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Give a good reason on why you hate IE


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Okay, I updated the source in my previous post. It looks like IE8 is losing a lot of users pretty quickly, but it's still pretty widely used, as 8 is the highest you can get on XP, which also has a pretty big number of users (myself included)

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I don't hate IE. It's just that Firefox, Chrome, and maybe Opera have a lot more to offer than IE. Plus it runs faster, and it has a bunch of apps.


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Adblock alone is reason to use palemoon(a firefox variant) as my browser of choice. As for IE, I do rarely use it -- I use it when I need to keep my cookies different from when I use palemoon.

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Well, I hated it because the last time I used it was back when I had Windows 98, so, a few weeks ago, I decided to give Explorer another shot.


It was not all all influenced by this picture. Nope, no-sir-ree.


Posted Image


So I made a fresh install of it and booted it up. I had it open to its default nothingness, and said to myself "Let's open Equestria Daily as a speed test."


I typed it in, it started loading for about 2 seconds before the entire browser crashed and burned. Just poofed away. I didn't bother bringing it back.


AND I'M A BUTTERFLY NOW! Obligatory Octavia reference.

Edited by Archangel
  • Brohoof 1

"Judge not, and you shall not be judged. Condemn not, and you shall not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven." Luke 6:37


"In the beginning, God created the heavens, the Earth, and Octavia, who is best pony." Genesis 1:1

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It is incredibly behind on what most modern browsers are using. Most browsers such as Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are much more customisable when it comes to applications, and even browsing themes (my friend has Vinyl Scratch on his Chrome).


It also has no real defence against virus threats, unlike most browsers, which will give you a warning if you come across suspicious software.


Less online software is becoming compatible with Internet Explorer, as it doesn't support certain types of software/scripting.


Finally, the fact that it needs television advertising to attract people in is a sign of failure just by itself.

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, since I'm a tech geek I'd like to reply to some of the comments in this thread. Note that I'm not really an IE fanboy - I'm typing this on Opera right now - but I don't really have any problems using it either, and I pride myself on being rather knowledgeable about all me browsers. :)


Some general notes here:

A lot of the reason developers dislike it is historical - Microsoft tied version releases to Windows releases, back when they thought Longhorn (i.e. Vista) would be coming out in 2003. This resulted in basically seven years where Internet Explorer 6, which used a non-standard box model and while was competitive standards-wise in 2000 was nowhere near such in 2006. It took until then to figure out that this strategy was probably a bad idea.


As much as IE is hated though, it did introduce XMLHttpRequest, and the HTML5 drag-and-drop standard is based on IE's implimentation for DHTML. In the user space, it was the first browser to separate tabs into separate processes so it can crash one without bringing the browser down, and the first to sandbox tabs (although I'd agree Chrome's version of both is much better implemented.)




#2: 2 year release cycle. So even if Microsoft releases IE-God which makes other browsers cower in fear due to its speed and standards support, when the next version is released it will be outdated

I'm not exactly sure what this means. Sure, by the time the new version comes out the old version will be outdated, but that doesn't necessarily follow that the new version will be too, unless you suggest that they'll somehow do less work on it than everyone else,


The reason they have a two-year release cycle and a lengthly beta process is mainly so that websites can expect their stuff to Not Break for at least that amount of time, and have plenty of time to Fix Stuff. Whether the trade-off is worth it is your call to make.


RE: #5 - IE9 - A lot of that stuff is rather minor, if somewhat irritating - indeed, the big ones are CSS Transforms and Animations. WebM is not a web standard, no matter how much Google wishes it was - most websites use h.264 (which IE supports), and if you're really irritated by the lack of that there's a plugin for that. As for WebGL, I'd rather not have random websites executing code on my GPU, thank you very much.


ActiveX was meant to compete with Java, I believe, not Javascript. EMCAScript defines their implimentation of Javascript.


Also there is no Adblock.


Not true - IE9 comes with the ability to block scripts from an updated list. Apparently the best of those is the Fanboy Adblock list. There's also this addon, which is cross-version. (I wouldn't know about either, since I don't adblock on principle.)



And shouldn't it be "Ra Ri Ru Re Ro"? :P


Technically, it's a rolled sound inbetween the 'r' and 'l'. Romanisation is traditionally 'r', though (although this can bring up some... problems with re-romanising names like 'Eric Clapson'.)


Wait, we're talking Japanese, ne?


Well, all the reasons I hate it have been mentioned, so I'll just add that since ever Vista (and possibly XP, I don't remember), it's been fully integrated into Windows, meaning you can't uninstall it ever no matter how much you want to,

Just to note, it's actually the opposite way around - pre-Windows XP, it was integrated into Explorer. XP SP2 decoupled the two, and you've been able to uninstall it since then (it's in Add/Remove in XP or Programs and Features in Vista and above, under 'Turn on or off Windows features'.)


