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C.Discord's Mane Six Cuteness Appeal Traits Discussion


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Best Pony. What determines it? Personality, traits, appearance, actions...and this little thing called cuteness. Cuteness in of itself is often a very determining factor for people when it comes to ponies, because ponies are naturally cute the way they're drawn, without even getting into personality. People are inherently drawn to cute things, especially when their favorite character of a show like this (who is their favorite from all those other reasons listed) does cute things. Cuteness often acts as a re-enforcer to come after those other traits, further making people enjoy their characters' other traits. It can be a kind of bold font, of sorts.
The interesting part comes with the fact that we have a show with not only numerous main characters with realistic and identifiable personalities to choose from to be our favorites, but then on top of that, they're all completely unique from each other. They act differently, and thus, possess their own types of cuteness.
The following is my personal view on each of the Mane Six and my thoughts as to their own 'brand' of cuteness that draws people to them. I expect many people will share some or even all of these views, but some may have varying ideas from this, and that's to be expected.

~Not-So-Periodic-Table of Pony Cuteness~


'Vulnerable/Classic' Cuteness
Where to even begin with Fluttershy. Well, come to think of it, it's not that hard. Everything about Fluttershy at a glance is meant to scream 'cute' to viewers. She's shy, she's sensitive, she's quiet, she's soft-spoken, she loves to take care of cuddly wooden critters, she doesn't have a lot of self-esteem, so on and so forth. 'Vulnerable' is a term that goes hand in hand with cuteness quite often, because it gives us the sense that we need to hug, calm and protect the cute thing in question from the evils of the world.
There's no specific reason for one to 'like' Fluttershy for her cuteness, because it's probably the most straight-forward type. 'I need to hug her' pretty much sums it up for most people.


Twilight Sparkle:
'Adorkable' Cuteness
In the words of her ever so outgoing and presumably insane voice actor, Twilight is adorkable. She can prove to be easily excitable by new experiences, especially when they involve learning or reading, as shown in 'Look Before You Sleep'. Everything from her OCD panics over letters to her brainy quotes, or her naive take on seemingly 'common sense' topics (like sleepovers. Again, 'Look Before You Sleep' is best example) is what most Twilight fans love about her.
She's cute because she get's excited over the things she loves, which most other people don't find exactly thrilling.
Rainbow Dash:
'Ironic' Cuteness
Remember when I said 'ponies are naturally cute the way they're drawn, without even getting into personality'? Well, for Rainbow Dash, her tomboy personality, which displays impatience, brashness and competitiveness at the worst of times, can almost counteract the idea of cuteness. But this is, in fact, part of what makes her adorable. Most of the time, Dash purposefully tries to be tough, and not be cute, despite the fact that at the end of the day, she's a cuddly blue pony with a rainbow on her butt.
Her 'loud' personality causes her and her actions to stick out, and thus, anything that even remotely looks cute, rings home loud and clear as well. It's worthy to note that many people find her brashness, etc to be cute in of itself, as well.
Pinkie Pie:
'Bubbly' Cuteness
Pinkie Pie is able to express a vast stretch of emotions, to the near point of bi-polar, as shown in 'Party of One'. When she's happy, she's adorable because she embodies happiness, love and fun :3 'Fun fun fun fun fun fun'. She loves hugs, she loves to be affectionate and she's generally a very enthusiastic pony that a lot of people are drawn to love. When Pinkie is sad, it causes a powerful 'vulnerability' cuteness that is akin to Fluttershy, when she's upset (same voice actor, whoada' guessed). Pinkie is rarely upset, so when she is, you pay attention, and give her care. That's what it comes down to.
Of all the Mane Six, Pinkie has a natural 'cuddly' feeling about her due to her personality.
'Dramatic' Cuteness
Rarity is obviously the diva of the Mane Six, and this shows through with many things. She often becomes silly or expresses herself in dramatic ways, sometimes without even knowing it. She says the most ridiculous things to her friends sometimes, has a wild fascination with fashion, and is entertainingly coy. You can always rely on her to be the one to find something absolutely not okay with the small details, which makes her fun to watch. Rarity is also arguably the most feminine of the six, and she has numerous occasions where this shines through, be it pouting, some woeful tears on the side of her dramatic-ness, or otherwise.
Her cuteness often comes from a sense of exaggerated emotions, voice changes and actions, ergo, 'dramatic'.
'Charming' Cuteness
Dem freckles, dat hat, dat accent, dat southern charm and dat caring personality. Applejack is a caring older sister, a good friend and a friendly pony all around. Her cuteness stems from the fact that she's down to earth, and everything about her is offered upfront, from beliefs to personality. In short, she has some of the best charm of the Mane Six, because she's just a smoothed out character all-around. The 'southern cowgirl' stereotype is a very popular one, as well, much like Rainbow Dash's tomboy stereotype. Many people find her cute simply due to that.
Being the element of honesty, she's also cute when attempting to dodge the truth, or when she's acting overly stubborn.

