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Owl's Well and Ends Well is just so... Forgettable. Left little to no impact on me. Even the weaker episodes have something for me to laugh at. That ep... Was very vanilla.


I'm surprised people are calling the season 3 finale the worst. Really? Most of the complaints seem to be "It's not what I wanted or expected therefore it's bad." For a single-finale episode it was beautiful. You can be dissapointed about certain aspects.... But worst episode? That conclusion sounds like it came from passion, not reason. It seems the fandom consensus is that every big event needs to be a multi-parter. Being short is the same as being "rushed" for many people. Magical Mystery Cure felt like a fun musical conclusion to Twilight's journey. It's not a one-parter to me.. It's a conclusion to a 65-parter. :P


Ones that people hate that I like are Feeling Pinkie Keen. It was overanalyzed and interpreted WAY to much and while it's message could have been better told I agree... There were people arguing the nature of God over a cartoon about cartoon ponies that never even mentions religion..

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Too Many Pinkie Pies-way to much pink pony with ADHD and wet paint......



Baby Cakes-the whole of how a peggy and unicorn was born just killed the ep for me by their so call "father...."


MMMystery on the Friendship Express-I think the writer of Sherlock was rolling in his English grave when that ep came out...

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Here's some copy pasta for you from a post I made in a similar thread regarding weak episodes:



has a few nice moments (Rainbow Dash by herself on that cloud is one of
my favorite scenes focusing on her, and she seems to have become a
stronger character because of this episode), but it's frustrating to
watch most of the time, and the Mane 6 are way out of character.
Probably don't have to elaborate on this one, it seems. I hate
Super-Squeezy-Cider-6000-Whatever. The song is good and hearing Double
D's voice come out of a unicorn is funny, but everything else just
sucks. The moral is all messed up in ways too complicated to explain
without going on and on, Applejack comes off as smug, the whole conflict
comes up because everyone is acting dumb, there's alot of weird
character moments that don't sit right with me, and I want to punch
Pinkie Pie in the face. Ponyville Confidental is boring, cliched, and
predictable. The way all the adults treat the CMC in the third act was
downright cruel, no matter how you slice it, and I find it very hard to
watch. And unlike the other episodes I mentioned, this one has no
redeeming qualities. I think I'm the only person who disliked Just For
Sidekicks, but I just really can't understand why Spike At Your Service
is hated while this one gets nothing but praise. Yes, it was weird how
Spike was suddenly bad at housework, and the dragon code came out of
nowhere (though I just assumed that all dragons have a personal code of
honor, and Spike's adventures in Dragon Quest and The Crystal Empire
inspired him to make his less about hoarding and more about being
chivalrous), but the argument that it some how derails his character is
baseless. It demonstartes his devotion to his friends and enthusiasm to
help others (even if he doesn't realize he's in over his head). Somehow,
that's unacceptable, but everyone is satisfied with his butt monkey
status is JFS. I get that the episode's moral was about not shirking
responsibility and helping others out of kindness, not out of personal
gain, but watching Spike being upset that he didn't get invited to the
Crystal Empire, getting dumped on by everyone in Ponyville, being
portrayed as a careless jerk, and finally not being able to make his
cake even after he learned his lesson was cringeworthy for me. He went
from being a nuanced, actually sorta noble hero worthy of a stain glass
window to a fail-tastic butt monkey in this episode, and it's Spike At
Your Service that gets the bad wrap?


I feel like a broken record at this point, what with the defending of the Spike and the Dragon Codes and the what-zits. Sorry for being that guy, but that's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.


EDIT: Sorry for wall of text format on the quote. I suck at this.

Edited by CITRUS KING46


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Come on, really?

Spike at Your Service was a wonderful episode, it has by far the best balance of screen time between Spike and the Mane 6 of the series, and Spike wasn't really so bad in it, if anything he acted a LOT worse in Just for Sidekicks.

And Magical Mystery Cure was a wonderful spectacle, and I don't see how people can say it was rushed when it's indicative that the entire series was building up to the moments and changes it presented, I agree that it may have been better as a two-parter though.

No, in my mind, the worst episode of the series HAS to be It's About Time. MA Larsen is usually a brilliant writer, but in this episode he just tried too hard, it was all overexposititive nonsense, with Twilight acting like the biggest moron on the planet and the other characters not helping either. I just wanna forget that episode happened, I don't hate it but I really don't like it either... :huh:

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Magical Mystery Cure without a doubt, I wanted to like it I still have some glimmer of hope that this can still work but it was a god awful mess which if it is not smoothed over will turn Twilight into a Mare E Sue. Here is my review of it.



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It has to be Mysterious Mare Do Well, just for the sheer OOC-ness of the characters in that episode.



No, in my mind, the worst episode of the series HAS to be It's About Time. MA Larsen is usually a brilliant writer, but in this episode he just tried too hard, it was all overexposititive nonsense


That's one of my favorite episode out of the entire series, but I can see how people could dislike it. Twilight is at her best when she over thinks every little thing.

