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I eat a lot. Morning, day, night, I have no real schedule. I have the appetite and metabolism of Pinkie Pie. Pizza, hamburgers, french fries, I love them all. I have a half dozen snacks and boxes of candy open at any time.


But the most I ever ate was at my 21st birthday party. A lot of guys would use that occasion to get loaded. Not me. I went out with my family and loaded up on food instead. I had an entire rack of barbecued ribs, with fries and baked beans.

"Where are you putting all that?" my grandfather asked.

"Don't look under the table," I joked.

THEN they brought out the surprise dessert. A big bowl of ice cream with sparklers sticking out of it and everything. I polished that off too.


I weigh 150 pounds. :unsure:

So that's my pig-out story. Don't be shy, tell me yours!

Edited by TailsAlone
  • Brohoof 3

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Weeeell...lessee here. I can't recall a time in my life where I've eaten a ton, but my food claim-to-fame is my ability to finish off a platter of Buffalo Wild Wings' spiciest buffalo wings all by myself. I couldn't taste anything for days after THAT.

On the reverse side of the coin, my record for not eating or drinking anything is six days straight. Not for any particular reason, like an illness or religious duty. I just didn't feel like eating. This past week when I was sick I only had water for five days straight. SoClose.jpg


EDIT: I weight 145 pounds and am 6'1"

Edited by Kolth
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I went out once with family, and it happen to be the same time I really had the munches. I ate a 2/3 pound burger, w/ fries(1 large), ice cream, a chicken strip, and something else, I think a candy bar maybe? That isn't too much, but it is when you weigh 115 and come in at an astounding 5'7".  

Edited by Retro_Derpy
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I can eat like 5 bags a chips a day and a lot of chocolate bars without worrying. I once ate like 10 pounds of turkey over the holidays and no matter what I eat, since I have a high metabolism I don't have to worry about being fat. Not that there is anything wrong with being fat but it's just my life :)


Btw, I'm 15, 5'7" and only 90 pounds... yeah I'm light

Edited by Jordan Dash
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I don't eat alot, I'll eat like 3/4s of a turkey sandwich and be fine until dinner.


The most I've ever eaten? Probably at a pizza buffet, I ate 4 slices of pepperioni pizza and 3 or 4 slices of chocolate chip pizza (delicious)


I weigh 125, the average weight of the union soldier!

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I was 18 years old and I was visiting Huston TX went to this place called Ryan's and got 6 250gr stakes 4 baked potatoes some lemonade and 1 Icream... Went across the street to a VG store and almost die walking 80 ft under Texas sun.


Back here in México on my traditional birthday taco meet up I got 51 REAL tacos and 1 chicken soop. My best friend beat me With 51 REAL tacos 1 chicken soop and some rice.


Im 1.82 (6 ft) and 210 pnds... and now I feel fat XD

Edited by Colt
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I am 6 feet tall and weight 350 pounds and you are asking how much is the most I have ever eaten? I honestly do not remember but one moment that may actually be it is this one time I ate 2 large pizzas an entire gallon of ice cream a box of twinkies and 2 large bags of Doritos and that dosen't even include what I ate for breakfast and lunch. I eat a lot but even I don't usually eat anywhere near that much but what they say about marijuana giving you the munchies is so true in my case it is not even funny.


And speaking of eating I doubt anyone here can eat more than Goku.



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I don't eat much... I used to weigh 120 pounds last year but that was the result of lifting weights and playing football on a regular basis. Now I have a lot time to myself at home and sometimes to study. I now weigh 100 pounds.  :unsure:


To answer your question though, there was this one time back in 2008 where I managed to engulf three plates worth of rice and BBQ chicken. I'm not much of an eater but I love food.

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Probably the most I've ever eaten was a few years ago during a family vacation to the Outer Banks in North Carolina. The entire coast is full of all-you-can-eat buffets stocked with the freshest seafood imaginable. I had so many crab legs.


On a daily basis, though, I don't really eat much. Maybe one meal a day at most, or a few small snacks instead. It's been especially like that since I started college. I've had days where I just didn't have any appetite, so I didn't eat. My appetite has dropped off in the last few months-year. I used to eat a three-squares, but I just can't do it anymore. In fact I can't even eat breakfast without having to fight-back nausea.


By the way I'm 5'8" and I weigh about 190-195. I have a broad frame (people have told me that even though I'm a bit short I should try football). I have about an even split of muscle and fat (I used to be one of those chubby-yet-swole people...I'm sure you know what I mean), but since I really started working out again there's been more of the former and less of the latter.

Edited by StratoPegasus
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I'm not the kind of person that eats a ton of food at a time. There's this Pizzaria near my house that makes indescribable pizza. I think I've eaten half of their extra large pizzas in one sitting before. That's probably the most I've ever eaten at a time.



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I don't eat a lot. Some days I go without eating at all. Though one thing is for sure. Don't take me to a buffet unless you feel like getting embarrassed/kicked out. I will DEMOLISH that buffet. Like it's now a capital wasteland. ;)

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Every day at work, I eat a large Big Mac meal. I'll be practically starving half an hour later. When I get home, I'll make myself a Hot Pocket, grab a bag of chips, and a Big K (off brand) cola. Again, I'll eat all that and be hungry again in a matter of minutes. Keep in mind I only weigh 113 pounds. The funny thing is, I never eat breakfast. Ever. Haven't eaten anything for breakfast in years, because I always wake up with a stomachache. 

