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Do you travel much?


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Part of my job entails going around the Crystal Empire (AKA the Arctic or the Discordia as I like to call it, because things can turn to chaos in a heartbeat) installing and maintaining equipment that provides internet service. It's tough work but I think it's worthwhile, being able to provide those ponies (read: Nunavummiut and whatever Newfies have moved up there) with access to the rest of the world.


Anyway, the only reason I bring this up is because I was just out on a work trip. I've been in the office for exactly one day and tomorrow (today, now) I'm going back out again. I'm a bit frustrated because I have various pony projects I'm working on and sadly won't be able to touch them while I'm away.


I write a comic (which you can find on da if you put my username in the right place in the URL) and a fanfic (which isn't published anywhere yet) and various other things that either entail editing/lip syncing show footage or creating my own with SFM or Blender (i have a youtube channel. Again, you'll have to find it by being clever -- i'm not really interested in promoting my work. Not yet, anyway.) Pretty much the only things I can work on while travelling is the fic and maybe the comic if I have lots of time, which I usually don't. SFM is out of the question due to lacking sufficient hardware and video editing is too time-consuming.


Anyone else travel 'too much'? Does your work get in the way of your ponies in some other fashion?


Any Bronies in Kugluktuk? Or Cambridge Bay? Or anywhere in Nunavut? 'Cause it'd be great to meet you!



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Sometimes I travel up and down my stairs to get food to eat, go to work, or watch ponies...


In all seriousness, whenever I feel like I'm traveling, it's to see my grandfather who lives in North Carolina, usually twice a year. We'll drive through the Smoky Mountains, it's always a beautiful sight and privilege. I could live there I if had to.


I know once I get a real job after College, I have a feeling there's going to be lots of travel.

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I never travel. i would travel alot more but in todays world i dont see why i'd want to. However, i am exploring the option of enlisting in the Military and they travel from base to base from what i hear

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In all seriousness, whenever I feel like I'm traveling, it's to see my grandfather who lives in North Carolina, usually twice a year. We'll drive through the Smoky Mountains, it's always a beautiful sight and privilege. I could live there I if had to.



Places like that are great! There are a few places I've been through where I'm like "I could settle here." I don't really know if I'm being realistic but there are some towns on the north shore of Lake Superior and in Newfoundland which just capture my heart.


I never travel. i would travel alot more but in todays world i dont see why i'd want to. However, i am exploring the option of enlisting in the Military and they travel from base to base from what i hear


That would certainly be an adventure! May I ask what attracts you to the military? I was once thinking along similar lines before I got this job which I find is 'interesting enough' for me ;)

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Well I'm only 16, so traveling only includes going to and from school. But when I'm older I'm planning on being one of those people that go on holiday to everywhere, because I really want to explore different cultures and ways of living and blah blah blah.




If I remember correctly, you avatar is from Kids Next Door? :P

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That would certainly be an adventure! May I ask what attracts you to the military? I was once thinking along similar lines before I got this job which I find is 'interesting enough' for me
Lets just say im trying to live up to the families expectations as well as my own. I also want to get away from the civilian life for it is not for me. 
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not really

I'm from Egypt but i'm a resident in saudi arabia.

most of my travels is visiting Egypt.

but I went to syria once. (Before the civil war)

so i don't travel a lot.

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Well I'm only 16, so traveling only includes going to and from school. But when I'm older I'm planning on being one of those people that go on holiday to everywhere, because I really want to explore different cultures and ways of living and blah blah blah.


That sounds great! I know I'm gonna sound like an old fart but travelling when you're young and don't have a lot of things to tie you down is a fantastic idea! I did plenty of that but I generally stayed in Canada. It's a big country with lots to see, still I wish I had backpacked across Europe or taught English in Africa or Asia like some of my friends have. They have some amazing stories and insist it was one of the most inspiring experiences of their lives. I can only imagine :)


Anyway, I hope you get to see all kinds of interesting places! There's all sorts of great volunteer work you can do in other countries. You get to experience new cultures, meet new people and helping others is the pony way!


