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I want them solve problems as friends instead of just saying the magic of friendship helped them. I want them to learn stuff from each other, like they did back in season 1.

  • Brohoof 1




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Sorry if I repeat what other people have said. Cool people think alike or whatever...


I want

  • Exploration of Nightmare Moon's downfall and maybe a more concrete explaination of Equestrian history.
  • Chrysalis, please.
  • Another Scootaloo episode, of course.
  • Adventure in the Griffin Kingdom.
  • Weird Al pony, because why not.
  • Rarity. Just more of her.
  • More focused and prominet story arc. Not over the entire season, but maybe a story that plays out over several episodes or is woven into other stories.
  • CMC episodes that don't focus on them crusading, because those seem to be the better ones. Unless it's Ponyville Confidential. Then I just feel dead inside.
  • [sUPER WISHFUL THINKING MODE ENGAGE] Another speaking cameo bit for Derpy?
  • Time traveling story with Time Turner (voiced by an actor who has actually played the Doctor).
  • Morgan Freeman as Angel Bunny.
  • Kitten Calendars.
  • Take a page from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie and have one of the characters randomly say "damn". I'd just think it'd be hilarious if a pony just randomly said "damn".
  • An adaption of my epic fanfic about how my OC Silver Flash seduces Twilight Sparkle and saves Equestria and becomes a princess and captain of the Wonderbolts, and is Rainbow Dash's son from the future. [sUPER WISHFUL THINKING MODE DISENGAGE]
  • Brohoof 1


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Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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  1. Stories in areas aside from Canterlot, the Crystal Empire, or Ponyville. There are so many places mentioned by name, but aren't given a lot of exploration (Manehattan, Fillydelphia, and Baltimare being three of them). It would be fantastic to see the lives of those cities and see how the citizens there adapt.

New character interactions. One of season two's biggest strengths is putting characters of various personalities into groups of three (and succeeding with them). Putting Your Hoof Down had Fluttershy with Pinkie and Rarity, whereas Dragon Quest had Twilight, Dash, and Rarity. Twilight Sparkle communicates a lot with Spike, Pinkie, and Rainbow Dash, but not so much with Fluttershy (not since season one, anyway). It'd be great to pair Twilight and Fluttershy into one episode and have them communicate and become even closer friends than it already is.

An episode where Twilight truly reflects on her friendship. The closest we've seen was Return of Harmony, Part 2 and Magical Mystery Cure, but they were merely smaller scopes within a much bigger plot. An entire episode reflecting her growth would be better.

Another Scootaloo episode, but not with Rainbow Dash. She may be Dash's protégé, but she's a character where most of who she is surrounds with her and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. What about her relationship with the rest of Ponyville, like Cheerilee, Applejack, or even a background character like Derpy?

A Silver Spoon-centric episode, and maybe one where she can finally step out of Diamond Tiara's shadow and become a character of her own. She doesn't have a lot of character growth to individualize her, and the hint of development she had (her being the first to applaud Granny Smith) was erased from the chalkboard. Have her grow into a genuine, three-dimensional character!

A Rarity episode.

Good Spike-centric episodes. His two episodes in season three suck because they made him an out-of-character soul, which is a shame because his smaller roles helped him grow. And it IS possible for his episodes to be genuine good, evident by Secret of My Excess and Dragon Quest.

Trixie attaining a more secondary role. With her much more confident and mentally healed, explore her trials, failings, and triumphs. If creating a show for an audience, but can be troublesome, have her get some help from the Mane Six (maybe Twilight) or Snips and Snails (but by treating them as genuine characters instead of slaves).

More tertiary roles for the background characters. One drawback in season three was how the background characters' roles diminished compared to seasons one and two; Wonderbolts Academy, Crystal Empire, and Apple Family Reunion had them doing something besides merely being there.

Speaking of which, have Derpy reappear more (WITH her derpy eyes!). The season finale was a great start; I hope to see more of her in season four! :D

A more conservative role in growing the characters. Season three's biggest issue is making the character participate in bold roles way too quickly, inorganically developing the characters occasionally. If going bold, foreshadow it better. Don't cram every single nook and cranny in the episodes, because that's one easy way to produce rushed episodes.

