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What Bothers Me About Pro-Twilicorns


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Apparently we're not allowed to have opinions here, and when we do, we get told exactly what we're trying to stop.


I apologize for trying to hold an intelligent discussion of my thoughts.


Please carry on with your perfect lives.

Edited by Twiliscael
  • Brohoof 33



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I think we all have to accept that this was ultimately Studio B and Hasbro's decision. We can dislike change as much as we like, we merely have to accept it. Even if this change is forever. While it does have implications, the change is too new to decide good or bad from this.

  • Brohoof 25
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I think we all have to accept that this was ultimately Studio B and Hasbro's decision. We can dislike change as much as we like, we merely have to accept it. Even if this change is forever. While it does have implications, the change is too new to decide good or bad from this.

Yeah I agree. They could do some cool stuff with it. We'll just have to wait and see when season 4 comes out! The animators did a good job of adding her in there given the limited time and somewhat rushedness of what they had to do, but they still pulled it off and for me it worked well and fitted in ok. Knowing these writers, everything'll be fine ;)

We may not be cutting edge, but we won't take the mainstream pledge, for we don't need your admiration...


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Sig by Villan97

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I don't really care if Twilight has wings or not. Tara did say that Twilight WON'T be leaving her friends. I'm okay with Twilicorn as long her personality doesn't dramatically change.

Edited by Neighvana666
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Personally, I hate Twilicorn. However, I haven't received any comments or violent reactions from other people towards what I think. Probably it's only the people you hang out with. I don't know. It really depends. 


I still think that we should all respect each other's opinions though. We all have our points of views and we all have our own takes on this matter. Many people did think that this is bad and I still think it is. 


Going on MLB (My Little Brony), I can see a lot of this happening. Maybe you'd like to get some laughs and at the same time get some news and see some issues coming around.


This will probably help you. 


In short, respect is key. Everyone has to give it.

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you, Gone Airbourne, for the amazing signature!

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Negativity begets negativity.


This is just me, but whenever I tell someone to calm down and trust the writers, it's because the writers got us to this point in the first place.  They are the people that made us fall in love with the show.  So why not have a little faith in them?


You're definitely entitled to your opinion in thinking that Twilicorn is a bad idea.  But nothing has even come of it yet.  She just has the wings now.  I'm a supporter of Alicorn Twilight but I'm reserving final judgment until season 4 comes out.  I'm an optimist in thinking that it will be handled delicately and with a certain amount of grace.  But the realist in me says any idea can fall flat.


I don't think anyone is really Pro- or anti- Twilicorn yet.  There's not enough information made available to really choose a side.  I think what most people have a problem with is the relative quick way the wings were acquired, even though it's explained that she earned the wings through all of her adventures, and that we were left with a cliffhanger full of questions.

  • Brohoof 10

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
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Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
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I don't really care if Twilight has wings or not. Tara did say that Twilight WON'T be leaving her friends. I'm okay with Twilicorn as long her personality doesn't dramatically change.

Yeah me too. As long as the plot doesn't change loads It'll be fine right. I'm sure they could use this oppurtunity to come up with some more cool storylines for episodes too. So if that's the case I think it's a good thing.

  • Brohoof 1

We may not be cutting edge, but we won't take the mainstream pledge, for we don't need your admiration...


James Mayell



Sig by Villan97

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I think people who are against Twili-corn get more static is because they are often seen as people who hate or possibly fear change. I was on the side of hating Twilicorn for a while but after doing some research and understanding different view points i have come to like the idea. Now i could further explain this but i dont want to be another one of those people. It seems that whole love and tolerate mantra flies out the window when this is brought up on 4chan and i feel sorry for those who are ridiculed for their opinions on this

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Am I just not allowed to have an opinion because it differs from the majority?

Welcome to the Internet the place where everyone is an asshole and opinions don't matter.


I really don't know what to think of the situation. I saw "Twilicorn" coming from a mile away but I just didn't expect it so soon. That's my main problem with it. [Well that and the fact the episode felt rushed but that a different topic all together.] To me it seems everyone hates alicorn Twilight though they might just be the most outspoken. One thing I think we can both agree on is; the fanbase is really going to shit and is letting me down. I thought I finally found a fanbase that was, overall, very supportive of both the writers and each other but then we get this and it seems bronies are turning into every other fanbase. I guess some people just really hate change.

  • Brohoof 2



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Welcome to the Internet the place where everyone is an asshole and opinions don't matter.


I really don't know what to think of the situation. I saw "Twilicorn" coming from a mile away but I just didn't expect it so soon. That's my main problem with it. [Well that and the fact the episode felt rushed but that a different topic all together.] To me it seems everyone hates alicorn Twilight though they might just be the most outspoken. One thing I think we can both agree on is; the fanbase is really going to shit and is letting me down. I thought I finally found a fanbase that was, overall, very supportive of both the writers and each other but then we get this and it seems bronies are turning into every other fanbase. I guess some people just really hate change.

