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What do you love the most about My Little Pony Friendship is Magic?

The Crystal Maiden


31 users have voted

  1. 1. What are your favorite components of the show?

    • Plot
    • Songs
    • Animation
    • Setting and the depth of the world
    • The characters
    • Themes and morrals

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For me, it's probably the characters in the show and how they're strong-willed, not overly girly, and good role models for any girl, Rainbow Dash and Applejack in particular, but they're all great!

I also love the storylines of each episode, since a lot of them are interesting and sometimes quite complicated, like The Crystal Empire for example.

It's just so amazing compared to the old My Little Pony. I salute you, Lauren Faust.


Anyway, over to you guys.

What is the one thing that you love about this brilliant show? :) (or maybe there's a few things)


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Rainbow Dash is the sole reason I watch MLP, and this show would be a steaming pile of turd without her in the show.

That is all.


Edit: lol redundance.

Edited by Uζεrηλmξ
  • Brohoof 4
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I will never be able to narrow down my one favourite thing about MLP, so I'll list my three favourites.


1) Not directly related to the show, but this community is absolutely outstanding. Friendly, accepting, diverse and with a huge range of talents. Never felt so at home in a community before.


2) I love how the show doesn't insult its viewers. There are tips of the hat to the older audience, and there are no points at all that felt cheesy or contrived. Even though it's meant for little girls, I can watch it without feeling ridiculous or out of place.


3) Every character in the show is inspirational in their own way (especially Pinkie Pie for me) and considering that this is a kid's show, inspiring a teenage guy is good stuff! Characters like Pinkie Pie show the benefits of optimism, characters like Applejack show how humility pays off, etc etc. Never expected it from such an innocent cartoon of pastel colours, and that's exactly why I love it. It's tossing me around like putty, and I do not care at all. :)

Edited by Flipturn
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There many, many things about it, so narrowing it down is difficult. I suppose one of my favorite things about the show is the atmosphere. It has such a positive and innocent vibe to it, yet it is still engaging and pure fun.


With all of the bad things in this world, it is fantastic to have such a great show that makes it easy to forget about all of negativity. Being someone who deals with anxiety and depression a lot, that means a ton.

  • Brohoof 2
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The plot, the complexities of the characters personalities, but mostly the music.  I was instantly drawn to the show by the song "Winter Wrap Up".  The way they actually try with the music, unlike most shows, they incorporate lyrics that are easy to listen to and music that goes great with the lyrics.

  • Brohoof 2
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Well, I would have to say that Pinkie Pie is what I love the most about the show.  But she is also what I love most out of all possible things.


The characters, in general, are a big part of why I love "Friendship is Magic."  The personalities, the designs, etc.  I just love everything about them.


The stories in the show are also very good.  And it is quite funny.  Plus I love the music.  


The overall themes / morals / lessons appeal to me quite a lot.


Basically - the show is a "perfect storm" of qualities that make me love it more than any other show I have ever loved before.




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I really love the fandom and the fact that they have a character for every type of fan.

On a side note I think the writers should get a metal for finishing three seasons without a single bathroom joke or fart noise.

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I really love the fandom and the fact that they have a character for every type of fan.

On a side note I think the writers should get a metal for finishing three seasons without a single bathroom joke or fart noise.



What about when Pinkie Pie had to go to the bathroom badly in the "Last Roundup" episode?  Would that count as a bathroom joke, in your opinion?

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For me, since I am so original, my favourite thing about the show'd have to be the not overly childish and girly, relatable, characters.


Of course, while not directly part of the show, the fandom is a huge part of why I enjoy the show, as well.

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What about when Pinkie Pie had to go to the bathroom badly in the "Last Roundup" episode?  Would that count as a bathroom joke, in your opinion?

No not really because they pulled it off without being crude or stressing it to the point where it was childish. Plus they only put it in there to work in one of her ADHD moments.

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  • 4 months later...

I'm working on a video detailing why people like this show, because of how confused my family is regarding my interest in a kid's show.  I thought I'd ask more bronies what they like about the show, just to see if I get any new information.

