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General Chat Thread

Apple      Bloom

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iirc there is one brony who tried to time how much screen AJ got, turns out she got like the third most airtime. Don't believe Clarity's propaganda

Have an apple

Posted Image


What is with this whole 3 thing they do with her?

Iirc, 3 episodes, on the 3rd episode of every season, and the third to be introduced.

Edited by TGAP DJ HVen MM the Mighty
  • Brohoof 1
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Forget it. I can't keep up with this thread to save my life.


The original Mystery Theater RP. You know, like the one I'm in now, except it wasn't on a train, it was in a mansion. It looked so intimidating. Ultimately, the RP fell into disuse. So it wasn't that big a loss. I swore from that day forth I would not chicken out a second time. When Scootacool opened up a new RP, I went and signed up. And I'm doing well in it, right?


Hell yeah, you are! I'm the one that isn't doing well. Real life keeps kicking me in the teeth and ruining my enjoyment of the day. I was supposed to post today, but I was so furious when I got back that I had to cool off for a while.


How so? Perhaps I can clear up any confusion?


^ This guy is good, you should listen to him.


That was anti-climatic :x


Welp, I guess I'll raid the OOC thread now!



The OOC is pretty inactive mostly, which is unusual for an RP. :huh:

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I don't think I've ever posted in this thread so here's a picture of me with mah ban hammer. As you can see, it's been used a few times.

Omigosh! It's Apple Bloom! THE Apple Bloom! C-can I have your autograph?
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Forget it. I can't keep up with this thread to save my life.


That's GCT for ya Posted Image



The OOC is pretty inactive mostly, which is unusual for an RP. :huh:


The RP has siphoned the participants' soul dry :wacko:


Anyway... shouldn't that Clarity's search thread be closed? Pretty sure there is no question left


How do i get my ranking to go up? I know I've posted more than 5 comments...

While Cloudsdale is freakin's fun, it's the General Discussion where you can farm post count :P

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you have to make posts outside of Cloudsdale Collosseum. :)

You can click on your current badge and see when you change badges and at what post number.


Post number 55555.

Also, amazing username, bro.

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