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Have you lost your faith in the show crew?



168 users have voted

  1. 1. Have you lost your faith in the show crew?

    • Yes
    • No

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As I've said before, this season was a mix of good and not-the-greatest, just like any other, i think it just seemed weaker to some because it was so short, making the weaker episodes like "To Many Pinkie Pies" stand out more as a bigger chunk of the season. 


Now I disagree with it being a quality drop, some of my favorite episodes are in S3, I really see the show trying to break out and develop more personality, and break away even more from the "girl show" stuff. 

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And I disagree. I think it is perfectly fine and fair. I guess we could objectively say that this season had way too much Spike, but I don't think the episodes were of bad quality at all and I know a lot of people would agree with me. The last episode is, of course, a bit different cup of coffee so to speak.



Well, I will just say that if you want to support your opinion with statistics, anonymous forum polls with under a thousand participants are not the best way to prove anything, apart from that it's really just your opinion.

And that's actually fine, opinions are good and very subjective


Apparentaly, you seem to only hold your own opinion as valid, while tending to disregarding others.


Also, believe me; if I could find a more comprehensive poll I would have linked to that.  Having said that, Spike at your Service obtained 3 votes out of 876, if you count Crystal Empire as one episode, under normality it should have obtained somewhere around 73 (around 67 if you count Crystal Empire as two), with that kind of sample size you have definitely achieved normality and that kind of variation is strongly significant.


Also, there is no 'y' in business.

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Apparentaly, you seem to only hold your own opinion as valid, while tending to disregarding others.


Also, believe me; if I could find a more comprehensive poll I would have linked to that.  Having said that, Spike at your Service obtained 3 votes out of 876, if you count Crystal Empire as one episode, under normality it should have obtained somewhere around 73 (around 67 if you count Crystal Empire as two), with that kind of sample size you have definitely achieved normality and that kind of variation is strongly significant.


Also, there is no 'y' in business.


I hate to break it to you, but "I think that..." generally indicates someone is stating their personal belief or an opinion. On the other hand if you try to validate your opinion with statistics, that's where it get awkward, especially if the statistic you use is really bad. Still wonder what it does have to do with ragequits. Did you rage quit back then, came back now and got offended by what I said?


Too bad you never came around to actually got to addressing anything I said so far, could have been a fun talk. But yeah, shame on me for not spotting a troll sooner.

See ya.

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I'm a little puzzled as to why I need to have 'faith' in the show crew to begin with? I *trust* them to do the best they can, but that's not the same thing as faith.


If they produce quality entertainment, I will enjoy that entertainment. If they falter, which they have on occasion, I don't hold it against them. I am disappointed, but not enraged. They have not damaged me in any way, nor have they damaged my interest in MLP.


I guess this is one of those things gained from being a long-time resident in other fandoms, specifically the Doctor Who fandom. That's 50 years of content, both official and unofficial, and that being very uneven in quality (including the official stuff.) You get to the point that you don't sweat it as much. BBC puts out a crap episode? Ah well, roll with it. Let's see if there's anything salvageable in it for fan-fiction....


You still get concerned about stuff, but it's less likely to upset you. New fans, though... New fans get all kinds of upset about things, while veterans sigh and try to explain that it's not that big of a deal. Give it some time and there will be something else to get upset about, and eventually you'll stop getting upset and start laughing at it.


So basically, we're talking a new application of the 'Giggle at the Ghosties' meme. If something upsets you, laugh at it. It's better than getting ineffectually angry at it, as your ineffectualness will just exasperate the problem. 

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Oh, I get it now: Chad Rocco is only a stupid Lauren Faust purist, the kind of fan of the show I strongly hate (people for which only the first season exists because the only made by Lauren, he hated even the second season.......*Facehoof*), so, we must only to ignore people like him.

Edited by MK15
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  • 5 months later...

Call me a purist, a change hater, or a Faust fanboy, but I have lost any and all hope in the show's crew. After the living incarnation of bullshit that was Equestria Girls, I've abandoned all hope that the show's creators would ever produce anything worth my time again. The season 4 animations did little to change my mind. They came across as being gimmicky ( the super ponies) or illogical and redundant (the return of Nightmare Moon) I will still watch season 4 to develop an opinion on it, but a part of me is wishing for it to be awful so I can focus my time on my other interests. (Homestuck, video games, Doctor Who)

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Of course not, by far! If anything, I've learned to have more faith in them.

