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In what way do you break brony stereotypes?


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Not sure what the official brony stereotype is so I'm just gonna go with people in this thread have mentioned:


1. I'm a girl

2. I'm not overweight

3. I'm straight

4. I don't clop

5. I'm not a virgin

6. I don't have any mental health issues (I hope)

7. I'm not really involved with the fandom much at all anymore. I still visit the forums from time to time but I have many other interests that take up most of my time

Edited by Dr. Frasier Crane


+~ Liebe ist für alle da ~+

My Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/id/shikarilukari

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  • I'm not sexually attracted to ponies (though, have you seen Twilight's sexy behind),

I'm straight, my boyfriend says so

I don't have mental issues. at least that's what my ex- lamp tells me,

I don't need to post how I break stereotypes because I feel insecure... Oh. Darn.



Oh? You mean it's meant to be taken seriously? Oops.

My Youtube.

Here's the place where I would put my OC... IF I HAD ONE!

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I'm not social awkward, I don't have a face overflowing with acne, my voice doesn't sound like nails on a chalk board, I dress trendy (for the most part),  I'm not overweight.

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  • 1 month later...
  • I am straight.
  • I am VERY skinny.
  • I'm growing a moustache, but no beard of any kind.
  • I don't have autism.
  • I am 14 at the moment.
  • I have a LOT of friends I hang out with IN REAL LIFE.
  • I only collect funkos, not the brushable figures.
  • I don't constantly talk about the show.
  • I have friends who are the opposite gender of me.
  • I am not a furry
  • I watch a lot of other movies and tv shows
  • I don't like fedoras
  • I don't have a basement
Edited by Ravelicious



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30 Years Old

I'm 18



I admit I could probably lose a few pounds but I wouldn't say I'm fat.



I don't consider myself to be creepy. If people think I am, then I've never heard anyone say it.



Yes, but that's partly because I don't like sex. I'd be fine if I was a virgin for my entire life.


No Social Life

This one I might fit into. Most of my friends I only know online. There are a couple people I talk to at school, but I don't hang out with them much.


Lives With Their Parents

Yes, but I only just turned 18. And I'm still in high school. Even after I graduate, I still don't plan on moving out for at least a few years.


Will Never Have a Girlfriend

I haven't ruled that out. I could have a girlfriend someday. I'd also be fine having a boyfriend.



I am really into MLP, and will take whatever merchandise I can get, but I don't shove it down people's throats. I will suggest people try it if the topic comes up but if they don't like it, they don't like it. As long as they don't think something's wrong with me for liking it, I'll be fine with that. It's not my only interest either. Not even close.


"Clop" to the Ponies

No, I find clop to be gross and repulsive. I don't have an issue with other people liking it, though, as long as they don't send me any.

Edited by PinkiePie97
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I'm not fat


I'm a teenager, not a 40 year old man.


I am active.


I have plenty of friends.


I spend my time making music, not playing with ponies.


I do not have a beard.


I do not stay in my house all day eating Doritos and Mnt Dew.


I do not live in a basement with my parents, I am not 18 and cannot move out, and I sleep in a bedroom.


Pretty much the opposite of a "stereotypical brony". I don't really look like a brony at all. I guess I kinda look like the type of guy to be into fandoms. Eh. I am not very manly either, and I like it that way. 


sig by wheatley

i make music as duskrain.

~ur neighborhood pessimist~


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Well... I'm a girl. A teenage girl; I also have plenty of friends, and whilst I do love collecting pony figures, I don't spend all of my time doing so. And I don't read or write strange fanfiction. Along with that, I don't have a neck-beard. Well, I'd be rather worried if I began growing any kind of facial hair...  :P

Edited by Wolves



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Huh. Well, let's see:


I'm 16 years old.


I do have a social gathering (of Brony and non Brony) friends in real life.


I'm Hispanic.


I am perfectly capable of maintaining a relationship. Virgin? Yes, and I plan on not having sex for a good long while.


I am not hyper obsessed. I do collect merch and show it off when I can, but I do the exact same for Star Wars, Halo, Sonic the Hedgehog, etc.


I am guilty of proudly donning a fedora and neckbeard. But hey, fedoras are cool, and extra hair keep ya warm at night. ;)


I have a job. A part-time minimum wage job, but a job nonetheless.


I do live with my parents, but I am a teenager.


I cannot tell a lie, I was a chunky kid. I ain't exactly ripped, but I'm starting to develop some noticeable muscle. Baby steps. :)


I have been a furry since I was a munchkin of a child, so I can't say I mind R34. I personally prefer the romantic aspect of shipping, but let it not be said that I always avert my eyes when I find it.


I think I'm a fairly balanced individual.

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30 years old

I'm 17, and I don't understand why this is a stereotype of bronies.



I'm actually very skinny, I've even managed to concern my doctor.