  • Brohoof 3


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Mare Do Well. Did they forget that they could, I dunno, TALK to their friend before coming up with a passive-aggressive scheme that ended up making her feel like garbage? Dashie needed to deflate her head big time, but really... Felt like they should have known better too, or at least noticed that what they were doing was actually making the situation worse. I've had episodes that were kind of meh before, but that's one of the only ones that made me wonder what the heck they were doing. My sister thought Celestia was going to pop in Lesson Zero style and call them all out when she watched it.

Edited by DashForever
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Gotta be Spike At Your Service, everything was a bit... off. I don't know why but the whole episode didn't make any sense, it just showed that Spike has some crazy though-process of helping/annoying someone when he or she saves his life, which is okay I guess, but it didn't show any development at all. In the end we were just back at square one and nothing actually happened. The episode in all was also a bit too fast and the idea of this whole thing just can't fit in a mere 22 minutes.

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Over a Barrel was not a good episode for me. First of all, Pinkie Pie's song was absolutely cheesy and I think this was more directed at the kids and children, since this one talks about sharing. 


Spike at Your Service didn't appeal to me that well either. 

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Mysterious Mare Do Well.


I can handle underwhelming episodes, I can handle disappointments, the dumb episodes, the rehashes, but to this day, MMDW is still both the only episode I actually hate and the only episode that legitimately pisses me off

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Honestly, if I had to pick a least favorite episode, I'd probably go with "Mystery On the Friendship Express".  The lesson doesn't seem particularly important, the pacing is kinda odd (not rushed, just really strange), and it felt like more of a filler episode than any episode of MLP I've ever seen.  Don't get me wrong, it's got its moments; Pinkie's imaginary re-enactments of the way the cake was bitten into are absolutely hilarious, and there are some other pretty funny one-liners (i.e. Rarity: "Fine I'm guilty!  I wear false eyelashes!  Oh, and I took a bite of the cake."  :lol: ), but overall, the episode just doesn't do that much for me.  It has an OK lesson about not jumping to conclusions, but not really a lesson about friendship, and as I said earlier, more than any other episode I've ever seen of MLP, it just really felt pointless and thrown in there to have an episode prior to the Season 2 Finale.


Say what you will about "Magical Mystery Cure," but you have to admit that TONS of important plot developments took place.  I'll be the first to admit that it should've been a two-parter episode, but on account of circumstances beyond Studio B's control, they had to do the best they could in one episode, and frankly, I think they did just that.  Heck, even "Just For Sidekicks" has more important character developments than "Mystery On the Friendship Express" does!  At least in the former we get to learn more about the Mane 6's pets!

Edited by Batbrony
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"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

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Least favorite episode of season 2 would be, MMMystery on the Friendship Express.

The lesson was pretty odd, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and even Fluttershy were way out of character.

The fact that Pinkie can describe a treat so well that it makes everyone want to eat the snack right away and not think of anyone feelings.

The lesson did not make much seasons.


My least favorite episode of season 3 would be, Sleepless in Ponyville. 


This episode to me felt like a waste of time. Seeing as it is something that should already exist with the character.

We learn nothing new about Scootaloo. 


This episode just makes me think that Applejack and Scootaloo are in the same boat and the writers have no idea how to expand these two characters.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Spike at your service is probably the one I least enjoyed watching.


MMMystery of the Friendship Express is up there as well. I thought 90% of the episode was quite interesting and funny, but the last 10% ruined it for me.


Basically, Rarity, RD and Fluttershy say "Eh, screw the fact that some of our friends worked really hard on this and one of our best friends has commited to protecting it, we'll destroy it anyways because it looks yummy buuuuuuut YAY it's all okay because apologies and collaboration!"


Who the hay explained to Mr and Mrs cake why they have to share the blue ribbon with the other chefs?? Total sitcom ending for me, with no consequenses for anyone.

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I'd have to agree with a few others here. "Spike at your Service" just fell flat. Throughout most of it, he was so far out of character that they just should have introduced a new character for the plot to revolve around. How would Twilight's number one assistant be such a clumsily dolt when it comes to normal everyday things. We see him making a mess of Applejack's kitchen, and then we see him in a later episode going about baking his "Gem Cake" in a very workmanlike manner, aside from snacking on the main ingredient. Hey, who hasn't grabbed a few chocolate chips while baking cookies? He decides in one episode that he's a pony of Ponyville, and then suddenly he's blathering about Dragon code. He never mentioned it the many times he was saved in the past! No, the episode was pretty much a waste of time.


One visual aspect really bugged me. How could Applejack maneuver with a balloon capable of carrying multiple ponies tied around her waist? Pinkie becomes airborne with just a few party balloons tied to her!  They should have had her tie it off to a fully loaded apple wagon or something, and then tow it back to the village square.


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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In my opinion, there aren't any episodes that are really bad, but if I had to choose, my least favorite episodes would be Owl's Well That Ends Well, Baby Cakes and A Friend in Deed. For some reason I don't really like them.

Even though Magical Mystery Cure was very rushed and almost seemed like a musical, I wouldn't say that I dislike it, the cutie mark switching thing was really nice.

