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Apple      Bloom

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Also there's an unusual program I don't recognize with a shortcut on the desktop..."TrueCrypt."


It's an encryption software. I doubt it's the kind of thing you'd use to launch a nuclear attack with. It means someone's OCD with file protection.


I did a similar thing of installing unwarranted software, but I find it essential because I can't type on Qwerty keyboards anymore.


@Electrobolt, your avatar is making a juxtaposition with Kyro's... It's freeky.

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It's an encryption software. I doubt it's the kind of thing you'd use to launch a nuclear attack with. It means someone's OCD with file protection.


I did a similar thing of installing unwarranted software, but I find it essential because I can't type on Qwerty keyboards anymore.


@Electrobolt, your avatar is making a juxtaposition with Kyro's... It's freeky.


Yes, so I found out when I took a look around Google for it. It's still weird that it's on there to begin with, because it's not supposed to be possibel for someone to install new software on a school computer. Because said software is installed, I am much more suspicious of this computer.


Especially since someone maxed out the volume. What kind of asshole does that?

Edited by Kyronea
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A second troll who probably was just as inquisitive about TrueCrypt as you...?


I suppose it's possible. I'm just having a bad day and this crap isn't helping. God damn I hate sitting next to a whole ton of people while I'm on the computer. It's very irritating. So glad my computer at home is in my room.
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I suppose it's possible.


I'm guessing that you were the victim of a social experiment that most of us would call a prank, and I can think of a few pranks that would come to mind: BSOD screensaver, printscreen desktop, cranking up the volume to the max, changing the language settings on Google, switching someone else's keyboard settings to Dvorak...

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I'm guessing that you were the victim of a social experiment that most of us would call a prank, and I can think of a few pranks that would come to mind: BSOD screensaver, printscreen desktop, cranking up the volume to the max, changing the language settings on Google, switching someone else's keyboard settings to Dvorak...


I don't like pranks. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I hate pranks, hate having them pulled on me, and if I ever identify the person pulls a prank on me they will not like what happens when I get a hold of them.
  • Brohoof 1
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Had a dream about a group of space-faring Equestrians invaded Earth. Their army consists of Unicorns, Diamond Dogs, Gryphons, even Changelings and a dozen of Alicorns. Instead of cracpsack technology from the show, they got a fucking star-trek-level toys and orbital weapon platforms.


It was beautiful... Posted Image

And my goddamn cellphone woke me up when shit got real, barnacles...


Olden days... that's news to me. You need more than two dice anyways, rolling stats takes at least 3.


My group only have two dices (we don't have any specialised tabletop store around here, couldn't find anymore dices. Even WH40K stuff is sold along gundam and transformers)


I greatly suspect some foul play involved on this computer and that someone's probably keylogging everything I type or something like that.


If you want to type some passwords and you suspect there is some keylogger around, you can try manipulating it using the HOME and END button. Those two buttons won't be recorded by the keylogger

  • Brohoof 2
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Had a dream about a group of space-faring Equestrians invaded Earth. Their army consists of Unicorns, Diamond Dogs, Gryphons, even Changelings and a dozen of Alicorns. Instead of cracpsack technology from the show, they got a fucking star-trek-level toys and orbital weapon platforms.


It was beautiful... Posted Image

And my goddamn cellphone woke me up when shit got real, barnacles...




My group only have two dices (we don't have any specialised tabletop store around here, couldn't find anymore dices. Even WH40K stuff is sold along gundam and transformers)




If you want to type some passwords and you suspect there is some keylogger around, you can try manipulating it using the HOME and END button. Those two buttons won't be recorded by the keylogger


That sounds like it was quite the awesome dream!


Also I didn't know that about the Home and End buttons. Good advice to know. Thank you.

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Hi to all around the GCT! How're you doing on this fine day? :D


Had a dream about a group of space-faring Equestrians invaded Earth. Their army consists of Unicorns, Diamond Dogs, Gryphons, even Changelings and a dozen of Alicorns. Instead of cracpsack technology from the show, they got a fucking star-trek-level toys and orbital weapon platforms. It was beautiful... And my goddamn cellphone woke me up when shit got real, barnacles...

1. Awesome dream is awesome.

2. I dunno about you, but maybe you could punish your cellphone, Warhammer40K style. I would if I were you. :angry:

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here's what i've done with the DNB WIP so far:




I love the Amen break you used and I love how you used it, minus the pitch/key change on it.

It may not build up like mine, but it does come in nicely.

I also really like the melody you got going, just needs something behind that to fill in all that empty space.


I haven't had it too long, so if I know anything more than you, its not much at all.

And as for samples, the only things I should have that you don't are ones for Massive as it doesn't come with FL at all and some drum sample packs that I googled up.

You should have Harmor and Harmless and all its normal stuff, which I believe I used in this one



Oh, and about that mention that you couldn't find this morning, it was basically me exclaiming my love for you for showing me Brutal Doom! :D


Edited by Hven
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Hi to all around the GCT! How're you doing on this fine day? :D

I'm doing alright.


Anyone want to see a Scootaloo with bad facial proportions? Also minor mistakes here and there, it can only go up from here, right? Right?



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  • Brohoof 1
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The damn thing is freakin' expensive, you know :<

Then torture it. Slowly take wane away the power from it's batteries. Then scratch it slowly but firmly, pressing all of the buttons so much it won't even know what happened to him other than PAIN...and finally disarm it over, and over and over again until it starts beeping, begging for mercy or the end of its misery...


Hey Arc, I'm doing pretty good! How about you?


I'm doing quite fine. :D Tennis class plus Pump it Up afterwards is a NICE way to enjoy yourself and do excercise at the same time. :lol:


Also...from the new chapter...if they had done this, I would have comepletely gone and kissed William Anderson right then and there.



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This avatar FTW.


So cute... Posted Image


But it's not even December yet :o


right? Right?

I've seen worse style than that but get a fuckload of appreciation on Deviantart


Then torture it. Slowly take wane away the power from it's batteries. Then scratch it slowly but firmly, pressing all of the buttons so much it won't even know what happened to him other than PAIN...and finally disarm it over, and over and over again until it starts beeping, begging for mercy or the end of its misery...

Posted Image

Wake up dude, you're being scary

  • Brohoof 1
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I don't like pranks. In fact, I would go so far as to say that I hate pranks, hate having them pulled on me, and if I ever identify the person pulls a prank on me they will not like what happens when I get a hold of them.


Agreed, i really can't take pranksters seriously.

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This avatar FTW.


Remind me to go look for you for Pinkie cuteness as an altern source should Berry Pie be missing in action. :wub:


But it's not even December yet

Already Haven has one so....your persistance is invalid. We have to remember the fact that Christmas starts WAY before for the USA. ^_^


Wake up dude, you're being scary

Oh come on, Libby posts phrases and stuff way scarier than that and you say nothing!...Biased bastard. :P Nah just kidding.
  • Brohoof 1
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I've seen worse style than that but get a fuckload of appreciation on Deviantart

Some of that so called art sends shivers down my spine. Cthulhu vomits up better works of art on a daily basis.

  • Brohoof 2
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We have to remember the fact that Christmas starts WAY before for the USA. ^_^

Christmas was all about the birth of Christ. All I see from the US is consumerism :x


Oh come on, Libby posts phrases and stuff way scarier than that and you say nothing!...Biased bastard. :P Nah just kidding.

Libby's post is a art, deal with it :V


Cthulhu vomits

Hey, Cthulhu vomit is already its own genre, you know :wacko:

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  • Brohoof 1
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