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Applejack Fan Club


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Ever thought Applejack's outfit in the Season 3 Finale could be the best out of all of them? No? Blue and orange clash? Well, now I shall change your mind...I shall dazzle you...with THIS!



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Ever thought Applejack's outfit in the Season 3 Finale could be the best out of all of them? No? Blue and orange clash? Well, now I shall change your mind...I shall dazzle you...with THIS!


TRUE FACT below:


Applejack was the only member of the Mane 6 in Magical Mystery Cure who did not create some sort of disaster in Ponyville, or, in Rainbow Dash's case, was about to. Not to mention, this dress doesn't look half bad:




My headcanon is that Applejack actually could become an alicorn anytime she wants to (and clearly has her act more together than Twilight), she just likes being an earth pony and doesn't want to have to abandon the family and farm for princess duties. I dunno, it's just that the fact that she hasn't been coronated yet seems like a big plot hole, so I came up with this explanation for her lack of a horn and wings. You may offer your own, of course.



Edited by Stellafera
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"Says they don't like MMDW or Merriwether Williams: Inb4 Stellafera" - Sugar Cube

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 My headcanon is that Applejack actually could become an alicorn anytime she wants to (and clearly has her act more together than Twilight), she just likes being an earth pony and doesn't want to have to abandon the family and farm for princess duties.

I highly doubt that, I think Celestia wanted Twilight to become an alicorn because she was the beared of the element of magic which is the most powerful of the Elements of Harmony because it is a combination of the other 5 elements. You are right that she does have her act together quite a bit more than Twilight though but she has not had the benefit of years of training magic or natural talent has with that and though I think learning to fly might be a bit easier for her than Twilight due to her natural athleticism.


It is indeed true though that Applejack was indeed the only one whose mistake didn't directly affect Ponyville. With that said here is some fanart.









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I've loved Applejack since the pilot, and there are a few reasons I can put my hoof on.


She's tomboy-ish, but wasn't obnoxious/aggressive like I felt Rainbow Dash was. She's practical, and doesn't care for all the girly frilly things other mares might.


She's maternal, protective, always trying to keep her friends together and resolve conflicts. The paladin of the group, for sure. wink.png


Her accent is cute as the dickens. She's the only pony with a cozy family-life for us to observe. Everyone else has either distanced themselves from their families, or deals with them only occasionally, like Rarity/Sweetiebelle. Heck, isn't she the only pony that actually lives with other ponies? Unless Pinkie Pie actually lives at Sugarcube Corner with the Cakes.  Sweetie-belle I'm not entirely clear on...  Sometimes it seems she lives with Rarity, but I'm pretty sure she only visits.


She can kick you over the barn. She runs the Apple family business. Strong female characters ftw.


She probably has some of the best-developed flaws. Stubborn, over-protective, a worry-wort... Flaws make a character interesting.


I like apples, and autumn, and she embodies both quite well. Sweet Apple Acres reminds me of a farm I spent a weekend on as part of a bonding experience with my college's equivalent of a 'homeroom' when I was a freshman. We had to trek out into the woods the first day, build our own shelter for the night out of tarps, twine and sticks, that kind of thing. The next day we did farm chores, mucking out stalls, crushing apples for cider, feeding chickens, etc. It was a pleasant time, and I've had other lovely trips since then in or around apple orchards for festivals and such, reinforcing the good feelings associated with such spots.

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She probably has some of the best-developed flaws. Stubborn, over-protective, a worry-wort... Flaws make a character interesting.

That is one thing that has bugged me as an Applejack fan is that people are under the false impression that Applejack is "too perfect". I will of course admit that her flaws aren't as obvious as Rainbow Dash's or Rarity's for example but they are still there which I know personally as I have some of those traits myself and are extremely well balanced with her positive traits which are what made me like Applejack in the first place.








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Applejack isn't my favorite pony, but I really do appreciate her character and what she brings to the show.  While the other ponies have moments of being rather "extreme" (extremely shy, dramatic, cocky, etc.) she seems to be the most grounded.  I've always felt that she may be the oldest of the group, because she seems to be the one that has things together the most.  Yes she has her bouts of stubborn pride, but doesn't everyone now and again?


Sig by Thunderstorm

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Applejack is one of the top three for my favorite ponies even though she is hardworking and dependable she sometimes gets her pride and doesnt let her friends help her. But still I enjoy watching applejack and every thing she does


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I have to admit that Applejack was my fave pony from day one, literally from the first episode; I never figured out why I like AJ the most out of the Mane 6, it just happened that way; also, it just so happened that the first episode focusing on a Mane 6 pony was Applebuck Season; from that moment on, I was an instant fan and would never like any other pony as much; out of all MLP characters, she's my hero and I'd give anything to be able to chat with her a bit, because normally, I do have a ton of questions to ask her XDD

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There was this fancomic I found a while back that I was going to post here but it got deleted for some reason, luckily I found that same comic except in the form of a youtube tribute video.




Also on another note, I am loving the new Applejack banner a toast to Ciderbarrel for it.








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Well it certainly is about time. I have been searching for a my little pony fan club for about 3 days and couldn't find one. I figured it was just because not as many other ponies like her. I guess I have finally found my type of place in the forums.

