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Rainbow Dash goes to San Andreas:


There are many things extremely wrong with this: Firstly, GTA is terrible. Second, but even more disturbing: WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH HER LEGS?!?! Gah! My eyes!! I'll stop there.

  • Brohoof 1
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There are many things extremely wrong with this: Firstly, GTA is terrible. Second, but even more disturbing: WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH HER LEGS?!?! Gah! My eyes!! I'll stop there.

Still an improvement over the original game lol.


That's weird. In the meantime, here's Dashie, hopefully writing that she loves me or something.


I thought she was outlining the progression of her novel lol.


I. The fastest flier EVER.

  A. That pegasus is an AWESOME flier.

  B. The Wonder Bolts are super impressed.

  C. They totally ask me I mean uh HER to join

II. Captain of the Wonder Bolts

  A. That pegasus is an AWESOME flier and should be captain of the Wonder Bolts

  B. They totally ask me darnit I did it again HER to be captain of the WB

III. Epilogue

  A. Bonus awesomeness.  Funny drawings of Twilight for no reason.

  • Brohoof 4
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