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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your religion?

    • Catholic
    • Orthodox
    • Protestant
    • Lutheran
    • Anglican
    • Methodist
    • Baptists
    • Unitarian/ Universalist
    • Christian (other, or general)
    • Islam
    • Hindu
    • Buddhist
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Satanist
    • Reform
    • Judaism (other, or general)
    • Equestreism (or don't care)
    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
    • Wicca (added at request)
    • Jehovah's Witness (added at request)
    • Spiritual (added at request)
    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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Thanks! I've lost count of how many people I've told that, only for them to reply with "you're going to hell" or "that's not your god who's listening, its satan" or "that's a false god, he's evil!" To be fair, not all Christians act like this, just a few, but I still find it hypocritical that they try to force they're beliefs onto people through the threat of "damnation" you know what I mean? Also, do you have a belief? Or are you just a very tolerant Christian?


I'm a Bahá'í. Converted from Protestant Christianity this year. It was a long, gradual conversion process as I needed to study many religious texts. Bahá'ís believe that there is one God, and that He has sent many messengers throughout the world's history. These "manifestation of God" were Zoroaster, Abraham, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and most recently, Bahá'u'lláh. There may have been others, but they were not so well documented. Basically, the Bahá'í Faith connects the dots between these religions surprisingly well. Other faiths are not seen as enemies, but rather a part of God's great plan for humanity's well-being. Another important principle is that science and religion must agree. Religion without science is superstition. Science without religion is materialism.

Edited by MontagnaMagica

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"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens" -Bahá'u'lláh

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I'm a Bahá'í. Converted from Protestant Christianity this year. It was a long, gradual conversion process as I needed to study many religious texts. Bahá'ís believe that there is one God, and that He has sent many messengers throughout the world's history. These "manifestation of God" were Zoroaster, Abraham, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad, and most recently, Bahá'u'lláh. There may have been others, but they were not so well documented. Basically, the Bahá'í Faith connects the dots between these religions surprisingly well. Others faiths are not seen as enemies, but rather a part of God's great plan for humanity's well-being. Another important principle is that science and religion must agree. Religion without science is superstition. Science without religion is materialism.

Interesting, that sounds like a very understanding and tolerant belief, its very accepting to every other religion, while still believing in god, that's a very rare combonation indeed, and for that, I respect it. :3

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I think all religion is wrong and most of The Bible is evil along with most other holy books but, even if they were all good like people who haven't actually read them (or blatantly ignore everything that sounds bad) think they are, it wouldn't do anything to prove the existence of a god and making people have to go by faith rather than real evidence is the stupidest most laughable thing a god could do. So, I'm an atheist and even if we got proof of a creator I'd only be a deist unless we somehow got evidence that it's the god of whatever religion and then I guess I'd have to accept it. As of now, there's no reason to believe and if God wants to burn me in Hell for critically thinking he's not the kind of god I'd want to worship anyway.


I'd love to worship Celestia, Luna, or Pinkie if there was proof of them, though. :lol:

Edited by Grumpy Enchantress
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I don't have one, and truth be told I don't see how anyone could. If there is a "God" why don't he/she help those who really need it? why make so many ponies suffer. Needless suffering... if there is a "God" then something is wrong with them...


"Does not matter what they say, my sweet love! I love you! and always will." 

~Princess Luna

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I don't have one, and truth be told I don't see how anyone could. If there is a "God" why don't he/she help those who really need it? why make so many ponies suffer. Needless suffering... if there is a "God" then something is wrong with them...

I would suggest reading The Problem of Pain by C.S. Lewis as this book goes over the very issue of why he allows his children to experiance pain, why there is so much evil allowed to exist.

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My religion is Hinduism, and it is the oldest surviving religion in the world. I choose to be a Hindu because it was the religion of my ancestors. What I love about Hinduism is that it is based on various philosophies instead of rigid, fundamentalist beliefs.

Edited by LED Dasher
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  • 1 month later...

Take note of something. Notice how prophets haven't roamed the streets in thousands of years? "Miracles from God" such as walking on water and bringing the dead back to life amazingly don't happen anymore? Notice that a new, major religion hasn't popped up since Mormonism (that was in the 1800s) and before that was Islam around the year 600?


The way I see it, the Bible, the Quran, the Book of Mormon...all just stories & wishful thinking. The reason we don't see prophets anymore is because people know better. No one can go around claiming to have walked on water anymore because we can actually verify if people are telling the truth or not. It was much harder to verify anything thousands of years ago. On top of that science was incredibly primitive compared to what we have now and the world wasn't understood to much of an extent. People believed anything that was told to them.