My personal analysis about each of the mane six, and what their main driving cuteness factor is. To finish this off, I'll give my personal favorite and least favorite type.
Dashie's Ironic Cuteness
Dash is my favorite character, and one of the many reasons is that I like how her cuteness is a back-handed trait, that is often shown in spite of her personality.
Fluttershy's Vulnerable/Classic Cuteness
I've never been a huge fan of Fluttershy in general, but I really just don't find her cuteness to best that of some of the other characters. Her cuteness is very 'in your face', and I just don't find it appealing. I dare say it's even cliche and boring in comparison to the other characters, who are all cute in at least semi-unique ways.
So, which character is your favorite? Do you anything to add to these ideas, of what you personally find about the character that's cute? Which cuteness traits do you believe are more attractive or less attractive than the others? Thoughts. Go.

  • Brohoof 36


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I remember being a fan of Fluttershy in the beginning (before Scootaloo appeared, of course) just cause she was super cute. I still think she is, but she's not my favorite or anything.


I'll rank the cuteness levels IMO:

1. Scootalove

1. Pinkie Pie

2. Twilight/Fluttershy (couldn't choose)

3. Rarity

4. Rainbow Dash

5. Applejack


(I'm not saying that the lower ranked ponies aren't cute cuz they are, it's just I find the top 3 cuter at more consistent times :3)


Pinkie Pie's description of cuteness usually gets me the most and I've always thought she was the cutest.

Fluttershy is famously (or notoriously, if you like it that way) cute, but I just find her a, like you said, give-a-hug type of cuteness.

Twilight is on par with Fluttershy cuz her reactions to certain things and her face in general I find real adorable. :3


All the rest are just what I think after that. No huge opinion on it.


But this topic is really accurate (for the most part) for how people enjoy certain character's cutenesses and whatnot.


*golf clap*

Edited by Scootabloom
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I find Twilight sparkle to be the most adorable of the Mane 6, followed by Rainbow Dash, followed by Applejack. I agree that I don't find Fluttershy to be very cute at all. 


The main sentiment across my top 3 is "D'aww, she's such an adorable pile of failure". I guess it ties into the "classic" kind of cuteness though because it brings a sense of helplessness. That includes even ironic cuteness, as it revolves around the character being helpless to avoid being cute despite their best efforts. We are basically programmed to find babies adorable, and we are inclined to take care of the helpless little things. 


Now, onto my next point... Wait... Huh.... What is thi-




BRAIN is not responding. If you close the d'aww, you might lose your soul. 

> Close the program

> Wait for the program to respond

Edited by Stellafera
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You've pretty much hit the nail on the head with regards to the unique appeal behind each character's adorableness. I suppose I'll do mine.

I like Rainbow and Pinkie's brands best.