SLOW—THE HELL—DOWN! One Bad Apple, Keep Calm and Flutter On, Games Ponies Play, and Magical Mystery Cure had episodes progress so quickly that the hints get easily lost or the problems get solved way too quickly and unrealistically. Much better pacing is key.

At least one Cutie Mark Crusader getting her cutie mark. It's been three seasons with little to no progress, and I think it's time to foreshadow a new cutie mark. Again, though, foreshadowing within a proper pace is important to make the story convincing.

Echoing Citrus King46 in another post: focus on the characters without using the usual tropes. A good FIM episode isn't merely about overcoming a flaw anymore. It's also about creating conflict and using the characters' strengths and/or equal balance of the characters' strengths and flaws to solve them in a well-told story. Examples include:

  1. Rainbow Dash: Without focusing on her pride or arrogance and more on her confidence, sincerity, and loyalty. Wonderbolts Academy hinted this, but it mostly focused on a whole balance, her pride early in the episode, her doubt in the middle, and loyalty to her family in the end. Sonic Rainboom is another great example, showing her fear of failure.

Fluttershy: Less focus on her social anxiety and more on her kindness and care for others. Keep Calm and Flutter On showed a side from her barely seen in the series: her patience and tenacity. She let Discord beat her and then flipped the tables by forming a bond that can't be broken.

Scootaloo: Less on her idolization of Rainbow Dash and want to fly and more on her other strengths, such as her growth in her bravery and love for extreme sports.

Twilight: Less on her impatience and cracking under pressure and more about trying to accomplish tasks with a calm, fair conscience. Winter Wrap-Up's an excellent example of that.

Spike: Less focus on greed and jealousy and more on his determination, bravery, care for his friends (i.e., Lesson Zero), and will to fulfill his tasks right from beginning to end.

Rarity: Many of her episodes focused on the high life or dresses. Sisterhooves Special was about her relationship with Sweetie Belle, and A Dog and Pony Show focused on using her intellect and intelligence to escape the Diamond Dogs.

Applejack: Less about the farm life and stubborn pride. Apple Family Reunion did half of this, which was trying too hard to make things right and even better. What would be great is have her do everything right and then succeed so well that maybe she can repeat it, only to make her work too hard as a result. You get the semi-results from Applebuck Season, but without the pride getting in her way.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
  • Brohoof 2

"Talent is a pursued interest." — Bob Ross


Pro-Brony articles: 1/2/3/4


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-Rainbow Dash teaching Twilight how to fly.


- Scootalove


-More on Scoot's background


-More pets


-More songs


-More Rainbow Dash/Fluttershy


-A return of Lightning Dust


-A return of Gilda


-More Cutie Mark episodes


-Rainbow Dash teaching Scoots how to fly.


-More Derpy


- More Wonderbolts


-More Rainbow Dash's solo's


-Maybe another Cutie Mark Crusaders song


-Babs Seed's Cutie Mark Crusaders


-An episode where we can find out what Babs Seed's "Special talent is, Apple Bloom it's House Cleaning, Sweetie Belle it's singing, and Scoot's it's dancing and agility. But, we don't know what Babs Seed can do.

Babs Seed? That's easy. She can use the force with just her eyes, like when she pushed Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon into the mud at the end of 'Babs Seed'.


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I would also like more episodes that give characters more to do than what their personalities dictate. For insatnce, a Rarity episode that isn't about dresses or high society (Sisterhooves Social and A Dog and Pony Show), or a Fluttershy episode that isn't about her anxiety (like Keep Calm and Flutter On), or a Scootaloo episode that isnt about learning to fly or Rainbow Dash.

  • Brohoof 2


Onwards to my DeviantArt page!

Sig by the illustrious Kyoshi!

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- Twilight gives up her seat on the throne and to turn back into a unicorn. PLEASE. JUST PLEASE.


- Return of Gilda

- Return of Discord

- Return of Chrysalis

- Sightings of Fluttershy's parents

- More sightings of Derpy

- A Dashie solo



- Tiiiiiiime Traaaaaavelllllliiiiiing!!!

