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How Did Your Favorite Pony Become Your Favorite Pony?


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Okay most of us here have our favorites a particular pony that we seem to really identify with, for me my favorite pony list is getting pretty crowded as it is a 3 way tie between Applejack, Luna and Twilight Sparkle honestly this show has such great characters that I sometimes feel like Pinkie Pie at a desert table.


Applejack: She was my favorite from the beginning, from the first episode there was a little something that I liked about her I couldn't exactly put my hoof on it at the time but I liked her. As I continued watching I saw a simple yet still compelling farmpony who loves her family, tries to do right by her friends but is by no means perfect. She is also very stubborn set in her ways and is sometimes reluctant to ask for help or admit when she is wrong.


Luna: Luna came a bit later but like Applejack did not take long and though I haven't been as vocal about my love for this pony but it is very much there. I found Luna's redemption after the excercism of Nightmare Moon to be one of the most touching moments of the entire series, redemption is a theme that has always appeal to me in fiction because who here hasn't screwed up? When I really started to love Luna was after the episode Luna Eclipsed because we got to for the first time really see Luna the pony as opposed to Luna the redeemed princess. We got to see somepony who has been gone for a long time and is struggling to readjust to being gone for a thousand years, in other words somepony who struggled to fit in when so many still feared and hated her.


Twilight Sparkle: I at first overlooked her as I do many "leader" characters not that I didn't like her but it is a blind spot I have had for a great number of years that few characters have been able to get past. I started to give her a second look after the same friend that introduced me to ponies commented that I am a lot like her that I wondered "how is that the case I don't have OCD like qualities?" But I remembered back during my childhood and realized that though I don't now I did have those qualities back then and have many of her qualities today. And looking back at her I realized that I really related to her as a character on a deep level and she soon became a close second to Applejack. Then as the twilicorn situation wore on it made me examine even further what I liked about Twilight and pushed her up to where she is now tied with Applejack and Luna for best pony making my best pony list all the more crowded.

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To begin with, for me everypony is best pony.

But top three would be Fluttershy, Derpy and Rainbow Dash.


Now Fluttershy, because she got me into the fandom.. After watching compilation videos of her adorable yay's. It got me into watching an whole episode for the first time, not only minutes of it. I wanted too see the yay scene myself. So i fell for her being adorable and cute.


But at first i didn't think too much about Fluttershy being my favorite pony, so after seeing #SaveDerpy, which was actually the first thing that got me interested in the show.. I needed too know who Derpy was, after watching a tons of episodes, i became really attached too her.. She is just like me in real life, so i could relate to her very well. But the same could go to Fluttershy. I just liked how Derpy looked, her mane and her colours are amazing. Also she is adorable.


Rainbow Dash, is just awesome.. need i say more.

I liked her personality.. She represents awesomeness.. B)

She is also really relatable..

Also the same with Rainbow Dash, her mane and her colours are amazing.


It's hard too choose only one favorite pony, all of them are so amazing.. These are only my top three, and their almost tied..

Still, number one would be Fluttershy and Derpy.. Can't choose between them. :P

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Well here's a story all about how my favorite pony got flipped turned upside down 

And I'd like to take a minute

Just sit right there

I'll tell you how Applejack became best mare


In 2011, turned a brony

Through Season 1, said Rarity was best pony

Chillin' out, maxin', relaxing on the fan sites

Checkin' out fanfics and fanart all night

When a couple of episodes that were really really good

Made me start to think I misunderstood


I liked one lil' AJ ep and Rarity got scared

and said "In your appreciation of me, darling, I think you're starting to err"

During the dry season I thought about my favorite figures,

Applejack was fresh and had spice to her character

If anything I could say best pony was not Rare

but I thought "Naw forget it, Applejack is best mare!"


I admitted it to myself at around Season 3

And yelled to Rarity, "Sorry, bro, you just can't compare!"

I looked at my best pony list and she was finally there

To sit on the throne as the heir to the chair

Edited by Stellafera
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But at first i didn't think too much about Fluttershy being my favorite pony, so after seeing #SaveDerpy, which was actually the first thing that got me interested in the show.. I needed too know who Derpy was, after watching a tons of episodes, i became really attached too her.. She is just like me in real life, so i could relate to her very well. But the same could go to Fluttershy. I just liked how Derpy looked, her mane and her colours are amazing. Also she is adorable.

