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Assembling a pony RPG Team.


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Alright good :D

That takes some pressure off me thanks, hopefully when bronyponyfanatic comes back on we'll be organising into groups, or at least everyone will know what they're doing :P

Then we can all focus on our individual aspects and perfect our own points of the game :) Will be the best :D


Yeah :D Maybe if we had someway of talking outside the forums (for example skype or ventrillo), and even a dropbox to connect and share files?

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Yeah :D Maybe if we had someway of talking outside the forums (for example skype or ventrillo), and even a dropbox to connect and share files?


Sounds good, we'll have to discuss it when I see him again and we'll hopefully get something sorted. I know he was talking about making a Twitter for the game, what becomes of that I dont know. I just hope there will be more people joining in this team eventually.

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ooh this sounds fun, I would really love to help!


I can do help with concept art or give creative input and criticism or maybe I can help the the organization if no one is already, stuff like when can everybody get together for discussion, Like a coordinator or something rather. Also, skype would be a great alternative to a public forum!

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http://ponydev.proboards.com/ is the new site.


Personally, I don't think Rarity should fight, but maybe she could be that character who finds quests for you to do, or maybe she could be a companion of some sort


My personal idea is to user Rarity as the 'blue magic' or buff magic character. Also, the questing will be very Skyrim like if we can work that out.


I am very good with storyline writing and concept art, I'm also pretty good with using console commands, scripting, and editing features (for example i am very good a using GECK for fallout and programs like that) but i would much prefer being a writer. I have experience writing for plays and animation shorts.


Great! I will add you onto the story team seeing as that is what you prefer and what we need very badly right now.


The things I can do:





Level Design

Enemy Design

NPC Scripts

Boss Battle Scripts


So in general i'm good at designing things so if you need to i'll help out in that area. I'm better at scripting then anything else though :/


When you say scripting do you mean story, dialogue, or RPG Maker scripting?


A quick whip from her scarf, Throwing gems. Finding gems? I dunno she could be like Mage with her magic. Gems could do stuff. Whining! that could do some damage. Pinke would require a lot of randomness yea


I think Whining! should be some sort of stun spell maybe? Which would also reinforce my idea about using Rarity as a Buff/Debuff character. Gems could maybe be like runes in other games? Maybe they can be used to upgrade weapons?


I only had a quick look at the RPG maker program before I left the house, but I think there are the facillities to create unique movesets for each pony.



Here's some basic themes I thought up.


Twilight Sparkle: Magic

AppleJack: Bucking/lasso

Fluttershy: First Aid/cuteness/the stare/animal friends

Pinkie PIe: Parties and Randomness

Rainbow Dash: Fast Flying, taunting


Rarity is quite hard to think of moves for. As fighting is unladylike, her moves could be cameos of other ponies, like dr whooves and derpy.


My idea for RD: Kind of like a dragoon, being able to leap into the air and attack from above. Pure DPS.

AJ: I think AJ should be kind of like a tank. Having most DEF.

Fluttershy: First aid for sure.

Twilight: DPS Magic for sure.

Pinkie: Not sure....

Rarity: Buff/Debuff

Sounds great! :P Don't get too bombarded with ideas and comments. Focus on what you know makes a good game and keep it as basic as possible at first until it's done! That's what the Mane6 DevTeam for Fighting is Magic did, and they've got a great game! I'd love to help with play testing, unfortunately I've not got any skills in making games, I've just read a lot on it. I'm sorta the Twilight Sparkle on it, I know how it all works and how to get the best out of it. Mr Winter Wrap up organiser.


Well you could start off the game like other RPG's do, nice and slow with 1 character only. Starting with Twilight while she's still lonely, she gets sent to Ponyville, meets 1 friend so your team is upgraded to 2. Then step by step with each new character coming you learn more and more how the game works, like after 5 how to switch ponies in and out. I dunno (o_O)/


Ofc have the cliche starting with everypony going to a big celebration of some sort, basically you could start off with the Nightmare moon story. Have her as a slightly quick boss. Learn how to use the EofH special


Then after that you could start on your own story that you've got :D Have I got the right gist of the game or am I completely off tangent?


Keep churning my friend. The story is still clouded. We need to keep making ideas. Not saying yours is bad, but I feel like we need to keep making more and more ideas and bring them together, finding the best parts of each.


