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Your darkest fears

Johny Farenheit

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1. Spiders. Really creepy looking and just plain...evil.


2. Unhappy job/life. What is the point of living your life if you dread every minute of it? 


3. Tornadoes. Though I learned to really deal with one, living in the Mid-west and all.

Edited by Retro_Derpy
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Well, in no particular order I could give you those.


1- Things I cannot explain/understand


2- Organs (Seriously, just looking at an image with organs makes me shiver. Last year in science while we were doing biology, they had to get me out for both dissections.  Also, they brought a pork's lungs in class once and I didn't look at it but I was shaking like a leaf and my face went white.  I always say that things that are inside, should remain inside.)


3- Not pleasing everyone (Now, I know it's impossible to please everyone but when I do something, I always try to listen to the opinions of my fans and do what's in the best interest of everyone.)

  • Brohoof 1


Introvert(56%)  iNtuitive(12%)  Thinking(75%)  Judging(1%)

  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (56%)
  • You have slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (12%)
  • You have distinctive preference of Thinking over Feeling (75%)
  • You have marginal or no preference of Judging over Perceiving (1%)
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1.Knowing how powerful I am beyond measure.

2.Paranormal activity-Many say it's fake,but I've seen some creepy stuff around my house lately.

3. Bannanas-They don't feel right

  • Brohoof 3

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

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My three biggest fears... I think I'll go with


3rd scariest- I'm with you on heights, I'm 6' 1" so it's a bit ironic but I weigh over 250lbs, if I fall, Gravity is gonna mess me up.


2nd Scariest- Again, I'm with you on clowns, mimes, leprachans (hopefully my crappy spelling doesn't anger any), etc. Especially pysco killer ones. there's only one thing I find scarier than someone trying to kill me with that homicidal maniac look on their face...


1st Scariest- ...And that would be being hunted. I will freak the hell out if I know someone is looking for me, especially if I'm in a dark place or I'm not able to figure out where my hunter is, that feeling of, "I could be found at any moment without warning," is making me nervous just typing this out...


So yeah, those are my three biggest fears, heh heh heh heh... wheres the freaking lamp in here... lol

  • Brohoof 1

I am an expert in whatever you don't call me out for not really being, and don't know enough about to realize I have no clue what I'm doing   :)

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3. The deep ocean. As interesting and mysterious it is, we still hardly know anything about it, and it's so deep and dark down there...


2. All of those creepy, poisonous spiders/jellyfish/octopi/bugs/snakes that live in Australia and the Indo-Pacific. Just watch this video, half of them are from that area.




1. Any powerful Nuclear/Atomic bombs. They are ultra dangerous, killing machines, that should not have ever been invented nor tampered with. I still think every last one should be destroyed, they are too destructive.

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1. Being completely paralyzed as a result of for example spine injury, and then not being able to do nothing, not even die and being forced to live like that for who knows how many decades.


2. Governments sticking noses to internet and your life even more than they are now. I'm talking full internet control and watching your every step even in your own home. One may call that paranoia, but we are not -that- far from it, actually.


3. Spiders, insects or generally anything else crawling under your skin / hatching from your skin. I thought it was only in horror movies but... Well, let's just say you may not want to research that.

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My three biggest fears? Hmm....


Spiders- I hate them. If they stay outside, they're alright with me, but if they try to infiltrate my household, I will kill them. The eyes freak me out, along with how fast some of them are and their legs. In particular, the granddaddy long legs. I know they can't really hurt you, but...ughh.


Losing my loved ones- Sometimes I wish everyone I cared for would out-live me. I haven't lost anyone yet, but sadly, it's a fate everyone must live through. It just kinda sucks to think about it.


Disappointment- I can't stand disappointing anyone. That is my biggest fear. If someone's counting on me to do something and I fail...I just get really down and it takes a while for me to forgive myself.


Obviously, there are more fears, but these three are the biggest.

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Groups of things smaller than me - This can vary from spots on a person after an allergic reaction, to marbles, to almost anything smaller than me. This main idea is because I hate swarms (not just bugs) and that I was never really comfortable with a lot of people in one surrounding, but when it involves things I have to look down, it... just triggers something.


