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  1. 1. Do you support Twilicorn?

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I support her because she is still my beloved bookworm, shown by her asking if there is a book on being a princess.


Sure I preferred her being a unicorn but since she is no longer such I will accept the change... that and I can always say any story I write or roleplay I create that does not have her being an alicorn be before Season 3. I also know how to make the canonical fact she is an alicorn work for me by expanding on what was shown.

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Again, I'm bipolar, meaning that I can't make up my mind as to whether I should accept or decline Princess Twilicorn.


But really, perhaps I should look at the benefits just as much as the drawbacks.  As the new ruler of Equestria, Twilight can unite millions of ponies under a banner of friendship, and guide them all to a better, stronger future.  She could even go far as to form diplomatic relations with other kingdoms, such as the griffons, the dragons, and even the changelings.


Granted, she won't forget her friends.  In fact, with her new princess status, she can help her friends achieve their respective hopes and dreams, including:


1. Promote Rainbow Dash to Wonderbolt, and eventually captain of the Wonderbolts.


2. Turn Rarity into a famous fashion-designer in Canterlot, and maybe even franchise the Carousel Boutique.


3. Help Applejack's family farm maximize profits with its apple products, perhaps by hiring extra farmhands and purchasing more land for hers and her relatives' apple-farms.


4. Provide animal insurance for Fluttershy, and maybe even fund her her own Ponyville zoo.


5. Give Pinkie Pie a job at event-management, so that she could probably improve on parties like the Grand Galloping Gala.


That way, all of her friends achieve their lifelong goals, just like Twilight before them!


Plus, I'm a big fan of the Hero's Journey, by Joseph Campbell.  I once remembered a thread that discussed Twilight's ascension to royalty, and compared it to other coming-of-age stories like Star Wars.  I mean, I was a huge fan of that basic storytelling framework, and I was constantly neglecting it in MLP: FiM just because it was a children's cartoon without any deep, underlying, and philosophical motifs save for its basic-level friendship messages.


Odds are, I might go back to throwing a bipolar hissy-fit over Princess Twilicorn.  But for now, I just want to kick back, relax, and actually accept Twilight's ascension to royalty and all of its aforementioned benefits, like what everyone else here is doing.

Edited by Commander_PonyShep
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well we won't see those things happening anytime soon. Twilight wouldn't be the new ruler of Equestria for a long long time. Seeing as how Celestia is still in power and has Luna in case anything happens to her. It would be nice to see however.

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Now this is much more reasonable.  In fact, I think it's something that I can see happening, albeit towards the end of the show.  This is what I hope they build towards in some way if Twilight doesn't lose Alicorn status. 


And regarding Twilicorn, you have to remember one thing:  There's a difference between *accepting* it and *liking* it.  You don't have to like it, but you're going to have to face the fact that it's probably here to stay. 

Edited by hawkflame
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Really glad to hear it. I'm glad you haven't second thoughts and were able to see the other side of Alicorn Twilight. Only time will tell us whether or not Twilicorn was actually a good thing.

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Now this is much more reasonable.  In fact, I think it's something that I can see happening, albeit towards the end of the show.  This is what I hope they build towards in some way if Twilight doesn't lose Alicorn status. 


And regarding Twilicorn, you have to remember one thing:  There's a difference between *accepting* it and *liking* it.  You don't have to like it, but you're going to have to face the fact that it's probably here to stay. 


Yeah, i'm on the 'I don't like it, but we're going to have it anyway. Better make the most of it as I can' side. 


Honestly, if this turns into a full-out war like with 4chan, then this fandom has lost it's charm.

  • Brohoof 1
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well we won't see those things happening anytime soon. Twilight wouldn't be the new ruler of Equestria for a long long time. Seeing as how Celestia is still in power and has Luna in case anything happens to her. It would be nice to see however.

That's another possibility.


Though, I do remember a member of the message boards saying that it's going to be permanent, and that the book, The Crystal Heart Spell, would be evidence that Twilight will remain an alicorn for the rest of the show.  That means she'll still be running Equestria, but at the safety and comfort of her library at Ponyville.

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I think Twilight has earned her wings and becoming a princess because how many times has she and her friends saved Equestria from evil countless times so if theres a greater evil she may need more powers. I think there is a reason behind this and we will find out in season 4

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I was for before and I still am for it. People should wait until the season four intro until judging. It shouldn't change the show at all.

  • Brohoof 1
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I was for before and I still am for it. People should wait until the season four intro until judging. It shouldn't change the show at all.


Thats so true I mean we saw princess twilight for a few moments and people are already hating on her I mean give her a chance you may find out you like her

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I was for before and I still am for it. People should wait until the season four intro until judging. It shouldn't change the show at all.

