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mega thread Favourite Musicians or Band


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My all time most favorite?  Type O Negative


Lately, I've been listening to mostly Volbeat, Social Distortion, and Eve 6, with a little Marilyn Manson thrown in for good measure. :)


Signature by the awesome Dopey Hooves!

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Questions for Discussion:

Who your favorite musical artist/band/producer?

2. Why is he/she your favorite?

3. What is your favorite track by him/her?

4. Why is it your favorite track?

5. How long have you been listening to him/her?

**You can post more than one, but no more than three options.**
*Honorable mentions can be put as well. No more than two.*

[Honorable mentions do NOT require as much information.]

Feel free to converse with others about your perspectives of others, but insults are not accepted.

I will start off with my favorite artist(s).

I've had many muisical intrests throughout my life, but I've stuck with three throughout most of my life.
1. deadmau5

Why He is My Favorite:
deadmau5 is my number one favorite musical artist because I enjoy electronic music, specifically of the house genre. He is also why I decided to pick up music production.

My Favorite Track:
Ghosts 'n' Stuff.

Why It is My Favorite Track:
Ghosts 'n' Stuff is my favorite track because it is the first one I listened to, and helped open my horizons to electronic music.

How Long I Have Listening To: deadmau5:
I have been listening to deadmau5 for around 4 years now.

2. Coldplay

Why It Is My Favorite Band:
Coldplay is my favorite band because it was the first music I ever heard. The band members, Chris Martin, Jonny Buckland, Will Champion, and Guy Berryman also impulsed me to start learning how to play the guitar and piano.

My Favorite Track:
The Scientest.

Why It is My Favorite Track:
It was the first track I had ever heard, in my life, and also from Coldplay.

How Long I Have Been Listening To: Coldplay:
I have been listening to Coldplay for around 14 years now.

3. Gorillaz

Why It Is My Favorite Band:
Gorillaz is my favorite band because it was the second band I had ever heard. Also, the animated versions of 2-D, Murdoc, Noodle, and Russel, impulsed me to start drawing at a young age.

My Favorite Track:
Feel Good Inc.


Why It is My Favorite Track:
I like the message portrayed through the video and the song as well. I also like the song itself as well.

How Long I Have Been Listening To: Gorillaz:
I have been listening to Gorillaz for about 12 years now.


1. Daft Punk

Why It is My Favorite Musical Duo:
Before I listened to deadmau5, I started off listening to Daft Punk. It is also another impulse for music production.

My Favorite Track:
Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger.


2. Parov Stelar

Why It is My Favorite Musical Artist:

Parov Stelar is my favorite swing artist, and opened up a whole new genre for me to enjoy, and also gave me the origin of my 'infamous' name, The Paris Swing.

My Favorite Track:


Username Origin:

  Edited by The Paris Swing Box
  • Brohoof 1


Take Me Out.

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1. Who your favorite musical artist/band/producer? Owl City / Adam Young

2. Why is he/she your favorite? His songs make me happy, and they are just fun to listen to.

3. What is your favorite track by him/her? Kamikaze.

4. Why is it your favorite track? "Oh comet come down!" Need I say more?

5. How long have you been listening to him/her? Eons. Yes, hipsters, since before "Fireflies" became super popular. I have the hard copy of Ocean Eyes and The Midsummer Station, and digital copy of All Things Bright and Beautiful.



Fun fact: While "Kamikaze" is my favorite song, All Things Bright and Beautiful is my least favorite album. (Still awesome, though. :3)

Edited by Sky Chaser
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Clutch, without question. They have a very unique sound, blending Hard Rock, Heavy metal, Funk (apparently), with a southern fuse (I REFUSE TO SAY COUNTRY!). They've had a bad album or two, but they've also had pure gold. "Strange Cousins from the West", Robot Hive Exodus", "The Elephant Riders", "Pure Rock Fury", and saving the best for last "Blast Tyrant", are all amazing, and unfortunately a tad underrated.



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This is going to be great :) I love music threads


1. Pink Floyd

Why: Pink Floyd is amazing, and thematically they are really good, if not the best. They weren't afraid to sing about truly dark/disturbing things. Their music changes you.

My Favorite Track: Choose one.....damn. I'm going to pick Wish You Were Here

Why: This song is timeless, never gets old, not that their other music has.

