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Are bronies weird?


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So on Saturday night I had just watched the Game of Thrones season 3 trailer on youtube. (March 31!) Bored and not yet tired I just started clicking on all of the recommended videos in the sidetab and I somehow got to a clip from My Little Pony. It was the clip where Rainbow Dash was teaching Fluttershy to cheer from the episode, "Sonic Rainboom." I was surprised when it elicited a chuckle from me as I had NEVER seen myself enjoying this kind of show. In fact, I even joked about the whole brony movement with my friends. 

At this point, my curiosity had been scratched so I decided to watch the pilot. That got me hooked so I watched the second episode and I then had the whole first season done on Sunday night. Last night, I just finished the second season and look forward to starting the third today when I have finished my homework. This post was a bit of an introduction and a bit of an apology for not being open-minded about the show and it's fans previously. 

  • Brohoof 34
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So on Saturday night I had just watched the Game of Thrones season 3 trailer on youtube. (March 31!) Bored and not yet tired I just started clicking on all of the recommended videos in the sidetab and I somehow got to a clip from My Little Pony. It was the clip where Rainbow Dash was teaching Fluttershy to cheer from the episode, "Sonic Rainboom." I was surprised when it elicited a chuckle from me as I had NEVER seen myself enjoying this kind of show. In fact, I even joked about the whole brony movement with my friends. 

Well, it may be apparent that some of us are weird, but I would say that a majority are just your average person.  


Your discovery seems a lot like my first video.  I was perusing youtube for something, and I saw a video on the side on a review of the show.  I gave it a shot... here I am.   


Anyways, great to hear you enjoyed that snippet.

  • Brohoof 3
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Hey, most of us first watched the show thinking it was going to be horrible. I honestly thought it was a joke at first. Anyway, I'm glad you like it, and I hope you like season 3.

  • Brohoof 1
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lol, I thought this topic was going to be some sort of comparison to something weirder implying we're already weird in the first place


Excellent, another brony joins the herd! Once you go brony, you never go back, it's awesome, we're awesome, and we're glad to have you here. The new bronies are filling up the holes the old ones have left behind ;_;

  • Brohoof 2
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lol, I thought this topic was going to be some sort of comparison to something weirder implying we're already weird in the first place


Excellent, another brony joins the herd! Once you go brony, you never go back, it's awesome, we're awesome, and we're glad to have you here. The new bronies are filling up the holes the old ones have left behind ;_;

Yeah I see how one could think that with the title. If I think of a better, less misleading title I'll change it! Thanks for the welcome! *brohoof*

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When I first found out about bronies I thought it was a little strange, harmless but strange not that there is anything wrong with that. What finally made up my mind that I had to see this show was hearing about Discord so I watched The Return of Harmony two parter liked it and then watched the rest of season 1@2 and started watching season 3 once it started.

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I started watchin it when it first came out and to be honest, I thought I was going to have to, say, grit my teeth through it however, when the show started, I was genuinely surprised at how well it was written

I never expected it to be so epic and so awesome :3

And I've been watching the episodes since then and enjoying them :3


Yes, we are a bit weird but let's be honest, normalcy is overrated anyway amirite :P

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New guy eh?


Well, *ahem*





Welcome man to wonderful land of the Bronydom. You are going to have an awesome time man. I ahve been here over a year and i can say without a doubt that this fandom is friken' Amazing! All the Music, Fanfiction, Videos, Animations, Games, Art, OH YOU SHOULD SEE THE ART!!! 1000s upon 1000s upon 100000s of Art! Tons of paintings and pictures! And that's no exaggeration. All created by Bronies. You are gonna have one hell of time here man and a lot of fun. And i can promise you this, this fandom, will never cease to surprise you.  :)


So once again, welcome to the Fandom! Hope you have a great time.


And one last thing. We are all weird, but that's what makes us awesome. Honestly though, most of us are just a bunch of regular guys.