Derpy is without a doubt my favorite background pony, the only reason she is not higher on my list is because she hasn't really been given a chance to be developed as a character because of the unfortunate Derpy controversy. I like Derpy because as an individual with Autism I know what it is like to be singled out for being different, sure Derpy may not have been confirmed one way or the other as being disabled but alot of disabled people identify with her because she was seen as different. Derpy has so much potential as a character to really be a great teaching moment about how we even people that are different are special and important in their own way.

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Rarity has the most consitent episodes out of the Mane 6. There was never a Mysterious Mare Do Well or Super Squeezy Cider 6000 to make me think less of her. Rarity is just awesome in pretty much any episode that gives her considerable screentime. I think it was sometime between her hijinks in the climax to Sweet and Elite and her interactions with Spike in Secret of My Excess that I realized that she is Best Pony. :D

Edited by CITRUS KING46


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While my favorite pony is Princess Celestia, I have a very special place in my heart for the Mane Six, as a whole. I like them individually, but it's when they are together that they really shine. They are heroes in Equestria for what they did and yet they are just like anypony else, dealing with their personal problems. But here is the catch: when they work together, they will solve whatever problem plagues their friend. And when they fail to do so, things go downhill. They embody the very idea of friendship, with it's benefits and problems. And to top it all, their friendship is what seems to power or drive the Elements of Harmony. That is just fucking awesome. The most powerful magic in Equestria is friendship and these girls are the "symbol" of it. I think that the term "Mane Six" should be officialized in the show in a ceremony of sorts.


But I love Celestia and Luna. It was the introduction about their story that hooked me to the show. Celestia seems to me as a very noble and benevolent despot that actually understands that the government should serve it's people and not just feed of it. She has ruled Equestria for a thousand years, taking over her sister's responsibilities and maintaining the country stable and functional, seemingly with it's population happy and flourishing. And she has a playful side too. To me that's the ultimate ruler.


EDIT: I forgot to say that she may be immortal and if she isn't, she has enough time to properly raise a substitute.

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For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

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While my favorite pony is Princess Celestia

Celestia would be a bit higher on my list if we got to see more of her as Celestia the pony as opposed to Celestia in her role as a ruler. As far as princess characters go she is pretty good and there have been some subtle signs throughout the series that she hasn't let the power go to her head but I would like to see a Celestia episode much like the Luna episode Luna Eclipsed and maybe a bit more about their relationship as sisters and co rulers.

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Rarity became my favorite pony after the episode "Secret to my Excess", when she became generous of giving Spike a gem for his birthday. Well, let's say when season 2 premiered, she started becoming my favorite pony since the start. xD She knows how to create an enjoyable dramatic moment every time. :P

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Celestia would be a bit higher on my list if we got to see more of her as Celestia the pony as opposed to Celestia in her role as a ruler. As far as princess characters go she is pretty good and there have been some subtle signs throughout the series that she hasn't let the power go to her head but I would like to see a Celestia episode much like the Luna episode Luna Eclipsed and maybe a bit more about their relationship as sisters and co rulers.

Yes. I have whined about this everywhere. The two desperately need an episode where we'll see them interact. Much like the Mane Six, I think that Celestia and Luna shine more when they are together. But anyway... We've seen Celestia the Ruler and Celestia the Teacher. About time we saw Celestia the Pony and Celestia The Sister.


I can't be the only that thinks that an episode with Luna and Celestia bickering over something silly (like sisters), with Twilight stuck in the middle, would be great. I'm sure that the guys who gave us moments of pony delight could pull this off. I mean, Applejack and Rarity have sisters. They understand. And Cadance is the best foalsitter ever. I'm sure she has a way of calming two sisters in a feud.

Edited by moonlightavenger


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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I can't be the only that thinks that an episode with Luna and Celestia bickering over something silly (like sisters), with Twilight stuck in the middle, would be great. I'm sure that the guys who gave us moments of pony delight could pull this off. I mean, Applejack and Rarity have sisters. They understand. And Cadance is the best foalsitter ever. I'm sure she has a way of calming two sisters Ina feud.