How long: Been a little over two years now I think. Discovered them at the beginning of my Junior year of High School when a few of their songs, Wish You Were Here included, came on my Pearl Jam radio on Pandora. Been in love with their work ever since.

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I have many favorites, but I recently ran into a little band that changed my life forever.


1: Steam Powered Giraffe.

2: Oh my, where do I even begin? Well, their music is relatively simple, yet it sounds absolutely beautiful. I love how their musical style changes with every song they write. I love their comedy acts in between songs in live performances. I love that they really know how to have fun doing what they love. I love how their music is so innocent, and kind, and sweet. They make me smile and feel contempt  whenever I listen to song of theirs. They also inspire me more than anything has ever inspired me ever. They are truly beautiful people doing a beautiful thing smile.png (I feel I should say more about why I love them, but I'm not good at expressing feelings verbally. I usually let music do that for me...)

3: I absolutely love every song I've heard from them, but if I was forced to pick a favorite at gunpoint, I'd have to pick Suspender Man.

(I'm sorry, Captain Albert Alexander...)

4: Cannot, for the life of me, explain how amazing this song is. I just love everything about it. Simple as that, but no really simple at all... but still simple......

5: My friend over at another forum sent me one of their songs, (Captain Albert Alexander) randomly back in Februrary, and I instantly fell in love with them. I've been an avid fan ever since, and know most lyrics by heart.


I love so many other groups and individuals, though. It's REALLY hard to pick a single artist(s) out of the thousands of amazing ones out there. I also REALLY like Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, to name a mere few...

Edited by Keiichi
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Rabbit-Kin                                                                 ~Paris' Waifu

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1. Who is your favorite musical artist/band/producer?




2. Why are they your favorite?


These guys are my favorite band because of so many things. I've created a list of reasons why I love them.


Vocals - First off, I want to talk about the vocals. Leighton Antelman (the lead singer) is hands down my favorite singer. I find his voice absolutely beautiful. In the band's older songs, they used to have a female vocalist (Maria Sais De Sicilia and then Mindy White) who sang with the male vocalist. The two female vocalists they had were both excellent, and I loved the way Leighton's voice sounded in contrast to the female vocals. In fact, I really like it now when songs do a male/female duet, and I think one of the reasons why I like that so much is because of this band. Sadly, they currently don't have a female vocalist, but they still make things work. smile.png


Lyrics - This band's lyrics are really interesting, and you can really feel the meaning in the words when Leighton sings them. I've also been able to relate some of their lyrics to my own life.


Instrumentals - The instrumentals are great, and really evoke an atmospheric feeling. Listen to their songs and you'll see. wink.png


Growth - I love how this band has changed their sound so much throughout their albums, yet retains that indiscernible quality to their music that makes them so enjoyable. It's been amazing to see this band grow and develop into the band it is today.


Quality - I love every single song from them, and there are VERY few bands I can say that about. I have every single song released by them, and I know every single one by heart.


Impact - There are so many memories that I recall when I hear their songs. This band has gotten me through some hard times in my life. They've also been very enjoyable to listen to during the good times of my life.


Album art - This band has really blown me away with their album art designs. I just love the art style. Their latest album's art changed things up quite a bit, but I think it's appealing in its own way.


Here are the album artworks from these guys:




This December; It's One More and I'm Free




Assailants EP


Paint It Golden


Acoustics EP






This band has a certain sound to them that I just love, and no other artist can give me the same feelings that these guys can. I'm into a broad range of music, and out of all the different kinds of music I've come across over the years, these guys have yet to be overthrown as my favorite musical artist of all time. I've been following them for a while now, and I've been there to experience the news of them breaking up and getting back together, the excitement/hype of a new album coming out, etc. Their music means a lot to me, and they're one of the reasons why I think music is one of the best things in life.


3. What is your favorite track by them?


As I said, I love every single song they've put out, so it's incredibly difficult to pick an absolute favorite. I'll post their song Hospital here though, since it's definitely one of my favorites from them. I find this song beautiful. Take a listen! smile.png It features Aaron Marsh from Copeland.



4. Why is it your favorite track?


Although Hospital isn't necessarily my absolute favorite, I'll talk about why I chose to put it for question 3. Aside from the fact that I find it beautiful, I think it really exemplifies the band's unique style. It's a great song to demonstrate this band's music.


