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gaming What is the worst game you've ever played in your entire life?


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In all honeesty, the worst game I have ever (attempted to) play would definitely have to be Sonic 2006


I could not even get past the first boss fight mostly because the glitches in the game just made it generally unplayable <_<

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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it is the absolutely worst game in the entire world and nearly destroyed my childhood vision of Superman.......

Actually I went out of my way to buy it because it was voted worst game in the world.  I also went out and bought the voted worst console to go with it, An RCA Studio II, ah the crappy good memories.


Anyways I'm going to go with 2 games I know are worse, but they aren't "games" parse, just crummy PC "games"

1. Revenge of the Sunfish (don't even bother)

2. QWOP (I finally beat that stupid thing after a year.)

Edited by Rainbow Dashey


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As for PSX i have to say Bubsy 3D. Keep your sane brain out of this piece of garbage, as it is cancer inducing. The graphics are non-existant, just like the gameplay.


On the PS2 it has to be (please, don't hate me) Shadow of the Colossus. I must say that while it has outstanding graphics and Soundtrack and the idea of being able to freely roam through the wilderness charms me, i find the game extremely frustrating and the bosses were REALLY cheap to the point it gets boring, and when a game becomes more like a chore to play i don't find it entertaining anymore, so it's time to abandon it.


On the other hand, i loved Ico andit was a true masterpiece.

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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The worst game I've ever played is...




I just can't stop thinking about it, and when I do, I lose!

I really want to win this game, but alas, It is impossible.


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all the post-Genesis era Sonic games have been pretty dreadful. they completely destroyed that games legacy, and continue to drag it through the dirt with every new version. everytime they talk about another Sonic game, i cringe inside, knowing damn well that its going to be shit. so far, theyre batting 1000 on that too. 


the smartest thing they ever did with the Sonic series is re-release the classics on the xbox live marketplace, so people can experience what the game was like before it lost its way.

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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Parrapa the Rapper, one of the worst PSP games ever and Um Jammer Lammy. Ugh, just such a waste of time. It's like DDR for preschoolers. I hated that game sooo much. 

And now I hate you so much.

Both games are beautiful, cute, had interesting gameplay and count in the earliest music games. (And have actually nothing to do with DDR)

Sorry, but your opinion is completely biased.


You don't like the game, okay, but it's certainly not the worst games ever.


Oh, and MLP is totally not for little kids.

Edited by Akihiro
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i'm sure this will bring me a lot of hate :/

but the worst game i ever played gotta be LoL or CoD :I

its a personal opinion, but i just dont see whats so fun about them o-o

I totally agree with ya :/

LoL - why is the game so great for most of people??? it's just 2 maps and the same things going on over and over again :/

and as for CoD - I don't know why they even make more of them...Are people really that stupid to not see all CoD games are the same??? (no offense to those who play it...It's just what I think) And I also hate that there's tons of little kids talking **** over multiplayer :/ That really pisses me off :/

  • Brohoof 1




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I would say Dear Esther, but that's not even a game so I guess I can't use that. I'd like to say CoD but I actually am enjoying Black Ops 2 and you do know what to expect from the game.


Big Rigs! Oh my word, that game was so terrible. So buggy and there was little to no point to the game! It just flat out sucked.

Edited by Aaramus
  • Brohoof 2


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I hate to label it the worst game I have ever played, as by itself it might not be so terrible, but I do have to go with Animal Crossing City Folk. The game felt like a massive slap to the face for somebody who has loved the series from the beginning. Not only did it feel like a port of the DS version to the Wii, but it also made negative changes in many areas. The best way to describe the game is simply as "lazy". Everything about it screamed laziness. It suffered massively from that, and really made me lose so much faith in the series that I'm shocked that New Leaf is actually good.

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The one game that holds the title of "Worst Game I've ever had the Misfortune to Play" would have to be Megaman Battle Network 4: Red/Blue Moon. Dear Celestia was this game awful.


First off, in a series were the story is the defining part of the enjoyment, this game's "story" could fit on two-three pages while the rest of the game was needlessly padded out by random scenarios that had no bearing on the plot whatsoever. Not to mention that the story itself is garbage and a few times makes absolutely no sense. 


Second, because the "story" was so short they thought it would be a good idea to have to make you play through it at least three times other times just to get everything. Replaying through multiple annoying as hell scenarios that I hated the first time? Joy...Also, because of the multiple playthroughs on different difficulties, the first run through is arguable the hardest because you only have mostly level 1 weapons and for most of the bosses (especially the final one) that's more often than not just barely enough to win. Also, if you happen to miss a particular chip of a certain level (like a Wideshot 2) on that difficulty, it's next to impossible to get it in the higher difficulty so you're pretty much fresh out of luck.


Which doesn't even factor in the fact that this game is the stingiest I have ever seen in giving you the different weapon chips, especially on the first run. It took me two hours on a later run once to get a single chip because I had to beat the enemies literally in two seconds, which could only happen if I got the right weapon at the right time, the right configuration of enemies and they moved exactly how I wanted them...and even then the game refused to give me what I was looking for! There's rare as hell drops and then there's just being sadistic.


I could go on, but I think I've made my point pretty clear by this point.   

Edited by PoisonClaw
  • Brohoof 1

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Most of the games I buy I buy because I know they're good. I don't think there's ever been a game I've bought or received that Was truly bad.