I figured that within this community that my opinion would matter, and it used to. I guess not anymore.


And it was destined to happen. We're not some "golden" fanbase as it may have seemed a year ago. Oh no, we're just like the rest of them except that we have this massive ego as if we are better than all other fandoms.

Edited by Full Spectrum
  • Brohoof 2



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I try to respect other people's opinions if I can, but perhaps many of us Pro-Twilicorns are saying calm down because MAYBE, it is what everypony needs to do. I emphasize maybe because I could be wrong, I will accept that possibility, but I have a lot of faith in the writers. I want to see them pull this off, like how Twilight is now a bit different but they show us how she is still the same. The other ponies on the show, as well as some bronies, need this lesson it seems.


Again, just my opinion.

  • Brohoof 1



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Well I'm really and truly not loving of Twilicorn, but I'm not hating of it. I'm more or less kinda indifferent, but I'm being optimistic, I don't want to just say the show is being ruined because of it or something. Because honestly its to early to tell anyways. Its also why I'm not exactly in tears of joy for it.


It just feels like its to early to me to decide on anything, the writers have done well so far despite doubts, so I will continue to have faith regardless.


Everyones entitled to their own opinions, I personally would just rather not discuss it to much because it normally just means bronies getting into fights, and I just don't like to see all my fellow bronies fighting. :/


Feel free to have your opinions on it though, I try not to judge for it. I just think that its to early to say you like or dislike it, because we haven't seen what is going to happen from it.


Thats my personal opinions, and I try to respect others even if I don't agree with them, I think its just a touchy subject to discuss the faith of the show because it is the basis of our fandom afterall.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I can respect a pro-Twilicorn's opinion for sure, so long as they provide sound reasoning as to why, rather than the crap I typically see.

Generally speaking, there's not enough of a reason to like or dislike her yet.  We simply haven't been given enough information about it yet.  Both sides are based on assumptions about what is coming.  Fact is, no one knows and everyone should probably chill.


Also, you play the victim very well and preach that people should tolerate your opinion, but shouldn't you also tolerate the decision to make Twilight an Alicorn?  Tolerance is something this fanfom/community needs defined.  Tolerance means you're just putting up with something.  You tolerate a crying baby on an airplane or you tolerate a bad cold.  It can still piss you off.  The idea is that it falls to the golden rule.  If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all.

Edited by Shadow Chaser
  • Brohoof 5

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
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Also, you play the victim very well and preach that people should tolerate your opinion, but shouldn't you also tolerate the decision to make Twilight an Alicorn?

I do can tolerate or even accept anyone's opinion, but it has to be based upon something and backed up with some sort of insight as to why. If someone says "I think that everyone should roll around in the mud for 15 minutes a day," I would ask "why?" If they just said "because..." then I can't see their opinion as valid. If the did, however, give a reason as to why they think that way, I can tolerate their opinion and possibly even agree with it.

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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It doesn't bother me when someone has an opinion that is different than mine.  I just do not enjoy talking about what people hate. I would rather talk about the things that people like.  

Edited by Shawn Parks
  • Brohoof 2

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It is pretty much too new to judge for now. When Season 4 arrives months from now, we can judge it at that time if the first two episodes are Parts 2 & 3 to the season finale ( if there will be a Part 3.) For now, we should all just calm down, it's not like it's the end of the world.

  • Brohoof 2
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it has to be based upon something and backed up with some sort of insight as to why.

With that logic then you have no real reason to hate the Twilicorn decision.  Again, nothing has been explained involving that situation.  You're just assuming it will be a bad idea.  Some people choose to believe it will be a good idea.  Different strokes for different folks.


As for people being mean and disrespecting your opinion, I'm sorry, but, welcome to the internet.  The land of complete anonymity and, therefore, assholes.  The land of not having to take responsibility for the words you say.  Where you can be as mean as you want and there are no repercussions.  Where people who think different are ridiculed for thinking that way.


Now, all of that is really harsh, but that's what it boils down to.  People don't like things that are different.  In a sea of people loving Twilicorn, you're a vocal point of hatred about the topic.  So of course people are going to be dbags to you.  It's not right and it's terrible that they'd do that, but that's the mob mentality in motion, my friend.  Just try to take a step back and let whatever they may say roll off your back.  Because, who knows, you could be absolutely right about Twilicorn.  But until season 4 we won't know, so why spend all the time arguing about it?

  • Brohoof 2

"The dead don't talk. I don't know why." - Odd Thomas

"You want to take the easy way out because if you try and fail there's only you to blame.  But you know what?  Life is scary.  Get used to it.  There are no magical fixes.  It's all up to you.  So get up, get out there, and go start doing the work."
"Nothing worth having in this life comes easy." - Shadow Chaser
Night Apples - A Luna x Mac romance fic. It's cute. Trust me.
OIF 07-09 Veteran

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With that logic then you have no real reason to hate the Twilicorn decision.  Again, nothing has been explained involving that situation.  You're just assuming it will be a bad idea.  Some people choose to believe it will be a good idea.  Different strokes for different folks.


