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I don't hate any episodes. There are some I don't like, and felt could've been done better, like the one with Spike and Owlicious. But there aren't any episodes that I can truly say I hate.



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Mysterious Mare Do Well made little sense and taught it's lesson atrociously. 


Keep Calm and Flutter on...I hate this episode the most due to how not believable this episode is and how poor Discor'd character development transition went


That's about it really

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INB4 Stellafera comes and explains why she likes all of these episodes. I actually kind of like most of these too, even none of my favorites have been listed yet.


The only episode I really dislike is The Mysterious Mare Do Well, mostly because I felt that it made little sense not to just talk to Dash about the problem rather than concoct a plan that ended up (inadvertently) making her feel worthless. It provided some good character development for Dashie, but the whole thing rubbed me the wrong way and it still does.

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The Mysterious Mare-Do-Well. I think many fans, myself included, have ranted about this episode enough to where we're just treading old water. I've only seen it once and will probably never watch it again


Hearth's Warming Eve is another episode I'm indifferent about, but it mostly has to do with the episode's place in the canon rather than the actual episode itself


I'm also not a fan of MMMMMystery of the Friendship Express

Edited by Megas75
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The only episode I did not like was "Over a Barrel". For me, this one was like a "back to the basics" episode. Sharing is like one of the most basic lessons we learn and ugh, that song Pinkie Pie did was extremely cheesy.


The only thing funny in the episode was when Rainbow Dash ran into the sign in the beginning. 

Edited by Thunder-Dash
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I hated:
Spike At Your Service - (It was just so boring)

Hearth's Warming Eve - (It's just some stupid little history lesson that was completely unnecessary)

The one about the stolen cake on the train - (This one was just so plain dumb)

Applebuck Season - (AJ....get some common sense into your head)

Fall Weather Friends - (For god's sake why the hell did they just go and make an episode all about RD and AJ being stuck up about "who's the best")

May The Best Pet Win - (Rainbow Dash just went and put a bunch of pets through a god damn competition....why the hell?)

The Last Roundup - (The whole damn episode is just about AJ getting all over dramatic because she lost)

Apple Family Reunion - (...Don't get me started on this one, it just really sucked big time)

The Mysterious Mare Do Well - (This one's just really dumb, her friends take her the wrong way, and try to ruin her fame...those are some nice friends you have RD)



....wow I just realized that I hate a lot of the episodes

Edited by ScootaMoog

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I hated:

Spike At Your Service - (It was just so boring)

Hearth's Warming Eve - (It's just some stupid little history lesson that was completely unnecessary)

The one about the stolen cake on the train - (This one was just so plain dumb)

Applebuck Season - (AJ....get some common sense into your head)

Fall Weather Friends - (For god's sake why the hell did they just go and make an episode all about RD and AJ being stuck up about "who's the best")

May The Best Pet Win - (Rainbow Dash just went and put a bunch of pets through a god damn competition....why the hell?)

The Last Roundup - (The whole damn episode is just about AJ getting all over dramatic because she lost)

Apple Family Reunion - (...Don't get me started on this one, it just really sucked big time)

The Mysterious Mare Do Well - (This one's just really dumb, her friends take her the wrong way, and try to ruin her fame...those are some nice friends you have RD)



....wow I just realized that I hate a lot of the episodes


I think I just found my Discorded self. Every single one of those episodes other than Fall Weather Friends and to a lesser extent, Applebuck Season is one that I loved. Anyways, a public service announcement first:


Every time you say that The Mysterious Mare Do WellOwl's Well That Ends Well, or The Stare Master are bad episodes, a Stellafera cries in the corner. I've written a huge blog post about Mare Do WellOwl's Well that Ends Well has hilarious Evil!Spike and Spike's worst fear being involved rather heavily, and The Stare Master actually makes Fluttershy an interesting and flawed character who for ONCE has a problem brought upon by her own error rather than somepony else.