- Babs Seed and her life in Manehatten

- Spike centric episodes

- More character interactions (I need more shippings here!)

- More background on Celestia and Luna

- An episode focused on Zecora

- At least two CMC episodes

- Holiday-based episodes

- Reduced appearance on Princess Cadance

- Less drama in the fandom, as said above.



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hour long episodes!!!!


more letters to celestia -- I personally LIKED that these were moral tales with specific moral lessons. I felt it gave the show a sense of direction.


an episode that teaches that the lack of communication or understanding can lead to conflict (sort of an extension of the lesson in Party of One, which implicitly taught that lesson, even though the explicit lesson was more like 'trust your friends.')



more "Twilight goes crazy"


an episode that teaches there isn't always a happy ending but that true friends will still support you, even if you've made a mistake (that would be very brave of Hasbro/DHX.) With Alitwi, there's lots of potential for big mistakes!



basically, I'd like to see the show get a bit heavier, or at least no lighter (because there have already been some heavy episodes.) I think they can pull it off, it's just a question of whether they think they should.


Aw heck, just give me a season of FO:E :P

  • Brohoof 1
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I really, REALLY want there to be an exploration into other countries in Season 4, namely the Changeling and Griffin Kingdoms. I'd love for Changelings to appear again, especially if the episode will be based on the improving on foreign relations, bringing about peace. Sorry, but if Celestia is so willing to give Discord a second chance, then her willing to repair relations with Changelings is not in the realm of the impossible. I can imagine an episode based on an early episode of Young Justice, where like the North and South Korea based countries, the Changeling Kingdom and Equestria's leaders gather at a peace summit to try and work out peace, with who else being the arbitrator (in Young Justice, Lex Luthor) than Discord.


Or alternatively, the episode could focus around racism/speciesm. Whilst it is true that in season 2, we had an episode based around racism, the 'Hearth's Warming Eve' episode between the different races of pony. However, what the show could then do is take it to a new level and actually deal with relations with an entirely different species. As far as we've seen, a lot of species we've seen outside of ponies are EVIIIL, be they dragons (with the only real notable exception being Spike), diamond dogs, or changelings. It would do a world of good if the show dedicated an episode to how some, or better yet, many members of these 'EVIIIL' species are actually good people and are not uniformly bad. True, some species are kind of set up to come across as evil, but one of the big messages of this show is on love and tolerance, so one of the best examples of that is having the Mane Six realize that 'hey, maybe it's wrong to write off every single one of these guys we hardly know as an 'evil jerk'. They are people, with lives and their own family and loved ones and are, in many ways, like us'. The species that this could very well be done with is the Changelings, mostly because they are the species that are most set up as uniformly evil and thus would make it more interesting and compelling than say, the Diamond Dogs.



•    It also allows the Mane Six to be portrayed as more sympathetic in their distrust and NOT as blind, ignorant bigots as is the case in many fanfictions on this issue, because unlike the incident with Zecora (which was not them being speciesist per say, more fear of the unknown), which was based more on ignorance than hatred, they have more of a founded reason to see all Changelings as the enemy; an army of them, led by their Queen, invaded their country! Unlike Zecora and the different races of pony, there is a solid reason for which they are actively expected to not like Changelings. It does not justify their prejudice entirely, but it makes the audience sympathies and understand them more. No one side is entirely in the wrong.
•    The Mane Six, in the end, would come to understand that Chrysalis' army is not representative of every single Changeling and that it is wrong to paint all Changelings as their 'enemy'. That they are people, with lives and their own family and loved ones (on a side note, this is why I do not support the hive-mind idea that some fans endorse, because it mostly takes away the opportunity to show Changelings as individual characters). They (the Changelings) are like them (the Mane Six and ponies in general) in many ways.
•    Their kingdom and culture and society could be revealed to based off that of similarities to Oriental cultures, like Japan and Korea, the rationale for this mainly how Chrysalis' designer, Rebecca Dart was inspired by the work of manga artists Junko Mizuno and Hideshi Hino. Therefore, if we see the Changeling Kingdom in the show it can potentially enable the show writers and animators to explore some East Asian art, architecture and culture. And picture this: Changeling Samurais!
•    It has many ways in which the episode could be played out:
o    The Mane Six are stranded in an isolated area with a group or family of Changelings.
o    The Mane Six find themselves trapped in the Changeling Kingdom and disguise themselves/They are sent to the Changeling Kingdom as spies and go undercover. Either way, they then get an understanding of what the Changelings' lives are like, and how privileged ponies are in Equestria in comparison to a Changeling's daily hardship and squalor.
o    The familiar scenario of them finding a Changeling baby and have to return it to its family, as examined in detail below. The twist? It's Chrysalis baby! How're they gonna get themselves out of that one, especially as Chrysalis believes they kidnapped her baby?
o    Equestria and the Changeling Kingdom go to, or are at the brink of war.
This sort of thing relates to real life in ways a lot of us may not realize. We often associate entire certain nationalities or groups of people as our enemies because of what their leaders (past or present), ancestors or a select minority of them have done, when in reality, many of them have done nothing to antagonize us and could otherwise be our friends.