Pinkie's because I find her excitement contagious and it's just generally fun for me to watch her find wonder in even mundane parts of life


Rainbow's because I was kind of blindsided by it. Back in season one I hadn't given much thought to it in general, but in Sonic Rainboom and The Best Night Ever, my d'awww meter was broken as soon as she went into fangirl mode. I  repaired it, making it stronger than ever, but then it was epically destroyed by Read it and Weep. Something's inherently cute about a dragon kicking rainbooming bad@$$ who is so freaking huggable at the same time. The voice cracks don't help either.


I don't have a least favorite type really, Fluttershy would actually be up there with the other two if not for her brand occasionally coming off as forced. Like the show is screaming "LOOK! LOOK HOW ADORABLE SHE IS!" and I'm yelling back "I GET IT OK?" I prefer it when it feels natural.

Edited by DashForever
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Pinkeh Pie ish most adorable pony.


She's bubbly and happy, she cares about other people's happiness more than her own, she loves to have fun, she's colorful and bouncy, she's pink, and her eye color is amazing. Plus she loves hugs and cuddling, and she's very similar to me.


You did a pretty good job describing her, but you left one thing out: Her hair.


Her hair is just so... Fluffy and poofy. I just wanna touch it, and hug it, and sqeeze it.  :wub: 

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Tie between Rainbow and Fluttershy


I can see how Rainbow Dash's cuteness can be the best. It's definitely not part of her initial personality and thus it has a better effect on the us as fans because we arnt use to seeing Rainbow Dash being cute. I think thats why many would think RD is really cute when she is so.Another example is like how like people react to Fluttershy when she tries to be the one with the bad attitude (Flutterbitch) its so unlike her so I guess we like her alot when shes the badass.


Tough choice but I have to with Dashie here as ironic cuteness is best cuteness. The others are pretty meh for me.

Edited by ~Chaotic Harmony~
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Pinkie cuteness and Twilight Sparkle cuteness is tied for top level, personally. Ironically enough, I viewed both of them as pretty one-dimensional characters to begin with, Twilight being a bit of a snobby egghead and Pinkie being an annoying prep, but there's the old saying - takes one to know one... I'm both of them and thus I find the appreciation easily.


I used to love Rarity's dramatic cuteness, but I suppose I've just grown from that.


Oh, and for the record, I just find Rainbow Dash to be gorgeous. Oh shit, you're right, even though she doesn't try to act cute, she is anyway. Her eyes and design are just... marvellous to behold. It's like I stare at gems whenever I look at her eyes. Hehe. This did sound kind of creepy, but it's true. I don't know if it's some thing I have for Cloudsdale pegasi, but... ugh. You get the point.



Edited by Alfonzo Dennard
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There, feelings out. :P But regardless, my favorite cuteness would be QUITE difficult. Besides, I think there's another factor you're completely forgetting. Fillies (and now babies as well). But I'm going to imagine you're ignoring that point and instead focus on the grown mane 6. So, let's get started!


Personally, I have never found Rainbow Dash to be adorable while I do find her to be awesome. HOWEVER, her fangirl squee at The Best Night Ever, and when she was on the floor after finding her sonic rainboom was the cause for her friends' cutie marks in The Cutie Mark Chronicles are in the top 10 of cutest moments ever. Oh and her huggles with Scootaloo of course. :)


Fluttershy. Do I find her adorable? HELL YES! And her more visual adorableness always makes me melt. She would probably be in the top 4 of adorable scales, probably within the first two. Probably fav cute moment was...either in her bunny spy suit, or her small squee in Dragonshy after getting ignored by Twilight. There really isn't much to say aside from that. I'm one of the consumed if you wish. :lol:


Rarity. Whoo boy, how difficult this gets when she is fav pony to me. ^_^ But regardless, she definitely has had her fair share of cuteness. The most notable being probably her "Somebody has to help us" with adorable voice in Magic Duel (My daww's were only higher in Sleepless in Ponyville). She'd probably be 3 in my scale, or somewhere along the way.


