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I am thinking that the equestria games that are coming up are going to give rambow dash her key.

Actually, she already got her key--heck, she got her's first--in "Rainbow Falls".

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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And what a disaster that episode was.


Anyways, at this point, I'm kind of expecting Discord to be holding Twilight's key. Like someone brought up before, he's already acting like her advanced friendship lessons teacher while still hiding this by being an eccentric prankster.


Speaking of Discord, I'm hoping that Twilight will learn that being a friend in title doesn't mean being a friend for real and that she should be more open to leaving her small circle of friends so that she can learn more about the others around her. As a princess, she'll need to learn this lesson eventually.


Discord is the one character that could tell Twilight she has to be more tolerant and open to accepting others for who they are. Try to push back on her imposing her values on others.


Twilight could develop a bad habit manipulating/controling her friends and Discord helps her break that.

Edited by Singe
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My thoughts on key episodes.


Fluttershy's key episode will have something to do with the competition in the Equestria Games.  That seems to come in direct conflict with her element.


Applejack's key episode will involve her honesty nearly ruining her, much like how Rarity's went.


Twilight's key episode will involve Discord.  He's the only one who can really throw Twilight off kelter.  Plus, he's just awesome.


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I would like to see :


- Inside the Mystery Box (lel)

- Equestria Games

- Return of Chrysalis

- Royal Guard's Fighting with Dragons

- Return of Trixie

- Celestia and Luna episodes

- More Cities (e.g: Applejack going to see her cousin on fillydelphia)
- Backstory of Equestria and Starswirl the Bearded

- Seeing Tara Strong as a Backround Pony

- More talking Derpy with old voice

- Christmas Special

- Beach

- Babs Seed return to Ponyville with 5 - 10 CMC members.

- CMC getting their Cutie Marks

- Octavia and Vinyl talking

- Discord brings her daughter (Screwball) to play with Fluttershy

- TF2 characters as backround pony (or 9 RED ponies with 9 BLU ponies that would make sense)

- Rainbow Dash becoming a Wonderbolt

- Mane 6 opening the box and all becoming Alicorn

- Rick Astley as a Pony singing Rick Roll (Never Gonna Give You Up)



Dats all.


(I know last one was hilarious xD)

Edited by Twilightlicous


Thanks to Subsonic Rainboom for this awesome signature.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would really like to see... 

*Twilight and the Mane 6 Go to the Future to help their Future self's battle a strong Villain. 

*Christmas Special (( That would be super cute )) 

* A episode that has to do with Braeburn and Fluttershy (( Hey I can dream can't I? >u< I know this will never happen but I'm still dreaming! )) 

*Toward the end of Season 4 that the mane 5 become Alicorns 


Edited by VanillaMist


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Okay, just thought of what could be the season finale.


The mane six are off doing their thing when Discord shows up, clearly wiped out.  He tries to warn them of something, but passes out from exhaustion before he can.  They take him to Fluttershy's place to tend to him.

When he wakes, he tells them that his magic powers were drained by Chrysalis.


As if on cue, Chrysalis shows up and has a fight with the mane six, who obviously get curbstomped.  After beating the crap out of them, Chrysalis spares them because she just wanted to show them how futile it would be to challenge her.  She advises Twilight to stay put, seeing as Equestria well need her once she's done with Celestia and Luna and flies off.


The mane six regroup at the library to try and come up with a plan.  Unfortunately, a heavily wounded Soarin' shows up and informs them that Canterlot is under attack by the Changelings.  Twilight begins to have a panic attack, which Spike snaps her out of.  He reminds her that, so long as she stands with her friends, there is nothing she can't accomplish.


At that moment, her key item begins to glow.  In a sudden flash of insight, she realizes the nature of the keys.  They are meta-physical representations of their elements.  The Tree of Harmony was always connected to them, even if they didn't realize it.  It was the power that really brought them together.  Now, through the true expression of their elements, the tree is granting them new and greater powers.  The rest begin to realize what their key items are and retrieve them.


The glow from the items move to their chests, causing keys to manifest from their hearts onto chains around their necks.  They open the harmony box and unleash the full magic upon themselves, unlocking their rainbow powers.  Fluttershy gains healing powers, Applejack becomes several times stronger, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie become faster and more agile, and Twilight Sparkle and Rarity's magic becomes epic level.  Discord looks at the mane six, mouth agape, and says, "Well...that...happened..."


The mane six telleport to Canterlot and push back the Changelings, save Celestia and Luna's lives, Twilight works in a friendship speech, and they have a party when all is said and done.


