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Are Bronies the problem?


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Yes, there are some idiots in the fandom, ones who don't know when to leave well enough alone and allow someone to dislike the show/fandom. These idiots push the show onto people, just like religious people push their religion onto people. It's annoying and inconsiderate and that is one of the reasons why people don't like some bronies, because they don't like having the show thrown in their faces. 


I can definitely understand this point. I actually will do this somewhat to some of my friends, but I'm never really being serious about it, and I'm usually just joking around. 


I could definitely see how it could really be annoying to non bronies though.  


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If I refused to like things because they had creepy fans, I'd have a empty house with nothing but a bed to sleep on, and food to eat. It's a double standard for someone to point fingers and single this show for weird fans, when I've seen far worse in other fandoms. We're pretty nice compared to some fanbases. 

  • Brohoof 1



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Out of curiosity, could someone point me to an example of this (the show being tossed in people's faces)? Because I've never seen it. Unless people consider things like remixes and ponifying things "in your face." But then again, they could just ignore it.

Edited by AtomicBassCannon


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I know why some people of my age are skeptical, and view the "bronies" with aversion: they grew up with Saturday morning cartoons which were absolutely craptacular in the way they acted as half-hour long advertisements for toys. For us, these shows nearly killed the good name of cartoons altogether. It's like saying, "Hey - do you know what show is flying in the face of age and gender norms in 2013? Pound Puppies / The Amazing Rubik, etc." They're like, "Yeah, right - that's a good one." So, they think of what's going on re: MLP: FiM as some sort of corporate attempt at directing group-think.


It's only once you watch the show and understand Hasbro's position that you see the new boss isn't the same as the old boss. Sure, they want to sell toys...but much of the phenomenon is out of Hasbro's hands. No one back in the day was creating their own Pound Puppies animated shorts with clever twists on the subject matter, and they certainly wouldn't have been celebrated for doing so.


(Good topic, OP.)

  • Brohoof 1

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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Our conversation pertains to the topic.

Not one of us are off topic. That would be you.


So, no. I will not be taking this to a PM. It is no one's topic.


Okay then. You do what you wanna do. :) You have that right, so you guys just continue to duke it out. Here's hoping you come to a compromise and find a resolution. 

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Out of curiosity, could someone point me to an example of this (the show being tossed in people's faces)? Because I've never seen it. Unless people consider things like remixes and ponifying things "in your face." But then again, they could just ignore it.

I think what is being referred to is the overly aggressive nature which a small but very vocal minority of bronies sometimes use to try to expand the herd. Some people view the remixes and ponifications to be in your face but I don't, I didn't really find that much pony stuff until after I got into the show and it was usually because either my friend sent it to me, I saw it on here or I seeked it out.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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Out of curiosity, could someone point me to an example of this (the show being tossed in people's faces)? Because I've never seen it. Unless people consider things like remixes and ponifying things "in your face." But then again, they could just ignore it.



I think it's more a case of pony reaction memes and whatnot in various non-pny related threads and forums and whatnot, or people making some pony-related comparison in the comments for a non-pony youtube video..  I can't post an example, but I've definitely seen it. 


Okay then. You do what you wanna do. smile.png You have that right, so you guys just continue to duke it out. Here's hoping you come to a compromise and find a resolution. 


It's cool.  i think we've come to an understanding.  :D


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True, and I will admit that I never thought in a million years that I would like MLP and I confess was a little surprised and confused at how many teenagers and adults were into it. But even then I figured that it was a little strange but harmless and left it at that.

I see what you mean. I was confused when I saw a pony clan on the Gametrailers forums and had to have my brony friend explain to me what's going on.


My view is that the people who hate the show outright because "EW THAT'S GAY" are not worth our time, and if somebody let's a fandom "ruin" something for them, that's their loss.


If someone dislikes the show for legitimate reasons (like it's just not their cup of tea), that's good. Great even, because it means they consider MLP an actual show instead of just G3 and respect it enough to judge it on its merits as opposed to just as a show for little girls.

