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you know there's been a lot of talk about Octavia and vinyl getting a whole episode to themselfs or at least having a big speaking role and this is getting more and more likely the openers for season 4 will be continued from magical mystery cure and what do you do after someone becomes a princess you throw a party this will tell us if pinkie pie can stay on her game of being funny as well as much more with twilight. But thats not all there need music and its a big big job once in a life time a twilight need to pick the music for her party dun dun daaaa it could be a episode were octavia and her band fight with vinyl to see who can perform and in the end they both get to and the party enjoys classical dubstep:) and in my mind they also become each special somepony I hope they do come on hasbro surprise me!!!

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1.More Luna

2. More Discord

3. Rainbow Dash needs to sing O_O

4. A Scootaloo Rainbow Dash episode

5. An episode in which Rainbow Dash tries to teach Twilight to fly like her.

6. More background stories for everyone.


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I'd really love to learn more about the Mane Six's families. Like maybe an episode where Pinkie Pie has to go back home and has a hard time getting along with her grown up sisters? Or maybe something about Fluttershy's familiy?


Also, as others have said, more Equestria history! I'd love to see an episode dedicated to how Celestia and Luna learned to rule Equestria, and hey, it would be relevent since Twilight is still struggling with her princesshood!


And yes, please more Rarity

  • Brohoof 1
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-At least a few Rarity episodes.

-More Discord.

-An episode focusing on background ponies.

-More Rainbow Dash singing.

-A Celestia/Luna episode.

-A new villain that is a pony.

-A small story arc like the one in season one.

-More songs.


So, yeah, that's basically it.


EDIT: And an episode with Fluttershy's parents would be nice.

Edited by MadeInChina
  • Brohoof 2
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-More Rainbow Dash singing

-More great songs

-A new epic theme song like in Equestria girls

-More Princess Luna and Cadence

-Princess Cadence and luna singing possibly a duet?

-Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight to fly

-More Rarity episodes

-Mane 6's family (i actually imagine Fluttershy's parents to be completely obnoxious for some reason)

-More dresses from rarity and more mane styles

-More background pony episodes where they actually have more lines (especially Lyra, Octavia, Derpy, and Vinyl)

-Mane 6 visiting other cities like Manehattan 

-An episode when a new character tries to make one of the mane 6 jelous and tries to take their spot in the mane 6

  • Brohoof 2


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Mane 6's family (i actually imagine Fluttershy's parents to be completely obnoxious for some reason)


I do, too - or, at least, overly assertive. I'd love it if Fluttershy's mom were voiced by Jane Lynch.


An episode when a new character tries to make one of the mane 6 jelous and tries to take their spot in the mane 6


That sounds like a very "Trixie" thing to do - specifically, to Twilight. Just throwin' that out there. ^_^

  • Brohoof 1

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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I do, too - or, at least, overly assertive. I'd love it if Fluttershy's mom were voiced by Jane Lynch.



That sounds like a very "Trixie" thing to do - specifically, to Twilight. Just throwin' that out there. ^_^

Yes you explained everything i want perfectly! Usually the shy persons parents are always the rudest or assertive as you said. I also hope for an episode where the mane 6's families meet one of the mane 6 and dislike them for example fluttershy's parents tell flutter shy that she cant be friends with for example lets say pinkie pie anymore because shes so wierd, disrespectful (just using these as examples pinkie pie is not like that :P) and pinkie pie tries to get fluttershy's parents approval. I hope this made sense 

  • Brohoof 2


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I'm hoping to see an episode where Princess Celestia's character gets explored. The thing is, because she's been alive for at least one thousand years, she'll be so experienced that you can expect her to keep her calm, collected, calculating and caring demeanor under pretty much any circumstances because she's pretty much seen it all by now. Hm, would it be interesting if Twilight or the mane six were to just pay her a visit where the Princess would tell them some interesting stories of just what she's seen in her four-digit years? Or at least some insight into what she has to do on a daily basis. She might be more busy than it would appear to us.

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-A Twilight/Trixie episode, maybe even both of them working together.

-More Discord.

-More Luna.

-A flashback episode to a thousand or more years ago with the regal sisters as foals.

-An actual Celestia episode, about Celestia, maybe showcasing one of her flaws, as we've seen her to be a Mary Sue so far.

-More history.

-More friendship growing between two distant characters, such as, say, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie.

  • Brohoof 1


"The most horrible kind of ignorance is to have an opinion on an experience that you have never experienced."

"Get off your high horse and give her a hug."

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I suppose I'll put my opinions here, and hopefully not get burned for them.


  • Babs getting her own episode, perhaps? Maybe? I can only dream...
  • Changelings need to make a return. Changelings are cool.
  • Doctor Whooves episode? Wait, no, that probably won't work. Or it will. I have no idea. 
  • I know many have clamored for this, and it may happen, but more Octavia.
  • Make Sombra a villain. A REAL villain, not just some evil cloud thing that has a crystal fetish.
  • Discord should be a villain again. Seriously, that's the only place I can see Discord. Sue me.
  • Is Rainbow Dash a Wonderbolt? EXPLAIN.
  • We could always use more Rainbow and Scootaloo.
  • Hate magic from The Crystal Empire. That was cool. Do something with it.