Pinkie Pie. Oh come on! She IS just as adorable and would fight for one against Fluttershy in adorable matter. Her mane aside and her plenty of adorable moments (I think the one that always stuck with me is the face she made in Luna Eclipsed when she got shut by Twilight). Aye, pink pony be very cute. :mellow:


Twilight Sparkle. Well, She has had plenty of adorkable moments, that's for sure enough to battle Rarity and her pouts. I don't even need to say anything because everything has been said. Fav moment? Probably her moment in Dragonshy after crashing with Fluttershy. THAT. WAS. TOO. MUCH. FOR. MY. HEART. HNNNNNG! :wub:


And then Applejack, who sadly I can't remember that many cute moments of her and would be 6th in my ranks (I feel so horrible...). HOWEVER, Applebuck Season totes had plenty of those and would stay with many of them! :D


While most of mine are those to be called the more visualones, I like how you portrayed each cuteness CD and I totally agree. :)

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Fluttershy. Her softness is combined with a naivety and inner filly, which brings out a real feeling of innocence which is magnified by the fact that she seems to be an idealist. Cutest moments: "I'd like to be a tree," and "I wish I could be brave in my closet, with my teddy bear."


Rainbow Dash is very cute as well (though she'd kill me if she knew I thought that). She's got a voice which sounds like that of a pre-pubescent boy, which gives a feeling of immaturity. Which shows, in that she's very hot-blooded. Much like Fluttershy, this gives her a feeling of innocence underneath her capability, magnified further by her vulnerability (albeit for a very different reason to Fluttershy). (If you're wondering why I think she's vulnerable, it's because of her chosen path and her desire to join the Wonderbolts. If she screws things up she'll be knocked out into the cold)

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Every single one of your arguments is now invalid. Enjoy your diabeetus.


Someone had posted the video of this clip earlier, but now I can't seem to find it...




Appewjack is one of the most adorable moments in MLP---and that is saying something. I knew it was coming (I had seen the preview snippets) yet I was still knocked back by the sheer force of 'D'AWWWWW!"


As for cutest pony, ~CD~ pretty much laid it down as to why each of the Mane Six qualify as adorable in different ways. The question therefore may not be "Who is cutest pony?" but rather "Which pony's cuteness is most appealing?" For my own part, Twilight's adorkable nature and enthusiasm for learning make her most appealing to me. And wouldn't you just love to snuggle up with her and read a book? Come on.




Seriously. Refuse to snuggle. I dare you. [/creeper]

  • Brohoof 8


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i find Applejack the most adorable pony.  Though I remember very well being a HUGE fan of Fluttershy when I first became a brony.  Actually my first avatar was a Fluttershy one.  Though this was the case, I went through a Twilight phase as well.  It seems to transition, but now its stuck at Applejack.  Southern-Style 

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Wow, I'm very excited to see feedback like this in a relatively short time :3 Really glad everyone finds this as interesting as I do; it's always nice when your topics garnish attention by themselves, and no effort through trying to get people to post feedback is needed. I wish I had more to reply with, but I'm just finding myself reading everyone's thoughts and favorites, with nothing but nods of acknowledgement thus far. A good thing, mind you xP


Rainbow's because I was kind of blindsided by it. Back in season one I hadn't given much thought to it in general, but in Sonic Rainboom and The Best Night Ever, my d'awww meter was broken as soon as she went into fangirl mode. I  repaired it, making it stronger than ever, but then it was epically destroyed by Read it and Weep. Something's inherently cute about a dragon kicking rainbooming bad@$$ who is so freaking huggable at the same time. The voice cracks don't help either.

And, though it wasn't exclusively Dashie, I imagine Pegacuddles with certain nameless chicken fillies didn't help keep your meter fixed, either :P

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Wow, I'm very excited to see feedback like this in a relatively short time :3 Really glad everyone finds this as interesting as I do; it's always nice when your topics garnish attention by themselves, and no effort through trying to get people to post feedback is needed. I wish I had more to reply with, but I'm just finding myself reading everyone's thoughts and favorites, with nothing but nods of acknowledgement thus far. A good thing, mind you xP


And, though it wasn't exclusively Dashie, I imagine Pegacuddles with certain nameless chicken fillies didn't help keep your meter fixed, either :P

Yeah, I didn't mention it because it technically wasn't only Rainbow, and it's a good thing I didn't bother to fix the meter otherwise it wouldn't have been pretty. That gif could make Stalin squee.
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Well I'm a Fluttershy Fan, but not all because of her Adorableness in your face thing. I like her for a few reasons, Such as she was the first character I saw footage of, shes a very relatable character to me, and well the cuteness does play in there :P.