Edited by CITRUS KING46
  • Brohoof 2


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I see what you mean. I was confused when I saw a pony clan on the Gametrailers forums and had to have my brony friend explain to me what's going on.

It was a friend of mine that first told me about it, my only prior experience with MLP was seeing some of G1 when I was a kid thanks in large part to this cousin I have that was really into ponies so much so that she later made a career out of taking care of horses. After getting into MLP I later went back and watched G1 and actually liked it though not nearly as much as this generation.

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All that was just listed is what a fandom is, if people just watch the show they are just viewers of the show and not an actual fandom, the stuff we create suits at least one type of person out there. not Everyone sees eye-eye on everything but if we take away what makes the fandom what it is what makes us any different from everyone else, only a small percentage of our fandom actually go around posting Ponies everywhere and they are the most obvious part of our fandom you have to dive deeper to get to the best parts.


So in a way yes we are the problem since we are creating the content which people do not like, but does that mean we should change, the answer to that is no. There will be a part of the fandom most people will dislike (Bleugh Humanized Ponies :L) But there is nothing we can do to fix that, If people don't want to join then so be it.

  • Brohoof 1



This Signature was created by Surprise, Thanks for the great work Ashley keep it up!


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We shouldn't have to defend our interests just because someone does not enjoy the show, especially considering their complaints are often ridiculous, no one stops playing Assassins Creed because someone draws a picture of Altair in a clown suit. If you don't like certain fan-fictions or drawings then don't look at them. I've literally never met a person that hates ponies that doesn't come to me with all their fucking emotional baggage about gender, sexuality and social norms. Acting like middle school brats because someone likes something different.


These whiny bastards expect us to acquiesce to their bullshit, I mean, it's fine for Joe to make a Family Guy quote every 5 minutes but god forbid I even mention the shit I like, that said I'm not vocal about it to strangers. As a community we shouldn't have to censor ourselves to appease people that don't like the show for petty reason, or even for those who have legitimate reasons.


And Christ, where is everyone's loyalty? I mean I've heard "You're not a real brony if you do X", and people splitting the fandom into groups in order to distance themselves from the supposed "bad bronies". I mean, is this an effort to make us look better to the whiny contingent that won't give a shit either way? Community comes before the detractors, I don't care if you jerk off to ponies, or get really excited about it with your friends, or write terrible fan fiction, I'm not going to be mean to you or ignore and cover up your actions for everyone elses sake because I want judgmental bastards to like me.


I don't care how you interact with the fandom, so to ostracize other bronies based on how they contribute is lower than low; far lower than the most persistent of "haters".

Edited by Dark Fox
  • Brohoof 3
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I think it's more a case of pony reaction memes and whatnot in various non-pny related threads and forums and whatnot, or people making some pony-related comparison in the comments for a non-pony youtube video..  I can't post an example, but I've definitely seen it. 


Since most image macros are based around TV show/movie screen grabs anyway, isn't it a little bit of a double standard on the part of Brony critiques to point at such a thing? Theoretically, if I hypothetically hated LOTR, couldn't I make the same argument of people posting "One does not simply..." memes? Unless pony memes are held to a different standard simply because they are ponies, and are part of a counter-culture that goes against societal norms. If that is the case, should bronies recognize this and conduct ourselves different from other fandoms? Should we "tread lighter" so to speak, than other fandoms because of the counter-societal nature of pony liking?


As for comments, I can see how that can get annoying, but you can't stop people, so I say just ignore it.


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There's an extensive argument going on, and I have to admit that I only read like a bit of the first page and completely skipped the second, but I take it the jist of what people are saying is that yes, there are annoying fans, and yes, they will turn people off to the show. And yes, some of the fan works are over the top and can turn people off... But also that you can't judge a fandom based on a few bad apples, much less the thing the fandom is... fandoming about (I honestly don't know how else to put that, heh... ^^; ) I think it's important to remember not to let the little things bug you, and to not get mad at people for being intolerant. It's not worth it. Enjoy the things you enjoy regardless of what other people think (I mean, as long as it's not bringing harm to another person...) If you are just watching the show and uploading your fan works or whatever to other people who will appreciate them and not trying to force it on people who don't care/won't like it, you're doin' good. Also, if you just let other people like what they like and don't judge them for it, you're doin' good. If you're either of those aforementioned things, you should probably eff off. In either case, I have learned over the years to like what I like and tune out when people talk smack about what I like... and also to recognize when it's just a good-natured ribbing. I will give back wink.png


Of course, it probably wouldn't kill you to give something a chance if your friend who likes it wants you to check it out...