5. How long have you been listening to them?


I think I discovered this band around the time their 2nd album Illuminate came out. The album art looked intriguing, and I saw that their music was similar to other bands I liked. Their name "Lydia" also sounded really nice, and the album/song titles they used definitely sounded interesting. I was pretty curious, so I decided to check them out. I thought their music was really good, and decided to check them out more. I kept on listening, and as time went on they became my favorite band, and have remained so ever since. smile.png

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I'm going with Paris Swing Box's example and post several artists :V


1. Soundgarden


Why they are my favorite:

They manage to mix metal with grunge to create one of the heaviest and depressing sounds I've ever heard. It's quite the experience they are unique in a sense


Favorite track by them:

4th of July



Why it is my favorite track:

So fucking heavy and depressing, just how I like my metal and rock


How long I have been listening to them:

About 6 years now



2. Converge


Why they are my favorite:

They are amazing at what they do, they create meaningful music full of emotions of aggression, despair and depression. Amazing band


My favorite track by them:




Why it is my favorite track:


It's super aggressive, also take a look at the lyrics and you'll understand why I love this song:


"Dear, I'll stay gold just to keep these pasts at bay
To keep the loneliest of nights from claiming you
and to keep these longest of days from waking you
For I felt the greatest of winters coming
and I saw you as seasons shifting from blue to grey
That's where the coldest of these days await me
and distance lays her heavy head beside me
There I'll stay gold, forever gold"


How long I have been listening to them:

5 months? Moog introduced me to them a while ago, thanks bruh



3. DJ Sharpnel


Why they are my favorite:

I have a weak spot for hardcore music with samples of anime girls singing. It's so happy, upbeat and energetic


My favorite track by them:

Follow you



Why it is my favorite track:

Anime gurlz singing :W it's also very energetic and upbeat


How long I have been listening to them:

I've been aware of them for over a year, but I've been listening to them regularly for about 10-12 months



4. Kromestar


Why he is my favorite:

Dubstep at it's finest, he mixes a mindblowing wobble bass together with sick distortions. Brilliant bastard


My favorite track by him:





Why it is my favorite track:

It pretty much shows what he's capable of, also see "Why he is my favorite"


How long I have been listening to him:

About 3 years now


Honorable mentions:


1. DJ Noriken


This guy introduced me to J-Core with the track "Lucia" which is still my favorite J-Core track


2. Trance Generators


For introducing me to Hardstyle and Hardcore EDM in general with the track "Do you want a balloon?"


3. Daft Punk


For sparking my interest in Electronic music in general


4. Mala


For introducing me to Dubstep


5. Black Sabbath


For introducing me to music in general

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My top three bands list.


1. Godspeed You! Black Emperor

Why they're my favorite:


Their music has more expression, innovation, mood, and power than any artist I've ever heard. They created my favorite album of all time, "Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven." I also consider everything they released from 1997 to 2003 (after which they broke up and reunited in 2010) to be absolutely flawless. There's nothing I would change about anything they ever did.

My favorite track by them:


This is difficult, since many their tracks are actually suites with smaller tracks inside them. However, I'd have to go with "Monheim," a movement inside of "Sleep" off of LYSF.



It starts at 1:10.

Why it's my favorite track:


It showcases their ability to progress, build, and leave an impact on the listener, which is what I believe music should do.

How long I've been listening to them:


It's been at least a year or two.


(side note: these guys replaced Radiohead as my favorite band)


2. Converge

Why they're my second favorite:


The energy. Their music ranges from angry to desperate to anthemic, but it's all connected by the band's wall-of-sound approach. They've never made a bad album in the twenty years they've been together, and they're fantastic at their worst.

My favorite track by them:


The title track from their 2001 album, "Jane Doe."


Why it's my favorite track:


The intimacy of this album comes to a climax at the very end with this 11-minute slow-burner.

How long I've been listening to them:



Two years. They were one of the first bands I picked up when I got into metal, along with my next pick.


3. Between the Buried and Me

Why they're my third favorite:


They're the band that convinced me that metal is something I'm going to enjoy for the rest of my life. They're also a prime example of how a band can change so much over the course of their career and still remain engaging. I fall back on their album "The Silent Circus" when I think of the album that changed my life and made me a complete music snob.