I think Twilight comes in 2nd for me with many Adorable moments in the show(especially filly Twilight) And shes actually got some relatable things in her for me while not quite as relatable as Fluttershy for me, but still relatable in some ways.


Sorry if this seems like a I think this charactor is my favorite thing, but honestly I find it pretty hard to see any real differences between the two. Nothing really changes between my favorite pony list and cutest ponies list.


My list is pretty much just the same thing, I think I'm going to change things around a bit just for the sake of doing so.


1. Fluttershy

2. Twilight

3. Pinkie Pie

4. Applejack(Because after the most recent episode. I just find her somewhat more cute actually :).

5. Rainbow Dash.

6. Rarity


My favorites list isn't much different except with AJ and Rarity switched and Rainbow dash moved up 1.(As of now atleast.)

I find all of the ponies to be pretty fregin Cute at times though, so don't think I don't find any of them cute, just some stick out more for me.


I know Fluttershy can seem like a big scream for OMG I'm cute, but I somehow don't find that annoying at all, and with the other factors it makes it very hard to resist her, I think I have very good reasons for liking her as much as I do, and I'm not just being one of the Fluttershy fans who just blindly likes her because. So don't think of me as one of the fans who just likes Fluttershy because Fluttershy, I think I have good reasons.(And Twilight does Follow pretty close on Fluttershy as a fight for 1st and 2nd.)


Ponys in general are fregin cute and thats that. End of discussion! :D.

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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Pretty much got it down, Chaotic Discord.


In my opinion, It's a hard decision. All of the ponies have their different kind of "Cuteness" But maybe if I just break it down for myself between these three...


-Fluttershy is really just the definition of cute. Most people to find her to be the cutest, and I really can't argue there.

-Twi is just cute in the smart/clueless sense. It's funny when she tries to figure out how something works when she doesn't know what's goin on.

-AJ is cute in the "honest/hard working" sense. I can't really explain why, she just... Is.


I guess I'll go with Twilight. I find her kind of cuteness the most adorable.

  • Brohoof 1

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Been meaning to reply to this all night, but I kept falling asleep; my bad!  CD, this is a phenomenal analysis of the particular types of cuteness displayed by each of the Mane 6!  You hit the nail on the head with each and every one of them, and I appreciate the time it must've taken to think this through and put it together.  If I may, I'd like to actually expand upon your earlier findings by breaking down the particular brand of cuteness displayed by each of the Cutie Mark Crusaders.  While it's a little harder to do so with them, since they don't have quite as distinct personalities yet as the Mane 6 do, being younger and less developed, I still believe that at this point their personalities are distinct enough that each of them does indeed display their own brand of cuteness that makes them all the more likable and adorable for it.  Before I begin, I will mention that, being young fillies and having blood or surrogate older siblings, they all have an endearing cuteness to them that stems from their being younger siblings, which anypony who, like myself, have younger siblings will understand.  So here it goes.