Just to expand on the lost Changeling baby idea: The Mane Six and Spike come across a lost Changeling baby, or larva, and have to go on a journey to return it to its family. Whilst, like I said, this has been done before, MLP does have a way of doing different takes on these familiar plots. The reasons this troper would like this kind of episode, for MLP specifically are:
  • It allows for serious potential world-building, potentially a Changeling Kingdom. Their kingdom and culture and society could be revealed to based off that of similarities to Oriental cultures, like Japan and Korea, the rationale for this mainly how Chrysalis' designer, Rebecca Dart was inspired by the work of manga artists Junko Mizuno and Hideshi Hino. Therefore, if we see the Changeling Kingdom in the show it can potentially enable the show writers and animators to explore some East Asian art, architecture and culture.
  • The Mane Six and Spike are forced to confront their own perceptions/distrust of Changelings as their enemies, especially in what they're doing. The typical things would include, "the bitter truth is that this child is going to grow up one day and be our enemy", "Is it then worth all this trouble to bring this child back?", "It's not like we're going to get a "thanks" when we return it", "Are all Changelings really automatically our enemies?", etc.
  • We get to see the Mane Six's potential maternal side. Imagine RD's heart eventually melting, despite her resistance, with the little baby.
  • A baby Changeling. I mean, imagine how cute it'll look.
  • It could even lead up to mindblowing twist; It's Chrysalis's baby! Imagine the look on their faces when they find out they've got the Prince or Princess of the Changelings. And how're they gonna get themselves out of that one, especially as Chrysalis will most likely believe they kidnapped her baby? Not only that, one wonders if she'd be physically able to express gratitude for them returning her baby to her once the misunderstanding is cleared up
  • Brohoof 2
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I would like to see a situation of less than expectations with introducing a city state of alocorns who are not super fantastic like the princesses. Have the main six visit without being told what to expect other than it is where the princesses came from. Twilight has to use a teleport spell that Celestia teaches her. See an alicorn pulling  a cart. Have a conversation where they are surprised that he is not a prince or something. They take turns being leader. Have the rest of the episode going around and seeing how ordinary the lives of the alicorns are. Not run down or super fancy like Canterlot. More along the lines of ponyville Have an alicorn ask what the princesses have been doing since they left. 


The overall message is that it does not matter what you are, its what you choose to do. A pony is not extraordinary  or important because of what they are but who they are and what they choose to do with their abilities and talents.
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The Milk Mare

Fight scenes

Spongebob references

Trixie la grande y poderosa

Latin background statements

Background references

Pokemon references

Video game references

MOAR fandom references




Moar Fluttershy critters


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I want to see Los Pegasus, Hollow Shades, and Trottingham.  The Trottingham episode could be a Trixie episode.  An episode or two with the princesses might be nice.


But mostly I just want to have the characters stay true to character and see more of Equestria with them.

  • Brohoof 1

Silvadel, the Pegasus of Insight.

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Besides a luna episode, I honesty just want to see quality in the show. Hopefully 'magical mystery cure' was a one-time deal, and we can go back to quality episodes with good character development, lot's of laughs, and those adorable moments we've all come to love and expect.