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Everyone is saying that it's the best quality animation they have seen in a while or the best music. I'll just be honest, I'm just easliy amused. Yeah the songs or good and all that stuff. But I like it like any other cartoon. :)

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I'd don't think Id be able to narrow anything about down to a particular reason why I like and watch the show. For me its really the whole picture the animation, characters, atmosphere, plots, music, and the awesome fandom as well as the massive community that is so positive. Its also doesn't feel awkward to watch meaning, it feels like and average cartoon show and not some overly emphasized girly cartoon. Well I actually the only super girly thing about the show that I don't like is the intro theme song.

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The characters, hands down. The most important part of any show is the cast of characters, because without strong characters, you don't feel any emotional attachment to them, and you wind up not caring about what happens to them. In MLP, you have six strong and believable female ponies that are easy to grow attached to because they have colorful personalities, realistic strengths and weaknesses, and multiple layers of depth. They are complex, interesting, and have compelling goals and aspirations. They are simplistic and fun enough so that young children can enjoy them, but they aren't so sugar-coated and bland like many other children's characters, meaning even adults can find them appealing.


Everything else is delicious frosting on this five star cake. tongue.png

Edited by Sugar Cube
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Friendship is Magic, for me that is all that is needed. I believe that friends become closer then families, in my case that is true and i do mean the fandom as well.

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Without a doubt, the characters are what make the show for me.  Pinkie's hyperactive cartoonishness, Twilight's relatable nerdiness, Fluttershy's complete and utter adorability, Rarity's... other adjective that's not in the dictionary...


Every time I watch a new episode, there's something incredibly heartwarming about seeing these characters that I've grown so attached to for the last two years in new and entertaining situations.  Each one is so unique and lovable that "Classic [character name]!" moments are the norm, rather than the exception, and it's wonderful to see any examples of growth in them across episodes.


That's pretty fitting for my 800th post, I think.  Time to escape from the lowly Bird rank to the prestigious (and I'm only half kidding when I say that) Phoenix!

Edited by Pony Joe
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For me it's the characters and the writing.  You can't really separate the two, IMO.  Without the characters, there's nothing to drive the story, but without good writing, characters are meaningless.  Luckily the series has both (at least seasons 1 and 2.  Season 3... not so consistently).


I'm of the opinion that any show or movie, regardless of target audience or genre, can be done well.  It's not just serious, dramatic material that is worthy of acclaim.  Which is why I think something like Raiders of the Lost Ark or Star Wars are every bit the movies that, say, Oliver Stone war films or a Martin Scorcese crime drama are.  Just because something is an adventure or sci-fi movie doesn't mean that it can't legitimately be great, and just because something is a TV show for girls doesn't mean it can't be well done either. 


I'm not one of the types of bronies who tries to deny that this is a kids show.  It *is* a kids show.  But that doesn't mean it's bad, that doesn't mean that adults can't enjoy it, that doesn't mean that there can't be genuine moments of danger.  .  What makes this show work is that while it is child-friendly, it still respects the intelligence of the audience.  While Equestria is nice and colorful and full of magic, it's not the utopia full of brainless, saccharine-sweet characters of other, similar shows.  Characters all have unique personalities and are similarly uniquely flawed.  Many characters, even main characters, are allowed to be jerks when the story calls for it.  By god, I love the fact that this is a "girl's show" with an actual sense of sarcasm.  And even more than that, there is legitimate danger, and characters can go seriously off the rails.  But all in all, it does seem to be a generally pleasant and nice place- a bit better than our world, not a utopia, but a very nice place with enough flaws to create in-story conflict without going into straight-out cynicism. 

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I have to say the Characters, To be Honest, The Show Isn't really doing it for me anymore, it's a bit dull, I'll wait until season 4 to say anymore though.

But I'm Still As Much as a Brony as I was when I started out, Probably more, I'm Just Stating, if the characters weren't the same, the show wouldn't be right.

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Ok I voted for the characters because I figured that would include the Bronies themselves. What I love most about MLP is the community, the creativity of the Bronies and they way they often come together like family, sharing a common interest, often against adversary.


I have to admit I like that more than the show itself!


We Bronies are characters aint we?


I find that Bronies are very often: fun, likeable, random, know how to laugh, unhibited, and out there..... exactly in the same place that I'm out there.... You just never know what to expect but it all feels like it fits in some how....

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