~Cutie Mark Crusader Cuteness~


Apple Bloom:

'Headstrong' Cuteness



Apple Bloom is generally adorable in most everything she does, so this was a hard one to nail.  However, after some time thinking about it, I've come to the conclusion that her most distinct brand of cuteness stems from her headstrong, can-do attitude and mannerisms.  She is usually portrayed as the leader of the CMC, if only because, like her big sister, she's good at organizing and coming up with ideas (albeit not always good ones).  Most of the CMC's ideas for getting their cutie marks, or any other activities they pursue, originate with Apple Bloom, with the rare exception of a few of the more extreme ideas (such as ziplining) that Scootaloo has come up with.  She displays this same willingness and energy in her activities at Sweet Apple Acres, always ready to help out Applejack and the rest of the Apples with their farming activities, and excited to learn new ones, such as Zap Apple Jamming, or, most recently, helping to set-up for the Apple Family Reunion.  Heck, one of her first cute lines in "Bridle Gossip" was "I AM a big pony!" and she proceeded in the very same episode to very cutely display her take-charge attitude in her attempts to contact and become friends with Zecora before anypony else.  All in all, this is an adorable personality trait, and it also explains why she's had more screen time than any other CMC; with her can-do attitude and penchant for coming up with and pursuing her ideas, Apple Bloom is undeniably the leader of the CMC, and all the cuter for it.


Sweetie Belle:

'Energetic' Cuteness (to say the least)



You'd think that Sweetie Belle, being arguably cuter than either of the other two CMC (which I personally do believe), would be the hardest to nail down, but honestly that wasn't the case for me.  Instead, I quickly realized that one particular trait of Sweetie Belle's distinguishes her brand of cuteness from the other two: her energetic personality.  Now, let me start by saying this is somewhat similar to Pinkie's 'bubbly' brand of cuteness; however, it is not quite the same.  While both certainly give them a "naturally cuddly" appeal, are incredibly outgoing, and display a wide variety of emotions, Sweetie Belle's energetic personality seems to stem more from her youth than anything else.  Pinkie's bubbly personality IS her mature self (if that makes sense), but Sweetie may be a little more mellow as a mare than she is now, and really, we all know this kid.  There's always somepony in our youth (if it wasn't us that is) who's just always bouncing off the walls and just full of energy and excitement all the time.  While she doesn't generally lead the CMC in any of their activities, or come up with many of their ideas, Sweetie possibly pursues their activities with more exuberance than any of the other CMC, and always with a smile on her face.  She just wants to have fun, and fun generally means whatever strikes her fancy at the moment, whether it be doing whatever activities she can think of with her big sister Rarity, just trying to get her cutie mark for the fun of it with the CMC, whether or not she actually gets it, or even singing an outlandishly long campfire song, just because, hey, why not!  Heck, she's so excited that half the time her words come out as squeaks!!!  Overall, Sweetie Belle has a bright, energetic, exuberant, and very, well, bouncy personality that simply makes her stand out from the other two CMC, and quite frankly, in my book, the most adorable of the three.



'Semi-Ironic' Cuteness (a.k.a. "I Just Can't Wait to be Rainbow Dash!!!")



Scootaloo, like RD, does not aim to be cute, and, as a result, when she's trying hardest not to be cute, she generally comes across all the cuter for it.  However, her brand of cuteness is slightly different from RD's 'ironic' cuteness, largely because she's not trying to not be cute simply for the sake of being awesome, competitive, and looking tough like RD does.  That's part of it, but the other part, and I think this outweighs the former, stems from Scootaloo's desire to be just like Rainbow Dash and, as such, try to do everything she can to impress her.  Heck, her first episode revolved around this very desire, and let me tell ya (not that I really have to) she was pretty bucking adorable the whole time she was trying to impress RD.  She's always been cutest whenever she's either been trying to impress RD or is fangirling over RD (a great example being when she headed up the RD fan club, with rainbow wig and everything, or even when she volunteered to throw away RD's apple core!).  Needless to say, it's quite obvious that Scootaloo's immense love and idolizing of Rainbow Dash is her cutest (and possibly most distinct) personality trait, and this is probably the reason it took so long to have a Scootaloo episode in the first place, because, unlike the headstrong AB or immensely energetic Sweetie Belle, it's proven a little harder to build an episode around Scootaloo, since her possibly most distinct personality trait is her idolization of another pony.  I don't like her any less for that, that's simply an observation of mine.  Now that she finally has an episode under her belt, we might get to see a more distinct personality and character get fleshed out for Scootaloo, but for now, her brand of cuteness largely stems from her love of Rainbow Dash and desire to be just like her, and frankly, you won't hear me complaining, cause it's been bucking cute as it is so far, especially now that Scootalove is canon.


