. Wasps/hornets


Pretty standard stuff I guess, but I always feel just a tad bit emasculated whenever a wasp flies near me and I get scared shitless

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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1) Spiders. OH GOD NO! Creepy damn things. The way they crawl just sickens me.


2) Bugs & Insects. I HATE THEM. In fact, the only ones I do not mind at all are ants, flies, bees, wasps, ladybugs, grasshoppers, crickets, and beetles. But if you place a worm or a night crawler next to me, I'll scream how a nineteen year old man should.


3) Confined Spaces. Elevators are fine. Once, in seventh grade, I told these two girls next to me that I was going to lock myself in my locker. They didn't believe me and I did. Yelling ensued. I had to be rescued by two janitors and one of the vice-principals. I'll never live that down....

  • Brohoof 1

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1 Pain. I get kinda dizzy when I think about pain, in fact just saying the word pain makes me feel like.... (Loud thump as Fire Lord Derpy faints.)

2 The government. What can I say? I'm the local nutcase.

3 Loss of electronics. I could survive without my computer, but that doesn't change the fact that I love her!

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh wow, this is a bit hard for me...


  1. Dissapointing others. I have a large fear of letting others down. This is why I never like to be in charge of anything, and don't like to set deadlines for projects I am working on.
  2. Public speaking. I absolutely loathe the thought of walking onstage, and everybody is focused on me, nothing else. Same goes for class presentations.
  3. The loss of my creative talents: Writing, animating, and game development. I've used these as outlets for my emotions when I'm frustrated or depressed. Now I literally use each of them every day.

I think my fears are tilted a bit toward social problems, which I hate.

Edited by Swick
  • Brohoof 2

Hey you! Hey! Do you have Flash? Wanna animate ponies?


Pony Puppets for any version of Flash!


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1. heights, same as you, I get a really sick feeling in my stomach


2. Spiders, they are just gross and creepy


3. the dark, i know, it's childish, but if you've seen as many scary movies as I have it's understandible


and an extra, Public speaking, i just hate it, and it never gets better

Edited by CometTail
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3. Wasps.


2. Violence (Not self-defensive)


1. Radioactive and biohazardous stuff. Like polonium, uranium or anthrax. Fuck... Funny, polonium is still my favourite element. Even if it scares the crap out of me.. 200x more radioactive than uranium.

  • Brohoof 1

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