  • Brohoof 2


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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-Fluttershy explodes, twice, and they have to fix it somehow.

-Cthulhu invades.

-Some alien comes and wipes out everyone with lazers.

-The apocalypse happens or something.

-Applejack eats a lettuce sandwich.




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Def. would like to see another episode feat. Princess Luna.


-Some more episode with rainbow dash and Scootaloo

-A episode feat. pinkie pie but at least one would be cool

*a episode dedicated to the background ponies and their side of the story*


Idk really but whatever they are planning I hope it to be great

Edited by Gone ϟ Airbourne
  • Brohoof 1



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more Rarity, please. Season 3 lacked Rarity and her fabulosity and it's sad for me and anyone who's a rarity fan. At least an episode of her would make me happy. 


Also, I think it's about time some of the background ponies (like Bon Bon, Lyra, etc) would get at least some air time in one episode or so. That would also be alright. 

  • Brohoof 1
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I want to see Twilight flip again.

Obviously, she's going to have to act regal and proper when she's in the throneroom, but we all know that's not exactly her thing.

So I want to see her get so tired of acting wise that she flips out and goes berserk. 

Last time was hilarious, so why not again, but this time as a princess?

  • Brohoof 2


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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rarity = episode

more =pinkiepie maybe scince now we know the rock farm is real from magic duel she vists them or we se why she moved to ponyville

less= applejack shes got alot these season

rainbowdash dad comes  but shes doesnt get a full episode

cadence= gets a personality quirk

pinkieshy interaction

cystralis and sombra come back....

celestia= getting a episode with twilight and others.... maybe applejack or pinkie or spike

more discord

more cake family

fluttershys family being shown

derpy lots of derpy

changlings in ponyville

Edited by pinkieshyrose

Pinkie Pie : "And that's how Equestria was made!"

Pinkie Pie : "who turned off the moon? dont go near that cake theif! stop theif! oh are you ok theif"?

http://pinkeshyrose.deviantart.com/ my da account

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things I'd like to see:

1) an antagonist that has some development

2) spliting stories like 'just for sidekicks / gmaes ponies play'

3) the end


I think in season 3 they *friendified* all the previous antagonists and did a very poor job with king Sombra.


As for point 3, I'd like to see the series go out before it becomes stale, now this could mean "the end" or a shift in focus to new charactors like the CMC. After the 3 seasons I feel they have almost covered everything with regard to the main six, and without the new princess status of Twilight I think season 4 would not be needed. but if the shows in season 4 are strong then this could be delayed to season 5, but it will need to end or shift focus.

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I have an unrealistic list of things I hope they'll do in Season 4, here goes nothing:

  • Kill-off Angel
  • Make Applejack a main character
  • Make a finale that doesn't have fifty million threads about it
  • Make a season that people don't whine and complain about
  • Put magical flying space bananas
  • Make Cannons canon
  • Make canon cannons
  • Celestia centered episode
  • Tank needs mounted machine guns

That is my season 4 wishlist.


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I would like to see really only 1 thing. pandas. Imagine my little pony style pandas, adorableness to the 8th power. I mean seriously, people think they are pandering us as it is, so why not have them actually throw pandas at us



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The return of Queen Chrysalis.

Here's my story "Signs of What's Next" http://mlpforums.com/topic/50736-signs-of-whats-next/


Princess Twilight Sparkle and Princess Celestia talking about that what will happen to Queen Chrysalis. Please enjoy the story and give some Reply on http://mlpforums.com/topic/50736-signs-of-whats-next/.


Greg Eagles' deep voice as changelings and Grey DeLisle voice in Sason 4.


Also Tara Strong must voice one and more Characters in Sason 4, it means she NOT only voice Twilight.

Edited by Hooon
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-A race between Dash and Twilight with her new wings, or at the very least an episode centered on Twilight getting used to them!


-More cameos with Tank


-More Fluttershy centered episodes.


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I think that there should be an episode where they treat Twilight Sparkle in a very royal but she doesn't like it and stuff happens then in the end, she returns to being normal. 



Best pony is obviously Pinkie Pie followed by Fluttershy.

BTW ponies rock and so does the series.

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