I doubted the Season 3 finale, Princess Twilight, and Equestria Girls. I don't plan to make that mistake again.

Things is, I love the 3 things I doubted almost overall anything in the series. Hasbro has some smart cookies over there, in my opinion! :)

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hahahahaha, no. Season 3 has had some friggin awesome episodes, some of my favorites from the series--Sleepless in Ponyville, Magic Duel, Magical Mystery Cure...


Yeah, I said Magical Mystery Cure.






If you mean Equestria Girls, I have pretty much nothing to say about it except that it's a one-time decent movie that's been in the works since February 2012 or something, and I don't think there's any more coming, so I'm not worried.



I loved Season 3 and I can't wait for Season 4. I loved MLP:FiM; I love MLP:FiM; I will love MLP:FiM. Expect me to leave the brony family when I'm dead.


That is all.  :3



  • Brohoof 1
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Hey there guys. Today I want to open this new poll. I know that is an unusual question, but why I'm making it? Well, recentely Chad Rocco from Nostalgia Critics said that after all the wonderful episodes M.A. Larson made, now he hates him because the season 3 finale. This fact has made me very very sad, I mean, how can a pair of wings make you change Idea about a person you have respected for years? That's because I'm making this question: have you lost your faith in the show crew, and particulary the same Larson (after all the amazing episodes he made in past like Cutie Mark Chronicles, Return of Harmony, Luna Eclipsed and Magic Duel) after the S3? 


I understand not liking Magical Mystery Cure (I'm not a fan myself), but losing all faith in M.A. Larson because of one less than stellar episode?  That would be like me not playing any more Zelda games because one got less than an 8 out of 10.

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Ummm.... no?


I have no idea why people would "lose their faith" in the show staff? What have they done wrong? I know season three wasn't really up to par with the other seasons (the only reason being it only had 13 episodes thus less good episodes than the other seasons)


Actually I need more room than that dumb quotation box. Lets just see here, look at ANY stretch of 13 episodes (not the beginning of season 2, that's not fair :P) and it will have around the same amount of good and bad episodes.


Anyway with the show staff still cranking out great episodes in the shows third season I see no reason to lose faith. I mean come on! Is Twilicorn really a good reason to lose all of your faith in the staff that brought you so many good episodes!

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No, I haven't. This is the kind of writing that I strive to do in my own: dialogue that progresses the story, a well-written story, great, well-rounded characters that you can relate to, and so and so forth. As a fellow writer, I respect the crew for all of the time and effort they put into the characters because, honestly, they're the most important aspect of the show. Sure, there could be more fantasy elements involved (here's hoping there are in the upcoming season), but it would all be for naught if the characters weren't likable or if we couldn't relate to them. These writers are ones who actually know their audience, listen to them, and deliver on what their audience once while at the same time doing something that will appeal to both sides of the audience: those who want more action-oriented episodes and those, like me, who want more character-driven episodes. So, to say the least, no, I haven't lost my faith in the crew of MLP: FIM. If Equestria Girls has showed us anything, it's that Twilight hasn't changed in the slightest from becoming an alicorn. She's still learning and she's not at all ready to rule over a kingdom or take responsibility over something major like making tough decisions. It  is for this reason why I cannot understand why people call her a Mary Sue. 

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EQG was really, really good, showing us that despite Twilight becoming an alicorn, she is still human... okay, maybe a bad choice of words. EQG showed us that she hasn't changed at all, except for a few new powers and some wings. And... Twilight kinda deserved to become an alicorn.

Edited by Dark Horn
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I actually have more faith in them than ever. Knowing them, they'll make this change into the most epic thing since Discord! (Or any other thing that you like a whole lot) They have so many new plot devices they can use, new storylines, new character developments! I've never been more excited for a new season of a show! It's going to be wonderful, and the crew of MLP:FiM is going to make it so!

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Can you put a maybe option?

