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A slender hoof send his rapier slittering over the deck of his ship, away from his grasp, sapphire magic surrounding its grip.


"Curse you! Curse you Captain Rarity! You harlot!" Faux Pas bellowed, his plans foiled again. He was laying on the planks of his ship, hammering the deck in frustration with his forelegs.


"No, no, no darling! Thats not how you talk with a lady! I think i should teach you some manners!... Again." A sensual voice in a mocking tone answered.


Faux lifted his head to get an overview over the situation. His shipmates were restrained by the crew of this Twin-sisters-damned siren, their weapons on a big pile. The scurvy sea dogs of the unicorn mare laughed their lungs out over her last comment.. Mocking the mighty Captain Faux Pas!

Captain Rarity strode in his direction, her alluring eyes fixed on him, a small smile playing around her full lips. She looked incredibly tempting in her tight clothes, a fact that enraged Faux even more.


"We have met so often, Fauxie... And always has it ended like this... With you laying at the bottom."


The horselaugh of her henchmen got even louder.


"You just don't learn, darling... You rob these poor islanders, again and again. And i catch you, again and again. And i give them back what you took... again...and...again." She purred with a deep and seductive voice, coming closer and closer.

"What am i going to do with a naughty colt like yourself?"

Very close now, she played with his hair, all the while looking directly into his eyes. Faux Pas hated her, but he desired her even more.


"Do not touch me... you dirty wench! Im going to see you dangle from my mainmast" He sneered... knowing deep in his heart that he relished the way she teased him.


Rarity snickered, knowing how hollow his insults and threats where. She raised her eyebrows mockingly.


"Oh... I bet you would like that... Me dangling on your mast. But alas, it will never happen. You are not stallion enough, darling. That is the reason you bother these people, steal their hard earned possessions... You are a coward."


She turned around and slowly walked in the direction of the plank that connected their two ships, giving him a good view of her beautiful, swaying hindquarters... He hated this mare so much...


"Is the treasure safely stored in our hold, first mate?" The mare asked one of her sailors.


"Ayyye, milady! We are ready tha send this piece o' driftwood to Davy Jones locker, we are! Yarrrr!"


The old, one eyed pony answered eagerly.


"Make it so, darling!"


"Ya heard the Capt'n ya sea dogs! Avast! Let the sea claim this wreckage! Yarr!"


The dread Captain Faux Pas heard the sound of axes biting into wood from below deck, and the unnerving splash of water after that. Hatches opened and some ponies that where below hurried back on their ship. The ship of Captain Rarity. When everyone of her crew was on board, the beautiful unicorn kicked the plank away, abandoning Faux and his crew on their sinking ship.


"Don't worry darling. The lifeboats are intact and the next island is only a few dozen miles north of here... But... it will be pretty difficult for you to get a new ship to continue your brigand ways, seeing that we will give all your treasure to the islanders that you robbed... But well... Une de perdue, dix de retrouvées! Au revoir, chérie!"


The ship of Captain Rarity got smaller and smaller and the ship of Captain Faux sank faster and faster... Again...


"Damn this magnificent mare...!"

  • Brohoof 10
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Do you write fanfics? I'm assuming you do but if you don't you definitely should. Very well written.  :D

Why thank you! :pout:


I don't really write fanfics, just really short stories that i post in the club sometimes. Nothing really big.


I have a link in my signature to a blogpost where i gathered some of them, maybe you would like them too?

  • Brohoof 5
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Ooo, this is my favorite one yet! :D


I think you can make this into a series, to be honest :D Tell us more about Captain Rarity and her rivalry with the dred pirate Faux Pas, his mixed feelings of lust and hatred towards her, their backstories...I'm intrigued! :D Your storytelling ability is always topnotch, Obsi :D


The English is also excellent for a non-native speaker, especially one with no formal education on the language. This is better than what some people who have been speaking English all of their lives would be able to do :D Nice work!


Hmmm...I should gather up some money and commission some Rarity vs. Faux Pas art...:D


  • Brohoof 7


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Ooo, this is my favorite one yet! :D


I think you can make this into a series, to be honest :D Tell us more about Captain Rarity and her rivalry with the dred pirate Faux Pas, his mixed feelings of lust and hatred towards her, their backstories...I'm intrigued! :D Your storytelling ability is always topnotch, Obsi :D


The English is also excellent for a non-native speaker, especially one with no formal education on the language. This is better than what some people who have been speaking English all of their lives would be able to do :D Nice work!


