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Opinions on swearing


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I'll be the first to admit in a group setting that I swear. A lot. I am extremely ashamed of it, it has become a horrible habit and it's very rarely controllable.


The reason I started swearing is because I was raised around it. My parents both cussed all the time, all my friends started doing it, and I've never really been able to escape it. Those are common words to me now and they don't even strike me as swear words unless I step back and rethink of what I just said.


But yes, I hate the fact that I do swear. I do not believe it makes me ignorant because I swear, it is just a quicker way to get some points across if I cant be bothered enough to try for a decent conversation. (Chinchilla just sneezed and scared me...)


Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! Signature thanks to Doc Volt.

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I rarely ever swear. But it happened to me several times that I swore on most inappropriate occasion, such as at school during the lesson. Once one guy asked the teacher: "Why have you marked plane ABCD when you told us to mark plane ABC?" (you get it, because plane is defined by 3 points, and point D was a member of that plane, but... ANGHT!)

And I was like: "ARE YOU F*CKIN KIDDIN ME?!," pretty loud. xD And the teacher was like: "Um, I wanted to say something along these words..." :D Fun times...

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I look at things in a bit of a different manner. In the prospect of swearing, while the usual cussing and swearing is all well and good, I don't use it. Instead, if I feel the need to type something out I will be a bit more imaginative. Speaking in a pirate manner is always fairly amusing.


Example: "You scurvy bilge rat!"


Highly amusing, but also, in a dictionary definition sense, highly insulting.

  • Brohoof 1
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I generally don't have much of a problem with swearing per se as they are just words for the most part, exactly how is calling someone an asshole worse than calling someone an idiot anyway? You are still insulting someone by calling them an idiot but that is not considered swearing, why? And what is wrong with someone saying "oh shit I lost my wallet"? I do find it annoying though when people overuse it as well as any other kind of words really because if you use them too much they kind of loss their pizazz and there are so many other words to use both swear and non swear. Though I don't really buy into the whole argument of "people who swear need a dictionary" yeah it is true for some people that do it but there are plenty of intelligent and articulate people that do it too. And there are times where it might not be the most appropriate time and place like around small children for example, but other than that I don't really care if someone lets out of a few curse words as it is nothing I haven't heard or said before.

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Even though I have never really been a fan of swearing, it's hard to avoid getting exposed to it in Germany. You see, the culture here is such that even a small child (I'm talking about 10 years old here) will come up to you and say "Fu*k you". (in German of course)


It's just part of the people's life her. If I were to count how many times a day I hear "scheiße" and how many times I say it myself, I'd get up to quite a high number.


I keep hearing people swear everywhere all the time, including my teachers etc..


Then there are other countries where saying shit is like admitting that you've committed a crime or something.

The World is a weird place.

Edited by CloudsdaleCompanion

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Number one: The argument that "people who swear are unintelligent and have a small vocabulary" is total bullshit. Yes, there are people who swear a lot who have small vocabularies, but there are also very smart people, even brilliant people, who swear all the time. The amount you swear has nothing to do with your level of intelligence.


I swear a lot. I'm sure those of you who have seen me post here and there have figured that out. I actually swear less here than I do on other forums and around other people. However, I try to set a few rules for myself. I don't swear around little kids (unless that kid is really pissing me off) and I try not to swear around strangers or people who I think will be offended by it (old people, christians, soccer moms). When I'm around friends, though, all bets are off.

  • Brohoof 1
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I do not believe in the idea that there are bad/foul words. It depends on how the work is used. Words are just used to express one's thought and words themselves are not bad. People are the ones that have deemed certain words foul and each person has their own way of interpreting those words. Many "bad" words have multiple meanings and are not always use in a foul way. I think if a person uses "bad" words in bad ways it is a problem, but that idea could be used for many words that are not swear words as well.

Edited by yuffie4ever
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I swear a fairly decent bit, especially around friends. 'Tis the way of the teenager, I suppose.


I never understood why people claim that those who swear have a low vocabulary and are stupid. I think of myself as having a fairly large vocabulary and being fairly intelligent. I'm at least intelligent enough to type intelligible sentences with correct spelling and grammar that can get my opinions and arguments across, which I'm seeing much less of nowadays with others.

  • Brohoof 1



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It doesn't really bother me if other people swear as long as it's not excessive to the point of ridiculousness, like saying swear word every other word. Unless they're angry then I understand. I try to avoid swearing myself.