My faith in the writers has been injured, but I feel like not all hope is lost just yet. the show has definitely taken a huge change in direction... I don't know where its going, or if it will be a good or bad direction. Even after all this time, princess twilight still rubs me the wrong way. i don't know when or if i'll get over it. I haven't liked the way a lot of things in the last season have been handled, but that doesn't mean its all bad. I saw the sneak peaks  showing some of the future episodes. Based on the early footage of the next season, it looks like its gonna be REALLY spectacular. I'm excited for what is to come. Meanwhile, i had very mixed feelings about EG, it was both good and bad at the same time and i have a painfully neutral view of it. 

bottom line, the writers have really thrown me through a loop. i have no clue what to expect. they are capable of great things, and not so great things. they are so unpredictable, as far as quality goes.

Edited by crazitaco
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I still having some faith momentary, but will lose it soon if Season 4 does sucked.

And then i will take a triumphant march to Hasbro HQ then reaping all the miserable souls of Hasbro staves and developers.

I will reap Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Meghan McCarthy, Cindy Morrow, M.A Larson,....

Then i will let Stephen J Davis and the entire DHX studios to observe the destruction of the show and their beloved friends.

Finally, i will throw all of them to HELL!

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The only episode I didn't like at all was The Mysterious Mare Do Well. The mane six, save Dashie, seemed totally OOC going so far out of there way to make their friend feel miserable and worthless. The lesson didn't make sense either. If you're a hero of sorts, I feel that you should be proud of your accomplishments, and continue to be who you are.


As for the topic, no, I haven't lost faith in the writers. Sure, not every episode could blow the fandom out of the water, and they've done a few things that I didn't agree with, (Alicorn Twilight, removing Derpy) but this show has really changed my life, and I don't know where I'd be without it. I owe the writers everything. In fact, I may drive twenty minutes to Hasbro HQ, and thank them personally. There's some perks living in the tiniest state. tongue.png

  • Brohoof 1
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I have not lost my faith in the show crew. There are some writers that they like, and there are other writers that I don't like. You have to give them effort for trying, it's not like they go out of their way to make their episodes bad.

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I still having some faith momentary, but will lose it soon if Season 4 does sucked.

And then i will take a triumphant march to Hasbro HQ then reaping all the miserable souls of Hasbro staves and developers.

I will reap Tara Strong, Ashleigh Ball, Meghan McCarthy, Cindy Morrow, M.A Larson,....

Then i will let Stephen J Davis and the entire DHX studios to observe the destruction of the show and their beloved friends.

Finally, i will throw all of them to HELL!


Anyway no I have not. I actually enjoyed Season 3. In all honestly people just dont like change, well guess what. EVERYTHING CHANGES. Ask WWE Fans, Ask Anime Fans, ask any fandom really. DEAL WITH IT

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Anyway no I have not. I actually enjoyed Season 3. In all honestly people just dont like change, well guess what. EVERYTHING CHANGES. Ask WWE Fans, Ask Anime Fans, ask any fandom really. DEAL WITH IT


Particularly, did you read the part called "I still having some faith momentary!"

YES! I will continue to trust the Hasbro in the future, i am having some doubt about Season 4.

If Season 4 does sucked, i will proceed the reaping plan which i have written in the earlier post that you just replied.


So if all Hasbro staves and developers died after Season 4 in the next morning soooooo....



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The only episode I didn't like at all was The Mysterious Mare Do Well. The mane six, save Dashie, seemed totally OOC going so far out of there way to make their friend feel miserable and worthless. The lesson didn't make sense either. If you're a hero of sorts, I feel that you should be proud of your accomplishments, and continue to be who you are.


As for the topic, no, I haven't lost faith in the writers. Sure, not every episode could blow the fandom out of the water, and they've done a few things that I didn't agree with, (Alicorn Twilight, removing Derpy) but this show has really changed my life, and I don't know where I'd be without it. I owe the writers everything. In fact, I may drive twenty minutes to Hasbro HQ, and thank them personally. There's some perks living in the tiniest state. img-1870642-1-tongue.png

Uh, Derpy wasn't removed. She was seen five times in Magical Mystery Cure. But no one's called her by the name Derpy, thus far. Then again, nor have they called you Ditzy Doo.

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