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movies/tv Media stuff you don't keep up with


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I'm sort of interested to see if you guys are the same as me, because there's a lot of media stuff I'm totally not up to speed on. One thing is the news. I never read it at home, not even online. Strangely, if I see a free newspaper lying around at work or a friend's house, I'll take a look, but clicking a mouse is too much work for me. xD Having a journalism degree, I of all people should be good at keeping up with current events, but I just don't want to.


Another thing is video games. Even when I was engaged with gaming I was always about five years behind the curve in both systems and titles, and since I abruptly stopped buying anything after the PlayStation 2, I'm totally behind. Never played Grand Theft Auto, never played Call of Duty, never played Elder Scrolls...which I'm totally fine with. I didn't want to buy any of the current systems for various reasons (money being one common factor), and the 7th gen had so much great stuff that I didn't see any practical way to improve on it.


Music, TV and movies, same story. I have never heard a Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber song, or if I did I was completely unaware of it. I don't care about 99% of current shows, My Little Pony being the obvious exception. And I go to the theater about as often as I do my tax forms. :P


So what stuff do you not follow?

  • Brohoof 4

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I follow whatever I want to follow. I mostly look for videogame and MLP news on the internet, and if there's anything else in other forms of entertainment I want to find out about, chances are I will- I get my Rock music and news from the radio for instance, I care not too much for other genres so I don't keep up with them. I never really go to the movies though- the last thing I saw at a theater was The Dark Knight Rises, for instance.

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I understand where you are coming from. There are alot of stuff out there that I could careless about. With the Call of Duty games... I loved the first Modern Warfare & World at War but after those two games I got sick of the same game being put out after those too. The newer generation games to me lack orginality... well some games do. Halo (4), Cod (I lost count), All of the (zombie games), and etc.


I also i have never watched a episode of american idol ~ I rarely watch tv anymore for that matter! Discovery channel, History channel, and other stuff. I am also sick of reality tvs shows too!

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I dont watch reality shows anymore although i do watch some of the old one from like the early 2000's because i liked them. For some reason i like watching documentaries now maybe its because i like i shows you actually learn from like MLP for instance.

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I don't know if this is uncommon, but I've never kept up with MLP episodes. I remember watching up to the latest season 2 episode (I think it was episode 14 or 15) that was posted on Youtube, but I never bothered to look again until several weeks later. The same thing will probably happen with season 3: I'll watch an episode here and there, and a few months down the line I'll check back on Youtube and see that, to my delight, there are 5 or 6 episodes that I haven't seen.


I think I would drive myself crazy waiting for each new MLP episode to come out (and likely feel disappointed from hype), so I play it cool and occupy myself with other things. There are a number of episodes I've only seen once, so there's still potential entertainment for me with the first two seasons. :)

Edited by StingeMuffin
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I have little idea about US politics and little care. I know the big hitters and knew who Romney was, but I have friends on Facebook who continually talk about more minor politicians or commentators and I have no idea who they are.


I don't know much about phones. I did own one with a camera once. But now I have simple phone and text only phone. I have no idea what an app is yet alone how you would use one.


I know bugger all about superheroes, unless someone has coerced me into watching a film or series - in these cases, I thought Avengers was crap, Green Lantern was good and Arrow very good.


If I have ever heard a Justin Bieber snog it has escaped my notice, and I had no idea who Adele was until she released the theme to Skyfall.

Edited by Lupus
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Starting with what I prioritize most, Video Games. I am further behind than most people here, having only played on a system newer than a SNES at friends' houses and the like. I love the older games- I just find they have more depth than the endless sequels that they're pushing out at us now...


Next off, I'd like to think that I follow the news, but it really depends on your perspective. I follow US politics when I can, but I don't even live there. Old habits die hard, I guess? I really don't follow any sort of happenings in Germany though, besides maybe skimming through a newspaper from time to time.


Movies: I used to go to the cinema every few weeks or so when I still lived in the US. Back then, it was only 3 blocks away, and the movies didn't have terrible translations. Now, though, the nearest movie theater is 3 towns away, about 15k, and I get all the terrible translations into german. Why can't they just show some films in english? It's not as if most people won't understand, after all...


Music: Nope. I follow modern music about as much as a 3-year old. I'm an avid musician, but my tastes are more towards jazz, nearly nothing from the past 40 years or so :P

However, that aforementioned 'nearly' doesn't apply to a select few musicians, who happen to be pretty obscure- for example, DJ Omnimaga. Ever heard of him? I thought not...