Hmm. This might be a fun project. I'm downloading the trial version to check out the program. Can I join up as a writer/mechanics designer(thinking up attacks and items ect.)?


Also, are the class names place holders? They don't really work for me.


I would think it would be better to have things like: Party Animal, Unicorn Wizard, Animal Carer, Fashionista ect.




Finally, one attack that I thought up.


CUTIEMARK CRUSADER CANNON! Pinkie fires the CMC from her party cannon at the enemy.


Your on! And yes the class names where place holders, just to signify which pony they belong to.


It depends on the style of the game, whether we are going to be playing OCs or characters from the Mane 6 I guess.

We could have them as multi-role companions for example, like they could accompany you on quests and even provide you with them, some of them (like Rainbow Dash) may well fight along side your character for a while.

Or perhaps they could even be summoned using a special point system in game or something. As i've said before we're only just starting out here, we can go anywhere and do anything with this. As long as everypony sticks together and keeps faithful to the journey! :)


Just remember Hurricane Fluttershy, what did we learn? Everyone helps :D


They won't be OC's. I want the game to have the mane6 as the manechars. :D And btw, there will be more than just one pony in the party at a time. not like skyrim where you just walk around by yourself (mostly)


Well, I feel kinda dumb xD


At the time of my post I forgot what sprite makers were...


I think I meant concept/map designs, as spriting is not my forte.


Lol! It's ok. Map design would be great.



The sprite workers will be using our designs in their models, we will be making designs for characters, places, landscapes etc.

Basically without the concept art, things aren't going to be anywhere near as good as they could be.

Concept art involves everything, but certain artists are better at drawing certain things. I'll be drawing mainly ponies for example, but I feel I can draw pretty much anything that's needed, even if at only a basic level, I just hope there are people that can draw landscapes/buildings better than I can :P


Well, I see the concept art as exactly that, a concept. I am not going to take spriters or mappers creativity away by saying here is a pic I like, make it a pony. The concept art will be kind of like, hey take this and make it, but see if you can make it even better.


Alright good :D

That takes some pressure off me thanks, hopefully when bronyponyfanatic comes back on we'll be organising into groups, or at least everyone will know what they're doing :P

Then we can all focus on our individual aspects and perfect our own points of the game :) Will be the best :D


Well im on. Lol. organising everything now and working on a website for development.


ooh this sounds fun, I would really love to help!


I can do help with concept art or give creative input and criticism or maybe I can help the the organization if no one is already, stuff like when can everybody get together for discussion, Like a coordinator or something rather. Also, skype would be a great alternative to a public forum!


Work on concept art! And of course we welcome creative input from EVERYPONY!

Edited by Bronyponyfanatic
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Sounds great! :P Don't get too bombarded with ideas and comments. Focus on what you know makes a good game and keep it as basic as possible at first until it's done! That's what the Mane6 DevTeam for Fighting is Magic did, and they've got a great game! I'd love to help with play testing, unfortunately I've not got any skills in making games, I've just read a lot on it. I'm sorta the Twilight Sparkle on it, I know how it all works and how to get the best out of it. Mr Winter Wrap up organiser.


Well you could start off the game like other RPG's do, nice and slow with 1 character only. Starting with Twilight while she's still lonely, she gets sent to Ponyville, meets 1 friend so your team is upgraded to 2. Then step by step with each new character coming you learn more and more how the game works, like after 5 how to switch ponies in and out. I dunno (o_O)/


Ofc have the cliche starting with everypony going to a big celebration of some sort, basically you could start off with the Nightmare moon story. Have her as a slightly quick boss. Learn how to use the EofH special


Then after that you could start on your own story that you've got :D Have I got the right gist of the game or am I completely off tangent?


K first of all this feels very weird and kind of disgusting. Like trying to tickle yourself or making kissing faces at myself. It's just wrong quoting my own post :/ ewwww


Right so you've gotten used to the game and you've beaten your first easy Nightmare moon boss with your first full mane6 team and used your EofH specials and stuff. And there's been no Spike to help you with that boss (Spike could be like your tutorial guide popping up whenever something new comes which you need to learn) You go see Princess Celestia after that, she'll talk you through what's up.


You could either have, everything's fine and the big alien thingy happens the next day. Or you can have that she tells you the Nightmare Moon was just like a decoy or a distraction of the bigger thing happening, or the aliens coming was the cause of Nightmare Moon arriving. So you've got this thingy happening, You obviously meet the big Alien pony boss popping up here telling you his what he's all about (he needs a good entrance, check out how the Nintendo RPG bosses appear at the start).


