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movies/tv Overrated TV Shows?


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Gotta go with Family Guy. I'll watch every once in a while if there's nothing else on, but I won't really enjoy it. Back in its early days (before the first cancellation) it wasn't that bad, it brought something new and fresh to the scene. But in recent years, it's become an embarrassing parody of itself, consisting of mostly unfunny running gags, ever more obscure pop culture references and completely unnecessary cutaway scenes. It didn't take but a few seasons for the characters to become Flanderized to the point where they ruined their best comedic aspects, almost seemingly intentionally.


The show is an absolute joke. I'm sure they get a good punchline in here and there, but for the most part, it's just a terrible, terrible show.

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Total Drama Island series and Ben 10


I thought the original series of both of them were good but i wished they would've left them right then and there and not make more of the same freakin thing.


^ This


I never was attracted to either, and TDI especially, I think survivor is dumb, but that is overkill.




I'm sorry everypony but I can't stand Gravity Falls, it's just another Disney show I don't watch, heck I haven't watched Disney channel for so long.


Family Guy. All they do is rely on jokes that have already been established wether it is through popular culture, or if it's through the show itself without really adding anything else. Also, all the jokes are just flashbacks now.



Gotta go with Family Guy. I'll watch every once in a while if there's nothing else on, but I won't really enjoy it. Back in its early days (before the first cancellation) it wasn't that bad, it brought something new and fresh to the scene. But in recent years, it's become an embarrassing parody of itself, consisting of mostly unfunny running gags, ever more obscure pop culture references and completely unnecessary cutaway scenes. It didn't take but a few seasons for the characters to become Flanderized to the point where they ruined their best comedic aspects, almost seemingly intentionally.


The show is an absolute joke. I'm sure they get a good punchline in here and there, but for the most part, it's just a terrible, terrible show.


Agreed, Family Guy is very overrated, I got made fun of for not liking it at school. :/ (only happens when all the guys are family guy fanboys)

Edited by SamtheLegoman
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^ This


I never was attracted to either, and TDI especially, I think survivor is dumb, but that is overkill.



Agreed, Family Guy is very overrated, I got made fun of for not liking it at school. :/ (only happens when all the guys are family guy fanboys)


I never liked Total Drama Island, either. It's pretty meh. Family Guy I just really don't care for at all. I'll watch a small little clip now and then but that's it. I prefer Futurama and The Simpsons.


The Big Bang Theory



I've only seen a few episodes from when I went to Washington DC, but I don't like Sheldon at all. What's the appeal in that twat? He's annoying.

Edited by Dίsмαjo
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Teen mom or 16 and pregnant. Like...I just don't find a joy watching miserable 16 year olds having babies and them crying every 24/7 about how their lives are over and always getting dumped...Just saying, I mean I am sure some of ponies on here are 16 with babies, but a show? It's just not right, that should be personal stuff, I mean the show is also to show what it's like...but I don't think it helps...That's MY opinion

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^ This


I never was attracted to either, and TDI especially, I think survivor is dumb, but that is overkill.




I'm sorry everypony but I can't stand Gravity Falls, it's just another Disney show I don't watch, heck I haven't watched Disney channel for so long.







Agreed, Family Guy is very overrated, I got made fun of for not liking it at school. :/ (only happens when all the guys are family guy fanboys)


The boys at mah school said Family Guy was funny in the "stupid sense", while South Park is just funny in general :P.


Surprised people here have ripped on Family Guy but not South Park :huh:

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Any show that has an annoying fanbase is bound to be overrated.


The Office used to be one hell of a show, but now it's crap with Steve Carrell gone, and now the jokes are getting lamer and lamer. But everybody seems to like it so much because of either Dwight or Jim, who have totally lost their original character traits.


I just don't get it.

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Surprised people here have ripped on Family Guy but not South Park :huh:


It's all a matter of opinion really. Personally, I think South Park is fairly good usually, and they definitely do some spot-on hilarious parodies of American culture, but the humor material itself just isn't my type.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Family Guy, for all the reasons you guys have stated and more. It's The Simpsons with no heart, no originality and no point.


The Office. Okay, maybe the writers are better than Family Guy's, but they're wasting their talents on that "LULZ, look how quirky I am" dialogue that is killing so many shows for me today. When did "homicidally annoying" and "funny" become the same thing? And STOP MOVING THE CAMERA! *throws something* 30 Rock does this too and it drives me insane. Who is that guy stalking the characters and hovering behind them with a camcorder all the time? I will find this guy and dip him in cement if that's what it takes to keep the camera still so today's shows at least look decent, because this trend needs to be stopped.

Edited by TailsAlone
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I couldn't agree more with Family Guy being an overrated show. When I was in junior high and early high school, I enjoyed watching it. Now that I'm a freshman in college, I really can't stand Family Guy anymore. The jokes are less funny, the overall show has gotten worse, they rely way too much on pop culture, and in my opinion, I started to find it annoying. Now whenever someone asks if I watch Family Guy, I usually respond, "I did in junior high, then I got hooked on King of the Hill", which is my favorite cartoon, other than MLP-FIM of course.

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You guys have already mentioned those, but I'll say it anyway:


When talking about overrated shows, four shows instantly come to my mind: Family Guy, The Big Bang Theory, Regular Show and Adventure Time. They are funny and pretty clever sometimes, yes. I like watching them every now and then, but people just talk too much about them, making references and such. It's rather annoying. :|


And also, I've never watched Dexter or Dr. House, but they seem to be a tad overrated as well.

Edited by DrizzleSTAR
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It's all a matter of opinion really. Personally, I think South Park is fairly good usually, and they definitely do some spot-on hilarious parodies of American culture, but the humor material itself just isn't my type.