Technically, it's not 'truly' uninstalled - the program is, but the rendering engine's left behind. That's only because of compatibility - for whatever reasons some programs feel the need to embed a browser control, and Windows provides a standard one in the form of the Trident engine,


Also, the add-on maker didn't "decided not to make compatible with Internet explorer". IE doesn't support add-ons!

Er, yah it does. SpeckIE, for example, is a spell check addon. Someone even ported Greasemonkey over to it (although that was a long time ago).


If the addon called IE7Pro hadn't stopped updating yonks ago, I'd totally recommend that. (It still works, it's just slightly buggy now,)



I am guessing they removed it cause they don't want to loose support with Windows I am guessing cause when ever I use IE before it would say "IE will soon not be support with YouTube" on the top...


That was probably because you were visiting with IE6 or 7, which YouTube dropped support for a year or two ago.



It also has no real defence against virus threats, unlike most browsers, which will give you a warning if you come across suspicious software.

Actually, it was the first browser to do it, and it's been doing it since IE8. Look up 'SmartScreen'


Finally, the fact that it needs television advertising to attract people in is a sign of failure just by itself.


Because it's not like any other browser does TV ads, right?



Internet explorer is good for one thing: downloading a better browser.


Perhaps you
? :P Edited by MarkKB
  • Brohoof 1

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Okay, since I'm a tech geek I'd like to reply to some of the comments in this thread. Note that I'm not really an IE fanboy - I'm typing this on Opera right now - but I don't really have any problems using it either, and I pride myself on being rather knowledgeable about all me browsers. :)


Some general notes here:

A lot of the reason developers dislike it is historical - Microsoft tied version releases to Windows releases, back when they thought Longhorn (i.e. Vista) would be coming out in 2003. This resulted in basically seven years where Internet Explorer 6, which used a non-standard box model and while was competitive standards-wise in 2000 was nowhere near such in 2006. It took until then to figure out that this strategy was probably a bad idea.


As much as IE is hated though, it did introduce XMLHttpRequest, and the HTML5 drag-and-drop standard is based on IE's implimentation for DHTML. In the user space, it was the first browser to separate tabs into separate processes so it can crash one without bringing the browser down, and the first to sandbox tabs (although I'd agree Chrome's version of both is much better implemented.)






I'm not exactly sure what this means. Sure, by the time the new version comes out the old version will be outdated, but that doesn't necessarily follow that the new version will be too, unless you suggest that they'll somehow do less work on it than everyone else,


The reason they have a two-year release cycle and a lengthly beta process is mainly so that websites can expect their stuff to Not Break for at least that amount of time, and have plenty of time to Fix Stuff. Whether the trade-off is worth it is your call to make.


RE: #5 - IE9 - A lot of that stuff is rather minor, if somewhat irritating - indeed, the big ones are CSS Transforms and Animations. WebM is not a web standard, no matter how much Google wishes it was - most websites use h.264 (which IE supports), and if you're really irritated by the lack of that there's a plugin for that. As for WebGL, I'd rather not have random websites executing code on my GPU, thank you very much.


ActiveX was meant to compete with Java, I believe, not Javascript. EMCAScript defines their implimentation of Javascript.




Not true - IE9 comes with the ability to block scripts from an updated list. Apparently the best of those is the Fanboy Adblock list. There's also this addon, which is cross-version. (I wouldn't know about either, since I don't adblock on principle.)




Technically, it's a rolled sound inbetween the 'r' and 'l'. Romanisation is traditionally 'r', though (although this can bring up some... problems with re-romanising names like 'Eric Clapson'.)


Wait, we're talking Japanese, ne?




Just to note, it's actually the opposite way around - pre-Windows XP, it was integrated into Explorer. XP SP2 decoupled the two, and you've been able to uninstall it since then (it's in Add/Remove in XP or Programs and Features in Vista and above, under 'Turn on or off Windows features'.)


Technically, it's not 'truly' uninstalled - the program is, but the rendering engine's left behind. That's only because of compatibility - for whatever reasons some programs feel the need to embed a browser control, and Windows provides a standard one in the form of the Trident engine,




Er, yah it does. SpeckIE, for example, is a spell check addon. Someone even ported Greasemonkey over to it (although that was a long time ago).


If the addon called IE7Pro hadn't stopped updating yonks ago, I'd totally recommend that. (It still works, it's just slightly buggy now,)





That was probably because you were visiting with IE6 or 7, which YouTube dropped support for a year or two ago.





Actually, it was the first browser to do it, and it's been doing it since IE8. Look up 'SmartScreen'



Because it's not like any other browser does TV ads, right?




