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Why girls dress like that if they don't want to be seen by others.

Motion Spark

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Well Motion Spark, my best friend in the world, I have only this to say.


I have no idea how women work. I will probably never understand even if I am to become a woman. I got really lucky once with my late wife but after that I have a hard time making romantic relationships. Friendly relationships are also difficult. I am apparently terrifying looking but they seem to like my accent. One woman told me to shave my beard off if I wanted to be in a relationship with her. I obviously ditched that chick. Just a month ago I was slapped by a woman who thought I was staring at her breasts. It wasn't my fault, they were rather large and she was wearing a tube top....in Alaska. I usually don't let appearances bother me. I don't care how big your breasts or butt is. I only care about personality. As I said, I got lucky with my late wife. She was gorgeous...now I'm going to smoke my pipe and think about my past.


that's quite funny if you ask me :P

the girl with the tube top, is rather dumb, who wears a tube top in Alaska? I'm assuming that it was really cold tho. But as long as you wasn't trying to bury your face in them, you didn't deserve that slap, it's her fault for wearing that XD ...that's the mainly the reason why I made this topic.

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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that's quite funny if you ask me :P

the girl with the tube top, is rather dumb, who wears a tube top in Alaska? I'm assuming that it was really cold tho. But as long as you wasn't trying to bury your face in them, you didn't deserve that slap, it's her fault for wearing that XD ...that's the mainly the reason why I made this topic.


Yeah she slapped me hard. I wasn't even staring I glanced at her because I thought "It's like 40 something degrees why are you wearing that." Then she called me a pig and slapped me. I apologized but she proceeded to say I was a dirty foreigner. Good thing the bartender knows me very well. That could've gotten bad.



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Yeah she slapped me hard. I wasn't even staring I glanced at her because I thought "It's like 40 something degrees why are you wearing that." Then she called me a pig and slapped me. I apologized but she proceeded to say I was a dirty foreigner. Good thing the bartender knows me very well. That could've gotten bad.


I'm sure that your appearance has a lot to do with it. But that girl was an idiot, I repeat, why she would wear that with such cold weather, she obviously wanted to be seen, then why she complains! D: AHHHHRGH!


fuk logic dude! really!

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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fuk logic dude! really!

Well, to play Devil's Advocate, maybe she's a masochist/dominitrix? So she likes to be cold (for the pain) and she likes to dish out pain? I mean, we must consider every aspect.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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fuk logic dude! really!


Let me correct that. "Fuk women's logic"


That's better :)


I guess I just terrify people a lot. Way to judge a book by its rugged manly bearded scarred cover. She was thrown out of the bar after she slapped me and I got free drinks the rest of the night.

  • Brohoof 1



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Well, to play Devil's Advocate, maybe she's a masochist/dominitrix? So she likes to be cold (for the pain) and she likes to dish out pain? I mean, we must consider every aspect.

that's a tad too far bro...kinda out of the reality

...but playing your game, if she was a dominatrix she would be even more dumb for slapping my comrade because she's a slut.


but I remember that I asked you this and never answered :P ANSWER! DO IT FILLY!

hahaha!! very true, but how would you feel if a shameless girl would stare at your package? lol the reaction from men would be much more different XD

Let me correct that. "Fuk women's logic"


That's better :)


I guess I just terrify people a lot. Way to judge a book by its rugged manly bearded scarred cover. She was thrown out of the bar after she slapped me and I got free drinks the rest of the night.


that's right comrade! but I do not think all women are the same.


Well I have Sugarcube who has a valid point on her views and your expience with this woman is also very interesting as well :)

...good thing that she got thrown out of the bar comrade! >:}

  • Brohoof 1


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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that's right comrade! but I do not think all women are the same.

...good thing that she got thrown out of the bar comrade! >:}


Of course not all women are the same. I've met respectable women tons of times. I respect them and they respect me, but this one crossed the line. Nothing better than free drinks all night because of a dumb tramp.

  • Brohoof 1



Created by the fabulous Gone ϟ Airbourne

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Well, I guess if a Domanitrix slaps everyone in the whole town, I guess she's a slap-slut.