You battle the big Alien pony who beats you easily. The EofH are scattered around Equestria, you have to find each of the Elements 1 by 1 around the map. Ofc each one having their own bosses and areas whatever. Every time you get an Element you get a new super.


So you've got your own home base as well, the home town of Ponyville, we can feature everyone's favourite secondary ponies here like Dr Whooves and Big Mac etc. Fulfilling the audience's demand for secondary ponies. Have it like normal RPGs some selling stuff some having games ~ whatever. Then have Zecora obv got potions.


Each boss could just be a villain each one time

Dragon (Diamond Dogs if you wanted) - Earn Rarity's EofH

Gilda - Earn RD's

Hydra - Earn AJ's

Iron Will - Earn Flutter's

Discord - Earn Twilight's

Queen Chrysallis - Earn Pinkie's


Please input your own change, these are all just off the top of my head :P


All of the bosses have been awakened by the Aliens. I don't understand this Alien race idea completely could you please explain it a bit more? Is it more Protoss or Zerg like?


Protoss - https://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=939&q=Protoss&oq=Protoss&gs_l=img.3..0l10.777.1746.0.1819.


Zerg - https://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1680&bih=939&q=Protoss&oq=Protoss&gs_l=img.3..0l10.777.1746.0.1819.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=6ce74f3daf78f035&biw=1680&bih=939


I'm thinking Protoss, they'd give a better story line and they look better and are nicer to work with.


Omg This game's going to need some lovely map design! Lots of map planning and designing and look nice-ing. Right, so make it cliche with the main town in the middle and the other places around it.


Well it's midnight now so I'm off! I'm not usually on these forums a lot during weekdays because I'm so busy studying but I'll see what's happening, we'll definitely need some other place to commune. Skype twitter facebook whatever!

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When you say scripting do you mean story, dialogue, or RPG Maker scripting?




Story and Diologue. I don't have RPG maker and don't really need too but yeah.


I usually like to give a rough outline and then make everyone pitch in.

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Right, I see I missed a point, but it's no biggie, the bosses have been disturbed by Vinyl's awesome wubs not the aliens. Yea so the princess would obviously announce it the same day.

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everyone join the forums. ponydev.proboards.com




Story and Diologue. I don't have RPG maker and don't really need too but yeah.


I usually like to give a rough outline and then make everyone pitch in.


Story and Diologue. I don't have RPG maker and don't really need too but yeah.


I usually like to give a rough outline and then make everyone pitch in.


That is where we will start pitching ideas and posting things. More organised for us. BTW im working on it as we speak so there are few catagories.

Right, I see I missed a point, but it's no biggie, the bosses have been disturbed by Vinyl's awesome wubs not the aliens. Yea so the princess would obviously announce it the same day.


Hello Everypony!


I just got a status update on the story.


I have decided:


The game title is


My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Tales of Equestria


But. The game will not be traditional. Instead of one really really big rpg that would take forever to culminate (who knows if bronies will rise or decline by the time the whole game is done) we will instead have the story of rescuing the mane 6 from discords evil mind control. This would consist of a lengthy time getting to each pony. And each time you rescue a pony, you get a certain unlock. The unlocks would be,


RD - Flight

AJ - Increasd Strength

Rarity - ?

Twilight - Increased magic

Pinkie Pie - ?

Fluttershy - ?


You have the ability to rescue them in any order you wish.

Aftering rescuing all of the ponies, the game is over.




This is where it becomes untraditional. This is only Episode 1 & 2.


We will release additional Episodes as time goes on, which devolpment continuing as soon as ep 1 and 2 release.


EDIT: The enemies will grow with your level.


Read more:http://ponydev.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=general&thread=10&page=1#ixzz28g5e56Xj

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If this is going to be a legit process and get developed as such, I am comPLETELY on-board for music. Some good practice with Reason and FL Studio is in order, I guess. And I can do acoustic if we need it because I have a really good setup for that.


Electronic or acoustic, either way I'll help out as much as I can.

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Hi. I would like to help if you need any writing or story developement.


I've been a screenwriter for several years and I'm currently working on a graphic novel series that is due summer 2013.


My company is also looking to get into game developement.