My favorite track by them:


"Roboturner" from their 2005 album, "Alaska."



The track starts at 20:52.

Why it's my favorite track:


While it's not off of my favorite album from this band (that would be a tie between "The Silent Circus" and "Colors"), this song stands out as the best moment on it, or any of their albums. It's their heaviest track, and the lyrics deal with the death of the music industry in a very unique way.

How long I've been listening to them:


Two years, around the time I first got into metal.


Honorable Mentions:


1. Pink Floyd


They ushered in the point in my life when I started to listen to music as a hobby, and they're the reason I listen to albums all the way through rather than individual songs.


2. Swans


I point to these guys for being one of the most diverse and unclassifiable bands of all time. Post-punk, post-rock, noise rock, experimental rock, gothic rock, and a whole lot of other stuff.


3. Meshuggah


The pioneers of the "djent" sound; their music made me start thinking outside the box and analyzing music more closely.


4. Pig Destroyer


This grindcore outfit shows how conscious and intellectual the genre can be when the listener looks beyond the jarring barrage of sound that it offers.




The beauty of metal is found in two bands: Deftones and ISIS. I prefer the latter, because they're more extreme with how aggressive they are, and yet have a core of true beauty in their style.


Other favorites include Mogwai, Uneven Structure, Yes, Bon Iver, Mastodon, Death Grips, and Radiohead.


I may do a list later of favorite artists, but this is my bands list.

Edited by ToBeATree
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I've got a story that money just can't buy.


ALBUM OF THE WEEK: The Knife - Shaking the Habitual

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I'll do this for a couple of my favorites


Pig Destroyer


innovative to grindcore as a genre, and my introduction to a ton of grindcore bands

>what is your favorite track

Jennifer -> cheerleader corpses -> scatology homework -> trojan whore


It's an amazing introduction

>how long have you listened to them

about a year




Probably one of the best emo bands ever, made an impact on me for sure

>favorite track

Kirk Cameron Crowe


Relatable af. Them feels

>how long

Close to a year at this point


Earl Sweatshirt


one of my favorite rappers, based af

>favorite track



One of his more serious tracks. tfw no gf

>how long

prolly 10 months


An Autumn for Crippled Children


one of the best black metal bands out there right now, IMHO

>favorite track

Past Tense


Beautiful layering/synths, amazing screaming

>how long


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On 4/28/2013 at 8:13 PM, gooM said:
Djenty...man you are crazy, but an awesome sort of crazy
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Why they are my favorite:

Why the hell not? I love rock N' roll!


Favorite track by them:

Back in Black




Why it is my favorite track:

So fucking heavy and depressing, just how I like my metal and rock


How long I have been listening to them:

Small gaps of time, pretty much all my life.



2. God is an Astronaut


Why they are my favorite:

They convey a sci-fi like theme into a more peaceful genre of instrumentals.


My favorite track by them:





Why it is my favorite track:


It was the first one I heard, and I thought it was quite fantastic. It combined more explosive elements with a more peaceful music.


How long I have been listening to them:

About 6-7 months.

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1. Who your favorite musical artist/band/producer?


Brony-wise, probably Oddessy Eurobeat. Regular artists toss-up between Lenka, Paramore, and Icon For Hire

2. Why is he/she your favorite?


Cause they are all awesome.

3. What is your favorite track by him/her?

Oddessy? Umm... At the moment, it's Fly.




Lenka is Trouble Is A Friend.




Paramore is Misguided Ghosts.




And Icon For Hire is Pieces.



4. Why is it your favorite track?


Cause I can relate to all of the in either a personal or story-telling way. And they're awesome.

5. How long have you been listening to him/her?


I discovered Icon For Hire a couple of months ago, and I fell in love with their style. I loved Trouble Is A Friend for the better part of the year, but I just began listening to other songs Lenka sings. I saw Feather's parody of Misguided Ghosts and decided to check out the song, and since then, I've loved Paramore so much! They're all awesome!




Did I mention they are awesome?

