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Apple      Bloom

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Now I get to listen to my mom yell at me for getting an F on my progress report. Yay.


another thing to note was that my theme had changed from the Zune theme to the standard XP theme when i started up the computer...


Yeah, spyware and virus scans are in order then.

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Yeah, spyware and virus scans are in order then.


i'm scanning it right now, but it hasn't detected anything yet.


as if this day couldn't get any worse. i don't feel like doing anything here now, because of the computer possibly being infected.


i do remember though that Comodo has warned about an .UnclassifiedMalware ever since i got it, everytime i started the computer. but i just dismissed it as nothing special.

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Now I get to listen to my mom yell at me for getting an F on my progress report. Yay.

I never got yelled at for that, I just got things taken away from me.


Yeah, spyware and virus scans are in order then.


@, What he said. I've dealt with quite a few viruses in the past, and I can't think of anything else that would cause your computer to act like that.

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My mom claims that I'm being "irresponsible" and "I can't see past the end of my nose about how important college is" because I just so happened to one day forget to hand in a homework. I had done it, and I had it in class, but at the end of class when I was supposed to turn them in it just slipped my mind to turn in it. It's not like I said "Fuck turning in this homework, it doesn't matter if I get a zero," I just forgot something. I'm forgetful, and my mom knows that. She's really forgetful too, I can attest to this. It's a human thing to forget to do things.


And of course, it says on the progress report "Your son has an F, which is due to his effort." I put effort into the class and, even though I procrastinate like hell, I write my essays well enough (I got a B+ overall on my last one, and an AP score of 8 out of 9 on my exam essay, which is incredibly good. Colleges give AP credit for getting 4's). Furthermore, the fact that I'm failing his class because I didn't turn in one homework doesn't seem right. He must be grading subjectively or something, and way too strict at that.




i do remember though that Comodo has warned about an .UnclassifiedMalware ever since i got it, everytime i started the computer. but i just dismissed it as nothing special.


I wouldn't doubt that this is the problem.


I never got yelled at for that, I just got things taken away from me.


I get yelled at a lot, but I don't think I've ever gotten anything taken away from me. I think my mom would feel guilty if she took my computer away or something, since this is literally the only thing I do when I'm at home...

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Naw, I just don't have money I can use like that, or I don't really want the iPad version right now.


How much is MC now...? It was only $15 (or maybe even less) when I got it back in Alpha.


And yes, the mobile versions of the game suck.

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How much is MC now...? It was only $15 (or maybe even less) when I got it back in Alpha.


And yes, the mobile versions of the game suck.


Minecraft Lite is ok...

It's $26.95 now. :(

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Minecraft Lite is ok...

It's $26.95 now. :(


As if the full version wasn't bare enough, the mobile versions are even more devoid of content.


I still love the game though, despite it's drawbacks. Mods help a lot, however.


And damn. That's a bit too much, I think.

Edited by bluetrace
  • Brohoof 1
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As if the full version wasn't bare enough, the mobile versions are even more devoid of content.


I still love the game though, despite it's drawbacks. Mods help a lot, however.


And damn. That's a bit too much, I think.



I have no way of paying for the computer version, and I think $7 for an iPad app is a bit much...

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[Teleports in]

[still manages to break the ceiling]


Greetings. :3

Scrawl is coming along nicely.

I was recording sound & dialogue today, which was surprisingly challenging despite how easy it is.


Why does everyone keep calling it a signature? It's called a banner.

A signature is the bottom part of a forum post.


Anything in the signature area tends to be referred to as your signature, whether it's text or an image.

When I saw you talking about a banner rotator, I thought you were talking about the huge banner at the top of the site... That'd be a cool thing to have though.




Posted Image



Dammit! I had a good day, and now it's crappified by sad feels.


I'm pretty sure I've said this once, but you don't have to ask anyone if they want to see something.

Just post it and tell us about it. :)


For breakfast's sake. This.


... Don't ask me why, but I misread this as "I make my own diapers"... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME


You've just been in this thread for too long.

And that's a good thing :D


I think mine is gas related.


I can't think of any fart jokes to post, so... Yeah.


Would it help if I locked you out of the bathroom?


This again? [Hides]


17 and i still get nightmares this is disturbing and probably not healthy.

How was everyone else's night?


I had a dream about something... I forgot what it was though...




Posted Image




That healed my crappified feels :D


I dripped syrup on my keyboard, and now it's all sticky...


[insert dirty joke here]


Anyways, on a different note, anyone here play Yugioh?


Nope. Edited by JayBee
  • Brohoof 1
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was it awful?


I'm guessing you were on there...


*Kyronea sunglasses*


For a period of time.


I'm still on that Periodic Table. http://community.simtropolis.com/topic/10759-the-mayors-of-ellis-valley-season-4-post-census18-nov-2012/page__view__findpost__p__1232391


"Sir, the victim died of a sudden cardio hemmorhage after eating a giant McDonalds meal worth a total of 9002 calories."


"Lookes like his caloric intake...




was over nine thousand."


*crickets chirp*


There ya go... All better :P *insert headshot here*


I'm pretty sure the post count has been over 9000 for over 9000 seconds.


Anyways, on a different note, anyone here play Yugioh?


Not me.


I did, like, back in 2004 or something like that. I was actually pretty decent. Won a couple of tournaments.


I used to. I still have a Duel Disk laying around. And my brother uses one of the cards as a bookmark.


i lost my keys when i made my way home today... great.


Damn that sucks X_X Hope you find them quickly...


Been that, done there. Had to break into my own home once.


Um, one problem with that... Those keys can unlock ANY locked doors... But only once. After that one use, they disintegrate...


... Really...?


[Teleports in]

[still manages to break the ceiling]


. . .


This again? [Hides]


What would your pony you even look like...?

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guys, i saw a commercial today about McDonalds that was... weird. it's in Swedish but here it is:




basically, McDonalds has some campaign where they let people create new, limited editon burgers of their own. nothing unusual as of yet, right?


well, if you know Swedish, you'd notice something weird about it. the burger in the video is called McHarmony. ring a bell yet? no? then how does the slogan he says at the end that it's "20% better than every other burger there is" tell you, then? and yeah, he said that. it's pretty hard fact, i would say.

  • Brohoof 2
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well, if you know Swedish, you'd notice something weird about it. the burger in the video is called McHarmony. ring a bell yet? no? then how does the slogan he says at the end that it's "20% better than every other burger there is" tell you, then? and yeah, he said that. it's pretty hard fact, i would say.


Uhh,... Wut?




I have to remind myself that I'm related to everyone here.

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