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Personally, I'm not really that offended at someone cursing unless they swear after every other word. Even then, I am not so much offended as I am annoyed.


I only curse in reaction to something painful (like dropping something heavy on a toe), but I'm trying to get away from that. The book "Shakespeare's Insults" gives me enough ammo to use when people insult me (and Shakespeare had some pretty awesome ones too), but the problem is controlling the emotional outburst.

Edited by Celtore
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So, I don't know if this is just me, but I DESPISE ponies who swear/use foul language (especially if they use it to excess) with a passion!! Something my wife has said once, "Ponies who swear, are the only ones who really need a dictionary, as when they swear they are showing a total lack of a vocabulary and should have their heads examined" And I agree with her! I also feel that ponies that swear/use foul language show a total lack of regard to others around them!!!


What are your thoughts?


I don't have a problem with ponies who swear, I mean for me that would be a bit hypocritical. But there are limits, there are those that swear far too often annoy me and as you said often its a lack of vocabulary thats part of the problem.

Edited by Fridge
  • Brohoof 1

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I swear a lot and have a high school history riddled with High Honor Roll mentions, so if somebody curses like a sailor, that most certainly does not make them dumb or ignorant.


I think it's perfectly okay to swear or use profanity as long as you do it with the right people (your friends) and not to overdo it, like intentionally try to push the boundaries of other people's views.


Media such as the Angry Video Game Nerd videos have glorified swearing and using obscenities that many viewers think it's okay to just overuse swear words all the time and just use them in a nonsensical way ("This game is a piece of shit diarrhea fuck farts!!"). It does become annoying after a while and I don't ever go that far. I usually just say "this game fucking sucks" and move on. Don't need to be more colorful than that.


However, if anybody is against swearing then I will kindly stop doing it when they are in the vicinity.

  • Brohoof 1
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I really don't care whether or not someone uses "strong" language and I don't know why people can get so offended.

Sometimes, people use it to get their point across and to be seen seriously. It can be stupid at times when someone uses it like, "wow u stupid fag noob fu*k you I slept with your mom"

In that case, it annoys me.

However, if someone is using a word in the right situation and uses it only once or twice, then I say it's okay.

I understand many people's jimmies will be rustled if they even hear a curse word, but sometimes people need to learn how to deal with things.

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I'd have to agree with you on this. I don't understand why people like the "comedians" who do this. It just isn't funny. The only time I find excessive cursing funny is when it gets bleeped out. I don't know why but that sound just makes it better. But yeah I agree that it just makes them seem like they have a limited vocabulary.

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I pretty much never swear. Whenever I swear, I just use the first letter followed by "word"(for example, instead of b****, I say b-word). I don't mind swearing as long as it isn't directed at my family,my friends,or me. I got pretty angry when my mother told me that everything I was saying was a load of bull****.

  • Brohoof 1

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It's ok,but I only swear when I'm with close friends that wont get butthurt.If you can control it.Then it's good,but it you swear constantly.It's just stupid.Some swear words arent really that bad.Like "Shut up",or "Stupid".

Something my Commanding officer once told me in the young marines was: "people who use fowl language.Are the ones that lack proper speech."

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I have and incredibly large vocabulary, built up from many years of reading, I have the largest vocabulary of all my friends and I also happen to swear the most. It is a common thought that people who swear do so because they have a small vocabulary, but it is not always the case.


I do have a problem with people swearing in front of young kids, I believe that a perant should be the one to teach their child swear words, so often I will tell my friends off for swearing around children.

  • Brohoof 1

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I have no problem with people swearing(I'm guilty of it), especially creatively. The only time it bugs me is when people abuse the f-word to the point it ceases being a form of expressing emotion and becomes a vocal tic.


Or when the f-word is used in music, but that's more of the word sounding to crude to mesh well with music outside of a novelty song.

  • Brohoof 1



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I've heard them all and I've said them all. From the seven dirty words you can't say on TV to everything in between. I don't have a problem with swearing. Doesn't matter where either. Yell at me all you want but I would be the blithering div to let out a "damn it" in a daycare if I tripped over something. It simply doesn't bother me unless you're using them just for the sake of using them. If you stub your toe that's one thing but to just say it makes it watered down.


Lewis Black has a clip on this: *NOTE: Contains 2 instances of the "s word" being used.


  • Brohoof 1

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