Edited by Telegraph
  • Brohoof 2

317hd83.jpgEin Doggy is very excited for ball :3

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We shouldn't have to defend our interests just because someone does not enjoy the show, especially considering their complaints are often ridiculous, no one stops playing Assassins Creed because someone draws a picture of Altair in a clown suit. If you don't like certain fan-fictions or drawings then don't look at them. I've literally never met a person that hates ponies that doesn't come to me with all their fucking emotional baggage about gender, sexuality and social norms. Acting like middle school brats because someone likes something different.


These whiny bastards expect us to acquiesce to their bullshit, I mean, it's fine for Joe to make a Family Guy quote every 5 minutes but god forbid I even mention the shit I like, that said I'm not vocal about it to strangers. As a community we shouldn't have to censor ourselves to appease people that don't like the show for petty reason, or even for those who have legitimate reasons.


And Christ, where is everyone's loyalty? I mean I've heard "You're not a real brony if you do X", and people splitting the fandom into groups in order to distance themselves from the supposed "bad bronies". I mean, is this an effort to make us look better to the whiny contingent that won't give a shit either way? Community comes before the detractors, I don't care if you jerk off to ponies, or get really excited about it with your friends, or write terrible fan fiction, I'm not going to be mean to you or ignore and cover up your actions for everyone elses sake because I want judgmental bastards to like me.


I don't care how you interact with the fandom, so to ostracize other bronies based on how they contribute is lower than lower; far lower than the most persistent of "haters".

A point well made, good sir! I applaud you!

People are arguing for stupid reasons. If you don't like a fanfiction or artwork, don't look at it. Just keep on watching the show, its not like you're here because you don't watch the show, is it?

Calling someone a bad Brony if you don't like their creations is plain ridiculous. They've put effort into something they like, and obviously, it wasn't meant for you, so leave them be.

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I think it's amusing how society will judge people based on what it thinks should be the norm.


Why can't people write fanfiction (disturbing to some, is not so to others) and be left alone? Even people from inside the fandom do this. It's human nature, it seems. But the worst is acting like because something exists, you are being forced to look at it enough that people feel compelled to "hate" other humans.


People are just too freaking childish. There's a lot of things that I don't like in the fandom (the Discord worship, Molestia/Trollestia, some interpretations of Princess Luna, some R34 art) but none of them have the power to "ruin the show" for me, or "make me leave the fandom".


Done ranting...


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

And I'm just getting started.


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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

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Easy Rule: if you have ever said 'anypony' on a non-pony site, then yes you are part of the problem.


Also, don't use 'love and tolerate' as passive-aggressive trolling, that just makes you an asshole.

  • Brohoof 4
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It's not "Bronies", it's "those Bronies." Ya know? Just the ones who get up in the faces of everyone, and think it's best the shout and sing the songs everywhere they go just so people know they are bronies.

  • Brohoof 2


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I was reading the reviews for this show at tv.com and quite a few of the negative reviews said that they liked the show, but the brony community turned them away from the fandom. One review even said that the brony community will "infuriate you to no end." The review goes on to explain his reasons behind how the brony community has completely ruined this show. Granted, at the beginning he says that bronies who simply watch the show and enjoy it are fine, but the ones who write disturbing fanfiction, draw disturbing art, and fill the Internet with memes and remixes of the songs and sometimes ruining great moments from the show are the worst. I'm just wondering if these kinds of bronies are the ones that everyone seems to hate, even the fans of the show. I'm sure that when people talk about hating bronies, they mean these types of people. So I'm just wondering if these types of people are the ones who keep people from giving the show a chance and even causing some people to leave the fandom. This isn't an attack on any of you, mind you. I'm just trying to figure out why a lot of people hate bronies and whether or not the aforementioned types of bronies may the source of it. 

