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Why Do You Watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?


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Because it was really cute while also being an exciting adventure. And some pretty funny humour too actually. It is the type of show you can enjoy as either a down-to-earth slice of slife about Ponyville or an adventure where all the ponies go all through to solve friendship problems 

  • Brohoof 1
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I found some episodes on the Discovery Family website when I around ten after playing a game called Adventures in Ponyville where you create a pony and try to earn your cutie mark.

On 3/27/2019 at 3:03 PM, R.D.Dash said:

I started watching because I found the ponies interesting, but now I am not really sure because the original excitement is gone.

I was in the same boat and still kinda am, though I’m starting to get into it a little bit again after deciding that I was going to just turn my brain off while watching it. 

I started watching the show around ten and now I’m 17, so it’s hard to tell how much my lack of excitement is due to me growing older and how much is due to the trajectory of the show.

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Because I have a real affection for these characters. They gave me a reason to live, and develop, where no one else did in a miserable world where everyone are just harming each other :sunny:. I’ll stay until the end, and not miss the last moments of characters I have grown so fond of :adorkable:

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The characters, the environment, and even more surprisingly the lessons that can be applied not just to children but to ANYONE of ANY AGE about social interaction and Life Lessons. The lessons are not always executed well, but the show gives a lot of effort compare to the shows in the past.

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Mostly because my kids watch it. I have found that I enjoy it very much independent of my kids. So much so that when I'm on buisness trips I watch it all on my own. 

I first began to like it when I noticed it is the only wholesome shoe on tv these days and it is very well written (season 8 excluded) the characters have hopes, dreams, disappointments, and growth. Its not random happenings but I feel we as fans grow with the characters. I know what it means to be regale as a princess while at the same time the pride amd honor of a wonderbolt. Above all I know what it means to be an apple. 

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For the plot. :mlp_toldya: Go on and tell me to get out now, I don't care, it was worth it. :mlp_icwudt:

I watch the show because its innocent spirit and ability to positively influence and change both my mind and the minds of people around me is something that will always fascinate me. I was never able to bring myself to drop it off because it's just never been in my nature to abandon a fandom. My interest in anything I love comes and goes before coming back again when I least expect, but the love that initially drew me to it is always there. :squee:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I almost barely watch it anymore. Why do I watch it? Because it's a cute show with cute characters.

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  • 1 year later...

I started watching it because I was a child and colorful, cute ponies entertained me.

I'm 16 now and I'm still entertained by colorful, cute ponies!! 

The show is so nostalgic for me. I can't seem to just forget about it. I still have my old pony toys lining my dresser along with my Monster High dolls. I should've outgrown these things by now but I just can't let them go.

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  • 1 year later...
  • he show is Incredibly well written
  • Characters are incredibly well developed- i love how the mane 6 are learning friendship lessons along with the audience, it makes me feel closer to them, ya know?
  • The design is colourful and friendly to the eye
  • The story plots are enticing, providing a blend of adventure, happiness, sadness etc 


and also this video 


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Two reasons:

1) Because I got sick of Nickelodeon's shit.

2) Because it reawakened the part of me that loves girly things, but now, with its multitude of characters and creatures that could fill Castlevania's bestiary by two thirds, the girly aspect and the excitement therein waned just a tad. Perhaps it's some combination of that, plus me getting older, and the path the show eventually took.

Doesn't mean the SoL episodes aren't still worth watching. 

Edited by Sasoriman
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The reason why I watched MLP FiM was because there's no other cartoon that has a lot of heart and sincerity during that time. When I was 13 in 2012, in early 2013, I started to grew out of watching cartoons and stopped watching kids channels because I'd gotten too old for them. I've been watching a lot of stuff on YouTube more than watching TV. That, and also I've been going through a lot personal issues during that time, and I didn't even bother watching TV.

Then around Spring 2013, MLP became hugely popular on the internet, and I did remember tried to ignore it, but my one of my teachers in middle school told me I should watch MLP. At first, I was unsure about it I don't watch girls shows at the time, but as time went on, I'll give it a fair chance.

Honestly, I'm so glad I did. Everything about FiM was well crafted and so unique. The characters are likeable (for the most part), the animation was astonishing, and the show wasn't trying to talked down to its audience. It had genuinely funny moments, great lessons, and it was a type of show that can geared towards everybody, despite being a franchise made for little girls.

Despite the behind the scenes issues and the series becoming a shell of its former self after Season 5(down to the point that I didn't even bother watching the show anymore), I do have a lot of fond memories of watching FiM and I want to thank this show to get me back to watching cartoons again.

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I am proud to say I watched FIM. There are many shows today that I don't even try to watch. FIM was one of those in the beginning, but I was changed by it. I liked the show, even the bad parts of it.

I wish there would be another show like FIM! Something to change my mind again.

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  • 4 months later...
On 2021-10-10 at 12:30 AM, Splashee said:

I wish there would be another show like FIM! Something to change my mind again.

Exactly. :kindness:

I watch FIM, because the show is the perfection I always hoped for. I'm always looking for things that are good, unique, beautiful and positive. Most shows are about humans and I grew very tired of this species. I mean there are sooo many species living on our planet, so many lifeforms they could take inspiration from. But no, "always" humans. The MLP ponies don't even look like real ponies, this is how it's done right! Many shows, or especially modern video games, try to be realistic. The graphics are always brown, grey and dark. Boooring! Most of the time the it's about sex and violence. Always trying to be "cool". Most things scream mediocrity. It made me so tired, I avoid 99,99% of all medias completely. FIM is different in every aspect. The humor is great and the characters and the world are VERY relatable. The irony is, that these colorful ponies are more relatable than that one random soldier who shoots aliens or something. :please: The ponies make actual experiences and grow and they are diverse, just like people in real life.

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Because I couldn't experience my childhood. Everything failed. But it wouldn't have mattered anyway. I was internally fractured since before I was born. So, I've been living with depression for most of my life. Sometimes some events are so powerful that they echo across multiple life times. I just can't forget. And every time I try to get closer to those blanked out memories, it is like grabbing onto the power lines and burning alive. I crash. But I cannot let go. I won't let go. So, yeah. I'm making up for the past. It's nice to watch something simple once in a while, to ease this fragmentation inside.

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