As for myself, I vote for Feeling Pinkie Keen and Over A Barrel simultanously for being the only episodes that I couldn't watch in one sitting due to RAEG (incidentially, I really liked the moral of Feeling Pinkie Keen). They were trying so hard to be funny and failing so hard that I couldn't bear it.


I also disliked Dragon Quest (most massively dissapointing episode ever), Dragonshy (Fluttershy was incredibly annoying and the episode in general was really boring), and Magic Duel (Emotional involvement = nil). I like my episodes to be journeys into the dark inner worlds of colorful ponies, dammit!

Edited by Stellafera
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that sleep over episode in season one. I watched half of it and couldn't get through.


Like seriously, out of everyone.. it had to be twilight hosting a party?

and rarity and applejack, they had stupid reasons to hate each other and it felt like they did it because it was in the script. It felt too scripted and it didn't really have a lesson in it.


It was bad. just bad


Oh and I also dislike


over the barrel and the last roundup.

AJ episodes aren't all that great, no lesson to be learned really.

Edited by HorseandRaisins
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I think I just found my Discorded self.


I also disliked Magic Duel (Emotional involvement = nil).


I loved Magic Duel, it was one of my favorite episodes because well....Trixie went all badass in that episode

She basically exiled Twilight, then took over all of Ponyville, and because the god damn queen of the whole place

Then you have Twilight being trained by Zecora...which I thought was an epic idea, even if it wasn't really actual training that she stuck with, I still think that it was an awesome idea to have.

Now you guys might say "Oh but she had the alicorn amulet on"

Well I doubt that thing was really cheap and she had to work extra hard to get that money, so she must have really set her mind on exacting her revenge on Twilight.


Though honestly since I have the biggest list out of everyone here, then yeah there are gonna be a lot of people who disagree with me






And yet another episode that I had hated was Too Many Pinkies

Honestly isn't one Pinkie bad enough, and the humor wasn't even all that good

Surely it had a few golden moments, but only during the last 5-7 minutes

Edited by ScootaMoog

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that sleep over episode in season one. I watched half of it and couldn't get through.


Like seriously, out of everyone.. it had to be twilight hosting a party?

and rarity and applejack, they had stupid reasons to hate each other and it felt like they did it because it was in the script. It felt too scripted and it didn't really have a lesson in it.


It was bad. just bad


Oh and I also dislike


over the barrel and the last roundup.

AJ episodes aren't all that great, no lesson to be learned really.

Okay I have to agree this one was pretty aweful. I remember twilights most aweful line from that one "Well have a slumber party! I've always wanted one of those!"

You've always wanted...a PARTY....that involves activities...where you will be up most of your night...with friends....Im sorry wut I didn't hear that right


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One episode that I don't like is MMMyster on the friendship express. First it shows Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and even Fluttershy out of their characters. They kinda betrayed Pinkie Pie and the Cake family. Also why could the Cakes not go to the competition? I know it may have been to watch their kids, but why did they not bring them and just leave them at home? Sometimes I think this episode was suppose to be Pinkie Pie's first episode.


My least favorite episode for season 3 would be, Sleepless in Ponyville. Now I know everyone likes this one because it's a Scootaloo episode, but to me it's a very weak and pointless episode. Why did we need an episode that just looked at the sates of Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo? I always assumed they already had a sister like relationship. It did a bad job at looking at Scootaloo. We learned nothing new about her that we already didn't know. At the end this episode felt just like Sisterhoof social.


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I stole this idea from several sources, but I want to see everyones honest opinions about this. (I didn't see a previous thread on this topic either)


From season 1, season 2, and season 3, every episode in this, what is your most hated, most teeth grinding episode you  have ever watched, and why? Give off some legitimate points, rather than something like 'I hate this pony therefor I hate this episode'


The line between 'hate' and 'least favorite' is a vague one, and isn't worthy of distinction for discussion purposes, since both of them result in members listing the MLP episode they like the least, and giving reasons why they don't like it ^^ Thus, your topic, 'Your most hated mlp episode' has been merged with 'Least Favorite Episode?'