I would be flattered, I guess. I don't even know how to respond. I mean, I'd want her to eventually take her eyes off. It'd feel I'm talking to a wall if I didn't see her eyes. But I wouldn't "Ah-hem" or anything.

  • Brohoof 1


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Well, I guess if a Domanitrix slaps everyone in the whole town, I guess she's a slap-slut.


I would be flattered, I guess. I don't even know how to respond. I mean, I'd want her to eventually take her eyes off. It'd feel I'm talking to a wall if I didn't see her eyes. But I wouldn't "Ah-hem" or anything.


was that a pun? :P


I can guarantee you, no man would cover up, or move their legs on purpose because he felt offended or anything, haha ...in this case everything has to be so different, but if the girl gets caught it would be really embarrasing for her because girls "don't" look.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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Excuse me, but "fuck women's logic" implies that women are different or use a seperate logic processe than men do, well we don't.


I think.in the same manner a man does, me being a woman doesn't make me process the world any different in my actual logic orocess, the conclusion I reach though is different though not because I as a woman am inherently different but because of the gender I was socalized to have by my enviroment and society.


Also fun fact, there is a culture (can't remember where, too lazy to go get textbook right now to cite reference"). Where men are expected to wear jewlwrry and make themseleves attractive to women by wearing nice fabrics and such.


Also running on three and a half hours sleep Weeee


Also.dominatrixs don't go around slapping people for fun, most people.in. the bdsm.community keep.their roles quiet in public. Just because someone is into kink doesn't mean they are unable to control themselves and they let it bleed out everywhere in their life. This woman was just a rude ignorant Ho ho who probably just likes to do stuff like that for attention or she just has the iq of a mouse on crack

Edited by Sugarcube
  • Brohoof 3

I may have been born yesterday sir, but I stayed up all night - El-P

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Excuse me, but "fuck women's logic" implies that women are different or use a seperate logic processe than men do, well we don't.

It's a joke. People joke about stuff like that. They just talk about that certain women's logic and generalize her as all women for comedy.


Don't really get your second paragraph.


Also fun fact, there is a culture (can't remember where, too lazy to go get textbook right now to cite reference"). Where men are expected to wear jewlwrry and make themseleves attractive to women by wearing nice fabrics and such.

In much of the Animal Kingdom, the male advertises himself to the female, often sacrificing survival for the chance to mate.


And I know that dominatrixes don't go around slapping people. It was a joke. I thought I was sarcastic enough when I said that. :/

  • Brohoof 2


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Sorry Bronium, *offers muffin and hugs* also cool username


I am.running.on very little sleep, I had to pull an all nighter to finish a paper for a gender communications class so A) riding on the sleep deprivation train and (B). Still in critically analyzing society mode because of paper.


Also I get my feathers ruffled at the idea of "women's logic". I have heard that term used waaayy too often in my small rural home town as a way to imply women are lesser, lack intelligence, and are inherently different, so when not in the right thinking mode I forget most people aren't using it to mean those things, that it is just a joke.


*goes to make morning tea for alloted caffeine intake of the day*

Edited by Sugarcube

I may have been born yesterday sir, but I stayed up all night - El-P

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Maybe if you stop acting like a perv and start looking at people that want to be looked at there, you wouldn't run into as many problems.

This is a signature.

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Maybe if you stop acting like a perv and start looking at people that want to be looked at there, you wouldn't run into as many problems.


Dude, let's be perfectly honest here.


If a woman is wearing a small top with larger breasts, it is near impossible not to notice it.

It's like if someone wears neon colors, it is impossible not to spot them in a crowd.


It does not make us perverts. It means the woman likes to show off.


Now, there are the type of guys who stare just to stare.


But I don't even mean to. Breasts are really like... out there, so to speak. Hard not to notice them.

  • Brohoof 1


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Maybe if you stop acting like a perv and start looking at people that want to be looked at there, you wouldn't run into as many problems.


Yes. This is the first question I ask every person I see. "Excuse me, but I notice that you are attractive, would it be alright if I looked in your direction?"