Yes and I think a good topic for them to argue on would be the decision to turn Twilight into an alicorn, because I kind of get the feeling that Luna is not 100% behind the idea not because she has anything against Twilight but I sense some lingering skepticism that she is in fact ready. A skepticism that would of course be understandable as Luna hasn't really known Twilight as long as Celestia has so hasn't seen as much of her true potential.

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Because she's cute.



But seriously, luna is one of my favorite characters because she is pretty much the ony version of me a few years ago.It is primarily because of her social awkwardness and the struggle to overcome it (something i went through as well in my 8th and 9th grade years).

Also, she has a temper (which, fortunately, I no longer have).

She's quite funny as well.


The thing about Luna is that she desires love and affection more than anyone else in the show, or so it appears.

In the beginning of the show it said that she became resentful because no one appreciated her nighttime handiwork, and turned evil.

And you saw how depressed she got when she couldn't make any friends!

And I just adore her voice. It is simply the best thing ever :P


So yeah, 'woona' is the best character there is :D

  • Brohoof 1


Make sense? What fun is there in making sense?

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Derpy is without a doubt my favorite background pony, the only reason she is not higher on my list is because she hasn't really been given a chance to be developed as a character because of the unfortunate Derpy controversy. I like Derpy because as an individual with Autism I know what it is like to be singled out for being different, sure Derpy may not have been confirmed one way or the other as being disabled but alot of disabled people identify with her because she was seen as different. Derpy has so much potential as a character to really be a great teaching moment about how we even people that are different are special and important in their own way.

Totally agree with you... Would love too see Derpy get more screentime.. She has so much potential, she teaches us, that it is ok to just be yourself.. That's what makes Derpy such a good character and that's why she has become so important to the fandom.

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The second i heard Flitter's adorable lil slurry voice, she became my favorite pony. Its difficult to pick just one pony as my favorite though, as theres so many good ones. 

"If all I care about in life is the imprints I make in this world, then the most I'll ever leave is a grave."


"Heres your apology, heres to burning out, and heres to fading away"



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Rarity: Rarity was the reason I started watching the show. When I was surfing youtube, "Becoming Popular" was the song I came across. I listened to that song over and over again and just fell for her voice. Also I love her personality.


Sweetie Belle: She reminds me of my little brother and her squeal is the cuties thing ever  :D Also she is the sister to Rarity...


Apple Fritter: I like apple fritters in real life...


Trixie: I don't know why I really like her. I think I just like her hat...

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When I first started watching the show, about 4 episodes in to S1, my favourite was Fluttershy because she was just so adorable. From there I went to Twilight, because she's bookish and handles stress in a similar way as me. I suppose she's still my favourite from an intellectual standpoint -- I have the most reason to love her.


But then I started in to some of the fan content which affected my 'head canon' and my perception of the characters on the show. Quickly, Pinkie Pie bounced to the top of the list thanks in no small part her conflicted nature in FiW. I now see her as being a bit conflicted on the real show as well.


I really, really relate to Pinkie Pie. All I want -- all I need is for my friends to be happy, whether I make them that way or not. When they are, I'm as happy as I ever am. When they aren't, it's really hard for me to be happy. When I realized that, I realized that Pinkie was my favourite pony and, despite the fact that i'm not at all bouncy or really outgoing, she reflects one of the defining characteristics of my personality.


So there. Pinkie Pie is my favourite pony (but I still love Twi!)



Well here's a story all about how my favorite pony got flipped turned upside down 


This is full of win!

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top 3 in order from highest to lowest

Woona, pre-alicorn twi, and the Great and powerful Trixie

reasons let see ever since i can remember when there i watch a anime or cartoom there a types that have always been my favorites

  1. the bossy ones that are diffident and act cute around their crush(ex: haruhi suzumiya,Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière, and Yuri Nakamura )
  2. the helpless ones as the name implies the type of character looks cute and helpless and u just want to help go to their aid (ex: hanako from katawa shoujo)
  3. last type is the book worm type (ex:Yue Ayase)

woona get the #1 spot cause of her i like off feel sorry for her and want to help here in anyway i can so the helpless type

twi is the book work type

and trixie is the falls under a little of both bossy and helpless  

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The random funny characters are the ones who always get my attention, whether or not it's for a good, or in some cases, bad reason.


