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Your thoughts on 'Cupcakes' Creepypasta?

Unique Pinkie Pie

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Thankfully i never have or will read Cupcakes.:P  Still though at least its no Sweet Apple Massacre.


I also believe that pretty much all creepypastas about the show are crap anyways, though Luna Game creeped me out playing it.

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I cant say i hate it but I cant say I really like it. Its a very creative video and I have to give the guy credit for that but, in a way, it does gross me out quite a bit. SQUEE


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Do I hate the cupcakes creepy pasta? Hate is a strong word, I don't hate the cupcakes story. Its just one of those things on the internet that is just not for me. I do find it more silly and entertaining though with a different mind set. You can't really take the idea so seriously or even remotely think that its scary. 


Its just what the internet does, takes a well known franchise and twists it in a horrible demented way. Its amusing if I say so myself, I can't barely find it scary since...well its Pinkie Pie, why would I find her scary? I see the story as an amusing distraction for the fan of the show to see fan works. 


Not my thing but I don't hate it, just a rather silly story in my opinion

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Thanks for reminding me about that, because ironically, I like Happy Tree Friends. Of course I still don't care for a gore fest. But life is full of irony.

The only redeeming quality of the fatalities in Happy Tree Friends, if you can call it that, is that they are all accidents.  Cupcakes is about deliberately torturing and killing someone.  

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It sucked!
Sucked a lot!

I don't think you should even dignify it with the term 'creepypasta'. It's more 'bloodybloodbloodgore some really dumb organ puns bloodblood'. That doesn't roll off the tongue as well, though.

However, it's pretty good for a pitying little laugh.

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Nah, I don't hate it.


There's a lot better grimdark fanfictions out there though, IMO. Like Cheerile's Garden and the sequel, Scarlet Harvest.



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There's a lot better grimdark fanfictions out there though, IMO. Like Cheerile's Garden and the sequel, Scarlet Harvest.

 I never read the SH, but I found the CG a guilty pleasure because the psychological horror was so good, and it was a interesting read.


On to the main thread


1) Cupcakes is not a Creepypasta, it lacks any Pasta traits, such as being meta, having paranoia fuel, ect. Maybe if it had a "Lost Episode" framing device you could call it one, See "Twice Baked Sun Cakes" for a example of awesome MLP Pasta.


2)I'm not exactly fond of it, but I give it respect for two reasons:


A)Silent Ponyville, the most awesome horror fic ever made, was in part, inspired by it.


B)All the funny and heartwarming alt endings, stories, and art it's spawned.  



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I don't really care for it. It was barely even a story, it was just rambling about how Pinkie was mutilating Rainbow Dash. It was gory and disturbing, but it wasn't creepy or entertaining at all. 


-Poor writing

-Pretty boring, I barely finished it

-Sequels that were even worse were made

-Poor story structure, if there even was a story


I hate gory MLP stories anyway. 0/5 stars.



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I don't hate it, because I'm not watching it. Saves me the trouble of ranting and makes my positive attitude much easier to maintain. No offense to the creators, I just don't get it. Reading about, listening to or watching killed, mutilated ponies is not my idea of a fun Monday evening. Or even a drunken Saturday night for that matter.

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Reminder: Posting links to videos, fanfics/text or images of Cupcakes, as well as any other overly-gory content will be removed. 'NSFW' entails over the top violence, i.e gore just as much as it constitutes sexual content :3 Woona doesn't want her boss to see a pony being cut up on her computer screen at work any more than she does clop material.


It's grimdark. It was made for the shock factor and nothing more. It's poorly written.


That, in a descending order is why Cupcakes and me don't get along  B)  I can't stand grimdark in general, but cut and dry ones made simply for the sake of gore are the worst of the worst. As much as I hate Rainbow Factory for example, earlier posts do make a point in that it at least had some trace of a storyline (though it's hardly worth praising, it's nothing incredible).


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I am getting tired of hearing about this fan-fic. Everywhere I go some pony has to mention it somewhere. I don't hate it. I just find it annoying and horrible as a story.


First of: it's a fan-fic. It never happened and is all part of the imagination of some pony. Taking this into account I didn't see this happening and wasn't scared.


Second: it's (in my opinion) a poor story. Pinkie pie kills Rainbow Dash. End. I mean come on there are more scary story then this. Ya I get it she kills her slowly and there are disturbing images and blah blah blah. I get it, but in the end I summarized it well. Pinkie pie kills Rainbow Dash. End of story.


Third: Cupcakes has more popularity then it deserves. This is what keeps it on the Internet and a reference is always being put in places it doesn't belong. I can't go on the Internet, google mlp or Pinkie Pie and not find something that has a cupcakes reference in it.