Example: If you were to ask me a question like "Would you rather fight a 1000 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?", I'd go with the latter because the former will leave me in the fetal position, 


Sudden Shock - Either physical or mental (I've yet to experience emotional frequently enough). I don't like the fact that someone would just sneak up to a person only to play some sort of stupid prank, or do something so ridiculous as to get a rise out the victim. Combined with the fact that I've been the target for many physical pranks by friends, as well as the victim of many mental attacks, I'm easily unsettled and easily scared.


TL;DR - I hate surprises, because I get surprised too easily. Because of this, I'm not a fan of ninjas (with the exception of the TMNT) or assassins a la Ezio (I don't know many 'behind the shadows' assassins, sue me...)


Unplanned Variables - OH SHIT NNL'S USIN' FANCY WORDS  Simply put, if I have a trip I want to make and I need it to go a certain way (IRL though) I'm going to get very worried. This is due to the anxiety I've developed over time (I'm refraining from the quantity in order to not make silly misjudgments) and that if I were to do something and it wouldn't go right I would get in trouble. So I need to make sure if I do something, I at least have to make sure it lets me reach my goal.


TL;DR - "Oh damn, (x) didn't happen? I'm DOOMED!!! :(" is a normal thought for me during a plan put into action.

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1.) Deep water. Call me a pussy, but I'm not a swimmer or anything. I Suck at swimming and can hardly doggy paddle. But, passed 4 or 5 feet, i'll freak out. When I went rafting one time, I thought I was gonna die X.x


2.) Fire, stoves, or..anything that's like very hot. Idk why, I am just not a pyro. I don't like going near bonfire that are close..I hate cooking or baking...but I attempt to do it :P and anything else that is dangerously or painfully hot..i get weird about it


3.) Uh..spiders I guess would be the 3rd, mainly big spiders like tarantulas, wolf spiders...y'know. I just don't like them because they can leave nasty bites..or can be poisonous, the looks don't get me as much as it does people.


Call me a puss...but those are my top 3 fears..i cant help it :huh:

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The three worst things that can happen to me at ANY time now are my friends abandoning me, Princess Celestia telling me to discontinue my studies of friendship in Ponyville, or somepony watching me in an uncomfortable a certain way.

If you want to know about my RPG profile, here it is: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/twilight-sparkle-r2225

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1) Being late: I constantly have nightmares about being late for something or not completing an assignment. Because of this I usually come an hour early for anything or try to get projects done as soon as possible.


2) Dogs: I have a slight fear of them. I'm learning to overcome it as my sister has an alaskan malamute so I'm around it when I go to her house.


3) The Sky: Yeah its a little silly but I have this fear of falling into the sky. I like small closed spaces so the openness freaks me out a little. It makes it hard when my date wants to go star gazing...


Also as a side fear, I hate tenticles. Squids and octopi scare me.  

Edited by Chales
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I have explained my worst fears that can happen at any time.  Here are some other fears that I have that may now never happen again:

3: The Cerberus that normally guards Tartarus arriving in Ponyville

2: The Great and Powerful Trixie wreaking chaos on Ponyville

1: Discord escaping again, wreaking anarchy and all it brings again

  • Brohoof 1

If you want to know about my RPG profile, here it is: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/twilight-sparkle-r2225

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1. Getting something wrong, I'm always in fear that I'll have a big blunder that would make me look stupid, hate it, hate it, HATE IT.


2. Touching food I don't like. Me? Touch cheese? HNNNGGGGGG


3. Getting hurt, because for me, I remember and feel pain, I constantly find myself grasping my thumb still to this day after I cut it with a butter knife (Hush, the skin when inside the cut and it was really painful ಥ_ಥ) 


And surprises, I'm the most skittish person you'll ever meet. Calling out my name makes me nervous.

  • Brohoof 1

Don't Punch!



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1. I'll put these two in the same category because both involve lungs... Drowning and choking.  I can't stand that to be the way I die, I've almost died 3 times by drowning (Good swimmer, but long stories) and I've almost died a few times every year by choking (Today I had yet another partial obstruction.) Guess I am just a bit clumsy.