There's a huge shopping center in mah town called SouthPark. Everytime I see that name, I see 3 little kids and a fat demon child there :lol:


Also, Family Guy seems to be recurring on this overrated list. Let's add some variety


I never had any interest in watching The Walking Dead whatsoever. I'm not saying it's overrated, I just never felt like watching it. I'd rather fight against zombies in Black Ops than watch people fight zombies :P (Except for Nova and Xcalizorz ^_^)

Edited by spas-ticShotty
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Dragonball Z, definitively. I honestly just don't see how screaming, ridiculously muscled men can be so popular when there's not even so much action as some others similar kind has. The theme song(s) are cool, though. And if that one isn't a good enough reason, then there's this one particular sentence which keeps popping up everywhere so much it starts to get annoying:



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All currently aired cartoons aimed at adults except for King of the Hill, Archer, and Metalocalypse. Simpsons and Futurama are pretty good, too.

Pretty much every reality show ever, especially current ones.

Pawn Stars, American Pickers, all that crap they air on History Channel instead of, you know, historical stuff. This also applies to Discovery Channel.

Anything that has aired on TLC in the past 10 years and had even remotely good reviews.

Adventure Time and Regular Show. I do like both of them, but there are so many people like "OMG BEST SHOW EVER!!!!", and they're really not. Same goes for pretty much anything on cartoon network lately, really :/

Spongebob Squarepants. Even when I was a kid of the ages it was aimed at, back when it was supposedly good, I thought it sucked.


And dare I say it, but MLP. It's good, but it's not OMGWTFBBQAMAZING like tons of bronies seem to say. Maybe an episode here and there was up to that level, but overall, it is simply a good show, not an amazing one. The community is what makes it worthwhile, for me at least.

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Round two, anime style.


Sure, I just got into anime, but I want to get into lesser known anime. I think Bleach and Naruto are very overrated, nor do I care for either.


Okay, now a list of other shows way too overrated:


Jersey Shore


16 and pregnant


Teen mom


Anything on MTV




CSI: Miami




MLP (sadly yes)


One more thing, just cause it's overrated does mean you can't enjoy it.




@@Evilshy, This, this, and this

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-Dragon Ball Z (Don't get me wrong, I love this show to death. It was my childhood and I think it's one of the best animes ever, but the fanbase is so annoying.)


-Walking Dead (Couldn't get into it. I guess Resident Evil has spoiled me on zombies and everything as such.)


-Doctor Who (I honestly don't know how anybody could watch this.)


-Bleach and Naruto (I thought Bleach and Naruto were badass animes when they first came out, but things just got stupid after awhile.)


-Adventure Time (Another show that I love to death, but the fanbase makes it out to be the best show ever.)


-Regular Show (It is definitely an alright show, but not something I can watch everyday.)

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Here's a few shows I find overrated as hell.


Teen mom

So you think you can dance

American Idol

Toddlers in tiaras


Jersey Shore

Anything with Total Drama in it.


The voice

Anything that's an American Idol clone

Here comes honey boo boo

Edited by Hakureimiko
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Family Guy, as stated by a lot of you. All it is is an inconsistent plot with bad jokes and a flashback every five seconds. "Hey! This is kind of like the time I went naked skiing with Ronald McDonald!"

South Park. Just racism jokes, crap jokes, and a lot of pointless murders for no reason. The show just doesn't make sense.

And yes Doctor Who is overrated, but I still think it's a wonderful show.

I know we aren't talking about overrated music Buuuuuut....

One Direction

Lil Wayne

Justin Beiber

Blood on the Dance Floor

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Family Guy, as stated by a lot of you. All it is is an inconsistent plot with bad jokes and a flashback every five seconds. "Hey! This is kind of like the time I went naked skiing with Ronald McDonald!"

South Park. Just racism jokes, crap jokes, and a lot of pointless murders for no reason. The show just doesn't make sense.

And yes Doctor Who is overrated, but I still think it's a wonderful show.

I know we aren't talking about overrated music Buuuuuut....

One Direction

Lil Wayne

Justin Beiber

Blood on the Dance Floor


I know this is about TV shows, but, what is Blood on the Dance Floor? I've never heard of that in mah entire life until a few weeks ago :huh:.


I'm still trying to think of a TV show.......I don't watch much TV :P.

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I know this is about TV shows, but, what is Blood on the Dance Floor? I've never heard of that in mah entire life until a few weeks ago :huh:.


I'm still trying to think of a TV show.......I don't watch much TV :P.


Trust me, if someone asks you to listen to them, don't. It sucks completely and in my eyes, is the complete bane of music. The singers are pedophiles (convicted, in fact), and in all reality, not talentless, but they don't choose good subjects for music. And each song takes them a few days at max.
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Trust me, if someone asks you to listen to them, don't. It sucks completely and in my eyes, is the complete bane of music. The singers are pedophiles (convicted, in fact), and in all reality, not talentless, but they don't choose good subjects for music. And each song takes them a few days at max.


I dunno. I just looked them up. Now, I want to listen to one of their songs. Trust me, I'm not like a lot of you guys, who instantly bash a song or group because it's in a certain genre. Even if it is bad, I may like it (Or not :P). Right now, though, I don't feel like listening to them.
song is a big reason why :lol:.
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I dunno. I just looked them up. Now, I want to listen to one of their songs. Trust me, I'm not like a lot of you guys, who instantly bash a song or group because it's in a certain genre. Even if it is bad, I may like it (Or not :P). Right now, though, I don't feel like listening to them.

song is a big reason why :lol:.


Good Celestia no I don't ever bash on any genre! I'm always willing to give new music a try. I did try listening to blood on the dance floor once, but then I hated them forever.
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