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Well it certainly is about time. I have been searching for a my little pony fan club for about 3 days and couldn't find one. I figured it was just because not as many other ponies like her. I guess I have finally found my type of place in the forums.

Welcome to the club! This is where we Applejack fans post pics and start up discussions on a regular basis!


Okay, actually we don't. This club's pretty dead. But you can help us fix that! I'm always happy to see more Applejack fans.  :)

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Well it certainly is about time. I have been searching for a my little pony fan club for about 3 days and couldn't find one. I figured it was just because not as many other ponies like her. I guess I have finally found my type of place in the forums.

I am always glad to see another Applejack fan, I started a fanclub for the other Apple family members if anyone here is interested in checking it out.




I found some really adorable baby Applejack fanart









And also it is Applejack vs Twilight Sparkle in the March Madness best pony tournament, Applejack is ahead but Twilight is starting to catch up.



Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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It makes me the slightest bit angry when I here stuff like: sarcastically* Oh great, another Applejack episode. There isn't even that many so I don't understand why people make such a fuss.

I haven't heard too much of that myself but I am sure there are people saying that sort of thing, it might be because I don't really pay much attention to it as I would rather enjoy the episode. Does anybody here have a favorite AJ episode? For a while I didn't but then the Apple Family Reunion episode came along and to me it really brought out the best in her. We saw a mare who tried real hard to make everything perfect to honor the memory of her parents and as someone who recently lost his father that particularly hit close to home. And Applejack wasn't overshadowed like she is in far too many episodes, her family was there but they complimented her character like a good apple cider.








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  • 2 months later...

Here's some fan art that I found of Apple Jack that I absolutely adore! Brohoof if you like any of it! Also I do not take credit for any of these pictures I am only sharing them.




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To be honest, I STILL can't pick a favorite Applejack episode. For me, all of them are great, and I think one day I'll look back at them as being some of the timeless classics of the series. But if I had to narrow it down to a top three in no particular order, it would easily be Applebuck Season, The Last Roundup, and Apple Family Reunion. Applebuck Season wins as far as comedy and character development. The Last Roundup wins for having adventure, as well as a very heartfelt ending. Apple Family Reunion wins as far as being 100% all Applejack, with nopony else to steal her thunder. Not to mention the shooting stars and baby Applejack. <3


Have some more AJ: (I take credit for nothing. These can all be found on Deviantart.)











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OMG! I love this Apple Jack fan art picture! It makes you wonder how long Apple Jack had her dog doesn't it? It also makes you wonder how she got her dog!




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Oh sweet, an Applejack fan club. I'll take part in this. I had always liked Applejack since the moment I saw her. Everything about her seemed likeable to me. Accent, design, colors, personality, and so on. Episodes devoted to her were always a treat to me. In fact, one of my top three episodes from the show is The Last Roundup (Still have not seen episodes eight and nine from season 3 yet).




There was this fancomic I found a while back that I was going to post here but it got deleted for some reason, luckily I found that same comic except in the form of a youtube tribute video.


This is so enlightening because it is true. What really annoys me is that ending where one of the sentences says "Applejack was a cameo in a Derpy Episode". It annoys me because Applejack was completely overshadowed, in her own episode mind you, by a background pony...img-1599741-1-sleep.png


Applejack will always be one of the best ponies to me.

Edited by SmartyPants
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IF is best girl.

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Hey fellow Apple Jack fans! Help support AJ in the 2013 pony off! Here's the link! Try your hardest to vote for her! The more votes the higher the votes the better! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39564-the-great-pony-off-2012-2013-global-apocalypse-edition/

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This is so enlightening because it is true. What really annoys me is that ending where one of the sentences says "Applejack was a cameo in a Derpy Episode". It annoys me because Applejack was completely overshadowed, in her own episode mind you, by a background pony...img-1599741-1-sleep.png

As much as it pains me to admit as I am also a huge Derpy fan, that is true Derpy really should have had her own episode in part because of that and because giving her speaking appearance a bit more context would have made it less likely for Derpygate to occur, but I suppose that is a conversation for another thread. One thing I have noticed though is that one of many reasons why I like Applejack is also one of the many reasons why I like Derpy. The message I take from both characters is that even when it is not always easy or popular that if you are true to yourself and don't worry about others think that you will be truly happy. Applejack tried to go to Manehatten to live with her Aunt and Uncle Orange but earned her cutie mark when she realized that she was not being true to herself and returned home. And Derpy has the potential to show that even if you are not perfect and you make mistakes that you still have meaning and are worthy or respect.

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i love me some applejack! she's such a sweetie, and has been my favorite since g3! i guess you could say i have a little connection with her as well, since i live in texas. wink.png


she's also part of my otp, don't tell anypony.


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I thought I'd try my hand at GIFS and turns out I'm not half that bad! Anyways here are come Apple Jack GIFS I made.



I hope you like them! If you like them brohoof them!







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Heres some fan art i made with a 0.7mm Mech, HB, and 8b pencils hope you guys like it :) spent a while on it.happy.png





Tell me what you think, dont be shy.wink.png

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  • 1 month later...

Applejack is my second favorite out of the Mane 6. I don't find her boring at all like some other people do. Anyways, here, have some awesome vectors ^_^






I will be back with more... soon.

Edited by LatinoChurro
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