Fourth: being a gory story doesn't mean it's a scary story. I try not to watch horror films, but I have seen horror films that were the film is mostly gore and is see no point in it. I have seen horror films here in USA and from countries such as Mexico and Japan that have almost no gore in it (has some I didn't say it didn't) that scared the shit out of me. In short being a gory story doesn't necessarily mean its good


(However if gore isn't your thing and you hate the sight of blood then cupcakes isn't for you, and you may feel sick, felt I needed to put this warning)


Finally: And I'm going back to my second point, it wasn't that good of a story. The best scary fan-fics (or creepy pastas as some call it) are those that are more believable. I don't see the events of cupcakes happening. It didn't feel real or believable to me so it didn't disturbed me. I even read it at night and put some fan inspired music while reading this to try to get some sort of horror.

Didn't work.

What do I mean by not being realistic. What I mean is that it dosn't make us think is this possible? Let me give you an example. For those who don't know let me tell you about the "Ash is in a coma" theory. The theory is that Ash is in a coma after being struck by lighting (If I recal correctly) and the events we see in the show are all in his dreams because his strong desire to be a trainer. The theory is pretty good, facts make a bit of sense. In short it makes us think. It makes us wonder if something like this is possible.

You want a scary story? Well what about Hypno. There was a creepy pasta about him.

Here it is (because it's short) it's called

Hypno's Lulaby

(link for pic if it dosn't show

Warning: may cause disturbing nightmares)



Come little children, come with me

Safe and happy, you will be

Away from your homes, now let us run

With Hypno, you'll have so much fun


Oh, little children, please don't cry

Hypno wouldn't hurt a fly

Be free, be free be free to play

Come down in my cave with me to stay


Oh, little children, please don't squirm

Those ropes, I know, will hold you firm

Hypno tells you this is true

But sadly, Hypno lied to you


Oh, little children, you mustn't leave

Your families for you will grieve

Their minds will unravel a the seams

Allowing me to haunt their dreams


But surely, all of you must know

That it is time for you to go

Oh, little children, you weren't clever

Now you shall stay with me forever


How is this poem/story believable? Well in firered version his pokédex entrie is and I quote "It carries a pendulum-like device. There was once an incident in which it took a child it hypnotized". This is in the actual firered version of the Pokemon game. Japan knows about this and even glamorizes this idea by putting merchendis such as a shirt that shows Hypno leading a group of children somewhere. This is what makes the Hypno's Lulluby more creepy and makes us think could this happen?

Cupcakes dosn't give me that moment where we stop and think "could this really happen?" it's these kin of creepy pastas and grimfics that keep us up at night.



No disrespect to those who were disturbed by it, but it wasn't scary. If it disturbed you that's okay, every pony had there limits of what scares you and what doesn't.


I am not here to offend any pony, these are my opinions and I felt that they needed to be shared.

Edited by Phoenix237
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I do not like the video. It's very disturbing and I don't like to see my favorite characters put into situations like that. When I first saw the vid, I was like "Oooh, it's just a video of Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash making cupcakes together. But when I clicked it, I made a huge mistake. Luckily I've forgotten about it and I would NEVER watch or read cupcakes ever again. 

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It wasn't that bad...
I found people being traumatized because of cupcakes...
But I was like: Blood! Yeah!
It was creepy and all... but still, wasn't THAT bad...
I was actually more affected by Rainbow Factory... It's not as graphic as cupcakes, but still, there's something about it...
Coltin Tarantino? :3

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I liked the cupcakes creepy pasta. I'm not a weak stomached foal and I don't get the fanfiction and the actual show mixed up like most people who've gone though the fanfiction have.


To be honest though cupcakes was poorly written. It had poor grammer, it was too short, and it had no solid story (all it was was Pinkie Pie slowly killing Rainbow Dash). 


I'm a writer so if i was brave enough I'd rewrite the fanfiction Cupcakes and it would be 10x better. 



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I hate everything to do with 'Cupcakes'. I hate the fact that it even exists. It represents the darker side of the fandom, which, given the nature of the show the fandom revolves around, shouldn't exist. I can tolerate clop, because everybody has their kinks and all that, but the gore stuff just makes me mad. Have you ever seen a drop of blood in the show? No, because it doesn't belong there. The same goes for fanfiction.

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I hate everything to do with 'Cupcakes'. I hate the fact that it even exists. It represents the darker side of the fandom, which, given the nature of the show the fandom revolves around, shouldn't exist. I can tolerate clop, because everybody has their kinks and all that, but the gore stuff just makes me mad. Have you ever seen a drop of blood in the show? No, because it doesn't belong there. The same goes for fanfiction.


You sir are too sensitive. If you hate clop and grimdark just ignore it and look the other way. It's that simple. Stuff like this exist in every fandom so you might as well hate everything dark. Grimdark and whatever else you mentioned won't go away just because you hate it. I'm just being honest here. 