If it dosen't change the show at all than that would be extremely lazy on the writers part, Twilights transformation into an alicorn princess is far more profound that simply slapping a pair of wings on her and giving her an fancy title. Exactly how the show is going to change remains to be seen though but even if this works out things will change whether they are for the better or worse really depends on where they go with this which will largely depend on whether or not Hasbro steps back and lets the writers do their jobs.


The show itself has already changed from season to season with the characters growing and evolving and new plot developments and characters being introduced while still maintaining the qualities that made us like the show in the first place and I hope that twilicorn does not change that. Alot of the ponies are going to treat Twilight differently now, sure her friends may still treat her the same but not everypony else and there will be plenty of high class ponies trying to kiss her flank to get in good with the new princess. And she will have some new responsibilities we don't know the full details yet but we know that quite a lot more will be expected of her now.

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I'll be waiting until season 4 before making up my mind, of course, but at the moment I'm leaning heavily towards 'no.' If they change nothing about the show, the whole coronation will feel pointless. If they change too much, (It will seriously bug me if we're reminded every episode that Twilight is a princess or if ponies bow to her and stuff like that) then the writers are going to have to pull out all the stops to make things work.


Hopefully, the writers can convince me to love Twilicorn and put out some amazing episodes. I'm just not counting on it, is all.


And please don't tell me to have faith in the writers... I've had too many beloved franchises dwindle into mediocrity over the years to teach me not to have faith in anyone.

  • Brohoof 1
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Why is everypony hating on the season finale? I liked it :lol:.

And also why is everypony making a huge deal about Twilicorn?

Let me state my honest opinion:

I don't care. :umad:

Out of all the worst possible things that could happen this is NOT the worst possible thing! :P

They DID NOT cancel the show, they promised another FULL season (not 13 episodes, but 26)

I hope they don't cancel it anytime soon though :(

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When I first heard of it, I didn't know what to feel. I waited 'till I saw the episode to judge. I expected it to feel too weird and different. But when the epic moment finally happened, I saw the same adorable nerd, somehow made cuter with wings. It was then that I decided to support Twilicorn, because she felt like the same adorable nerd we all know and love. Of course, this is only the beginning, we've yet to see what it's actually like until season 4, but that was the vibe I felt.


I could go on about how Faust did mention that she planned for Twilight to surpass Celestia. Whether that includes wings or not, and if how it happened was the way she wanted it to happen or not isn't really important anymore. I'm at least comforted by the fact that this wasn't some last-minute change that was thrown at us. I love Twilight as an alicorn. She doesn't look too tall, regal, or benevolent. She still looks like Twilight to me.

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I'm a supporter. It wouldn't make any sense if the writers removed her wings immediately, wasting four minutes of the season three finale. Twilight has been my second favorite, but if she gets a little too powerful, I might be against the idea. Why? All the other Mane six are still pretty important, like getting to use the elements of harmony, so if Twilicorn gets too beast, then it could mess up the show.


This is all my opinion, by the way.

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I just don't see the logic and necessity behind this move. Not now, at least. This shoulda been saved for the series finale. Now is not the time for this move.


You can count me as adamantly against. I'll admit, they've got potential to do great things with this. However, I see a lot more bad things coming out of this. Only time will tell, but my hopes for AliTwi are probably in the negative. And this is my opinion after a month-long cooldown period.


I'm banking on the notion that it'll be temporary. To me, keeping her like this just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Again, I fail to see the logic and necessity. Say what you want, but I'm to the point where even the coppiest-of-outs would make me happy.


I just don't see much good coming out of this. That's what my gut's telling me, and I've not seen anything yet to prove it wrong.

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I just don't see the logic and necessity behind this move. Not now, at least. This shoulda been saved for the series finale. Now is not the time for this move.


You can count me as adamantly against. I'll admit, they've got potential to do great things with this. However, I see a lot more bad things coming out of this. Only time will tell, but my hopes for AliTwi are probably in the negative. And this is my opinion after a month-long cooldown period.


I'm banking on the notion that it'll be temporary. To me, keeping her like this just makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Again, I fail to see the logic and necessity. Say what you want, but I'm to the point where even the coppiest-of-outs would make me happy.


I just don't see much good coming out of this. That's what my gut's telling me, and I've not seen anything yet to prove it wrong.

Look, man. I'm the same way as you are, but there was a reason why Twilight became a princess: She learned so much about friendship, that she might as well apply those lessons to running an entire nation. Plus, she could use her newly-earned power to help her friends achieve their respective hopes and dreams, from Rainbow Dash becoming a Wonderbolt captain, to Rarity franchising the Carousel Boutique all across Equestria.