As for people being mean and disrespecting your opinion, I'm sorry, but, welcome to the internet.  The land of complete anonymity and, therefore, assholes.  The land of not having to take responsibility for the words you say.  Where you can be as mean as you want and there are no repercussions.  Where people who think different are ridiculed for thinking that way.


Now, all of that is really harsh, but that's what it boils down to.  People don't like things that are different.  In a sea of people loving Twilicorn, you're a vocal point of hatred about the topic.  So of course people are going to be dbags to you.  It's not right and it's terrible that they'd do that, but that's the mob mentality in motion, my friend.  Just try to take a step back and let whatever they may say roll off your back.  Because, who knows, you could be absolutely right about Twilicorn.  But until season 4 we won't know, so why spend all the time arguing about it?

I try not to argue. I only argue when someone's fatuous enough to attack me first.


Also, I've been on the internet for several years at this point. I know that anyone CAN be a dickhead, it doesn't mean that they should. Especially within a fandom that I once thought was able to remain civil and accepting. But alas, that's a point for another time I suppose. I

  • Brohoof 1



I tend to take the high road, get stoned, and fly low . . .

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I am neither pro nor anti-Twilicorn. I am waiting til season 4 actually comes out before I pass judgment on the whole thing. She was an Alicorn for about one minute. Not enough time to say it's going to ruin the show or make it better, or even change how the show goes at all. We need to stop fighting over something that we know so little about. If this fandom is about love and tolerance respect or whatever, Shouldn't we at least try and stay civilized about our discussions about it?

  • Brohoof 1

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Maybe we're telling people to calm down because we're sick of everyone panicking over it from before the Episode even aired.

At this point we've got until next season until we figure out what Twilight will do with her wings so panicking over is just grating everypony's nerves. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Maybe we're telling people to calm down because we're sick of everyone panicking over it from before the Episode even aired.

At this point we've got until next season until we figure out what Twilight will do with her wings so panicking over is just grating everypony's nerves. 



I see lots of folks on this forum poking fun at it, mocking those who oppose the idea of twilicorn, to be honest it's not all that bad, we got our own little subforum to keep our little Twilicorn arguments, and discussions, there's really not much use in calming down, if it involves some sort of relevant discussion.

  • Brohoof 3




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There is sometimes a bit of "sheep syndrome" that goes around. People like to follow popular opinion or when the executive voice (Hasbro in this case) makes a decision they automatically agree with it and in many cases "give up" but they like to call it "accept it."


I've seen a bit of a drastic change on the topic of cloppers on this forum as well. They went from downright demeaning and pitchforks/torches then to suddenly saying we should be ok with them after about 10 people said to tolerate them. Just stick to your guns and the people that are telling you to calm down they are entitled to their opinion as well. Drama isn't necessary if you can talk about it.

Edited by poniesforfun
  • Brohoof 2


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If you react like this for the alicorn thing, I wonder how you will react when twilight takes the next step in succeeding Celestia.

Flowing mane, improved cutiemark, complete rulership and extended lifespan.

I can't wait for season 4. Lets hold our thumbs that the writers will go all the way.


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I think the point is that it's done and complaining/whatever isn't going to change it. It gets old seeing people go on and on about what they DON'T like when we could be focusing on what we DO like. I'm not saying that you've been whining or whatever, I just think that a lot of people (myself included) get tired of hearing it over and over again. You're entitled to not like it, but when it gets to the point that you feel the need to constantly go on about not liking it, it's taking it too far. Some people are pro-Twilicorn, some are anti-Twilicorn. It really shouldn't go beyond that. I don't have an opinion on it at all (other than feeling like the whole Twilicorn-transformation episode was too rushed) because so far all we know is that she has wings and is a princess. We don't know if she's going to the be same personality-wise, we don't know if she's going to remain an alicorn princess, we don't know if she's going to marry Braeburn, abduct Scootaloo and move to another planet to start creating pony-plant hybrids. We don't know anything. I hate to sound like all the people that you feel are attacking you or whatever, but just relax. It's just a show - everything will be okay.

Oh, and I'm by no means telling you that you should just shut up and accept it - it's totally okay to be against something. But also understand that whatever you say, someone will disagree with you. That's just life. Either way, I hope that when season 4 comes everybody's fears/concerns will be eased and we can just continue to enjoy the show. If not, well... that's life, I suppose.

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The thing is I'm sick and tired of seeing all those topics about how that grey pony is removed and Hasbro is censoring her out and how bad that is for several months now. So what I do is I just don't get into them.


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