Final category: Justin Bieber. Not under music, sorry. I can sing better than him, and that's saying something. I don't follow him, though, except for stuff like thrown water bottles :lol:

Edited by Rhain the Semi-Combustible
  • Brohoof 2

~Rhain the Semi-Combustible, AKA turiq or turqulis

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Ooh, I definitely like bragging about how selective I am about following the media, and not being a gossip nerd who just needs to get into everything!


Things I will probably never get into:

1.Call of Duty (I don't have the time to be playing video games, I just finished my sister's copy of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and that's it), or just about any competitive combat game.


3.Homestuck. I don't get it. It is like, supposed to be a webcomic that parodies point-and-click stuck-in-a-room Flash games, but eventually becomes this vast storyline, but it is not chopped up cleanly into digestible pieces. How many hour to you have to read and watch it until you get to the part where the troll characters with the greyskin and yellow eyes and horns appear?


4.Fanfiction: It would be more productive to create your own characters, and unleash your own imagination.


5., 6., and 7.Doctor Who,

Star Trek,

Superhero comics, anything that requires a big personal investment to get into the storyline.


8.Anything on primetime TV, screw network television and their stupid shows. Screw the cliche "mature" cutting-edge high-concept, high-flavor dramas and programming on HBO, Showtime, Cinemax. I also haven't the time for anything else on TV, except for My Little Ponies, but they can be easily watched a little bit at a time, and their stories are encouraging in life!


This is part of the reason I feel uneasy whenever I see that there are options to buy really fast Internet that can download or stream a whole GigaByte in under an hour, or several-hundred gig harddrives. Unless you are running some sort of business or create art for a living, the only thing ordinary folk would use that much space on a computer or a game console for is for storing a crapton of movies and games, making them couch potatoes whose heads are always magnetized to a screen display.


9.I gave up reading One Piece after the Alabasta Arc ended. My favorite manga are all ones with storylines that are designed to eventually have an ending without dragging on.

Edited by GuillermoGage
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I follow a lot of Canadian politics. I have a news aggregator hooked up to the CBC to get feeds for politics as soon as it arrives. Sometimes, the stories are a little bias and I look at different sources to weed it out. I also have world news stories pouring into my aggregator as well, but they are typically quite depressing. I do read them, but sometimes I just wish a happy story would appear.


I refuse to follow "entertainment news". I took a journalism course for a year before I dropped it when I realized it wasnt for me. In my opinion, entertainment news should be called "pointless gossip about rich people" and be banished to a far-off tabloid where it belongs!


fhew... anyways...


I also don't watch any tv besides my little pony and the ocassional documentary or political debate. All my news reading I do online to ensure minimized bias and to compare different angles. But yes, the fact that my little pony is the only entertainment show I watch on tv still astounds me when I think about it.

Edited by Celtore
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I don't follow the popular music charts for good reasons. One, most of the stuff on their are overly sexualized, and two all of it sounds the same. Also I don't follow tv programs other then MLP because I just can't get into things I have to follow closely.

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Pretty much everything except for video games.


I don't keep up with almost any news, I don't keep up with anything like mainstream pop stars like Bruno Mars or Chris Brown or any of that shit stuff. I don't really keep tabs on anything going on in the world unless it's damn important.


Video games on the other hand, I am always on top of. I know what games are coming out when at all times. ;)

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It has been approximately six years since I've really watched any TV. Consequently, I don't hear about much of anything until it's old news. Everything I know comes from the internet, and some things just don't make their way to the places where I hang out online.


My taste in music is eclectic. I enjoy a variety of jazz, classical, chamber music, and opra, but I also enjoy certain types of metal, industrial, EDM, and yes, a little bit of dubstep. However, I don't listen to much radio and the only time I discover anything new is during a clickfest on Youtube or at the recommendation of others.


Gaming got to be a bit dull to me some years ago. Either everything new looked like something I had played countless times or just didn't appeal to my tastes. That all started to change near the end of 2010 and I found myself re-entering the gaming scene, though I'm still a bit behind everyone else.


I don't know what's on TV today, but I figure if there's anything new worth watching word will spread all over the internet, making it's way to me eventually. You know, like MLP did. I'm keeping an ear open but not actively searching for anything.


Who knows how many awesome movies I may have missed. I don't hear much movie talk.


Having a journalism degree, I of all people should be good at keeping up with current events, but I just don't want to.