If you like these analyses enough Chaotic, feel free to add them to your original list in the OP; heck, I'm interested to see if the original list might grow to include other ponies outside of the main cast, considering that plenty of other ponies have and display their own brand of cuteness in the show, including plenty of the background ponies (although plenty display some of the very same brands of cuteness as the Mane 6; for instance, Luna is arguably adorkable like Twilight, albeit in her own unique way, but still somewhat similar to Twilight).


Anyways, once again, great thread, and thank you for the excellent analyses of each of the Mane 6's brands of cuteness.  As for myself, I cannot decide on my favorite or least favorite preference, and that is, once again, because I find myself unable to decide on a preference for any of the Mane 6 at all, as I have stated before.  I love each and every one of them for their unique personalities and brands of cuteness, and simply can't decide which one I favor the most.  But thank you for further defining why I, along with all other bronies, love each and every one of them for who they are!!!  :D

Edited by Batbrony
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So the gauntlet has been thrown down. I knew this day would come. You challenge us to not only withstand the cuteness, but to quantify it and choose our favorite kind as well! I accept.


Fluttershy's "vulnerable" style undeniably works. But it works so well that she's almost too cute. She doesn't move me to as many D'AWWWs as the others, as much as I love her character. The one exception is when she gets angry. Then she is ironically cute in a way that no other pony can match.



Speaking of ironic cuteness, that brings me to my favorite: Rainbow Dash! She tries to hide her cataclysmic adorability by acting tough and strong (which she is), but she can't fool me. I know cute when I see it! It's a little bit like the headstrong, oblivious cuteness of Apple Bloom. Maybe that explains why I love them both so much. ^_^




Rarity, though...of all the Mane 6, I would say that her cuteness is the hardest to analyze. She does some cute things, like whining and drama queen-ing. But I have a hard time thinking of Rarity herself as cute. She is...beautiful. Exquisite. She operates on a higher plane of physical appeal than most of the ponies on the show. And she probably knows it. xD


Edited by TailsAlone
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Being just the way they are..."

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I find Fluttershy to be the cutest, with her adorable squees. Even if she isn't your favorite, she's the pony that no one can hate, I mean she is just so adorable and nice. She has the kind of innocence type of cuteness.


I think Twilight is second because (for me at least, being a nerd who loves learning and reading) she is the most relatable and has a lot of hilarious reactions to things.


Pinkie pie is cute just because of how hyper she is all of the time, and how she is always happy.


Applejack is considerably cuter after the newest episode.


I never found Rainbow Dash very cute at all because she is kind of mean spirited.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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I think cuteness does factor into how someone feels about a character, I think it one of the main reasons why Fluttershy is one of the most popular of the Mane 6 she is like this shows mascot when it comes to that. In terms of pure daaaaw cuteness though I have always been a big fan of Luna take away the fact that she is the princess of the night and the royal Canterlot voice and she has that slightly socially awkward girl next door trying to fit in vibe to her without the slight anal retentiveness and OCD qualities of Twilight Sparkle. I think that makes her both cute and relateable to quite a few fans as lets face it being a brony is though if you ask me it shouldn't be a social no no. Speaking of Twilight she has those same qualities except with the slightly nerdy adorkable qualities that are also appealing to quite a few people including myself.


Applejack has that old fashioned cowgirl vibe to her that I find irresistible and the recent footage of baby Applejack has complimented that nicely "more apple fritterz pwease" I wonder if we are going to see any baby footage of the other Mane 6 characters. Pinkie Pie has that in touch with her inner child quality to her that makes a lot of fans a good laugh and makes her an interesting and entertaining character. I often wonder what would happen is she and Michelangelo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles ever met, neither one of them needs much an excuse to party. Rainbow Dash trying too hard not to be cute often seems to have the opposite effect. And as for Rarity I would find her a bit cuter if the premadonna attitude was toned down slightly I am fine with it still being a part of her personality, but does it need to come out almost every time she appears?