  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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1. Rush


My favorite track:




How long I've been listening to them: About 12 years



2. Avenged Sevenfold


My favorite track:



How long I've been listening to them: About 4-5 years


3. Disturbed


My favorite track:



How long I've been listening to them: About 6 years



Honorable mentions:




My Chemical Romance


Dream Theater

Rage Against the Machine



Between the Buried and Me

Coheed and Cambria

Edited by Champion RD92
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Favorite band? - Radiohead


Why? - Because well...I listen to them quite a bit and I like them for more than just one reason, I like because they're experimental, they have an ability to change their style, and they've stayed out as a solid band with many great albums (Though I'm on the fence with The King of Limbs and Pablo Honey, they aren't bad albums)


Favorite song - .....I couldn't pick one




Paranoid Android

Like Spinning Plates

Knives Out

My Iron Lung


Climbing Up The Walls

Pyramid Song

Street Spirit (Fade Out)

Exit Music (For A Film)

Kid A

Everything In It's Right Place

How To Disappear Completely

Morning Bell

Packt Like Sardines In A Crushd Tin Box

You And Whose Army

Hunting Bears

Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors





15 Step

Jigsaw Falling Into Place




Favorite album: Kid A > OK Computer > Amnesiac > Hail To The Thief > The Bends > In Rainbows > The King of Limbs > Pablo Honey


How long I've been listening to them for: 7 or 8 years


Honorable mentions:




Norma Jean

Aphex Twin

Boards of Canada


My Bloody Valentine

Sonic Youth

Massive Attack

Nine Inch Nails (used to be my favorite)

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I'll do one metal, and one non-metal.

1. Who your favorite musical artist/band/producer?


2. Why is he/she your favorite?
Because... I don't know. They got me into further parts of the metal spectrum.


3. What is your favorite track by him/her?

All of them

4. Why is it your favorite track?


5. How long have you been listening to him/her?

Several months, probably nine.


1. Who your favorite musical artist/band/producer?



2. Why is he/she your favorite?

Unlike other bands, they can combine an edgy aggressive sound with a poppy melodic sound.

3. What is your favorite track by him/her?

All of them.

4. Why is it your favorite track?

Because I'm sexy and you're not.

5. How long have you been listening to him/her?

More than a year.


Honorable Mentions:



Sonic Youth




Alice in Chains



Children of Bodom

My Bloody Valentine

The Smiths

The Velvet Underground

Joy Division

The Clash

Sex Pistols


The Stone Roses

Cannibal Corpse

Between the Buried and Me


Acid Bath

At the Gates



and I think that's about it. 

Edited by France
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I'll do one metal, and one non-metal.

1. Who your favorite musical artist/band/producer?

Carcass2. Why is he/she your favorite?

Because... I don't know. They got me into further parts of the metal spectrum.


3. What is your favorite track by him/her?

All of them

4. Why is it your favorite track?


5. How long have you been listening to him/her?

Several months, probably nine.


1. Who your favorite musical artist/band/producer?



2. Why is he/she your favorite?

Unlike other bands, they can combine an edgy aggressive sound with a poppy melodic sound.3. What is your favorite track by him/her?

All of them.

4. Why is it your favorite track?

Because I'm sexy and you're not.

5. How long have you been listening to him/her?

More than a year.


Honorable Mentions:



Sonic Youth




Alice in Chains



Children of Bodom

My Bloody Valentine

The Smiths

The Velvet Underground

Joy Division

The Clash

Sex Pistols


The Stone Roses

Cannibal Corpse

Between the Buried and Me


Acid Bath

At the Gates



and I think that's about it. 

Haha, those reasons for those tracks being your favorite made my morning. Thanks for participating, mate! Nice selection of artists by the way!

A big thanks to all of you who have participated so far! I see a share quite a few musical interests with some of you. This thread was meant to share your interests with others, and converse about others' interests.


Take Me Out.

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my favorite: endymion

why? because i was at indicator a few years ago. that is a hardcore/hardstyle party. and i was there together with around 1200 other people.

when endymion came up the booth i was sitting on my brothers shoulders and we were all the way up front. they played their song "a new today" as first track and i was the first to start clapping on the beat.

and a few seconds later 1200 people all followed my lead. 

that was probably the best moment i ever experienced on any festival.

later when tehy started playing their last song, they actually came to me and helped me on the stage!

i was completely lost at that moment, and just started to go nuts with bas (yes, that's the guy's real name!)

since that moment i love everything about hardcore EDM.

it has positively consumed my entire life.