I've always been a bit 50/50 on this sentiment. For me, yes, I prefer to stay away from that part of the fandom. I'm not against any kind of brony (unless they are hating on others, bullying, in which case I am more concerned about why they are doing it), still, as with any fanbase you are going to find really disturbing things. Personally, I like the idea of Equestria without homicidal Pinkie Pie or Fluttershy. For me, it is a peaceful place that shows a lot of the good that can come from our world like love and kindness. Some bronies have turned Equestria into an entirely adult world filled with war, violence, sex, and alcohol. That's not me, it never will be, I like to see the show as it is and smile when the ponies turn things around with kindness in most of the episodes. Still, if you don't like that part of the fandom, you just don't read their material, watch their youtube videos, or go into their chatrooms. 

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I was reading the reviews for this show at tv.com and quite a few of the negative reviews said that they liked the show, but the brony community turned them away from the fandom. One review even said that the brony community will "infuriate you to no end." The review goes on to explain his reasons behind how the brony community has completely ruined this show. Granted, at the beginning he says that bronies who simply watch the show and enjoy it are fine, but the ones who write disturbing fanfiction, draw disturbing art, and fill the Internet with memes and remixes of the songs and sometimes ruining great moments from the show are the worst. I'm just wondering if these kinds of bronies are the ones that everyone seems to hate, even the fans of the show. I'm sure that when people talk about hating bronies, they mean these types of people. So I'm just wondering if these types of people are the ones who keep people from giving the show a chance and even causing some people to leave the fandom. This isn't an attack on any of you, mind you. I'm just trying to figure out why a lot of people hate bronies and whether or not the aforementioned types of bronies may the source of it. 


I certainly don't mean to generalize, but as a whole, you could say the fandom is horrendous. Every time you turn an internet corner you can find pornography, creepy behavior, endless spam, and even the seemingly mildest of "bronies" can be seen commonly acting out. Simply being obnoxious or overplaying their love of a cartoon. Sometimes in public. However the reason these stereotypes can be made so easily is because of any fanbase out there (with the possible exceptions of very general things like "Anime" and video games) the pony fanbase is monumentally huge. The biggest. Spanning over millions worldwide. Its not going unnoticed either. Ive seen commercials encouraging fans to be "Whovians", "Grimmsters", "Psych-Os", etc.


A reason why such behaviors can be seen so often is just because of how accepting pony fans can be. "Oh, you like rainbow dash in a sexual manner, and have been known to sing pony songs with the windows down n the Mcdonalds drive thru?....okay..." So there is little fear of rejection. Until a little later that is, when people thought what the pony fan community needed was a few more assholes in the mix.



Its a shame that a fun little cartoon has to come with this excess baggage, but some people would simply rather avoid it entirely because of the fans. The community is just that big and in-your-face.

Edited by Sauce
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Since most image macros are based around TV show/movie screen grabs anyway, isn't it a little bit of a double standard on the part of Brony critiques to point at such a thing? Theoretically, if I hypothetically hated LOTR, couldn't I make the same argument of people posting "One does not simply..." memes? Unless pony memes are held to a different standard simply because they are ponies, and are part of a counter-culture that goes against societal norms. If that is the case, should bronies recognize this and conduct ourselves different from other fandoms? Should we "tread lighter" so to speak, than other fandoms because of the counter-societal nature of pony liking?


As for comments, I can see how that can get annoying, but you can't stop people, so I say just ignore it.


