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gaming Games you want to see get a sequel


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We all know about those huge game franchises that churn out new installments, every year or so, but many a time we have those series we love that are in some sort of video game purgatory with the last game ending in cliffhangers. So the question is: are there any games you like that you'd like to see either get a sequel or make a return?


I have a lot of games I've been aching to get more of:


Megaman Legends 3 and Megaman X Command Mission 2 - I know Capcom pretty hates Megaman at this point, but please?*puppy face*


No More Heroes 3 - If you haven't noticed, I'm a huge NMH fan, and after herieng the developer say he had some ideas for a 3rd game on the Wii U, I got very excited


Syphon Filter - Especially after the end of Logan's Shadow, I've been waiting to see the fate of everyone 


Starfox Wii U - I don't care if it's like 64 or Assault or whatever, I just want to know what ending of Command is the real one, or if it's canon at all


Viewtiful Joe 3


F-Zero Wii U


What games do you want to see more of?

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I definitely want to see a Dishonored 2! It was probably my favourite game from 2012, it looked great, it had a fantastic story and the gameplay was fantastic. I think a sequel would be a great way to make some improvements to non-lethal takedowns as well as advancing a really solid story.


Also I really want another Super Meat Boy. I've finished the current one to completion and I want more of it! I'm not normally a huge fan of 2D platformers but it was such a brilliant challenge. Plus the music was awesome.


Maybe a Magika sequel as well, without the bugs!

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Oh, man, what I wouldn't do for Homeworld 3. After years of hoping and waiting, however, I've come to accept that it's probably dead for good. Relic's old developers have moved on, and the new ones are focusing on 40K and WWII games. The IP's been in limbo ever since THQ went under, and the only guys who seem to be interested have all the credibility of scammers. Homeworld 3 may never see the light of day, and that's a damn shame.

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There are many sequels I'd like to get made.


One of them being Beyond Good & Evil 2. It is weird to hear that the game cannot be made since modern consoles wouldn't be able to run it. Sounds like a sorry excuse and they're actually saying "We're sorry, but we have no interest in making the game." The first game was so awesome. I mean what sort of program did they use to create such a game that wouldn't run on any consoles or PC?


Another would be Half-Life 2: Episode 3. Yeah, I know... ... Pretty much everyone thinks it's a lost cause and never will come out.


While this game IS actually coming someday, I'll still say it. I really REALLY want to see Doom 4 coming out soon.


Last sequel I would like to see is Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 3. Now while MMO is actually holding up, it just can't be compared to the story, the characters and their development the last 2 KotORs brought up.

Edited by Koori
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There's a few, so i guess ill list them.


*Dead Rising 3. Still no word on either its being developed or not.


*Left 4 Dead 3. It's still heard Valve cant count to 3.


*Destroy All Humans! 4. One of my favorite underrated games of all time.


*Mercenaries 3. Might never see the light of day.


*Fallout 4. You cant get enough of Fallout.


*Singularity 2. Fan of the first one, but its extremely underrated.


Man, what id give for these games to have a sequel!

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There are a few sequals that Id really want to see.


- Gothic 5


 Piranha bytes got back their rights to make Gothic games, so Im really waiting for a sequal.


- Age of Empires 4


 I really like all of the Age of Empires games so far. They really should make more of them.


- Dark messiah of Might & Magic 2


 The first one was awesome and they really should make more of them, or atleast similiar stuff.


- Dishonored 2


One of my favorite games that year, definitely deserves a sequal.



I have been waiting for a Dragon Age 3 since I finished DA2

The originally promised remaining 3 episodes of Xenosaga would be dandy too.





There is a open letter from the executive producer of the Dragon age franchise. He gives a few facts about the next DA game. Thought you might want to see it, if you have not already seen it, that is xD

Edited by MuLeKsI
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These games aren't actually like gamer type games.  Their just normal games.


Wandering Willows:

Come on.  It would be so terribly easy.


Fatal Hearts:

A whole new story line.  New characters.

But seriously.  Best game ever.

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I want a Grim Fandango sequel! It'd be really cool if you played as Olivia or something, since I'm obsessed with Olivia to the point of getting people to call me by her name.

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Actraiser III: Actraiser I and II were like a combination of classic beat em up side scrollers and Sim City imagine what they could do with these concepts today.


Star Fox: 3D's or Wii U it dosen't matter to me, I just want to see another Star Fox game.