Best wishes :)


not really

I'm from Egypt but i'm a resident in saudi arabia.

most of my travels is visiting Egypt.

but I went to syria once. (Before the civil war)

so i don't travel a lot.


I really don't know much about that part of the world, though one of my best friends is from Iraq and his wife from Libya. Is Saudi Arabia very different from Egypt or Syria? Or Iraq or Libya, for that matter? What kinds of things are different?

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I really don't know much about that part of the world, though one of my best friends is from Iraq and his wife from Libya. Is Saudi Arabia very different from Egypt or Syria? Or Iraq or Libya, for that matter? What kinds of things are different?

In my opinion, yes.

Clothes styles "in egypt there are a lot of different clothes styles" in cairo is different from sinai for example.


even egypt has it is own arabic accent, saudi arabia has it is own accent also, syria and iraq "4 arabic accents are different from each other"

so there is some differences

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Lets just say im trying to live up to the families expectations as well as my own. I also want to get away from the civilian life for it is not for me. 


I think I understand that. Sometimes I feel like us civilians don't have a proper appreciation for what's really important. I feel like that less (about myself, anyway), now that I've had to fend for myself in the Arctic. I have enjoyed the hospitality of the Canadian Forces while working in Resolute (I set up a temporary internet connection for them during an arctic training exercise) and while the accommodations were -- shall we say 'minimal' (I slept in a tent with a bunch of soldiers) the people I met were absolutely wonderful. (of course, I was bringing them internet, so they loved me ;) )

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I used to do a decent amount of it when I was younger and lived with my parents. They dragged me and my sister around half the country, sometimes for vacation, sometimes just tagging along on business trips.


I'd love to do more of that someday when I get the chance, I haven't left Texas in over two years now... and that's a far more horrible situation for myself than it sounds like. ;)

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Eh, not that much. Maybe somewhere significant once a year. I've only been out of the country I think once in my life, I went to some island around Florida. All in all, I'd say I could travel more.

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Once a year we (me and my family) take some big trips, our last one was out west.  The rest of the year the most traveling I do is to and from school.

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I haven't traveled much in the last 3 years or so, but I used to travel quite a lot, especially when I was younger.

I now live in England (London) and have visited several different parts, but I've also been to Wales. Outside of the UK, I've been to the US (Florida), Italy twice (Tuscany and Sardinia), Portugal (Madeira (One of the most beautiful natural environments I've ever been too)), Israel multiple times, Belgium three times, Spain, France (Well... to Disneyland >_>) and... I'm pretty sure I've been to other places, but I can't think of them at the moment.  


Ironically, I'm actually a very Homey person. I would really love to go to Norway to see the Northern Lights though. I also want to visit Germany for all their awesome Alternative music festivals and Tokyo in Japan.

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I have not been out of state since 2011, and that only lasted part of a day. Before that the last time I had been out of state was 2008. I have not been traveling much these last several years. I have actually personally chosen not to. It's all too far out of my comfort zone. Although I will be going on a trip in around a week.


It's not that I like the state I live in. I think if anybody has ever read my opinions about where I live, they'd know that's clearly not true. It's a different sort of comfort zone...

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If I remember correctly, you avatar is from Kids Next Door? :P

Eeyup. Right on the money. Father from Kids Next Door. I thought it worked with me cause I'm somewhat morbidly evil and smoke pipes.

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I would say I go travelling a lot for someone of my age. I went to Singapore and Malaysia when touring with the Australian Boys Choir, I went to the USA with my dad for a 3 week holiday and just recently I managed to raise $6,500 for a trip to Costa Rica and Nicuragua, which was the experience of a life time, doing a community project and a trek over there. There are also ones where I've been too young to really claim I've been there at all, as the choir trip and USA holiday I did 2-3 years ago, and before that the last time I went was about 10-11 years ago.


As far as non-overseas travel, I've been to every capital city in Australia, and more. Usually for family trips will go somewhere in Australia once every 2 years, maybe once a year, and as stated before, overseas trips rare, but will hopefully get more common as I start earning more and putting money towards trips (which reminds me, I need to send an application into McDonalds or somewhere else)


My dad raves about his travels a lot and I want to go travelling when I've finished school and saved up some money.