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  • Brohoof 1


On 8/23/2012 at 1:54 AM, Djenty said:


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*stares at every girl in the thread* :D



That was fun. But seriously...I'm guessing it's a clash between subconscious hormonal impulses (wearing provocative clothes) and a conscious sense of dignity or whatever (being insulted or disturbed when you stare). But really I have no idea. ^_^ Does it count as hypocrisy if they don't realize they're doing it? Hard to say. And of course it's all a matter of degree. I like women who leave something to the imagination.

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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Perhaps I'm extremely weird. I never take the time to notice what people are wearing, either male or female. A girl's assets, both sexual and non, are meaningless to me.


This is good, in a way, because I can never be taken as a pervert, but also bad, as I never notice whenever girls dress up/look nice.


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My cuzzie has been getting a lot of enjoyment out of my.. dressing up.. which is resulted in the purchase and wearing of a size 4 denim skirt.


It feels good, looks good.. if you like showing off your silky smooth legs. :P


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Motion Spark, I understand your dillema, but you should simply accept it and move on without trying to understand it. This isn't the only kind of behavior or reasoning they sometimes employ that'll leave you scratching your head. Best if you make a habit of just accepting these things.



I have no idea how women work. I will probably never understand even if I am to become a woman.

Only one way to know. Sounds to me like you need to schedule an operation.


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@@Sugarcube, hahaha sugarcube, don't worry. "woman's logic" is completely untrue but it's irritating how some women behave, ex. the woman of the bar. I also believe that women are smarter than men, and there are many studies that prove that and I'm a male, that says a lot! :lol: And they can do more things than men at the same time! I also believe that.


Maybe if you stop acting like a perv and start looking at people that want to be looked at there, you wouldn't run into as many problems.


I don't know if you're talking about Dimitri or what, but what you say doesn't make sense. Just like Crona said, if you wear neon colors is impossible not to notice it in a crowd, hey if the girl doesn't want to be looked there, she should cover her boobs, her ass or her legs first.


Motion Spark, I understand your dillema, but you should simply accept it and move on without trying to understand it. This isn't the only kind of behavior or reasoning they sometimes employ that'll leave you scratching your head. Best if you make a habit of just accepting these things.

haha true. But like I said, it breaks my concentration and sometimes I feel offended when they cover up because they thought that I was looking.


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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@Sugarcube, hahaha sugarcube, don't worry. "woman's logic" is completely untrue but it's irritating how some women behave, ex. the woman of the bar. I also believe that women are smarter than men, and there are many studies that prove that and I'm a male, that says a lot! And they can do more things than men at the same time! I also believe that.

You should have they're smarter on average, as compared to men (generalizations never good). And even then, we are smarter in subjects that relate to academia, as in being a professor, I think. I read a study about that somewhere.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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Women are confusing thus us men shall never understand their ways... Women will never understand men.. But you are right it is really stupid when you think about. I mean really dress like you want attention but then they get mad when they are the ones who brought it upon themselves :/ *facepalm*

  • Brohoof 1



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You should have they're smarter on average, as compared to men (generalizations never good). And even then, we are smarter in subjects that relate to academia, as in being a professor, I think. I read a study about that somewhere.


the fact that women are smarter than men it's because (generaly speaking) they can multitask, this is a true talent of them and I agree completely, but both genders are academically capable


Women are confusing thus us men shall never understand their ways... Women will never understand men.. But you are right it is really stupid when you think about. I mean really dress like you want attention but then they get mad when they are the ones who brought it upon themselves :/ *facepalm*


*facehoof* you couldn't be more right XD ...but we have Sugarcube experience as an exception, she only dresses for her boyfriend, which is valid, then how she can get rid of the unwanted attention? :P


My OC's: Motion Spark || Beat Spark || Rosebelle

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Picture if I, a super hairy tall man, decided to wear a banana hammock and a tight tank top to a bar. Is it okay to stare at me then? :P

Edited by Comrade-Dimitri-Hammer
  • Brohoof 1



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the fact that women are smarter than men it's because (generaly speaking) they can multitask, this is a true talent of them and I agree completely, but both genders are academically capable

Again, smarter is certain aspects. And if you don't mind me asking, but are we going off topic? Because if we are, I kindly ask you to be the honorable gentlemen and not reply. I'm too weak to even attempt such a feat.


This one is a tad less creepy. Wouldn't you agree?

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