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Bulletstorm. I loved this game so much, it has to be my favourite modern FPS. It's crude humour, the memorable characters, and gameplay that actually brings something new to the table, which is a lot for a modern FPS. It was a very refreshing addition to the genre in a sea of cut and paste games. But due to the lack of sales, it's sequel is getting hung to dry. Which is really frustrating, since it actually feels like there was so much more that could've been done with it.

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okamiden, the wii u gamepad would be ace for it and another persona game would be nice (i know it was confirmed but you know, persona)

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Seriously guys. This gad the best boss battles and fighting mechanics of any game ever. Add some better Storytelling (though not much) and some fast travel and this would be better than Skyrim.

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Star Fox Adventures- I want a second one of an adventure on food like that. It'd be fantastic and especially since the graphics of games are hell of a lot better.


Neopets the Darkest Faerie- I think I second game of that..or at least another Neopets game like that on foot adventure would be cool. I love RPGs


Space Station Silicon Valley- This is a pretty unpopular game with many glitches, but I actually liked this game. It was entertaining. Well, They should make a new one...with better graphics and cooler missions.

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I'd like to see Star Wars Battlefront 3. I mean with thee new movies about to come out it would be a great time to make a proper sequel to the last Battlefront. But as far as I know the developer of the first two, Paramedic, went bankrupt or something so they would have to get a new developer. But which one you ask? High Moon Studios, the guys who made Transformers: War for Cyberton, and Fall of Cybertron, and the guys are are making the Deadpool game. The reason I pick them is because, aside from being able to make damn good 3rd person shooters, the seem to know who to stay fateful to the source materiel. Seriously War and Fall of Cybertron have tons of fan service and almost feel like really cool episodes of the show.


Oh and Sonic Adventure 3 would also be nice. I mean you could consider Sonic 06 to be SA3 but 06 sucks. I want a proper SA3 with a Chao Garden and everything.

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Dead Space 4. It's been way too long since we've seen a new Dead Space title.


I also want Half Life 2: Episode 3 on the current generation of consoles followed shortly afterward by Half Life 3. I also want Portal 3 and L4D 3, all in the same package. They'll call it The Black Box.



The game i would fresk uot to ave is a sequel of Red Dead Redemption. The thing is too epic to not having a sequel, holy f**k. Rockstar, please!



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I actually have quite a few...
New Vegas: There's been rumours about New Vegas 2(or whatever the name of the sequel to New Vegas'd be). I am not 100% sure on the validity of where I've heard from, but it basically said that the only reason there isn't much surfacing about a sequel to NV is because of the new consoles. I've also heard it might be in LA, which is basically in my backyard. So, if that comes to be a truth, I won't be able to hold my excitement.
STALKER: Roadside Picnic was an amazing book, Stalker was a great film, and STALKER was an amazing series. I loved SoC and CS, and I couldn't get over CoP. I can't put into words how much I loved CoP. Other than its broken multiplayer, it was amazing. Too bad STALKER 2 isn't happening.
Red Dead Redemption: I loved a lot of things about RDR. It's world, it's story, it's feel, it's characters, and it's amazing ending(and, of course, the fact that I am a giant badass at Rockstar games; don't know how, just am). Would love to see a sequel to it.
DayZ, Cry of Fear, No More Room in Hell: These aren't standalones, but they were all supposed to get standalones. Ones that I still eagerly await.

Metro 2033: I absolutely loved both the game and the book. Not sure what is going to happen with Last Light, though. What with it supposed to be published by an entirely new company, that company closing its doors, then Deep Silver stepping in, I don't know how it'll turn out. I still can't wait for it, and hopefully it'll release on May 14th!


Black Snow: Again, not a standalone. Mod for HL2E2. And, the sequel won't be a standalone, either. But, I am eager to see what the devs have in store. Hope they found someone to fill that programmer spot they needed.

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Did anyone say portal 2 yet? If not, they really need to make a portal 3, I've already beat the first two, repeatedly, and I want another one to come out

So do I it will probably take them forever to make it but they are apparently going to be making a portal 3 at some point in the future.

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Starwars Battlefront and Battlefront 2 were the best games on PS2. Lucasarts was working on Battlefront 3 and even got as far as testing before it was canned, claiming funding was the problem. Now that Lucasarts is owned by Disney maybe we will finally get Battlefront 3 and it will be a rival to Battlefield 4 and Black Ops 2.

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1. Star Wars Battlefront 3 the game was 80% done and then Lucasarts cancelled it


2. Kingdom Hearts 3, we've waited so long for it hopefully it is announced soon


This isn't a sequel but I think Warner Bros. Interactive should make a Lego Mortal Kombat everyone in the world would buy that game!

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