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What's with all the hate with Spike at your Service? People were complaining that Spike doesn't have any developing personalities but in that episode it finally showed another side of Spike. He actually did have this side of him before as well in the Crystal Empire when he promised Twilight he won't help he wouldn't till she asked him to help. It's a trait given to certain male characters in shows that men stick to their code or promises.

Edited by poniesforfun
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Urgh, Feeling Pinkie Keen... It's absolutely obnoxious.


"Hey, hey, look at me, Pinkie's weird! Isn't that funny? She's just so quirky! Haha, Twilight gets pain inflicted on her and is laughed at the whole episode! Isn't that just the best thing that you've ever seen? No, don't pity her, you're supposed to laugh because it's a joke. Jokes are funny! I'm telling a joke to you! Wow, I'm so awfully hilarious, aren't I?"


Over A Barrel was the same way, but it was different in that it actually succeeded at being funny sometimes and not everyone was being completely irritating. Also, it didn't come after the best episode in the first season, which probably did it some favors.

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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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Not only was Magical Mystery Cure a terrible, terrible finale, not only was it a nasty standalone episode, not only was it so full of songs that I practically had to skip the whole episode to get around them, but they killed the series in ONE EPISODE.

  • Brohoof 4



OCs: Standoff and Red Alert, the luckless mercs


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I still hold that "Mysterious Mare Do Well" is one of, if not the worst episode of the show. Why? Allow me to count the ways.


One, everyone was acting out of character. I can forgive episodes like "Spike at Your Service" because at least there only Spike was OOC, but here none of the characters act like they should. Yes, Dash can be a braggart at times but here it just gets ridiculous and silly at times. None of the others were really any better and do you honestly believe that for one moment Fluttershy of all ponies would not only go along with this, but also agree to pretty much humiliate her closest and oldest friend?


Which brings me to problem #2: Their plan was stupid. Instead of doing the smart thing and, you knowing, talking to Dash about how bad she's getting and how much it bothers them, they instead decide to concoct some over elaborate and hair brained scheme meant to put Dash down to the point of depression. Not to mention that they started acting almost as bad as, if not worse than Dash once Mare Do Well starts to become popular. Bit hypocritical don't you think?


Three, are you seriously telling me that Dash couldn't put all the pieces together on Mare Do Well's identity? I know she probably wouldn't suspect her friends of doing something like this, but she pretty much spells it out! Incredibly strong, yeah that could be a lot of ponies, but even without hindsight the way she describes it and Applejack springs to mind. Incredibly strong magic colored magenta? Exactly one pony springs to mind on that one.


 And, finally fourth, the "moral" (and I use the strongest quotation marks I could find here) was twisted beyond recognition and felt more like an afterthought haplessly shoved in last minute after the episode had already been written. By all accounts Dash should hate all of her so called "friends" for acting like complete jerks, yet she brushes it aside like they actually have a point. If such a  point ever existed, it was either lost early on in the episode or I simply have yet to find it.       

Edited by PoisonClaw
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Over a Barrel: didnt like the setting or the general theme of the episode. the whole western theme dulled me to sleep

Baby Cakes: the baby ponies creep me out to no end

Just For Sidekicks: iono... i jsut didnt like the episode all that much. it has some good CMC moments, but it just rubbed me the wrong way


and of course: Magical Mystery Cure. I generally dont dislike Twilight as a character (i like her in fanfics more then in the show), but the entire premise of the episode was a scramble to get her wings. This moment was arguably her most important in the entire series, yet the writers took the easy way out and gave her a easy problem to fix. She went on quests or had to defeat a major villian any other time, soooo why the let down this time? They went on a quest to get the elements and defeat Nightmare Moon, they went on a quest to get the elements back and defeat Discord, she went on a quest to get the Crystal Heart and defeat Sombra as well as save the Crystal Empire. All these epic adventures, and the most epic moment of her life was compressed into a 23 minute musical with a simple problem to fix. I felt it was a complete cop out and a waste of a good opportunity on the writers part. 


Every episode has something to like though, and a great majority of the episodes have been decent, or better. Out of 65 episodes, only like 5 have been truly bad... so thats saying alot about the quality of the product theyre producing. I can handle the bad, just because theres so much good. 

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What's with all the hate with Spike at your Service? People were complaining that Spike doesn't have any developing personalities but in that episode it finally showed another side of Spike. He actually did have this side of him before as well in the Crystal Empire when he promised Twilight he won't help he wouldn't till she asked him to help. It's a trait given to certain male characters in shows that men stick to their code or promises.

Spike was out of character, his dragon code came out of nowhere and contradicted other episodes, and he leaves Twilight way too easily, which is supposed to be his greatest fear (Crystal Empire Part 2).


Character development is great, but not when it's forced and goes against that character's core principals.

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In terms of being downright bad, I'd say the Wells (Mare Do Well and Owl's Well) were easily the worst. As far as being poorly put together and leaving me cold, probably Magical Mystery Cure.

I know a lot of us didn't like Spike At Your Service, but how could he be out of character when the writers haven't decided what his character is? xD  He has different issues in every episode when you think about it.

Edited by TailsIsNotAlone
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