Having an electronics engineering degree and having worked as a systems administrator for many years, you would think the thought of working on somebody else's computer wouldn't leave me so exasperated and that I wouldn't put off fixing my own stuff as much as I do.


Since I became a much more cheerful guy this year I don't mind helping other people get their stuff fixed anymore, though I still tend to ignore my own broken stuff until the moment it's needed for something.


I don't know if this is uncommon, but I've never kept up with MLP episodes. I remember watching up to the latest season 2 episode (I think it was episode 14 or 15) that was posted on Youtube, but I never bothered to look again until several weeks later. The same thing will probably happen with season 3: I'll watch an episode here and there, and a few months down the line I'll check back on Youtube and see that, to my delight, there are 5 or 6 episodes that I haven't seen.


I think I would drive myself crazy waiting for each new MLP episode to come out (and likely feel disappointed from hype), so I play it cool and occupy myself with other things.

Waiting for each new episode makes me fidgety but I do it anyway. I would likely be better off if I didn't watch it for a while and had myself a little marathon. Can't bring myself to do it though.

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I don't really follow a lot of reality TV that everyone seems to obsess over, including stuff like X Factor, [insert country]'s Got Talent and those sort of shows. I also don't really keep up with these Soap shows people rave on about, it's just not really my kind of thing.


I used to be a pretty avid gamer until the 360 and PS3 came out. I got my XBox 360 and carried on playing games for PC for a while, but found that very few of any of the new games really appealed to me. They just didn't have the same addictive quality to me as the PS2 games. I used to really enjoy RTS games, but found that a lot of the new ones were getting a bit too over-the-top for my taste. I actually really enjoyed how a lot of the old RTS games (especially the 90's ones) left room for the imagination... partly because of the poor graphics. xD

There have been a few exceptions though, I really enjoyed Portal and Gears of War.


Actually, the fact that I don't game much anymore can be frustrating at times. Video games seem to be A LOT more popular then the were when I was a gamer, and a lot of my friends at uni as well the pony fandom in general seem to be big on games.

Maybe one day I'll get back into it. :3

Edited by Hansel
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I don't really keep up with today's modern music. I usually just listen to "blast to the past" radio stations or just download classic oldies from the internet via Youtube-MP3 converter. At least I'm tech-savvy when it comes to that sort of stuff lol.


I also didn't really get into this gaming generation. I own a PS3 and Wii, but I only have 5 games for the Wii and I barely play with my PS3 anymore (last game I played was Final Fantasy XIII, I think). I usually play my N64, PS1, and SNES a hell of a lot more just because I like revisiting the games of old that made me get interested into the medium in the first place.

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I watch the news every morning and every evening, so I keep up-to-date on national and world events. If a newspaper is within reach and I have a spare forty-five seconds, I'll read the front page. I used to stay up-to-date on video games and movies, but not so much anymore now that I have other, more diverse interests.


I never keep up on music or celebrity gossip, though. It just seems so pointless to worship the person who wrote the song I'm listening to. I don't see many authors with 25,000,000 fans on Facebook, but CELESTIA FORBID the next "big" up-and-coming rapper doesn't have that number of loyal dogs.

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 2 weeks later...

I rarely watch TV these days. It's so filled with empty, unthinking crap that I've decided that it's honestly not worth my time. I also hardly buy newspapers (though I do occasionally when a significant event has occurred).


I also hardly listen to music radio (it's occasionally on at places while I'm out, so...). I discover music via the web.

Edited by Sparklesbright
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I'm very selective in what I keep up with. There are aspects of news that I'm interested in, and then there are others in which I couldn't tell you what in the world is going on right now.


It's very much the same for music. I pretty much live in a bubble there. It's not that I'm closed-minded to new music, I just don't really listen for it. I wouldn't be able to tell you who any of the modern music stars are (at least within the last 8 or so years - back in middle school I used to listen to it) - for example I did not know who Justin Bieber was until the internet hatedom over him formed.


Again, it's not that I'm closed-minded (a modern band - Streetlight Manifesto - is in my top five bands) it's just that I don't listen to it. I listen to radio stations that play music only from the 80s and before. Most of the modern day stations where I live shifted towards dance music or country pop and those just aren't for me, so I really don't know much about modern day rock.

  • Brohoof 1

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I don't follow movies or music all that much. I love music but I just don't keep up with it at all. The only place I get any inkling on recent music is in Crispy's Metal Thread. The radio station I listen to plays mostly older stuff so no new music to be had there. The radio station I did listen to for new music got shut down like eight months ago.

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