If it ends up being nothing like this, I'll probably make a fanfic of it.  You can thank me later.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I probably won't return to this topic, but I just felt I needed to put my 2 cents in here. ^^


After Equestria Daily flashing the Rainbow Powered Ponies (the Twilight Sparkle version is my avatar!) back and forth occasionally, and it's still unknown what is in 'the box', I've come to the conclusion that since the ponies can't use the Elements of Harmony to defend Equestria anymore, I honestly believe they're going to get-


Wait for it...RAINBOW POWERS


-as a new way of defense.


How they'll use it or how they'll work, I dunno, this is just what I think will happen.


Something that backs this up even more is how in the preview for Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks, the human ponies are in rainbow shades.


Like I said, I'm just throwing in my 2 cents here. ^^


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Well, it looks like Twilight will be the last to get her key.  I think it will be in the 90th episode, and that it will lead into the season finale.  As for who the villain is going to be.  From what I've seen of the latest episode, it looks like the Nightmare Forces and Pony of Shadows are more canon than we thought.




This image has nothing to do with anything.  I just found it and it's to adorable not to share.



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I'm hoping for another Fluttershy episode, that focuses more on her past and more about her family. AS she's the only one we don't really know anything about.  :(

We know so much about the other mane 6, but hardly anything about Fluttershy, except that she went to school in Cloudsdale with Dash. We don't know her family or anything. Hell she's also the only one of the Mane 6 who DOESN'T have a sibling figure. I'd like to see the possibility of Fluttershy having a sister or brother, or maybe even meeting her parents.


I mean, we're well into season 4 now...you'd think we'd know more about all the characters by now. 

Edited by xFlutterdash

Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng*


Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page


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I'm hoping for another Fluttershy episode, that focuses more on her past and more about her family. AS she's the only one we don't really know anything about.  :(

We know so much about the other mane 6, but hardly anything about Fluttershy, except that she went to school in Cloudsdale with Dash. We don't know her family or anything. Hell she's also the only one of the Mane 6 who DOESN'T have a sibling figure. I'd like to see the possibility of Fluttershy having a sister or brother, or maybe even meeting her parents.

My theory: she's an orphan. I also have reason to belief she was abused as filly :(

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

What if Trixie turned out to be the bearer of the key of magic? How would that work? I haven't a friggin clue XD

That'd be all we need! Princess The Great And Powerful Trixie.

Roleplaying OC: Red Cedar - Cast Character: Applejack
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My guess is that the finale will be about Twilight dealing with being passed over for a huge responsibility in favor of someone she hates (i.e., Discord), believing herself more capable. Then, when the chance to prove herself is offered to her, she will realize that bearing the weight of Equestria all on her own goes against everything she learned about friendship; her humility will inspire someone (the Princesses? Discord? The villain?) who will give her the final key needed for the chest, which will no doubt contain this "Rainbow Power" that's been so avidly advertised lately. Or maybe the power the Princesses try to give Twilight is Rainbow Power, which she'll decide to share with her friends as part of her realization, and the chest will lead to her kingdom as a reward.

  • Brohoof 1
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More Flitter and Cloudchaser, I appreciated how Flitter had more lines and screen time in the Breezie episode, its just I can't help but to crave more of her.


More screen time and words from our two beautiful pegasi twins is all I ask for...

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Although it probably won't happen..






Here's hoping for a full 2 episode arc for her return in Season 5! :derp:

What if Trixie turned out to be the bearer of the key of magic? How would that work? I haven't a friggin clue XD

Freaking THIS.
Or at least something along these lines.
Hyped for that finale doe! Edited by Payaso

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Well, with the finale press release now out, it seems my prediction about Twilight trying to prove her mettle after being passed over was right on the money. But I have a couple of other ideas I think would be cool to see from the finale:

  1. The return of young Luna, and an official version of young Celestia. The official explanation for Luna's S2+ redesign was that she regained her former power, so it'd only be reasonable to conclude that the princesses transferring all of their power to Twilight could lead to this.
  2. Cameo appearances from each of the five key-givers before this episode. If it's not a series of flashbacks to these characters, then it could show us how Twilight's friends affected their lives.
  • Brohoof 1
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  • 3 weeks later...

The fourth season finale would be at May 10, 2014 and we're finished! :yay:

Princess Twilight Sparkle always do legendary stuff with magic in Equestria. Time to blast from the past.

The V.I.P., The Legendary

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The fourth season finale would be at May 10, 2014 and we're finished! :yay:

It's times like this I wish they'd air 2-parters in 2 parts to give us an extra week... :(

  • Brohoof 1

"It's like I found a piece of myself I didn't even know was missing!"

How do you think WE feel?!

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:\ Another chapter being closed. Another wait for next season. But WHAT A SEASON THIS WAS! 

If you are going to walk on thin ice, you may as well dance!

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