Pinkie seemed a bit annoying, caring of her friends, but at the same time, loud and a bit obnoxious. This was my frist view on her, on the first episode I watched, Green Isn't your Color, 8 hours later, when the next episode aired, Cutie mark Chronicles, I conjected myself to her, she had a reason to smile, a reason to make others laugh, she was a source of happiness, from there on out, my love for her increased, and spread in all sorts of directions. I'd pay attention to every single detail of her character. So this sort of explains how defensive I'm being, saying they're ruining her character, and now that Urdnot agreed with me, I resort to complaining about it x) ...everywhere.




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Hmmm, I don't normally have a distinct reason for the things I like the best.

I just do.

But, I'll try.


Ditzy and Applejack are my top two favorites and have been most of my time as a brony. Fluttershy used to be in AJ's spot, but then got kicked down quite far.


One reason I started to like Applejack is cause of her voice.

Its purely angelic. :wub:

The other reason is cause she reminds me of this girl I've liked since the 5th grade really closely. Even in the beauty area.


As for Derpy, I just fell in love with her the moment I found out about her. Once I heard of her I went looking all to find out everything about her and the controversy. As a result of that I've fall in love with her ever since then. Everything about her is just oh so adorable. :wub:


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Twilight Sparkle represents me in so many ways its not even funny anymore.  When I saw the first episode, I was thinking something along the lines of 'hmmm doesn't want friends, face buried in book... Looks like me in 1st through 7th grades.'

And just her personality in general is so nice.

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I actually didn't have a favorite which sucked because everyone in my previos forum/faction did and they even were able to make awesome OC of themselves but there was no pony that followed my personality the most. I mean, Rainbow and Pinkie were close to me, Flutter ws just too cute for words, but still not a favorite, Twilight is awesome but still not for me...


So I was actually bummed out until season 2 started. Discord became best pony for me because he is the embodiement of my "Why So Serious" attitude that I've gotten deeper into due to how serious the world has become. "What Fun Is There In Making Sense?" is like my motto now and he is just pure awesome.


For actual pony; I do love Derpy only because she is kawaii as sin XD But Discord Rules, Celestia Drools


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Long post incoming:


Well, my initial favorite when I had just became a Brony and was watching all of the season 1 episodes was Rainbow Dash. Her design, her speediness, and her tomboyish personality was appealing, at first anyway. Fast forward to now and I still like Rainbow Dash, but she's not my favorite. I couldn't figure out why, but the more I saw of Applejack the more I liked her. I've always found southern/western based country characters to be really cool and interesting. I'm a sucker Applejack's accent and cowgirl hat. Design-wise, she was always appealing. Green eyes, freckles, blonde mane and tail, orange coat... honestly she looks and acts so human at times that I wish I could just pull her out of the TV screen and make her my friend. But then I realize she's a pony. :P


A lot of people think Applejack is boring, underdeveloped, and doesn't stand out as much as others. I disagree. On the surface she's a farmer pony who works hard and is reliable, but I think there's so much more depth to Applejack then just that. She has the largest background of any of the Mane Six ponies and for this I can identify with her better than the others. She has a huge family, but yet her immediate family consists of just her grandmother, brother and sister. I can relate, because almost all of my teen years were spent with just one adult, an older sibling, and a younger one, so I know what her situation is like. Applejack's deceased parents add a lot of intrigue to AJ's character. I think her maturity comes from having to step up and take a lot of responsibility at a young age. The way she interacts with her little sister Apple Bloom is just downright adorable. She's not only a great older sister whom Apple Bloom looks up to and cherishes, but she's also very motherly, from protecting her from Zecora, to expressing HUGE concern over the Cutie Pox dilemma, to comforting Apple Bloom in Sleepless in Ponyville.


And Applejack has consistently proven what an awesome friend she is. Her overall reliability and care for her friends is probably the biggest reason I like her. And I've got a plethora of examples:


-Many times when Rainbow Dash is about to do something reckless, Applejack is the one who pulls her back. In general, Applejack is the one who can best keep Rainbow in line.