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I'm not a hard guy to please.  So for me to hate an episode, it has to be pretty awful.  But "Spike At Your Service" was just such an episode.  The consistently inconsistent Spike character was off the mark in almost every possible way.  I can see him sucking at farm chores, as he is unaccustomed to that kind of work.  But domestic chores and basic housekeeping would come naturally to him because he's been doing that for Twilight all along.  Spike had his purple ass bailed out of trouble dozens of times before by almost every Mane 6 pony.  So why didn't the prologue shed light on why he's learning just now about the Dragon Code? 

Edited by Wingnut
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Hmmm i don't not like any of them, sure i like some more than others... actually now i think of it i dont really like: A friend in deed


SORRYto anyone who loves that episode and is offended :3

I hated:
Spike At Your Service - (It was just so boring)

Hearth's Warming Eve - (It's just some stupid little history lesson that was completely unnecessary)

The one about the stolen cake on the train - (This one was just so plain dumb)

Applebuck Season - (AJ....get some common sense into your head)

Fall Weather Friends - (For god's sake why the hell did they just go and make an episode all about RD and AJ being stuck up about "who's the best")

May The Best Pet Win - (Rainbow Dash just went and put a bunch of pets through a god damn competition....why the hell?)

The Last Roundup - (The whole damn episode is just about AJ getting all over dramatic because she lost)

Apple Family Reunion - (...Don't get me started on this one, it just really sucked big time)

The Mysterious Mare Do Well - (This one's just really dumb, her friends take her the wrong way, and try to ruin her fame...those are some nice friends you have RD)



....wow I just realized that I hate a lot of the episodes

Right... so: A: are there acutally any episodes you like (this is a rhetorical question) and B: basicly you like to hate on Applejack and Rainbowdash.

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Oh yeah, how could I forget? I really, REALLY disliked Green Isn't Your Colour. It's basically teaching us "If your friends are clearly having big problems that they can't tell each other about, what should you do? Absolutely nothing! Watch them struggle!"


These other things irritated me:

  • Photo Finish really bothers me. Didn't care for her voice or character design, and she was just stupidly pushy.
  • Most of the dialogue seemed very pointless, and really lacked in general humour. Mostly owing to Rarity not playing drama queen, which is where most of her humour comes from.
  • The whole "stick the shiest pony in the spotlight" idea could have been done just so much better. I was expecting loads of laughs and things from her to feel sorry for. Got nothing, the scenes were very dull.
  • Ponies are really out of character in this episode. Rarity jumped to conclusions about Fluttershy prioritising her fame over meeting her friends, and spoiled the wishes of Twilight, Fluttershy and even herself by praising her messed up performance. Element of Generosity, for goodness sake!

I think the only thing in this episode that I mildly enjoyed was the joke involving Pinkie popping up everywhere. Stuff like that makes an episode more enjoyable for me. But Green Is Your Colour is definitely one of my least favourites of Season 1. If not the whole series.

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The episode where Twilight discovers Pinkie Pies "Pinkie Sense" was sort of enjoyable but frustrating at the same time.

It doesn't accurately represent science.  You may think that this isn't a big deal, but it is.  In an age where "ignorant" people are out there giving the wrong impression of science to others, we can't afford another misrepresentation.


The moral was horrible and should be discouraged.  You probably know why so I don't have to explain it.


YOLO = You Oughta Look Out

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Right... so: A: are there acutally any episodes you like (this is a rhetorical question) and B: basicly you like to hate on Applejack and Rainbowdash.