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At this awesome italian market style buffet, I had 4 plates of pesto pasta, 2 plates of mussels, 7 slices of pizza and a bowl of gelato. My friends and I had decided to make this restaurant into somewhat of a challenge and anytime we went there we would eat as much as possible. One time we ended up with around 35 plates on the table between the 4 of us, and the waitress got pretty pissed XD

  • Brohoof 2



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I might only weigh 130 pounds, but I can EAT! Especially BBQ and Sea food. Yum...



There was this one time where me and my family went to Florida for vacation, where we stumbled upon this all you can eat shellfish place. Crab legs and Lobster is my favorite food, so of course we had to go.


I ate over 5 pounds of crab legs, and I don't even know how much butter I drank.


It was magical.

  • Brohoof 3
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Oh where do I begin. I have a monstrous appetite. I suppose every time there's a holiday, when we all go to one of those really good Asian Buffets. 3-4 pounds when I fast beforehand. So I guess you could say that's the most I've ever eaten.


HylianTwilian I'm in the same boat, I never eat breakfast anymore because I'm always sick in the mornings, I'll usually eat something small for lunch then just pig out at dinner eating what was supposed to be leftovers.

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I swear to Celestia I used to have the metabolism of Gak...(yeah, I went there  :ph34r: ) 

Because I remember when I was younger...i'd be like...I think 14? I went for a meal at a restaurant for my grandma's wedding anniversary, and I had an 18oz sirloin, with a HUGE side plate of chips (I'm from the UK - just to clarify). Managed to finish off the whole lot, and any leftovers anyone left. 


I'm around 9 stone currently - I dont weigh myself that often, but it's always somewhere steady around that mark and 5'10" - these days though I just can't seem to eat anything. I dont normally eat for around 8-10 hours after I wake up, and spend most of my day ingesting caffeine (not as a food replacement, god no, but years of drinking tea (classic Brit ;) ) and if I go without caffeine these days I get physically ill to the point of being bed-bound). 


I have had a few days though where nothing fills me, i'll have a McDonalds, come home to a pizza and then raid the fridge for whatever else we have. Bowl of cereal or 6 followed by toast and more toast, maybe a few sandwiches. That's only on rare occasions though...

  • Brohoof 3

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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I eat A LOT, The most I've ever eaten in one hour is 5 pizza's and that was a horrible thing to do btw, my stomach hurt so bad all night.  I weigh 240 pounds 6' tall.  I don't look like I could eat that, but I do.  Friggen metabolism...

  • Brohoof 1


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Just last summer, I had three slices of pizza with six cans of coke for dinner. Keep in mind I was also playing Call of Duty just to add to the laziness. Other than that I had just about your average lunch and breakfast. I'm 115 lb and 5'1"

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I don't eat a lot. Most was probably when my sister and I ordered a pizza while home alone. She was in the shower when it came, and I was playing LoL, so I wasn't really paying attention to anything else. I ended up eating the whole pizza and drinking 3/4 of the soda by the time she came downstairs, looking for dinner. So as an apology, I made her some pasta with some kickass cheese and broccoli sauce, and ate some of that, too.

Felt bad, man :(



Ignore this, double post and I apologize. My internet browser likes decieving me.


If someone with the rights can delete this post I'd be most grateful.


You can report your own posts, you know :)

  • Brohoof 2

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Most I've eaten was 8 chicken legs which was around last week cuz my dad lied that we were going to eat for the rest of the day while we were in a restaurant with his relatives in mexico ;P


I weight around 90 lbs and I'm 6'2", ppl say I'm underweight and I should eat. And yet I eat alot

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The most I've eaten at a one time has to be a single medium domino's pizza and cheese filled bread sticks and a 1L coke, I don't really eat allot at once and sometimes I don't eat at all since I don't feel like it which oddly happens more when I'm hungry but anyway I' currently around 120kg and 185 - 190cm tall so I think the reason why I'm overweight is mostly from me not exercising enough.

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Oddly enough, I can't recall any single event as being my biggest pig-out moment. Every buffet is an opportunity. For that reason I avoid places that have them. Breakfast is my favorite meal, so breakfast buffets such as those to be found at Golden Corral, Shoney's, or wherever are my biggest weakness and I'm probably among their least profitable customers.


Last time I dared visit such a buffet, I reckon I had half a pan of grits, hash brown casserole, and bacon. Two Belgian waffles made to order were consumed amid all of that with some ready-made French toast, and two slabs of steak. Golden Corral has steak on their breakfast buffet in case anybody was unaware. They also had some extremely tiny apple fritters (appaw fwittas) so I grabbed six of those.


CiCi's is not my favorite pizza place by a long shot, but they're cheap, have a buffet, and are therefore a popular destination for large gatherings of people seeking pizza. I ate about three medium pizzas worth last time I went some seven years ago. Some other guys ate much more than me.



I currently weigh in at approximately 160 lbs. and stand at 6'1".


Just so you know, I'm an opportunist when it comes to eating. Going to buffets is something I avoid because of my proclivity to devour everything in sight, and when I'm at home I don't eat much of anything. Sometimes I'm hungry and don't bother to eat. No idea why.

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I'm a fairly big guy (6'0" 205 pounds), but I never eat a lot at one time (even though I eat a lot (most of it comes with snacks.) Tge most I have eaten is probably at Ryan's or Golden Corral where I eat a large salad, a full plate of stuff like chicken, some bread, and a plate of apple pie and vanilla ice cream.

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Might of been the time I ate 4 medium chocolate cakes in a timespan of three hours. Even after that I was still hungry a couple of hours later, so I suppose my high metabolism has it's advantages at times. Yup, all I can eat and I'm still below 170.

Edited by SrFrog
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