Perhaps you

? :P


Interesting info :huh:. I dunno why, but it makes me a little more comfortable to be using IE (Even though it's the main browser for me for the last 5-6 years), even though it shouldn't :P



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Technically, it's a rolled sound inbetween the 'r' and 'l'. Romanisation is traditionally 'r', though (although this can bring up some... problems with re-romanising names like 'Eric Clapson'.)


Wait, we're talking Japanese, ne?


Yes, I know how it's pronounced, but I've never seen it romanized as an "L". And yes, it's japanese :)


And what would manga/anime be without bad translations? :P

  • Brohoof 1

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Perhaps you

? :P


No amount of silly advertising will work on me!!!!


But in all honesty, IE has a REALLY bad track record and I am not inclined to trust it. ever. When I downloaded Chrome and realized that I didn't need to deal with lag and that i could make my browser look....different....It was, no joke, a profound fucking revelation.


I've been an IE antagonist ever since.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm pretty cool. I think.


Also, new OC (it has a cutie mark this time!).

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No amount of silly advertising will work on me!!!!


But in all honesty, IE has a REALLY bad track record and I am not inclined to trust it. ever. When I downloaded Chrome and realized that I didn't need to deal with lag and that i could make my browser look....different....It was, no joke, a profound fucking revelation.


I've been an IE antagonist ever since.


Nah, that's fine, more power to you! I'm not trying to change minds, just correct a few things.


Personally I'm a fan of all browsers (we need some competition in there hills!) and would probably make similar posts on prompt defending almost any of the other ones. (Maybe not Netscape 5.) It's just this one that I spied with my eye happened to be for IE (though outside of a techie community, I guess that's to be expected.)


Alright, sharing the love: Firefox has the most epic extension community ever. Chrome is fast, sleek and resilient. Opera is very power-user friendly (I remember long nights of IRC chatting in Opera back when that was a thing - around 2002, I think!). And IE and Safari are... well, good enough, I guess. :)

Edited by MarkKB
  • Brohoof 1

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I just dislike the format. It doesn't look pleasing to the eye. For me, Google Chrome looks and performs better than IE, and you can customize it to your liking. Firefox is also a nice substitute to IE.


"Forgive me if I withhold my enthusiasm."

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, the computer lab that I use at school got a Windows 7 upgrade, which has Internet Explorer 9 loaded on it, and I have to say, it is pretty good in terms of speed and appearance. Links I clicked on loaded almost instantly unlike the IE 8 version I was forced to use last week when the computers were still on XP.


However, given the chance I have a personal computer that has Windows 7 (or higher in the future), I still will not be using Internet Explorer. The only reason why Microsoft still wastes their time developing it and redistributing it and spending money ADVERTISING IT is to redirect you and set the defaults to their sites with their advertising or their search engines AKA find a way to make money off your IE usage. It's a corporate scheme, whereas Mozilla is non-profit and Chrome's defaults are actually helpful and already widely used. Google pretty much owns half the Internet anyway.

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I've been using IE, Chrome and Firefox the most. Internet Explorer isn't that bad. Firefox and Chrome are just alot better. They are faster, has more features, the look better and you can get alot of very cool addons. I personally prefer Firefox over all other browsers because you can customise it the most of all browsers, it has more features than chrome and it has the highest amount of downloadable addons of all browsers. Chrome is like 0.2 seconds faster though, but I dont think that means anything. Also, Chrome gives alot of weird errors.


But Internet Explorer isn't really a very good browser. The only things it's good for is security and lag. It's actually a pretty secure browser, but it is slow and imo ugly. I'd say, go for Firefox if you like to customize your themes and get cool addons and get Chrome if you doesn't care for anything else than speed.

Edited by Mr. Nibblers


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It's not 'Bad' really, It's just the least good. I switched to firefox when my IE started downloading so many effing toolbars that the browser window was two inches high. I never looked back.

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  • 7 years later...

Honestly in the modern age MOST browsers are about the same honestly. 

  • Brohoof 2


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I had to stop using IE when it refused to update, using Vista. OS too old for new version. Newer pages may not display properly. Switched to Firefox. 4 – 5 years later, Ilm now on Win 10, still using Firefox. Always been good to me. idunno.gif.c0797931487e6f52318693bccb033b1a.gif




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I don't necessarily hate IE, I just think it's not really good.

  • IE is insanely slow. Like even Edge is still way slower than Chrome or Firefox.
  •  Pretty much anything that IE has, Chrome or Firefox has but better.


But I'll be honest here, I don't like Chrome either, but that's because I have come to hate Google. I'm pretty much intending to switch to Firefox + DDG.

Edited by Aangel Dust
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