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I would say I often travel to see family members. I went to Charlottesville,Virginia to see my uncle and my cousins, that was probably the only time I traveled to another state besides going through 4 states to get to Virginia. :P

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Eeyup. Right on the money. Father from Kids Next Door. I thought it worked with me cause I'm somewhat morbidly evil and smoke pipes.


Ah yes.. the evil Father. I really should watch all the Kids Next Door seasons some time. That was a very cool show when I was younger.

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I travel a good bit.


When I was younger I would be on 3-4 long distance trips per year (either vacations or going with my dad on business trips). I've been in about 30 of the 50 states, so far.


Today I don't really go on his business trips, anymore (no time as a college student :(, plus he's not traveling as much). However, every year my dad and I take a one-week camping/fishing trip to northern Wisconsin, as well as go to at least three days of the EAA Airventure airshow in Oshkosh.


The last really big trip I took was during my senior year of high school when I took a class trip to Europe. We went to Italy (Rome and Florence), the Vatican, France (Aix-en Provence and Carcassonne), and Spain (Barcelona).


On a daily basis, I look for any excuse to get out. I usually volunteer to run a lot of errands just because it's a chance to go driving around town. Not to mention I've already taken two cross-country road trips with a friend. Plus, my parents moving to Michigan has meant several trips between Kalamazoo (where I am right now ;)) and Chicago to help with the move.


I'll be traveling a lot this semester when I am in flight training (I will be flying 3 times a week). Our destination is the same airport we take off from, but still, traveling is traveling. Plus one day my job (either airline pilot or aerobatic pilot...hooves crossed!) will have me traveling pretty much every day.


Yes, I have a very extreme wanderlust. :P

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I've been to several different countries, on both sides of the equator. I currently live in Shanghai, and would fly back to Taiwan once in a while to visit my grandparents and family, and stuff myself(great foods). The longest flight I've been on was from Taiwan to California, I think. Either that or the other time I flew to Vienna. Although traveling to different places is fun once in a while, my favorite form of traveling is still by bicycle. If there was a bike route that went across the pacific I would definately give it a shot.

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The farthest I've had to travel for work is in a 15 mile radius and and that was infrequent. Much of my work could be done remotely.


As for vacations or short leisure trips, I usually do something once a month. Most of the time I only drive about two hours north or south of home for the things I do. The farthest I've ever gone is from here (Virginia) to Prince Edward Island in Canada. I've also been to Minnesota. Long hauls, but fun. I don't really get attached to any one place so I enjoy going to different kinds of places regardless of distance.

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I don't travel very much at all. Which is a good and bad thing. Bad, because, well, I can't see all of the cool places I want to see, good, because I become homesick very easily, and feel trapped if I'm staying at a place that's very far from home. The farthest I've ever traveled was out of state. I went to Nevada, and that's it. Pathetic, I know. But I plan to travel a bit when I'm older and can afford to do so and I'm (hopefully) not so much of a homebody. I like my city though, so there's no real reason for me to go far from it. Unless I go to San Diego. I like it there.

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Anyone else travel 'too much'? Does your work get in the way of your ponies in some other fashion?


I'm in the "too much" group.  It's fun a lot of times, but getting around is exhausting.  In the past year, work has taken me to California, Idaho, Kentucky, Texas, Arkansas, South Carolina, Virginia, Maine, Delaware, New Jersey, Hawaii, Guam, Colombia, the Azores, Sicily, Spain, Tukey, Germany, the Netherlands, Kuwait, the UAE, Qatar, Afghanistan and Kyrgyzstan.


Most fun: Guam (snorkling), Sicily (the wine) and the Azores (nightclubs)

Least fun: Qatar (lacks all of the above, or any other redeeming qualities)

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I used to go on vacations to Florida every summer Holliday when I was younger, now the extent of my traveling is riding the 3 miles to uni 3 days a week, sometimes if I'm feeling adventurous I'll take the long way home, a whole extra mile, and once every few months I'm crazy enough to go the extra half a mile for petrol.

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