-She offered to go AROUND the mountain with Fluttershy on her back in Dragonshy. This speaks volumes about AJ's love for her friends and her ability to step up as a leader when she has to. She knows that to make it, the ponies have to work as a team and stick together.

-She's usually the first one to admit she's wrong or say she is sorry. In the Ticket Master, she's the first to give up her ticket despite being the first one to be considered, and despite her honest reasons for wanting to attend the Gala (to help her Granny's hip). In Look Before You Sleep, she apologized to Rarity first, and on more than one occasion. She also admitted her behavior was terrible in Fall Weather Friends and made an effort to make up with Rainbow Dash.

-She's played the hero a few times. Sher saved Ponyville from a stampede, she was able to herd off the parasprites, she showed the gang how to fight off the Diamond Dogs, she caught a blazing fast Rainbow Dash with her trusty lasso, she saved Spike from a horde of Timberwolves, and so on.

-She has been consistent with her character growth. In Applebuck Season, she is very stubborn and refuses help from Twilight and the others. But by The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, we can plainly see how much more willing Applejack is to have her friends help her out, exclaiming that she'd love to have her family help with the cider making.

-Her desire to never let anyone down. I was touched by the end of The Last Roundup. She looked and acted so convincingly mortified that I just felt horrible for her. She wanted so badly to win some blue ribbons and bring home some prize money for Ponyville, and when her friends found out that she had failed to do any of that, she felt like a failure. Applejack rarely ever lets anyone down, and so the one time she does, she doesn't know how to react. She was even being dishonest in the sense that she avoided telling her friends the truth. This shows that yes, she isn't 100% honest, and that she is very human, er pony, in that she makes mistakes. Same deal in Apple Family Reunion. She wanted to ensure it was the best family reunion ever, but she lost sight of what was really important. Anytime AJ cries, I cry inside. I attribute this to the excellent animators, and Ashleigh Ball's top-notch performance.


Eh, I could go on all day because I'm pretty passionate about the characters in this show, especially Applejack. I'll say that, by the end of season 1 it was clear that Applejack was at least tied for my favorite with a few others, but after her two episodes in season 2 it was clear she was my bonafide favorite. And after her stellar outings in season 3, I don't see that changing ever.



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My favorite pony is pinkie pie as you can see from my picture! Well my story is not very complicated, I have admired her since the first episode but let's say that true love broke up with Bridle Gossip, that song has really conquered me! And then I see myself a lot in her, in her naivety loving every being, and his cherefulness which is often mistaken for sillyness. She hide a wisdom key that even the other ponies have difficulty to grasp. Also i find her humor and her love for sweets awesome! 


That's why she is my favourite pony :D529393_304885206300196_1343316203_n_zps8

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If I were to say why Fluttershy is the best pony, it would take too long, so I'm gonna keep it short and explain why she is my favorite:


For the very first time I saw here, my d'aaaaw muscles just imploded from the cuteness overload I got. Since then, I have observed her a bit more than the rest, continuing overloading my d'aaw muscles. I guess she got me into liking everything adorable. 


Another reason why she is my favorite is because how kind and shy she is. I can relate my shyness to her, but her kindness is a trait that few other got

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Well, I am going to say 4 ponies, Applejack, Pinkie pie, Cadence and Luna.


Applejack- She spoke to me, at first I did not care for this little farmer girl but soon I realised the relations to us both then how she was funny not in a mad way, once I started to understand her main principals I understood my liking to her. Another reason is that I dare to be different and Applejack is sadly one of the least liked ponies.


Pinkie pie- Just again relations and her fun way of looking at things and when everyone else is doing the boring stuff she is being an agent, cloning her self or even making not needed party. Nothing else to say. FRACUS!


Cadence- The main reason would be her cute relationship with Twilight and her child-hood and the way she gave p her own life to save the crystal empire with her perseverance but in her fun way!


Luna- The main reason is because there is something the writers are not telling us, she is very mysterious in the way when someone helps her achieves goals but then doubts her technically abilities (Twilight) in a weird way I still think that a part of Luna enjoyed being Nightmare moon; with the evil and such.  



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