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C.Discord's 'The Fabulosity vs Tomboy Conundrum' Discussion


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I'm not saying that Rarity or Rainbow Dash wouldn't make great antagonists, its just I think that the fact they aren't is part of whats interesting about the show.

Reading stuffz around places I would like to contradict my own debate I made before. Good at this aren't I?


Anyways, one of my favorite things about the characters is the roles. As you mentioned, Twi is the leader, when she should not be by kids show standards, Pinkie is not the leader, which she should be by kids show standards, Fluttershy does have things to contribute to the group, while she should not by kids show standards, and AJ is... I got nothing.


As far as Rarity and Rainbow go, that's a bit more difficult.


Rainbow has a personality that is a personality that would be a protagonist in most kids shows. In fact, she has her own version in all the pony generations. There's Firefly, Bright Eyes, and of course Sunny--- whatever. 


In kids shows for little girls we have the: Stereotypical girly girl girl, the stereotypical tomboy girl, the stereotypical braniac girl, the stereotypical super annoying but it's a kids show girl, the stereotypical only useful character in the show girl, and sometimes, if we are lucky, the stereotypical boy... boy.


Rainbow fits into the category of tomboy. So where does Rarity fit? Well, that isn't so easy. Generally Rarity would be the fabulous villain who is very low on intelligence. However she is clever (This is whining!!!), beautiful and intellegent. So I can't put her anywhere here. Oh dear. So she is the better antagonist. Isn't she?


But Rainbow Dash would be the villian in a boy's show. She would be the rich (Have you seen her house?!) bully who pushes everyone around. While this is not the case, she would have this role in any other boys show. Weird isn't it?


Sorry for rambling. :P And not really contributing all that much. Needed to say that.

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm not a terribly big fan of Rainbow or Rarity. They both tend to be self-absorbed show-offs. But they don't have much of a rivalry as they are self-absorbed show-offs in such completely different areas as to have nothing to compete about. Sure, if Twilight had roped Rainbow into her sleepover instead of Applejack, much the same sparks would've flown, but sharing space is generally a moot point between the two.


I also think they're alike in that they both wear a facade a lot of the time, whereas the other characters are authentic. Rainbow is almost always playing stereotypical tough-guy and Rarity fakes an accent and tries to act like she's hoi polloi. Rainbow can be surprisingly soft or vulnerable she lets her guard down and Rarity is far more intelligent and hard-headed than she seems.


So I don't know why the fans of one wouldn't like the other. They're a lot alike in my opinion.

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I'm not a terribly big fan of Rainbow or Rarity. They both tend to be self-absorbed show-offs. But they don't have much of a rivalry as they are self-absorbed show-offs in such completely different areas as to have nothing to compete about. Sure, if Twilight had roped Rainbow into her sleepover instead of Applejack, much the same sparks would've flown, but sharing space is generally a moot point between the two.


I also think they're alike in that they both wear a facade a lot of the time, whereas the other characters are authentic. Rainbow is almost always playing stereotypical tough-guy and Rarity fakes an accent and tries to act like she's hoi polloi. Rainbow can be surprisingly soft or vulnerable she lets her guard down and Rarity is far more intelligent and hard-headed than she seems.


So I don't know why the fans of one wouldn't like the other. They're a lot alike in my opinion.


And it's funny, because you essentially listed the reasons why I like each character, especially in the "they wear a facade a lot of the time" deal. Applejack actually shares a bit of this tendency too, although she puts the facade of being "perfect" as much on herself as she does on anypony else. 

  • Brohoof 2

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I'm not a terribly big fan of Rainbow or Rarity. They both tend to be self-absorbed show-offs. But they don't have much of a rivalry as they are self-absorbed show-offs in such completely different areas as to have nothing to compete about. Sure, if Twilight had roped Rainbow into her sleepover instead of Applejack, much the same sparks would've flown, but sharing space is generally a moot point between the two.


I also think they're alike in that they both wear a facade a lot of the time, whereas the other characters are authentic. Rainbow is almost always playing stereotypical tough-guy and Rarity fakes an accent and tries to act like she's hoi polloi. Rainbow can be surprisingly soft or vulnerable she lets her guard down and Rarity is far more intelligent and hard-headed than she seems.


So I don't know why the fans of one wouldn't like the other. They're a lot alike in my opinion.


I was going to say something like this, but dammit, you stole my thunder. :D 


I'm a Rarity fan, and personally I'd probably have to rank RD at or near the bottom of the Mane 6.  I don't hate her, but her overwhelming popularity somewhat puzzles me.  I think it's because up through the middle of season 2 she kind of came off as an insecure jerk who was invested too much in how others perceived her.  True, she had some really good moments as well (like the ending of Griffon the Brush off) but I felt they were overshadowed until about the time Hurricane Fluttershy came about.  She can also be a bit abrasive and has a tendency to leap before she looks, which aren't really ideal personality traits to me. 