Why are we supposed to be so incredibly compelled to believe in one of these books written by primitive men with most of it being unverifiable? Why should I believe the Bible but not the Quran? Why the Book of Mormon but not the Vedas?


Imagine being stranded on an Island with no prior knowledge of any religion. A Bible, Book of Mormon, and Quran all wash up on shore. Which are you to believe? Without any evidence to back them up, these are all myths until proven otherwise. Certainly an all loving God would understand not knowing which of these books (all supposedly written by him) is the truth (if any)?


Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with religious people. If you're religious then fine. I always have an open mind and I study religion often (I've read most of the Bible and I've read the entire Book of Mormon and Quran) so I'm not opposed to the idea but for now I'm skeptical

Edited by Rivendare
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I am a solitary witch/pagan/wiccan, I USED to be a Christian, I've been in and out of many different 'denominations' (mostly Baptist, Pentacostal, Jehovah's Witnesses) and while I admit there are some really nice Christians, I find that a lot of Christians can be extremely close minded and judgmental. Now I'm not hating on Christianity or Christians, as I said there are some really nice Christians out there, but I've dealt with shit from most denominations, so I decided a different path of life. I have found that Wicca/Paganism/Witchcraft is much more suited for me, and I have always found that Wiccans are generally nicer people, non judgmental and very open minded. When I didn't feel welcome in the churches when I was a Christian, I have always felt welcome within my Wicca/Pagan/Witchcraft circles.


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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I am a solitary witch/pagan/wiccan, I USED to be a Christian, I've been in and out of many different 'denominations' (mostly Baptist, Pentacostal, Jehovah's Witnesses) and while I admit there are some really nice Christians, I find that a lot of Christians can be extremely close minded and judgmental. Now I'm not hating on Christianity or Christians, as I said there are some really nice Christians out there, but I've dealt with shit from most denominations, so I decided a different path of life. I have found that Wicca/Paganism/Witchcraft is much more suited for me, and I have always found that Wiccans are generally nicer people, non judgmental and very open minded. When I didn't feel welcome in the churches when I was a Christian, I have always felt welcome within my Wicca/Pagan/Witchcraft circles.

Not to be offensive, and dont take my statement the wrong way BUT....wicca =/= pagan....since then you'd have to say that all the bloody pagan religions out there,...and by pagan i mean old believers, for example...Slavic pagans have nothing to do with wiccans, and so dont the kemetic and the romuva, suomenusko and so on and so on...

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I'm Christian. By that I mean that I believe Jesus Christ is the son of God, and that he died and was resurrected so that anyone who sincerely puts their faith in him can be forgiven of sins and be saved - thereby granted access to Heaven when they die.


I want to be crystal clear, that I do not use my faith as a platform to attack people, as some outspoken Christians might. I believe in equality for all, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, or religion. I am adamant about my beliefs, but think it is wrong to use those beliefs to attack other people.

  • Brohoof 1



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Atheist. Purely because I pursue the need for knowledge. I will respect others' religions. I don't mind if you want to talk about it, but just don't push it on me, please. 

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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I... never really did believe in a deity or the supernatural. I have vague memories of a rather secular "heaven" existing in my mind as a kid that faded away (and was pretty sure that all the nice animals got to go there too for the sake of fairness), but other than that, nothing.


My family has a very different attitude towards religion than almost everybody I interact with, which is that we are completely free to choose our own beliefs. My parents are of different religions, as are my sisters. I know people whose parents would ground them if they ever found out what their children really believed in, and that is totally alien to me. 


My friends are all well acquainted with my attitudes, and even make jokes about it when talking about paranormal matters and magic. I am the only one amongst them who does not believe in ghosts and the majority believe in magic to varying extents. 


This is normal to me.


Whenever the topic of religion comes up with people who don't know about me, I have to remind myself of this. Religious diversity isn't even something I bat my eyes at, but most people expect everyone in their families to believe the same things.


I harbor no animosity towards religion or spirituality. The only reason why I am atheist is because I don't see a reason not to be. But perhaps the faithful see something else that I don't. I'm cool with that.


My favorite reaction when somebody asked what religion I was:




"Really? You don't seem like you'd be one!"



  • Brohoof 1

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Religion? Sure, I has it. So long as pie can count. I mean if there is the FSM surely I can have this then right?



