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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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I changed the topic to something else since my whole intention of this thread was just to share my thought on this certain subject of Scootaloo :3

Aw shot


I was ready with my post :c



I believe this thread is about the inconsistency from all episodes, right? Oh boy there are a truckload of them... But I think this one is the worst offender.


From the MMDW

Posted Image


And the ponyville as a whole

Posted Image


Where the hay is the cliff??




I think that I should be able to be a bit more active for the meantime.

Aww yeah! Posted Image

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Seems like there are a lot of people here dead-set on believing that Scootaloo is a flightless pegasus


I want to believe she can fly.
  • Brohoof 1
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Some people say these two songs sound similar.




What do you think?


Huh. So THAT's what the Babs Seed song sounds like :huh:.

Edited by spas-ticShotty
  • Brohoof 1
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In other news, I'm still sick.

How did the whole getting dragged out of your house against your will thing work out for you? What are you sick with?

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I seriously think video games need to use more lyrical themes instead of just being orchestrations. They always, always benefit from songs with lyrics no matter where I've heard them.

Bloody hell that's good...


In my opinion, vidya OST can do good even without any lyrics. Sometimes they can distract us from opening multiple crates of kick-ass to the enemies

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Hey hey, I've returned with a decaff coffee because I'm gonna be going off to bed soonish

[sips coffee]

It's an ebay listing for a cardboard cutout of the Wii U. 70 bids so far, and it's at $90,100 currently.


[spews coffee]


  • Brohoof 1
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