But you said that the two characters are in some ways oddly similar, and strangely I agree.  They're both very outgoing, goal driven, and self absorbed, and are easily the two most extroverted ponies next to Pinkie Pie.  So what's the difference? I think that the difference is that Rarity's vanity doesn't come off as quite as pushy as Rainbow Dash's cockiness. Dash's general manner is a bit more abrasive, and while both she and AJ are tomboys I think that AJ's more mature demeanor offers a better complement to Rarity.


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This isn't an issue to me as Rarity is arguably my fave pony despite being the Fashionista(and playing most of the tropes to the T). Rarity would be a character I would hate in any other show... if not for a few factors.


1. Tabitha St.Germain. Her voice acting for Rarity is just unparalleled in the show- despite the very good work of all the other actors.

2. Her overdramatics actually makes the fashionista part enjoyable.

3. She is, as a rule, mostly hilarious whenever used effectively as a background pony.


But despite me liking Rarity best, I don't hope for episodes centered on her. They are usually enjoyable, yes... but the point is that to me, she works best primarily as comic relief(which I see a lot complaining about).




As for Applejack and Rainbow Dash...


I like Rainbow Dash. Why? Because she feels genuinely like a person you would know, even when she has her jerk moments. When RD is being a *****, I get angry at her- when she's overjoyed, I'm happy. Essentially, she makes me react and feel- both positively and negatively.


AJ on the other hand... I don't particularly like her. She's not terribly funny as support, and while others seem to like her focus episodes, I find them, as a rule, to be rather dull. She's also portrayed as a rather complete character- she works her farm, and she's sensible. She just comes off as far less entertaining than the other characters to me.

To be fair, that the few episodes that does take her out of the slightly boring makes her a jerk or hypocrite almost every time(BB, FWF)... those do not really endear her to me.


At least RD is aware that she is hypocritical, and for all that bluster she does at time show she's insecure. When AJ acts hypocritical, we are usually supposed to side with her, and her pride does not have a reason to be there in the way RD's is(as a response to her own insecurity).

  • Brohoof 1

"The meaning of life? Humans create their own meaning. They always strive onwards, upwards, to break the limits of their knowledge, the limits of their bodies capacities, and the limits of their technology.
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  • 5 months later...

my god, how have i never noticed this before img-1598244-1-ohmy.png

applejack and rarity fans get along more because rarity and applejack are often placed in the same boat, being the two "bottom" ponies while rainbow dash is pretty much plastered everywhere in the fandom and the media. remember how people used to call applejack a background pony? and how they started calling Rarity a background pony in season 3? yeah, kindred spirits. applejack and rarity fans won't fight for this reason.

then of course the whole tomboy vs. fabulosity thing from the show continues to seperate RD and rarity fans img-1598244-2-tongue.png

i think its definitely more of a popularity rivalry than just clashing character personality ideals.

after all, rarity is my favorite and applejack my second or third favorite while rainbow dash definitely my least favorite of the main six.

Edited by crazitaco
  • Brohoof 1


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  • 1 month later...

Well, there seems to be a split between Rarity lovers and Rarity haters. I can't decide yet if something seperates them, such as their favorite pony, but there doesn't seem to be any rarity-neutral ponies.

This signature was removed for being too obnoxious and arrogant.


By the way, if you're talking to me in a thread, please quote my previous post. Otherwise, I might not respond to you.

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As a Rainbow Dash fan, I do like Rarity....just not as much.   Rarity is "meh" for me. I'm more neutral on her. I'd pick her over Twily or AJ....but I'd pick AJ over Twily. Rairty for me is that middle pony on my like/dis like meter..she'sin the middle at the neutral zone. Where as Dashie is near the end of the "like" side of the meter. and AJ is in the middle of the Dis like meter.


I can't hate AJ, because I'm relatable to her. I don't live in a big city, I'm more a country boy. I work for everything, nothing is ever "handed" to me...I'm jsut not a fan of AJ that much..I've only got one AJ piece of pony merch and that's a blind bag.  But I like Dashie because I also relate to her...but I relate to her more, I'm athletic...her flying is like my biking if you want a reference.


I'm not one to argue who is best pony. (Which is Fluttershy)

  • Brohoof 1

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  • 5 months later...

So, scrolling around the forums.


See Admin post. "Oh, hey, locked topic." (I like seeing what went down, but, unfortunately, it was still open :( )


See "Legacy of C. Discord" in siggy. Click on that for reasons unknown.


Come across this topic.


Read it.


Realized "This bullshit has been going on longer than I thought." :okiedokielokie:


I'm just gonna weigh in on this deader than dead topic.


I'm also not gonna slap a raincoat on the goat here; I find this to be the stupidest thing about this whole fandom.