favorite track by endymion:

this is a very close one. i can't really choose between "a new today" or "spitfire".

but in the end i think spitfire takes the cake:


why? because it's just perfection!

listen to it, just do it. it's amazing!

how long have you been listening to their music?

ever since that day, but i've been listening to the hardcore EDM genre for about 6-7 years now

Edited by repsol rave
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My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal  

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my favorite: endymion

why? because i was at indicator a few years ago. that is a hardcore/hardstyle party. and i was there together with around 1200 other people.

when endymion came up the booth i was sitting on my brothers shoulders and we were all the way up front. they played their song "a new today" as first track and i was the first to start clapping on the beat.

and a few seconds later 1200 people all followed my lead. 

that was probably the best moment i ever experienced on any festival.

later when tehy started playing their last song, they actually came to me and helped me on the stage!

i was completely lost at that moment, and just started to go nuts with bas (yes, that's the guy's real name!)

since that moment i love everything about hardcore EDM.

it has positively consumed my entire life.

favorite track by endymion:

this is a very close one. i can't really choose between "a new today" or "spitfire".

but in the end i think spitfire takes the cake:


why? because it's just perfection!

listen to it, just do it. it's amazing!

how long have you been listening to their music?

ever since that day, but i've been listening to the hardcore EDM genre for about 6-7 years now


I agree so much on this one. I would've probably mentioned Endymion, if it wasn't for the fact that I'm more of a J-Core person. There's a good reason to why he is always in charge of making remixes of songs and anthems for defqon.1 and other huge festivals. He can make seemingly lousy tracks into really addictive songs


But of course, his regular songs are sick too

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I guess I'll do three as I genuinely can't decide:

1) Green Day

-Why are they your favorite?

Their energy and their sound (especially live)
They were my first band, influenced my taste in music today
(along with School of Rock) and inspired me to get into music.

That and Tre Cool's drumming is always awesome :D

-What is your favorite track by them?
Gonna have to say 'Basket Case'


-Why is it your favorite track?

Gonna be pretty blunt, but..

-How long have you been listening to them?




2) Andrew W.K.

-Why is he your favorite?

Come on..
The guy is a bearded, human version of Pinkie Pie.. What's not to like?
That and I really like the mix of pianos and heavy electric guitars, it just sounds great.

-What is your favorite track by him?
'Ready To Die'

-Why is it your favorite track?

I just like the mix of the really dark lyrics and the really upbeat and happy tune

-How long have you been listening to him?

Ever since I heard 'Party Hard' back in 2006 or so



1) The Who

-Why are they your favorite?

They weren't very high on my list before, but I was a big fan of the energy put into all of the instruments (especially the drums) and the pure talent that each member of the band had/has.

Seriously, I don't think anyone can be as good a bass player as John Entwistle or as good a drummer as Keith Moon.

But then I saw them live on their Quadrophenia tour, and yeah.. They just shot up on my list. They are amazing live! Even after all these years

-What is your favorite track by them?
Probably 'Bell Boy' or 'Baba O'riley'.. Can't decide



-Why is it your favorite track?

Bell Boy- Keith Moon.. That is all

Baba O'riley' - Not many songs actually get to me emotionally, but this is the one that does it the best.. It's just beautiful

-How long have you been listening to them?

My dad introduced me to them..
He's a man of good taste

Have a nice cold pint, and wait for all this to blow over..

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Well, i'm quite moody when it comes to artists, music and stuff. One day i like one, and the other day i completely changed. But for now, there has been a duet that has been thrilling me a lot:

1. Who your favorite musical artist/band/producer?
Well, it has to be Hall & Oates. This guys surely know how to produce music.
2. Why is he/she your favorite?
Mostly because of the way they make their songs. Sure, Daryll Hall gets most of the lyrics, but John Oates' guitar is flawless.
3. What is your favorite track by him/her?
There's two tracks of them that charm me:

-I can't go for that (No can do): Why? The bassline is simply excellent, the lyrics are perfectly sinchronized and the saxo is perfect.

-Man-eater: Classic. Simply a classic and it's simply splendid. It's so sticky...i can't stop remembering the chorus.
4. Why is it your favorite track?
Maybe a lot of people may say, 'You're 16, why would you like Hall & Oates?' Well, i have a strong fixation towards old music, and i really love it. I really do. From 60's to 99. I love everything. And why i love I can't go for that? Because i love everything regarding the song. It's just perfect. I have no words to describe it.
5. How long have you been listening to him/her?