I hate Applejack, but I don't mind Rainbow Dash

Yes I do like to hate on Applejack

But I don't really like to hate on Rainbow Dash

RD's an alright to me but I hate Applejack

Almost as much as I hate Pinkie

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Hmmm i don't not like any of them, sure i like some more than others... actually now i think of it i dont really like: A friend in deed


That's okay.  I liked the episode because I like Pinkie Pie, although some may say that they took her a little too far with being annoying.  But she is oblivious and wasn't trying to be annoying and got it eventually.


You have to admit though, the songs, especially the main long song, were very enjoyable.  I think people who hate this episode should reconsider based on the songs alone.


YOLO = You Oughta Look Out

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Hmmm i don't not like any of them, sure i like some more than others... actually now i think of it i dont really like: A friend in deed


Oh yeah that's right, that episode was one that I really didn't like as well

The song was annoying (Though I think that most of the songs are annoying) and so was Pinkie Pie, though almost 90% of the time I find Pinkie Pie to be annoying

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Hmmm i don't not like any of them, sure i like some more than others... actually now i think of it i dont really like: A friend in deed


That one kind of annoyed me. Usually I like Pinkie Pie but in that one she was being particularly obnoxious.



Oh yeah, how could I forget? I really, REALLY disliked Green Isn't Your Colour. It's basically teaching us "If your friends are clearly having big problems that they can't tell each other about, what should you do? Absolutely nothing! Watch them struggle!"


These other things irritated me:

  • Photo Finish really bothers me. Didn't care for her voice or character design, and she was just stupidly pushy.
  • Most of the dialogue seemed very pointless, and really lacked in general humour. Mostly owing to Rarity not playing drama queen, which is where most of her humour comes from.
  • The whole "stick the shiest pony in the spotlight" idea could have been done just so much better. I was expecting loads of laughs and things from her to feel sorry for. Got nothing, the scenes were very dull.
  • Ponies are really out of character in this episode. Rarity jumped to conclusions about Fluttershy prioritising her fame over meeting her friends, and spoiled the wishes of Twilight, Fluttershy and even herself by praising her messed up performance. Element of Generosity, for goodness sake!
I think the only thing in this episode that I mildly enjoyed was the joke involving Pinkie popping up everywhere. Stuff like that makes an episode more enjoyable for me. But Green Is Your Colour is definitely one of my least favourites of Season 1. If not the whole series.


Actually, I think the message was that you should open and honest about your feelings with your friends and bottling them up is only going to make things worse.


And as far as Rarity goes, that *is* the Element of Generosity in a nutshell. She wanted her friend to succeed in spite of her own personal feelings of jealousy.

Edited by hawkflame


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Wonderbolt Academy.


I feel the whole episode was written to be one big "Rainbow Dash Ego-session", and then someone said "what if we had a character exactly like her in everyway, so we could double the amount of ego in the episode!". Absolutely zero character development for anyone and they somehow (for the first time in the series) managed to accomplish literally nothing in 22 minutes. I lost interest the first time through, and had to force myself to watch it all the way through the second time round.

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The only one I was not a big fan of was the one with Owlicious, not to mention that it had 2 moments were it was not children aproprete, I think we know that it is.

I dont understand, what part of the episode was not children appropriate. It was one of the shows I actually quite liked. what part was inappropriate.


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Well when it comes to my least favourite episode it depends on which season, so i'm gonna chose 1 from each season:


Season 1: Applebuck Season

It just seem boring and predictable. Not to mention the lesson of the episode was very cliche but i will admit it did have some good moments, most notably the why wub woo scene.


Season 2: Hearth's Warming Eve

This episode was basicly like watching a christmas special, no real memorable moments either. I can't really think of any good scenes.


Season 3: (current) Wonderbolt Academy

This episode just felt rushed (seriously the episode felt shorter than it was), The story was not very interesting either. Pinkie Pie was also quite annoying in the episode too (which is saying alot seeing how she is like my second favourite pony). The ending seemed quite cliche to me.


So those are my least favourite episodes from each season, oh btw these are are my honest opinion and if you liked any episode i mention then thats ok. In fact thats more than ok, thats great!

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