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When I first watched the show, I'd known about bronies and the fact that there was a huge crowd who thought it was great, so I knew it was gonna be great, and was excited as all bucking hay. When I'd first heard about bronies though, I thought "It's probably a decent show, but I'll pass" so I did, then several months later I'd begun watching the show, 5 or 6 eps a night on my ipod, clop about 5 or 6 times between episodes, and was the happiest bucking thing alive. Halfway through season 3 I came here and BOOM I'm here now.

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All the Music, Fanfiction, Videos, Animations, Games, Art, OH YOU SHOULD SEE THE ART!!! 1000s upon 1000s upon 100000s of Art! Tons of paintings and pictures! And that's no exaggeration. All created by Bronies. You are gonna have one hell of time here man and a lot of fun. And i can 


I got into the music two nights ago. I've been listening to AcousticBrony and MandoPony. I also got some great art as my desktop background. It's obscure though; I have a twin brother who pushes me around all the time. I've no doubt he'd go and tell the bullies I already have at school if he were to find out. It's really surprising how much creativity this fandom attracts. The music that I've heard and quite a bit of the artwork that I've perused is great.

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Eh I think weirds a dumb term anyways. Who ever said what was normal anyways :)? YEAH NOPONY ALRIGHT?


I guess we're all weird though lol, who cares normal people are BORRRING :D.


And don't worry, I don't know many people who didn't first hear about bronies and think.. Are you.. Serious? Ponies and men? HAHAHHA.


And then curiosity hits you and your like.. well I guess this show really is good. Sorry bronies!


The good news is your here now and thats all that matters :).


Welcome to the herd bro!

Edited by Zygen
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So on Saturday night I had just watched the Game of Thrones season 3 trailer on youtube. (March 31!) Bored and not yet tired I just started clicking on all of the recommended videos in the sidetab and I somehow got to a clip from My Little Pony. It was the clip where Rainbow Dash was teaching Fluttershy to cheer from the episode, "Sonic Rainboom." I was surprised when it elicited a chuckle from me as I had NEVER seen myself enjoying this kind of show. In fact, I even joked about the whole brony movement with my friends. 

At this point, my curiosity had been scratched so I decided to watch the pilot. That got me hooked so I watched the second episode and I then had the whole first season done on Sunday night. Last night, I just finished the second season and look forward to starting the third today when I have finished my homework. This post was a bit of an introduction and a bit of an apology for not being open-minded about the show and it's fans previously. 

Welcome! haha its great to hear people who finally at least give the show a chance! I was like you with the whole "I cant believe people would watch this!" but I finally gave it a chance too!

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Glad to hear you've discovered this show and fandom and are having a great time!  Always glad to see a fresh face on the forums, especially a recent convert.  Welcome to the herd!  B)

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Welcome, welcome! A lot of people think we're weird at first, but as you can see, we're just like fans of any other tv show. There's absolutley nothing weird about us and we're not hiding any creepy stuff. It's all cheerfulness and all-around friendship!


Edited by Fluttermena
  • Brohoof 1
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Ha! This is very similar to my little brother's introduction to the show. He kept going on and on about how annoying Bronies were, but eventually he took me up on my offer to watch it and he got hooked pretty fast.


Welcome to the forum, dude!

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Guys, I think I have a problem. I just blew through the whole third season last night completely neglecting homework. No spoilers but, holy s**t. I was not expecting that until the series was over. I'm certainly glad that it isn't though! Anyways, thanks for all the warm welcomes, I'm glad to be here! *brohoof*

  • Brohoof 1
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First up, welcome to the forums! :D


But I agree. I thought MLP was just a trend created by hipsters. Apparently not! I would've never guessed that I'd be watching this kind of show...it's amazing, and not like every little girls show/previous MLP gen. Really surprised me! 


But I think we were all skeptical about it at first. But once you give the show a chance and watch it, you'll never turn back! :P That's just how good the show is. And the community....don't even start on how awesome it is. :) People should give the show a chance before actually hating on bronies....I thought bronies were weird at first, but their not (and if they are, it's usually in an awesome way!).


But we all have a weird side. Nothing bad about it. Brony on, and I'm glad you enjoy the show!

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