I also want to believe it's temporary, but there was always that user, Ficta_Scriptor, constantly saying that it'll be permanent, using evidence such as the events and moral of the book, The Crystal Heart Spell, as well as all that build-up leading to Twilight's coronation. He's Anti-Twilicorn, sure, but it's all thanks to him and his "evidence" that proves that Twilicorn is permanent, that I'm not a happy camper. He even went far as to say that the S3 finale and S4 premiere are not parts of a three-part story-arc! How unfair is that?

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There's not much for me to say about the whole Twilicorn idea since the next season hasn't been released yet. From the three minutes that I've witnessed Princess Twilight Sparkle, I can see how it would be both good and bad to have the story twist in this manner. But until the new episodes start pushing out, I can't really have an opinion. I'd like to keep an open mind for now.

To be honest, I believe that most anti-Twilicorn enthusiasts are overreacting about what's happened in the story so far - we've only seen three minutes of Twilight as an alicorn. That's not enough evidence to predict what the future will be like for My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Whatever they may think, complaining about her transformation won't reverse anything. It's time to move forward and accept what is to come.

As for the finale itself, I didn't think that it was atrocious; it was just rushed which made it a bit unpleasant to watch. I was hoping for something more dramatic, but instead, we got a musical. In my opinion, the music wasn't all that terrible and I enjoyed that bittersweet moment between Twilight and Princess Celestia. I don't feel that the episode was horrible, but I don't think it was as amazing as it could've been had they not rushed it.

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I'm no longer anti Twilicorn, nor am I Pro Twilicorn, basically this "new" Twilight is going to have to earn my judgement in season 4, but if that season focuses too much on Twilight (like the fandom seems to be), then I'm going to be really annoyed

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I'm no longer anti Twilicorn, nor am I Pro Twilicorn, basically this "new" Twilight is going to have to earn my judgement in season 4, but if that season focuses too much on Twilight (like the fandom seems to be), then I'm going to be really annoyed


Thank you. :)  I think this is a very level-headed attitude, and one I can totally get behind.  We don't HAVE to like Twilight's new form, but we should at least give it a chance.

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After voting no and seeing that my choice was not chosen very much I'm a bit worried at the responses I might receive but I that twilight becoming an alicorn shows a sign that the series is coming to its end I really hope that this isn't so but the the next season may be about everyponys dreams coming true and building up to some kind of conclusion where everyone splits and lives their dream

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I wish I could... She was cuter before... :3


But, a bright side be that my OC and her can live forever.


...I just want the old Twi back... Why a princess? Seriously?! What drunk came up with the idea?


How was the season finale atrocious I thought it was pretty good it felt slightly rushed but that was all I wouldn't have said it was atrocious. 

It felt like a Disney movie in 20 minutes, mostly singing, I haven't seen that much since Lion King.


Ye gods, Hasbro, what drugs have ye got hidden in yer booty? Lol, random

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After voting no and seeing that my choice was not chosen very much I'm a bit worried at the responses I might receive but I that twilight becoming an alicorn shows a sign that the series is coming to its end I really hope that this isn't so but the the next season may be about everyponys dreams coming true and building up to some kind of conclusion where everyone splits and lives their dream


Don't worry about having an unpopular opinion. There's nothing wrong with that unless you go around telling other people that they're wrong to think otherwise. wink.png (I voted 'no' too)


I can see what you mean about building up to everyone splitting off, but I think that's inevitable. Lauren Faust made a statement saying that she had plans for each character to achieve things, (RD becoming a Wonderbolt, Rarity becoming a famous fashion designer in Canterlot, the CMC getting cutie  marks etc) so I don't doubt that we'll see that stuff eventually.


I don't think season 4 will be the last season, but that in itself kind of worries me. Given the show's popularity, they could easily commission 6 or more seasons for the series. In my opinion, the characters should all be achieving their destinies in the final ever season because it would make the show go out with a bang. Twilight becoming a princess this early on is a bit of a worry for me, since I really couldn't care less about seeing her learn about being royal etc. In my opinion, Twilight's coronation would have worked much better as a series finale, with everything else building up to that one point.


Of course, we'll have to see where they go with this.

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To answer the above^ question, I would have to say I support Princess Twlight Sparkle being promoted to a member of the royal family. I mean, how has she not earned it? By showing through for her friends time and time again and being completely selfless. I'd say she deserves it and has earned it rightfully so. Don't get me wrong, I love music but I do feel like the majority of the episode consisted of just one too many songs and not too much dialogue which gave it a 'rushed' feel which no pony wants to see the mane 6 leave in such a hurry right? Rainbow Dash is still my favorite with Twlight Sparkle trailing just right behind, she's gonna take some getting used to with wings and I think that's the problem. We've become so used to Twlight being grounded that that's who we've known for so long that its hard to witness her change so fast. Almost like the same feeling when you're a parent and your child grows up. This is debatable though and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, this is just mine. Take it or leave it. Much love every pony! <3

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