2. Heights, yeah it may be pretty typical.  I tend to get over the fear pretty often, but after nearly falling off a cliff, and falling off the roof.  I tend to not like em.  I did however jump 30 feet into water, so i feel pretty proud on that.  But tomorrow or saturday I'm supposed to climb a telephone pole, jump and grab a trapeze bar thing.., (wish me luck on that.)


3. I really don't feel comfortable listing my third one, I would just say death, but that doesn't scare me at all.  So I'll list something that a lot of people fear and just say I am scared of Bees.  After an incident with someone on these forums actually. (Mater Blade the Bearded) We both were stung excess twenty times after upsetting a nest of yellow jackets in some driftwood.  We had to rock jump up river while being chased by a swarm.  Locate a friend and then ride bikes back to camp 1/2 mile while making sure we don't have throat swelling or other issues.  Luckily neither of us died :P

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1. Dying, particularly being eaten alive, drowning, and being tortured/dismembered/disemboweled - This one's a bit different, I know most people fear death, but the method of dying, that's the question. For me, being eaten alive is painful on two accounts: First, you're either being ripped apart, having your neck bitten until you die, or you're on your way to stomach acid. Secondly, I find it kind of depressing. Think about it: your entire life, you may have thought you had some great purpose to fulfill, but in the harsh reality, it was only so you could serve as food for another creature with likely less brain power than you. Drowning is a no-brainer, it's painful. As for being dismembered/disemboweled, that's more something I think of because of "Cupcakes".

2. Clowns - Horror movies have proved that they're demon spawns, what else is there to say? Also, I was always disturbed by their exaggerated laughs and grins. Add on the fact that I had one hired for one of my birthday parties when I was young, and...well, I don't like clowns, let's leave it at that.

3. Getting bad grades. - I know, I know, I'm Twilight Sparkle. Seriously, though, I don't like the feeling of not doing well in a class, especially when you have your parents breathing down your neck "encouraging" you to get perfect grades despite taking two AP/DE classes and an honors one in your mix. Pressure, that's all I have to say.

Edited by whoovesfan7698
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I just discovered a really big fear I never knew I had last night...


I have a enormous fear of being alone with nopony to talk to and when this fear came true last night I cried myself to sleep because I just could not handle it :(

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Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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3. Death. 

It sucks sometimes. If it's painful it really sucks.


2. Broken Tech.

If anything shorted out on me, I'd be dead in the water.



Must I explain?


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1.  Heights- there is a reason I am only 5 foot tall and that's because I am scared of heights and falling. 

2. being robbed at work because there is a lot of that going around where I live.

3. escalators I seen this movie once where a person was sucked into one and I cant ride on one till this day.  

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3. small spiders. i can deal with the big ones

2. wasps. theyre angry flying balls of hate and have no real purpose. honey bees are cool though

1. being shit on by overhead birds. honestly, who doesnt have an irrational fear of this? anytime one flys over, i look up and determine my best escape route, should my number come up and some seagull decides to do a straffing run on my unprotected head. 

  • Brohoof 1

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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1. Failure.

I absolutely can't stand doing things wrong. Unfortunately this happens all the time, and I have basically lost every single ounce of confidence because of this. On the internet it is easier to be a little confident as I can hide a bit behind my avatar, but in real life I seldom dare to do anything anymore because it is bound to fail. *sigh*


2. Disappointing those I care about.

This is governed by the above mentioned fear. My great fear of failure makes me fear I will fail so terribly that the ones I care about will be disappointed with me. Maybe even so disappointed that they decide to leave me. It is possibly my biggest fear, but the constant fear of failure leads to this fear, and therefore it is on the top of the list.


3. Darkness

I know there probably aren't creepy monsters hiding under my bed waiting until the lights turn off but you never know, right?

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1) Being useless. Not being able to help anyone close to me or actually do anything.


2) Water and drowning. Shallow water is fine.


3) Losing the people close to me.

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1. Being nowhere...By that I mean just surrounded by nothingness just white...or black...But I dont really think this is possible so if you are looking for something more practical...Probably drowning, I would hate to drown and it kinda scares me. The funny thing about that is I LOVE Swimming.


2. Clowns...Freaking hate em.


3. Losing my family.


One and Three are are the two big ones

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Something something something something


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