I think we should tread lighter in the sense that we should get a feel for the company that we're speaking/posting amongst, and at least see whether or not they'd be receptive to what we have to say, because that's what communication is- a give and take. We shouldn't completely bind ourselves to what others would think, but at the same time we should at least consider it.  That's the nature of a back-and-forth between others, which is what forums really are. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Every fandom has members that make the fandoms too much to handle.  From Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR, and many many many other tv shows and movies, there are members who act just like those within the brony fandom that just turn people off from becoming fans.  Bronies seem to be very much targeted negatively for what goes on in the fandom because having a majority of fans being teen/adult males is not the norm.  Because our fandom is more unique in that aspect, it is an easier target for critics to make the fandom not a very friendly, inviting community at all.  There are some people who are into "clopping" and "shipping" and take "love and tolerate" way too far.  But there are people in every fandom that take show/movie ideals and sexuality too far (that's why there's rule 34 and the like). 

Our fandom isn't very typical for some reasons, but is typical (as far as fandoms go) in many many other reasons. we aren't any worse than other fandoms, it's just that we have unique aspects that defy societal norms that make us a prime target for negative criticism from those outside the fandom.

"In fire iron is born, by fire it is tamed"



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I certainly don't mean to generalize, but as a whole, you could say the fandom is horrendous. Every time you turn an internet corner you can find pornography, creepy behavior, endless spam, and even the seemingly mildest of "bronies" can be seen commonly acting out. Simply being obnoxious or overplaying their love of a cartoon. Sometimes in public.



Its a shame that a fun little cartoon has to come with this excess baggage, but some people would simply rather avoid it entirely because of the fans. The community is just that big and in-your-face.


Meh I'll agree the OVERT and unrestrained public love of MLP I find a lot more irritating then the rule 34 and grimdark portion (which is meant to private and relegated to the back of the internet). I mean i don't get into all the roleplaying and cosplay (guys dressing up as Fluttershy) that some people adore. I wouldn't chalk up the fandom as horrendous though, they just share in a lot of different aspects of fandom and its creations. "There's an app for that" basically.


I sometimes dislike a lot of what the fandom sees as popular as shallow and boring (Twilightlicious, Colgate song) but a lot of that ties back into how we're still all part of one giant meme still and still designed for kids and teens. I do see that some people really don't have the capacity to be anything but banners showing off that we miss out on a lot of social graces. But don't blame the community for bad apples, blame those individuals if you have to. Actually just tolerate them unless you really find a way to fix a situation rather than create more drama to it. I'd rather see people roll their eyes or avoid portions than have to verbally challenge every brony they see that doesn't live up to their expectations.

Edited by Freewave

I have made brony music since 2011. I like all kinds of music and genres. I'm sure you'll like some of it..

Here's My YouTube..I have several albums on Bandcamp and Pony.FM.

Check out the 20+ Musician project Maressey which I am running. 


Check out the  Brony Music Directory and FimMusic. A portal to all things Brony + Music.

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Well I don't think that being creative isn't that bad a thing. If anything it's being productive and doing something better with your time so I think hating on that seems a bit pointless.

However I think that people who preach about the darker side of the fandom could turn people away as most people aren't really into pony vagina and to most it's probably really off putting. I suppose though just preaching about MLP in general to people which aren't bornies would be irritating, (it would irritate me if I was in that situation). The only people I talk about MLP about is my friend who is a brony as well.

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Every fandom has members that make the fandoms too much to handle.  From Star Trek, Star Wars, LOTR, and many many many other tv shows and movies, there are members who act just like those within the brony fandom that just turn people off from becoming fans.  Bronies seem to be very much targeted negatively for what goes on in the fandom because having a majority of fans being teen/adult males is not the norm.  Because our fandom is more unique in that aspect, it is an easier target for critics to make the fandom not a very friendly, inviting community at all.  There are some people who are into "clopping" and "shipping" and take "love and tolerate" way too far.  But there are people in every fandom that take show/movie ideals and sexuality too far (that's why there's rule 34 and the like). 

Our fandom isn't very typical for some reasons, but is typical (as far as fandoms go) in many many other reasons. we aren't any worse than other fandoms, it's just that we have unique aspects that defy societal norms that make us a prime target for negative criticism from those outside the fandom.

yeah, but for some reason it's the rule 34ers and the in-your-face toleraters that form the public image of bronies.


maybe it's just a matter of time, trekkies used to be seen as total weirdos too. Now you're weird if you don't know anything about Star Trek.

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