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mega thread Your Favorite Episode?

AppleShy Sparkle

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I really like Magical Mystery Cure, Crusaders of the Lost Mark and A Canterlot Wedding. I really like the plot in all three episodes, and the songs are beautiful. Especially This Day Aria, which I'm kinda obsessing over because of how powerful and dramatic it sounds.

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  • 1 month later...

Without question, my favorite episode of the entire series is "Crusaders of the Lost Mark." Just everything about this episode was great: The story, the characters, the songs (oh, God, the songs!), and the resolution at the end all made for one of the best episodes of season five, if not the whole series. Likewise, I really love "Suited for Success." Like "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" everything about this episode was great: The characters, the story, the songs, and the resolution all make for one of the best episodes of season one.

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I think A Hearth's Warming Tail has become my favorite episode.  :grin:


Obviously because it's Christmas themed, but also because of the story and all the good songs. The Christmas theme was enough to make the episode feel cozy. For some reason seeing all the different outfits on the ponies was such a nice thing to see as well.

Applejack's and Pinkie's roles as the spirits were awesome too. Especially Pinkie's song was super catchy.


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Hurricane Fluttershy is my favorite episode Hoofs down.


Ever since I first watched the episode in summer 2013 (I think) That episode left me speechless on how well the writing was and how it was put together. 

But on a very personal note. One of Rainbow Dash's stronger episodes and Fluttershy's strongest so far. Rainbow Dash is able to push ponies to the best of their talents. And for me being a long distance runner, Rainbow has pushed me to go even faster. If you also want some information on why I love Rainbow Dash so much, go here https://mlpforums.com/blog/2945/entry-20085-my-little-stories-rainbow-dash/

"There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends"


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Rather than give you my all time favorite episode (since it is near impossible to decide at this point  :-P), i'll list my favorite episode from each season respectively:

  • Season 1: Part of One  :pinkie:
  • Season 2: Lesson Zero :P (Hurrican Fluttershy and A Canterlot Wedding are close 2nd's though  :yay:
  • Season 3: Magical Mystery Cure  ^_^
  • Season 4: Testing Testing 1,2,3  :wub:
  • Season 5: Amending Fences  :o
  • Season 6 (so far): The Saddle Row Review  :D


#Squadgoals  :ph34r::P:lol::smug::rarity:;):sunny:        

"But that day...The day I discovered racing...I proved that the legends were true. I made the impossible happen!"Dash

"Friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for."Twilight Sparkle 

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Season 1: Feeling Pinkie Keen


Season 2: Secret of my Excess


Season 3: The Crystal Empire


Season 4: Equestria Games


Season 5: Crusaders of the Lost Mark


Season 6: The Times They Are A Changeling

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't think of my absolute favorite, just because I keep thinking about almost every other episode at the same time  :D

So I'll just put down my top pick plus my favorites for each character and season (though most of them are pretty biased)  :P


*Favorite: Canterlot Wedding Parts 1 & 2

Twilight: Feeling Pinkie Keen/Lesson Zero
Rainbow Dash: Sonic Rainboom
Fluttershy: A Bird in the Hoof/Dragonshy
Pinkie Pie: Party of One
Applejack:  Applebuck Season 
Rarity: Sweet and Elite
Group: Hearth's Warming Eve (I remember being fuzzy after this one)
Season 1: Friendship is Magic/The Cutie Mark Chronicles
Season 2: Luna Eclipsed/The Return of Harmony/Read It And Weep
Season 3: Wonderbolts Academy
Season 4: Bats!/Trade Ya (also thought of Twilight's Kingdom part 2; still miss that library)
Season 5: Rarity Investigates
Season 6 (so far): The Fault in Our Cutie Marks


Thanks to Kyoshi for the sig!

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If we're listing by season, my own favourites are as follows:


Season 1 - "The Best Night Ever"

Possibly the ideal MLP episode, and certainly the culmination of everything which made the first season great. It's exemplifies the strengths and weaknesses of each of the mane six in a delightfully quirky package, and puts a cap on the show's most fulfilling story arc: the growth of the mane six's friendships.


Season 2 - "Lesson Zero"

See my earlier post.


Season 3 - "Sleepless in Ponyville"

Deepens an often neglected character and provides both a fun, emotional plot and a strong moral. Simply a well-crafted episode.


Season 4 - "For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils"

What "Sleepless in Ponyville" does for Scootaloo, this does for Sweetie Belle. That is all.


Season 5 - "Rarity Investigates!"

The Rarity/Rainbow Dash dynamic is the best thing ever and I want way, way, WAY more of it. They have more in common than one might expect. One of the few times season 5 remembered to just be fun.


Season 6 - "A Hearth's Warming Tail"

Gorgeously massive in scale but grounded in depth and emotion. It cleverly adapts an old story not only to the show's universe, but also to serve a completely different purpose. Great music and powerful themes in service of not just an adaptation but a legitimate transformative work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I often change what my favourite episodes are, but these are my favourite episodes of each season right now.