1069380_225185867630471_1919660758_n.jpg               "A man chooses, a slave obeys." -Andrew Ryan

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maybe an episode about a group of background ponies? Like life in ponyville while all the nonsense goes on around them via the Mane Six :lol: I think that'd be a fun episode.


Also, more Discord. Discord adjusting to being good, or causing chaos subtly, anything just, more Discord please. :wub:

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I think that twilight might go back to the human world and stay for a really really long time. what do you guys think will happen i season four of mlp¿!!¿


 Made by my amazing friend  Rainbow Skywalker!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much :wub: :wub: :wub:

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I highly doubt that would happen. But that's just a hunch. I mean, she already went back, so unless she wants to wait for 30 moons, she's stuck in Equestria. Plus, there's gotta be something with this Flash guy!

This awesome signature was made by the amazing, Rainbow Skywalker!!!!


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Not at all, in fact there is a twilight that exist in the Hooman world and if they both meet the encounter could create a time paradox, the results of which could cause a chain reaction that would unravel the very fabric of the space time continuum, and destroy the entire universe! Granted, that's a best case scenario. The destruction might in fact be very worse expanding to the pony universe or even the whole multiverse ending our existence.


Lets hope the Hub dont ask for such event to happen.

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I believe that in season 4, a maid pony will be in the room with the mirror cleaning up and bump into the mirror, knocking it over. the mirror will shatter and be replaced by a regular mirror, confusing some since the human world mirror doesn't actually reflect. the pieces of the original mirror will be made into trinkets to be sold for extra bits on the side.


in all honesty, I think the human world mirror won't show up at all in season 4. it was barely a plot point in the movie /=|

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Equestria Girls was basically confirmed to not be canon to season 4, for better or for worse. In many aspects I wish it was, not for Twilight to return, but the movie had many great concepts and handled them well. I would love to see some of that carried over into season 4.

Edited by Kyoshi



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Hi there. Just a heads-up that I've merged your thread with this one as they were both discussing the same thing.


When thinking about making a thread, please use the search function beforehand~

My signature broke


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predictions for season 4. twilight's doubt about being a princess will create an evil twilight who will attempt to destroy equestria. This evil twilight will hate everything twilight loves and love everything twilight hates. So evil twilight will love regular twilight because twilight "hates" herself cause of the pressures of being princess. Regular twilight will have to learn to love herself. 


Points given to anypony that knows what anime i copied that plot from. lol

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My predictions for Season 4 (Some are just dreams though)


- The CMC will get there cutie marks but it wont be what we'll suspect. It wouldn't make for a good episode about them finding out that they were using there special talents all along.


- I am going to assume there will be a holiday centered episode, something that's mimicking X-Mas but in the Ponyverse. 


- Discord is still evil


- Season Finale could be centered around a new villain


- I believe the two part opening to the Season will be based around Twilight experiencing Celestia's past via flashbacks with her in the role of Celestia. We will for sure see nightmare moon (Comic-Con Preview) But I can suspect we will see Discord and maybe a few other guys.


- We'll probably learn more about Pinkies past, I am predicting the story she said about her cutie mark might of not been true. (None the less we'll still learn about her)


- Twilight Sparkle might become the Princess of Manehatten  (Did I spell that right?)



Some other Predictions (Not necessarily about this season but beyond)


- I am predicting Twilight Sparkle might replace Celestia (I hope not)


- The series might die around season six or seven and at most eight.


- If G5 comes into existence it might be a sequel to this Generation, or we could get screwed over with someone taking the rights to MLP and use it as a money making scheme and make it look like G3. 


- Our Fandom will be around for like 20 years after FiM but will die down



Okay I'm done with all the sad predictions


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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I really hope to see.


  • An episode that tackles back stories for that also develop the story of the mane 6 Big Mac and how he got raised, How Shining armor proposed, A day In luna's life, in a style similar to "Tales from Ba-tsing-tse of The last air bended"
  • More on Scoots Family
  • More Lore about Equestria. cities, ancient history and past figures other than Starswirl the bearded
  • Another Main Rarity Episode
  • An Applejack Episode that show us more of her other than work and family
  • Twilight being used to fly
  • Perks of being a princess and being friend of that princess
  • Spike grows a little and stops being such a kid sometimes
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I think Discord is going to get blamed (initially) for something that he didn't do.



I also don't think Scootaloo will get to fly - or, at least, not fly very well. I think Apple Bloom's line "Ms. Harshwhinny never said anything about that!" from the Comic Con animatic is a clue that it won't be important to her that Scoots can't fly - and thus it shouldn't be important to anyone else, either. It'd be a good lesson about being happy with yourself despite your limitations.


Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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I'd like an episode focusing just on Silver Spoon, or at least giving her more focus than Diamond Tiara. We've already seen that DT is no different without her. But what of the opposite? Especially since the staff says she's not quite as mean?


As for Discord, the writers have spoken: just like The Simpsons could only tell so many good stories with Sideshow Bob, you can only tell so many good stories with evil Discord. Meghan said his "reformation" lets him be the not-always-reliable ally instead of the known enemy. That's what they promised, so that's what they should deliver.

Edited by immblueversion
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