Hmmm...I should gather up some money and commission some Rarity vs. Faux Pas art... :D


If you do you'll have to share it here! I'm more tempted to commision Obsidian to do a Rarity vs Faux Pas novel :D

  • Brohoof 6



:huh:  :toldya:  :smug:  :wat:         Nightmare Night Fan Club        :pout:  :proud:  :please:  :confused:

signature by Scootaloodle

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Hold on, hold on...   This has been dead for like, 4 months or something.   That's a 3rd of a year!!   I think this needs to make a comeback.   That is my goal. This topic WILL be revived, if it's the last thing I ever do.   Because I'd love to be part of a Rarity fan club.




I guess you have succeeded.  :D I hope it wasn't your last thing though. ;)

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Sweetie Belle looks up to her big sister, and she wants to be a pirate too!


Speaking of Sweetie Belle, does anyone remember when  she said this line?



That was a spit take followed by a nosebleed for me post-20419-0-04796100-1397332999.gif

  • Brohoof 6


He who is Positively Obsessed With All Things Rarity!!!

"Not everyone who is pretty is necessarily beautiful. For those two to come together is truly a Rarity"

-Jacob G. Rosenberg

Signature by @FadedSkies

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Speaking of Sweetie Belle, does anyone remember when  she said this line?




That was a spit take followed by a nosebleed for me 
Are you insinuating that anytime Rarity's wearing edible anything it's a emergency? That you have to eat what ever it is right away?
  • Brohoof 3



:huh:  :toldya:  :smug:  :wat:         Nightmare Night Fan Club        :pout:  :proud:  :please:  :confused:

signature by Scootaloodle

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Are my pics not showing on the last two pages?

Server issues ... been a problem since last week. You need to use the attachments feature.



  • Brohoof 7



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Greetings fellow acolytes of fabulosity. :D It's good to be back... for now. Differential equations are killing me. I will try to brohoof as many posts as possible this weekend.




ME 270 Homework by The Pony Pianist

Medium: Engineering paper




I get distracted too easily...

  • Brohoof 8

One day, I will make a really cool signature. Today is not that day.


Avatar © Brian McPherson

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How does that work? I've seen posts about it, but never know what it entails.


It's part of Poniverse called Poniverse.tv and you log in there (if you want) using the same login info on the board.



Basically every week people nominate movies and then we all vote on them. The top two are streamed live on Fridays while we watch and screw off in a chat room.


This week was Captain America: The Winter Soldier and the new Godzilla.




You nominate movies for the following week in this thread





It was funny seeing all the Admins riffing off of each other during Cap. :D




Also, Rarity at the movies.





  • Brohoof 6



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Just saw @ghostfacekiller39's collection on Equestria Daily!


There is some Rarilove from other fans too!









Today wasn't a very good day...I'm going to head off now.


Doh, I should have posted earlier. You may have gotten a little lift. Well I hope tomorrow goes better for you man.



  • Brohoof 6



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Just saw @ghostfacekiller39's collection on Equestria Daily!


There is some Rarilove from other fans too!










Doh, I should have posted earlier. You may have gotten a little lift. Well I hope tomorrow goes better for you man.



Immortalized forever in the fanclub! https://derpibooru.org/705613?scope=scpe8e11a43873550bea9227a4cd894bed6eaa62e1a0

  • Brohoof 6




Awesome avatar from ask-drpinkieandmisspie Awesome signature by [member=~Sassy Dashie~]

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Man, I've had a couple delays these days, haven't I? Well, there will be more since I started Uni. We're in orientation right now...for FIVE days. But I have to skip two because of work. But, the first day was yesterday and I wore my Rarity shirt...I guess I was hoping it would make me feel fabulous...but it didn't. I was actually rather lonely, as, I was basically the only person whose family was not with them. (I'm a commuter, BTW. The campus is only 45 min from my house. And I save ten grand if I stay home.) Plus, I'm having a really hard time belonging in a new place full of pretty, just out of high school kids...(I'm also a transfer student.)


On the upside, my friend and I did another photoshoot with Rarity! We read a book together. :) And she wore her purple outfit, as purple is the colour of royalty. The funny thing is, she's actually wearing a shirt with herself on it. XD


Here we are reading:



And this is her outfit and shirt. :)





Well, I guess I'm off to bed! Early day and many activities tomorrow...And free food.

Edited by LostButterflyUtau
  • Brohoof 9



 "I love all history because it's storytelling" - Natalie Dormer

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Rareteh has a happy! (Also giant eyes)


Probably said it a million times, but i love when she is happy. Not only because i love to see a pony i like so much enjoy herself, but her glee has that innocent, enthusastic and honest quality about it. One of the many characteristics that ennoble her...


Even though she is usually very mature and classy, this joy shows that she never lost that little, bright filly in her heart.

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