Look at him, how can you say no to that face... So excited, like a dog waiting on a tennis ball to be thrown!



Seriously though, I've no need for religion. I'm a man of science. The closest I'd come to religion would be if Equestria were real and the SE vs NLR was actually taking place. Then I'd surely put my faith in Luna, a physical being of immense power that gets stuff done. And this is why I chose Equestreism (or don't care).


Now don't take that the wrong way, if you want to believe in some higher power or something I won't hold it against you. Chances are we won't see eye to eye on some things, but I won't toss religion into the mix if you don't. There is an image of a billboard that has been on the internet for many years...




That is exactly how I feel about religion.

Edited by The Mane-iac
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WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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There is an image of a billboard that has been on the internet for many years... that is exactly how I feel about religion.


What billboard would that be?


Also, if anybody can help me learn to be more unnecessarily long-winded, I'd appreciate it greatly.



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What billboard would that be?


Eh, decided to add a pic to my previous post. I just kind of assumed most people have seen it since it's been around forever, either by random or someone showing them.


WTB: Luna, Trixie dog tags & AJ blind bag | This fandom needs more Mane-iac! | AJ, Rarity, and Trixie trot into a bar.

The Dreamcast didn't fail, we failed the Dreamcast

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I do find it amusing how those that are Atheist are posting in a thread asking the religion of the members of this site, time and again I have seen Atheism said to not be a religion yet by posting here people are inadvertently treating it as a religion... especially when it is added to the poll.

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Well, I guess I could have a religion because I believe in the Flying Spaghetti Monster. He's real, man. I'm still atheist to all "normal" religions, like Christianity and whatnot.

  • Brohoof 1

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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More Atheists than Christians? Huh. Never would've thought. Oh well.


Anyways, my religion is Christianity. I like to think that there's something beyond these years we have on planet Earth. It can't be just 80 or so year and then... it's just done. Plus, there's a believable reason to believe in it. Christ the Lord died for our sins and rose up from his grave three days later. It may sound fictional, but I just like to believe.


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I do find it amusing how those that are Atheist are posting in a thread asking the religion of the members of this site, time and again I have seen Atheism said to not be a religion yet by posting here people are inadvertently treating it as a religion... especially when it is added to the poll.


We simply wish to have our philosophical views known, that's fair enough. Atheism/agnosticism/non-belief in general isn't a religion, but it does reflect various conclusions that can be profound much like the belief in a God can be something profound and philosophical to adherents to a religion.

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We simply wish to have our philosophical views known, that's fair enough. Atheism/agnosticism/non-belief in general isn't a religion, but it does reflect various conclusions that can be profound much like the belief in a God can be something profound and philosophical to adherents to a religion.

True enough, which is why I said I found it amusing not frustrating, it just that some atheists are adamant about not believing in a god being treated as a religion... which is understandable as it isn't but also because people have tried using "Atheism is a religion to" as a weak attack.


@@TheEngineer@@Static Electricity,

I would perhaps remind those brohoofing my posts that I am a Christian, a firm believer of God, thus technically I will often completely disagree with the outlook atheists have on the nature of God and whether he exists or not. I simply have a degree more logic then some believers in God do and an open mindedness not to attack those that think differently then myself.


Of any case, just wanted to point out that I am one of those foalish believers in God that some atheists feel don't have their lives in reality or can't think logically.

Edited by EquestrianScholar
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Does anyone remember hearing the story of Elisha and the bears? Yeah, the one where a group of kids made fun of Elisha for being bald, so Elisha called down a curse in the name of the Lord onto the children. The Lord then sent bears from the woods to attack and maul the children to death.  It actually says this in the Bible.


" From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” 24 He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys. 25 And he went on to Mount Carmel and from there returned to Samaria." - 2 Kings: 23-25.


I would be interested to hear a Christian's opinion on these verses.

I do find it amusing how those that are Atheist are posting in a thread asking the religion of the members of this site, time and again I have seen Atheism said to not be a religion yet by posting here people are inadvertently treating it as a religion... especially when it is added to the poll.


It's only added to the poll so atheists can have something to vote on.


If atheism is a religion, then "off" is a TV channel. If atheism is a religion, then not collecting stamps is a hobby. If atheism is a religion, than bald is a hair color, and so on.

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I don't remember if I commented here or not but I could care less if there were a God or if there wasn't, though I highly doubt that the Bible is fact. I also don't believe that you're going to Hell just for sinning. 

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