However, I've played some truly awful freeware PC games in my day, Byron names come to mind right now.



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On second thought, I might actually have to give this to Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. This was one of the only CoD game that actually got me to rage on nearly every game mode (or game for that matter) I've played on it.

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On 12/27/2012 at 8:06 AM, Rainbow Dashey said:


Edited by Ink
  • Brohoof 1

I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something.


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Does it count if I only played the demo? Because if so, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor takes at least somewhere near the top even without going beyond the utterly unusable broken controls.

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I can't name the worst game because even if it's not my type of game, there still will be times when I would enjoy playing it.

Like how I usually stick with Bethesda-made games and other big successful games, sometimes I will want to play a city building game like the MLP one for iOS.  :wub:


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I could say basically any movie based game, but I don't think that's keeping in the spirit of things. Those are only made with the express purpose of making more money with the film rather than creating something with quality.


I have decided  The first halo is the worst game I ever played. I haven't played any notably bad games and it really was the worst gaming experience I ever had. There are no really terrible competitors, but it just so happens halo is at the bottom of the stack along most other FPS games. The only exception for my dislike of the FPS genre is metroid prime hunters, but only because of how much fun I had exploiting the heck out of the game with friends.

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Fortress of Dr. Radiaki...*retches*. If you remember all those PC shooters from the mid to late 90s that were basically ripoffs of Doom, this was one of the worst. It came out in '95 or '96, but the graphics somehow were worse than the original Doom. The environments were dull and boring with some of the nastiest textures I've ever seen. When you moved around they would start "swimming" and made you so dizzy you couldn't tell where you were, and the slow controls didn't help. The enemies ranged from green stormtroopers to oversized gophers, all primitive sprites that zipped across the screen like cardboard signs attached to little remote-control cars. Even worse, they would spout off unfunny one-liners when you killed them.


That game made me so mad I had to take it out and play some more Doom. (Looking back, I think the FPS was actually better off when it was ripping off Doom...)

Edited by TailsAlone
  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

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The worst game I have ever played has to be Pokemon Red, its good but the graphics are terrible and you cant really tell what is happening in the game

  • Brohoof 1

I had my books to read, didn't know that I would ever need

Other ponies to make my life complete...

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I don't know exactly what the worst game is, but I can think of a few that make me sad just thinking about them.


- Rascal for the PSX. I'm sorry, you want to be able to control your movement? Have a camera that actually works? Sorry, no can do, kid.


- Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly (read: after Insomniac left to make Ratchet and Clank) for the PS2. Never have I been so disappointed in a game before. It was a birthday gift too, which made it 10 times worse, because as a kid, I was a jerk. Threw a temper tantrum and everything.


- Apparently Sonic '06 was terrible? I guess as a 12 year old, I didn't notice, but as I'm watching the Game Grumps' playthrough of it, I realize how awful it actually was.


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EyeToy Play


EyeToy Play 2


EyeToy Play 3(Celestia, this one was even worse than the others!)


Sonic Labyrinth.


EyeToy: Monkey Mania


Call of Duty



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I can't even remember what was the worst game I ever played.................it was probably some old PS2 game I had, or an old Wii game. I'm very picky with what I get nowadays, and what I usually get are pretty good.



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Metro 2033 ranks pretty highly among the shittiest games I've ever played. I'm not sure if it's the worst, but it's pretty darn bad.


The premise is great. I loved the post-apocalyptic setting, the realistic touches, and the stunning graphics. It looked like it would be great. I mean, some STALKER devs worked on this, and STALKER is one of my favorite games of all time. The similarities were evident from the very beginning. Metro 2033 had so much potential. But it quickly became clear that Metro 2033, unlike STALKER, was just plain bad.


I have to question if the devs even played their own game. It wasn't just rough around the edges like STALKER was, it was completely broken. The gas mask system was ridiculous. The game was more linear than CoD: some parts were literally on rails. The story made no sense. The voice acting was crap (even the Russian version). The save system was stupid. I couldn't buy filters even when I needed them. The AI was terrible. Stealth was completely screwed up. Gunplay was boring. Fighting was a chore. Monsters were annoying, not scary. Bugs were everywhere. 


I ended up uninstalling the garbage about halfway through. All of my gas filters had miraculously disappeared and I had half a minute to find one before I died. Any other game and I'd have gone back to an earlier save or used console commands, but none of those existed in this game. Good thing THQ gave me the game for free--or not, because playing the game was just torture. I wouldn't play it again even if I were paid.


That said, I always make sure people are satisfied with a product before I even consider buying it, so I've generally been spared from playing the truly terrible games. Metro 2033 is probably a lot better than those, but I wouldn't have downloaded Metro 2033 if it wasn't being given away.


TBH, I actually don't find CoD that bad (at least not CoD4, anyway). The multiplayer is pretty fun.


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Yars Revenge.  No idea what to do or the point of it Dx 


NES versions of the Star Wars trilogy games/Super Star Wars Empire Strkes Back.  Way too difficult for me, I enjoyed the type of gameplay, but it is too easy to get lost in the levels or get to a point where there is practically no way out...


Pac Man World for the PSX.  I just thought it was terrible compared to the second one


DBZ Ultimate Battle 22 for the same reasons as the other person, really bad controls

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