Season 1: Dragonshy

Season 2: Sweet and Elite

Season 3: Games Ponies Play

Season 4: For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils

Season 5: Amending Fences

Season 6: No Second Prances

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My favorite episode is actually "Slice of Life" because it was my first episode.


I got into the "Doctor Whooves and Assistant" audio series before I was willing to give the show a chance and when I heard they were going to make a Canon ep with Doctor Whooves I just had to check it out.


So I sucked up my last bit of reservations about the show and watched the ep. It instantly made me fall in love with the series. Which is why I often get confused when reviewers on YouTube will say it is one of the worst episodes to start someone on.


I loved all the Doctor who references and cheer each time I spot Doctor Whooves and Derpy in the background of the rest of the series.


I would not have watched the show if it wasn't for the fact The Doctor was a main character of "Slice of Life"

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My absolute favorite has to be Magical Mistery Cure. The feeling I get from watching that episode is really awesome, and it hasn't stopped being that way after 3 years. 

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S1: Party Of 1

S2: The Return Of Harmony Part 2

S3: Sleepless In Ponyville

S4: Maud Pie

S5: Amending Fences

S6: No 2nd Prances


Of all of these, Maud Pie is my favorite. I watched it once a day for 3 days when I 1st saw it. I love how it paints such a good light for ultra introverted and emotionlessly expressive people(/ponies?). I'm kind of just like her, so I have a blatant bias

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S1: Sonic Rainboom

S2: Hurricane Fluttershy

S3: Sleepless In Ponyville

S4: Twilight's Kingdom - Part 2

S5: Tanks For The Memories

For Season 6, until everything finishes airing, it's a toss-up between A Hearth's Warming Tail, The Saddle Row Review, Viva Las Pegasus and Every Little Thing She Does. I have a very good feeling about the upcoming Where The Apple Lies and the finale To Where And Back Again.



Edit: Oh snap, I realize that Rainbow Dash is a major player in 4/5 of these episodes I stated. Maybe it's just her.


S6: To Where And Back Again - Part 1

Edited by ShadowPhoenix
  • Brohoof 1
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My favorite episode is season 2 episode 1/2: The return of harmony, because I like Discord very much and it was just really fun to watch.

If I don't understand something or Interpret it wrong, I'm dutch. Sometimes I gamble for meanings of the words. And sometimes I write the wrong words, like week and weak for example. Sorry for it already. :smug:

Discord, Twilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, Starlight, Rarity, Luna, Celestia, Big MCintosh, Cadence, Shining, Minuette, Lyra, Rara, Sweetie Belle, Cheerilee, Derpy, Spike.

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There are so many! It's a toss up between 'look before you sleep' , 'Sisterhoove social' or  'A dog and pony show'. When a character, such as Rarity has that refined, posh, upperclass sort of feel and might seem dull and typical. It's that break of the mold while still holding that refined attitude that makes those episodes so special. It's the breaking of the "pretty posh pony princess" characteristics and sinking to common ground or indeed rising above it as she does ' A dog and pony show' that has me watching them over and over and over again.

img-38820-1-img-38820-1-img-38820-1-img-isn't flashing your riches, it's sharing it with others that don't know how or can't

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  • 2 weeks later...

Amending Fences is definitely my favorite. Brilliant idea to bring back Twi’s old friends - they even used one the very first scenes of the series! And Moon Dancer, of course, – the most relatable character for me. Also, loved “riding the bomb” reference. 

  • Brohoof 2
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My most favorite episodes (excluding premieres and finales) for each season (out of order):


s1: Winter Wrap Up / Suited For Success / Green Isn't Your Color / The Cutie Mark Chronicles / Party of One


s2: Lesson Zero / Luna Eclipsed / Sisterhooves Social / Sweet and Elite / It's About Time


s3: Magic Duel / Sleepless in Ponyville


s4: Castle Mane-ia / Rarity Takes Manehattan / Pinkie Pride / Simple Ways / Maud Pie / Testing, Testing, 1, 2, 3


s5: Castle Sweet Castle / Bloom & Gloom / Tanks for the Memories / The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone / Slice of Life / Amending Fences / Canterlot Boutique / Rarity Investigates! / Brotherhooves Social / Crusaders of the Lost Mark / Hearthbreakers


s6: The Gift of the Maud Pie / Gauntlet of Fire / No Second Prances / A Hearth's Warming Tail / Flutter Brutter / Stranger Than Fan Fiction / The Fault in Our Cutie Marks / Every Little Thing She Does / Top Bolt



My most favorite Premieres: seasons 2 / 5 / 6


My most favorite Finales: seasons 2 / 3 / 6

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My favourite episode overall: Read It and Weep.

For individual seasons:

S1: The Cutie Mark Chronicles

S2: Read It and Weep

S3: Wonderbolts Academy

S4: Daring Don't

S5: The Lost Treasure Of Griffonstone

S6: Stranger Than Fan Fiction

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