Neither my belief nor my conscience allows homosexuality. To go against conscience is neither right nor sane.



I wouldn't consider myself creepy, although I have written a couple of good creepypasta stories, if that counts.



As a matter of fact, I am generally attracted to girls between the ages of 13 and 16. Which isn't so weird once you consider that I myself am a 17-year-old.



I have two cats. Not once have I ever felt sexually attracted towards either of them. Or towards any non-human creature, for that matter...



Don't even bring that up. I refuse to talk about it.



I actually pride myself on remaining clean-shaven.


Lives in Parents' Basement

I live in the back room, thank you very much.


Doesn't Have a Job

...Alright you got me there, I'm still looking for work.


Socially Awkward

Again, this is true, but any sane person would blame my upbringing rather than the show.



I don't understand this stereotype, it's a massive logical assumption that makes no sense.



I've only ever invited one person to watch the show with me -- my little sister -- and she herself stated that I was polite when she confessed that she didn't like the show.


"Ponifies" Everything

The only thing I've ponyfied is myself, which is called a ponysona. This is no different from making a cartoon avatar or logo to use instead of a picture of your face.


Invades Forums

Other than a single forum on Fanfiction.net, this is the only forum where I've posted anything pony-related, and I believe that is the purpose of this forum.


Draws R34 Material

I can barely draw ponies normally, and I'm both not capable of or willing to venture into that part of the internet.


Obsessively Ships

I don't actively support any ships. I have my personal favorites, but I keep them to myself. In fact, I have never told a soul which ship is my favorite, not even in the brony community.


Writes Tons of Horrible Fanfictions

While I can't say for sure whether or not my fanfiction is horrible, I do honestly try to make it readable and enjoyable. I've also only written 4 MLP fanfictions, two of which are unpublished and therefore isn't offending anybody.


Is a Furry

I don't see where the connection between Furries and Bronies is. In any case, I've had some exposure to the Furry fandom and found that it wasn't for me, so I stayed away.


Constantly Uses Pony Memes

Actually, a lot of the memes that I use are non-pony related. Most of them are from the Sonic the Hedgehog universe.


Doesn't Enjoy Any Other Cartoon TV Shows

While MLP:FiM is the only cartoon TV show I will watch faithfully, I'm not above enjoying an episode of Regular Show or Gravity Falls. I also occasionally watch Sonic X/Boom, Liberty's Kids, and Looney Toons.


Proclaims "Love and Tolerance", Yet Is a Jerk To Everyone

I'm pretty sure that I'd be a jerk to everyone regardless of my "preaching" of love and tolerance. It's in my personality.


Owns a Metric Craptonne of Pony Merch

I actually don't own any pony merch -- I don't know where to get it. But even if I did, I probably wouldn't. My brony-ness is still valid regardless of how much pony stuff I own.

Edited by Meson Bolt
  • Brohoof 2


Your family is who you make it out to be.


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I have good taste in hats, I'm fit, and my OC is well-written, deep, and more than a manestyle and body fur colour slapped together after long hours on the Pony Creator spent hitting "Random". I also didn't beg for someone to name my OC for me.

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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I'm in my 30s and fat so screw you guys... (working on it...nerdfitness anyone?) .uhh, do I break stereotypes? ...I'm a professional homeowner, married with child, so I'd only live in my parents house if I bought it from them and invited them to leave. I don't have much of a social life and never did. I'm still obsessed with 90s animation of my youth, and having a daughter helped me find new animation. MLP is out of this world, so far above as far as writing and acting. I never ship. I owned a fedora once........and have a beard. Good God....


Courtesy of @Sparklefan1234

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Own guns, plays sports, likes cars and women, aggressive and confrontational, and does not own a fedora and does not have a neckbeard.

  • Brohoof 2

Honey Wings, my love, my life, together forever.


This picture is 20% cooler thanks to Twisted Cyclone

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Hmm.. there are a lot of things about me that unintentionally breaks the brony stereotype.. Yet some factors towards :huh:


Towards Brony Non-stereotype: I am heterosexual, I don't have a massive collection of ponies (yet.. :lol:), I don't clop, and I most certainly not a fat bearded guy who lives in his mother's basement playing with pony dolls and writing erotic fanfics.. not 1 house I've seen in Australia even has a basement anyway xD


Towards Brony stereotype: I am completely obsessed with the show and love every part of it, Most non-MLP related things in life remind me of it (It can get annoying -_-) anything apple related reminds me of AJ, rainbows? RD.. a six sided star? Twi.. I can't even look at the moon without being reminded of best prin- i mean.. Luna :P


Unknown if towards or against brony stereotype: I brought a $4 blind pack and Bitta Luck was in it, When i saw her I had the sudden urge to make a drawing of her, which actually turned out rather good ;)


But yeah.. parts towards, parts against :P

Edited by AURAequine
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