Call me Shirley, but yeahh, the Rarity and RD fan rivalry is pretty minor, from what I see, but fuck, man, when I see it, it's just plain ridiculous. RD's character grates on me, her arrogance and all, and how large her fanbase is, and how her fanbase provides most of the fuel and fire to Rarity hate. Yet, the former, how much she grates on me, is something I really appreciate about RD, as the immense headaches that seem to fall on cue every time she goes off "OMGIMSOAWESOME20%COOLER10SECONDSFLAT" make it noticeable when she's not around. I dunno why, really, but, with out the scoffs that her character presses out of my lungs, it just isn't as enjoyable without them. Less emotional. She keeps me interested. Now, of course, she's in no competition nor comparison with my dear Rarity (:wub:), but goddamn, man. Why it's like this, I dunno. 


Then, oh, how much her character gets ruined for me with her fans constant bashing of my best pony; I held it against poor Rainbow for a while, there, but I realized that my problem isn't with the pony herself here.


Now, what boggles my genius mind the most is how much people complain "IM SCARED TO BE A BRONY I DONT WANT PEOPLE TO HATE ME" then, these two fanbases almost hate each other for no fuckin' reason whatsoever their best pony alone. They go bash each other's favorite ponies, and I honestly am extremely cautious around RD fans that I'm not too familiar with for this very reason, as I'm sure is the case with some of her fans as well.


Seriously, we're grown dudes who watch a show about candy-colored ponies and friendship who deal with hate from the bigoted masses enough as is. Why we can't get along, at LEAST when it comes to this RD/Rarity fans subject, is just ridiculous to me.


Just stupid, man.


Just stupid.



  • Brohoof 3


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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I don't know. I don't see many "Rarity sucks" threads, but I seem to stumble upon "RD sucks" threads just about everywhere.

As RD lover the only reason for disliking Rarity I can see and is related to RD - the (and I forgot the name again) episode where Rarity gets the butterfly wings. She was a real ass in this one episode. 

I really like them both tho, so I might be a bit off when it comes to the trend, but as I repeat way too more often than I'd like to - Some people just LOVE to hate. So, let's take it as a compliment, RD is so cool and distinct character that people actually focus on her. Yay.



you would never need a "rarity sucks thread" to light the poweder keg so to speak.

If someone said pony A was 20 percent cooler than pony B, (insert the appriate names) much mayham would insue.


Are you asking why Apple jack fans don't but heads with rarity fans?

Am I aloud to answer that?

Apple jack fans are easy going.

Apple jack fans don't like apple jack because it's a popularity contest.

A apple jack fan could care less if every pony else thinks apple jack is best pony.

they think she is best pony and that's enough.

hell apple jack fans are just pleased as pie (Apple pie) that you not call apple jack a back ground pony.

their very easy bronies to get along with.


flight to the finish. i continue to improve,

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Anyone else think we need a Rarity/ Rainbow Dash episode to bring these two fanbases together?

Gonna go spam the writer's twitter accounts with this idea, brb.

Edited by Champion gfk39


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

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Hmm that's wierd


I guess I'm the only one to rank Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash at the top right next to each other.


They can have the best character interactions due to thier differences in thier nature just like Rarity and Applejack. Basically I like the character foil between them. The reason why they are my favorite might be because they are least relatable to me (and thus I find them the most interesting compared to say Fluttershy or Twilight whom I mimic in almost every way.)

  • Brohoof 2
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That's certainly a true observation, a lot of fans seem to be on one side of the coin or the other it seems. :huh:

But still, I don't see how either character could be wholly disliked. Both Rarity and Rainbow have goodness and flaws in them that make them both great characters to me. The characters seem to care enough about each other in the show as well, they could really use another episode together though. ;)

So, I think that hating one or the other is a bit trivial and pointless, or thinking that way of any of the mane 6 anyway, they're all great characters. We should all just get along, no? :lol:

  • Brohoof 2


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I just read my previous post in this thread and now that Season 4 has started, I have a real different opinion.



I've grown more a Rarity fan since my last post....I've come to appreciate her a lot more. and with Season 4 now in full swing.I've changed my opinion on her. Sure I still call her a marshmallow sometimes, but that's because I love her. She's moving up on my likeness meter. Almost close to my likeness of Dash. Though I doubt she'll pass Dash in my "faves" list. But it was the episode" Rarity Takes Manehattan" that was the true turning point for me liking Rarity even more.


I still don't get the hate between Rarity and Dash fans. Like Twilight is my least fave of the mane 6,and I don't hate her, I just tolerate her. I don't hate any pony. Not to mention these groups made for hating a certain pony....Which in my opinion, makes you no better than the MLP haters.



Love and tolerate and all that jazz!



Edited by ~TGAP Trixie~
  • Brohoof 1

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


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