  • Brohoof 2
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Rarity, Twilight and AJ are the cutest for me:

Rarity: Well, she is cute in a beautiful way, but also totally adorable, when she drops her "ladylikeness" for a second and gets really excited. I think she can be a really fun pony and good friend if you know her well enough. Furthermore her expressions are so adorable, she makes me smile all the time and her fake eyelashes actually look awesome  :D



Twi is cute in an adorkable way and her expressions are also very sweet. Twi also has a really cute voice and she looks so huggable


Applejack is cute because of her cute voice and appearance. Especially her accent and her freckles really stand out and I love her dry sense of humor

  • Brohoof 3


OC was made by Princess Ariona.

Give her some brohoofs here: http://mlpforums.com/topic/22162-so-you-want-a-pony/ ;)

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  • 1 month later...

I've edited Rarity and Applejack's descriptions in the OP a little; they had fallen short of the first four characters, mostly because I couldn't really word them very well or come up with much else to say. I believe they're better, now.


~Cutie Mark Crusader Cuteness~


Apple Bloom:
'Headstrong' Cuteness


Sweetie Belle:
'Energetic' Cuteness (to say the least)


'Semi-Ironic' Cuteness (a.k.a. "I Just Can't Wait to be Rainbow Dash!!!")



I forgot to respond to this back when but, very nice to see someone's perspective on the CMC's side of this. Being fillies, they're geared to be innocently cute even more than the primary characters. With Scootaloo though, while her childish admiration of Dash ('Fangirl' Cuteness) is definitely a bit part of her, it's only one aspect of who she is. The bigger side to Scootaloo's overall personalty is that she is adventurous, bold and a slight tomboy, similar to Dash herself. I'd peg Scootaloo for something along those lines. Can't think of what it'd be called atm, though.


Apple Bloom is dead-on though, what with being so confident in wanting to be independent and treated as a grown-up, as well as being a bit stubborn like her sister. Sweetie is pretty good too, she has her hyper moments to be sure.


I don't want to stretch the OP beyond belief, or change the general subject, so I won't be adding this to the OP, but I'm glad you posted this in the replies :3

  • Brohoof 2


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I've edited Rarity and Applejack's descriptions in the OP a little; they had fallen short of the first four characters, mostly because I couldn't really word them very well or come up with much else to say. I believe they're better, now.



I forgot to respond to this back when but, very nice to see someone's perspective on the CMC's side of this. Being fillies, they're geared to be innocently cute even more than the primary characters. With Scootaloo though, while her childish admiration of Dash ('Fangirl' Cuteness) is definitely a bit part of her, it's only one aspect of who she is. The bigger side to Scootaloo's overall personalty is that she is adventurous, bold and a slight tomboy, similar to Dash herself. I'd peg Scootaloo for something along those lines. Can't think of what it'd be called atm, though.


Apple Bloom is dead-on though, what with being so confident in wanting to be independent and treated as a grown-up, as well as being a bit stubborn like her sister. Sweetie is pretty good too, she has her hyper moments to be sure.


I don't want to stretch the OP beyond belief, or change the general subject, so I won't be adding this to the OP, but I'm glad you posted this in the replies :3


No problemo, glad to see you liked 'em!  Yeah, I might've put a little too much emphasis on Scoots's looking up to RD when analyzing it, but it's evident enough, especially in her cuteness, that I figured it was still a defining part of her cuteness, in addition to her apparent adventurousness and tomcoltish nature, hence why I dubbed her cuteness as "Semi-Ironic" as opposed to RD's full-fledged "Ironic" cuteness.  Oh, and don't worry about adding it to the OP, totally get why you wouldn't want it being too long (especially considering, well, it's me, and I tend to write... a lot... OK fine, A LOT!!!  :lol: ).


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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