If you need any help organizing anything either, I've lead many projects from start to finish, and would love to help.

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Since I don't know any advanced, technology stuff, I would like to voice Fluttershy if you would be adding audio to the characters. Maybe also a screenwriter, but considering I procrastinate, I dunno... :P

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Since I don't know any advanced, technology stuff, I would like to voice Fluttershy if you would be adding audio to the characters. Maybe also a screenwriter, but considering I procrastinate, I dunno... :P


I think voice may be a bit... Tedious for this game... Who knows down the line.


Hi. I would like to help if you need any writing or story developement.


I've been a screenwriter for several years and I'm currently working on a graphic novel series that is due summer 2013.


My company is also looking to get into game developement.


If you need any help organizing anything either, I've lead many projects from start to finish, and would love to help.


GREAT! We really need some talented writers and if your company is looking into game development, then maybe we are fit for each other! :D


If this is going to be a legit process and get developed as such, I am comPLETELY on-board for music. Some good practice with Reason and FL Studio is in order, I guess. And I can do acoustic if we need it because I have a really good setup for that.


Electronic or acoustic, either way I'll help out as much as I can.


Yes sir! Very legit. Working very hard on it.







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Since I don't know any advanced, technology stuff, I would like to voice Fluttershy if you would be adding audio to the characters. Maybe also a screenwriter, but considering I procrastinate, I dunno... :P


Sound FX would be useful. Lets say when Fluttershy is in battle when she issues an action. Your Voice Acting skills could come in there.
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I can help with gameplay mechanics, I've worked on several games from a mechanics standpoint (none that ever got off the ground, sadly). Also, story concepts, universe building, stuff like that.


I'm not familiar RPG Maker, but if it's anything like Game Maker, I can help with code.

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Thanks for the interest everypony! Would you believe if I told you Feld0 himself wants to provide us with free site hosting?


He notified me that he has great interest in our game, and that apparently proboards will take all respondibility for it and even sell off the idea... So we gotta move again (sorry guys).


But this is where it gets REALLY good!


He is offering us free web hosting for our project.

He said we just have to credit MLPForums for the site.

Well I told him not only will we credit him for the site, but also for the birthplace of ToE.

I also suggested that we should become sister sites, and added into the extranet.


My excitement is off the charts!!


I will post another announcement as soon as Feld0 responds.

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If you are still looking for people to help you out with the game, I would be more than happy to. I have (some) experience in coding, making sprites and such. Im also pretty good at drawing.


I could atleast help out people with the coding and drawing some background stuff.

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This is something I have wanted to do for a while, but never had a team to do. I have a copy of RPG maker XP, Im nto sure which you are using, so I dont know if I can help. But I will suggest you find tilesets as well and everything to make it nice. If you need any help testing or scripting, or just designing maps, let me know! :lol:

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thanks everypony! when Feld0 gets our site up, I will post everyones positions along with choosing mods and distributing screenshots.


BTW This is with RPG Maker VX Ace


I don't know if RPGMaker has embedding abilities, but wouldn't that be cool as frik if we could embed the game in the site? Where anypony just went to that part of the sight to play?

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yeah i know... I wish it were possible to export it to mac and even android and such.. Unfortunately i have no idea how to use gamemaker and thats the only one i know that can export to apple and android stores... and html too i think. Not to mention how expensive it is.

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yeah i know... I wish it were possible to export it to mac and even android and such.. Unfortunately i have no idea how to use gamemaker and thats the only one i know that can export to apple and android stores... and html too i think. Not to mention how expensive it is.


That's why if we wait and get all these sprites and art and stuff, I could possibly have a JAVA engine ready, because JAVA runs on virtually everything :D

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I'm pretty much excited and can't wait for this to start.


I'm planning out the NPC scripts right now. :D


Meh, I'm doing about 10-NPC's per town. Not counting main-character ponies. Is that OK with you guys?

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How in the world can sound travel through space to another planet? I have a hunch that you might wanna have some more careful planning to avoid having a cliché story line full of logical holes. If you wanna make history, a bland story is something you probably want to avoid.

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How in the world can sound travel through space to another planet? I have a hunch that you might wanna have some more careful planning to avoid having a cliché story line full of logical holes. If you wanna make history, a bland story is something you probably want to avoid.


you also havent looked at everything else we have discussed on the other forum i created... The story is completely different now. And also guess what... It's all cartoon logic..

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