For three years now....almost four. I'm deeply a fan of them.

  • Brohoof 1

"Know, that if the tables were turned, I would show you NO mercy!"


My favourite OC: Veigar, The Master of Evil

My other OC/s: Viktor, The Machine Herald

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Arctic Moon is one of the most exciting producers in today’s current trance scene.


Starships over Alice



John Hatting (juni 5, 1948-march 23, 2013) He won as a part of the group Brixx with the song Video Video i 1982, and as part of the group Trax with Du Er Fuld Af Løgn i 1986. Both songs went on to the Eurovision Song Contest final. John died in 2013



Donna, Donna


Edited by Ulrik Raben
  • Brohoof 1


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Simply put, this guy is amazing at producing EDM, or any type of music to be honest. He has a brilliant style, especially noticeable in his Electro tracks, and he makes music constantly (he's made over 10,000 songs in his life) and frequently releases top-notch albums.


Tut Tut Child

My favourite Monstercat producer. He usually puts out tracks for free (even though they definitely are worth buying), and has his own signature sound that I like to call the "Tut Tut Roar".



A British duo who make funky Nu-Disco tracks and release them on Monstercat. They were the reason I subscribed to Monstercat, as they have such a distinctive sense of funk that simply can't be beaten, and I actually prefer their music over Daft Punk's.



A brony artist who creates great remixes of songs from the show and great original tracks, too! Dance is definitely the type of music he makes for the most part, and he also has an alias called "Frenssu" which he uses for his French House tracks (which are some of his best IMO).


I also like a bunch of FunkyyPanda artists such as 95 Royale, DAZE, Tits & Clits, J.A.C.K, etc.

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Bloc Party and the strokes if you dont know them (which i find hard to believe.)look it up also pink floyd and Deftones, Deftones is ear candy and is awesome. listen to Digital Bath, Passenger,Korea,cherry waves, Risk, and beauty school. prety much the whole diamond eyes album and saterday night wrist. i have never heard a band like Deftones EVER! the smashing pumpkins are also good but i feel like they sold out a bit by making crappy albums later on.

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As promised, here's my favorite artists list.


1. Devin Townsend

Why he's my favorite:


He has the ability to make his music into whatever he sees fit, whether it be bludgeoning, ethereal, or uplifting. He's the reason I usually play in open tunings when I play guitar, and always inspires me to push my abilities forward.

My favorite track by him:


There's so many, but I have to go with the title track from 2011's "Deconstruction."




Why it's my favorite track:


It's one of his most bipolar and all-over-the-place works, and yet it has a message that ties in so well with the album's themes of the beauty in the pointlessness of life.

How long I've been listening to him:


Two extremely rewarding years.


2. Miles Davis

Why he's my second favorite:


He's a household name in jazz. He was always pushing some sort of boundary with every jazz movement he took part in, from bebop to modal jazz into his fusion years. He was a trumpet mastermind; he didn't have the fastest licks or most intense playing, but he said in three notes the same thing that would take Charlie Parker ten notes.

My favorite track by him:


"Go Ahead John" from his 1974 masterpiece, "Big Fun."




Why it's my favorite track:


It's one of Davis' most far out and off-the-radar moments, and features some intense drum manipulation that takes you outside of your own body when you hear it.

How long I've been listening to him:


Two. Damn. Years.


3. Philip Glass
Why he's my third favorite:
He's my favorite classical composer. His music features "repetitive structures" (as he puts it), but there's a lot to dissect in everything he writes. It takes a trained ear to see the changes that occur very slowly throughout his pieces, which makes his music so interesting to hear for hours at a time.
My favorite track by him:
"Building," from his 1976 opera "Einstein on the Beach" in collaboration with Robert Wilson.

(I prefer the 1993 re-recording to this original version, but I couldn't seem to find it)
Why it's my favorite track:
It shows how well Glass is able to take a few very simple ideas and turn them into something that feels almost magical.
How long I've been listening to him:
Lightly since 2011, but on the regular for a year.
  • Brohoof 1



I've got a story that money just can't buy.


ALBUM OF THE WEEK: The Knife - Shaking the Habitual

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