Edited by Twisted-Bone
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You sir are too sensitive. If you hate clop and grimdark just ignore it and look the other way. It's that simple. Stuff like this exist in every fandom so you might as well hate everything dark. Grimdark and whatever else you mentioned won't go away just because you hate it. I'm just being honest here. 

I knew someone would say that. First of all, I do avoid it, but that doesn't change the fact that it shouldn't be there in the first place. It certainly shouldn't be more well-known than any of the other fanfiction out there, but it is. It was the first fanfic I heard about, and I still hear about it far more than any other. Which makes it kind of hard to avoid.


It's not that I can't handle gore, I just don't like gore for the sake of gore, especially in a place where I don't feel that it has any right to be.

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I knew someone would say that. First of all, I do avoid it, but that doesn't change the fact that it shouldn't be there in the first place. It certainly shouldn't be more well-known than any of the other fanfiction out there, but it is. It was the first fanfic I heard about, and I still hear about it far more than any other. Which makes it kind of hard to avoid.


It's not that I can't handle gore, I just don't like gore for the sake of gore, especially in a place where I don't feel that it has any right to be.


You seem to feel like a few people I know and I understand where you're coming from. If grimdark never existed I wouldn't feel bad and I could continue being a brony like I am but grimdark fans like me exist so grimdark isn't gonna go away anytime soon. 

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You seem to feel like a few people I know and I understand where you're coming from. If grimdark never existed I wouldn't feel bad and I could continue being a brony like I am but grimdark fans like me exist so grimdark isn't gonna go away anytime soon. 

I don't think I really made myself clear earlier. My problem isn't that I can't stand grimdark, it's that I don't feel grimdark and mlp should mix. There are two reasons for this: first of all, it totally contradicts the themes and atmosphere of the show. Second of all, I watch mlp largely because it takes me back to my childhood and reminds me of that purity and innocence, and when I see grimdark mlp fannon, it ruins it for me. You're free to do whatever you want, but at the same time I'm free to not be happy about it.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mister Davie recently posted a statement regarding the legality of his Cupcakes video under copyright law: 


The following content is used for a specified range of non commercial educational purposes. Any legal claims or copyright infringements will therefore be dismissed. Should you claim that the content is not used for the above stated purposes, please contact my attorney.

Whether this is an offensive video or not is not the issue with my post today.  We reserve the right to disagree with Mister Davie's grimdark video.  But he has the same right to freedom of expression as anybody else.  I'm distressed to see that Hasbro's legal department is going into overdrive and its prompting video and parody makers to take preemptive steps to protect themselves. 

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I read it by clicking random page on CreepyPasta like four months ago. I wasn't a brony then so perhaps that's why I didn't affect me. But nonetheless, I didn't like it. It was decently paced, but senseless violence. 4/10

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Is this thread about the MisterDavie video, or about the fanfic itself?  Because my opinions of each are totally different.  Cupcakes the fanfic was okay, just gore for the sake of gore and didn't bring anything new to the table.


But the MisterDavie video is one of my favorite pieces of MLP fan work.  The whole thing is so ballsy and upbeat, the animation itself is really funny at times, the music is great (I think that may be the biggest difference maker here) , and the whole thing is so happy and energetic (especially with RD and Pinkie dancing around in the interludes between each scene) that I can't take it that seriously as horror.


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I think the original piece has a brilliantly twisted sense of humor to it. It did make me feel sick though. The imagery and Dash's desperation are realised extremely well. Great ending too!


The video is a whole different animal. :D



Damn that song is catchy!

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Excellent, this is why I love Germany. There are only two countries in the world that are affected. Seriously, what happened to freedom and everything? <_<


Anyway, I've watched a few videos and read the fic itself (probably the original) and while I wouldn't quite call it disturbing, I wasn't thrilled either.


At least my brain can tell the difference between stuff that really happens in pony land and stuff that people make up, so Pinkie isn't ruined for me.


When wandering the fandom + internet references to this cupcake phenomena pop up here and there, but it's not something worth looking into just for that.


If you think you can take it, it's nice to understand what everyone is talking about, but if you're not into this sort of stuff, just leave. Now. You won't be missing thaaat much. ;)

I'm more scared of Windows 8 than I am of Cupcakes. #UrdnotJustWentThere


But seriously, I don't like cupcakes. If you like it, that's fine, I really don't care. I'm not going to judge anyone for liking it.


I personally don't like it because I watch MLP because it's innocent, colorful, and cheerful. I don't know about everyone else, but since I watch the show because it's colorful, innocent, and cheerful, do you really think I'm going to like MLP Grimdark? No, I don't like it, because it goes against the show's dynamics. If I want Grimdark, I'll play Dead Space, not look up MLP Grimdark.


Another reason I dislike it is because I'm not too keen on characters being taken out of context and acting out of character. It changes the way I view that character, which is why I dislike shipping so much.

Edited by UrdiePie
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