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gaming Playing as the opposite gender


Just a few questions...  

200 users have voted

  1. 1. How often, if at all, do you play as the opposite gender (when given the choice)?

    • Always
    • Often
    • Every now and then
    • Rarely
    • Never
  2. 2. Does it bother you when someone plays as the opposite gender?

    • Yep (their not being the correct gender bothers me)
    • Kind of (it depends)
    • Nope
  3. 3. If others playing as the opposite gender bothers you, which of these statements holds true?

    • Males playing as females bother me more
    • Females playing as males bother me more
    • Both bother me around the same amount
    • N/A

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To be honest, I always like to play as the female character in game seven though I'm a male. For example, when I played Borderlands, I immediately played as the female character Lilith and Aqua was my most played character in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. Also some of my favorite protagonists are females such as Alice from Madness Returns and Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw.

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Eh, I tend to gravitate to male characters when starting out, but they're usually a trial run. When I want to make a bad ass character (or in some cases where the game has a morality system and I want to be evil) I pick a girl.


Not that I think my own gender is evil >.> I just play through as a guy the first time, when I would usually choose to be good, and the second time around I use a girl when I would be playing through as evil. I don't believe it has anything to do with mine or anyone else's gender identity, it's more just playing from every angle.


Someone could probably read into that but really I'm very happy with my vagina

Edited by RobberBrony
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I actually always play a female character if given the choice. I just find that I can relate to women more than men in games.  I was raised by female figures most of my life so I feel more connected to a female character.  There is also the attractiveness factor to consider as well, but that's only a small part of it.  I feel uncomfortable playing as a big muscle-bound no neck so I try to avoid it where possible.

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It's become a habit that I play as the male character, since at one point I thought that the male character always gets it better than the female. After I've finished the male version, I go through the female since I already know what to do.


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I've no problem playing as the opposite gender nor with people who do. Well, unless their reasons are bad, that is. Like only playing them cause they're hot. :l


In guildwars 2  I play a male human ranger when I go "gender bending" because it's set 250 years on from the time of gw1 which I also played I made him to be the decendant of my female mesmer who like me is female... well biologically speaking... identity wise I consider myself bi-gender&bisexual so who knows maybe that is part of why it doesn't bother me. My boyfriend almost exclusively roles female characters and that doesn't bother me either, I mean they have some awesome armour and if it's about "staring at butts" then lol whatever, fantasy is fantasy as long as irl I'm the only one I'm cool with ingame eyecandy, I mean as far as I'm concerned it goes both ways. ;)

You can't police thoughts, infact it's really wrong to try to police thought even if it's for some "moral" reason, you might remove content but that would only take away from the enjoyment of variety. I mean thats the whole point of a game; it's an escape from reality.

Edited by Scrumpy

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I play with either/or Hell in Saints Row 3 I got a sex change to a girl. Because I was tired of being a guy.


and in Borderlands 2 I'm playing as a Mechromancer.


My new Fallout 3 Character is named Octavia.

Edited by Flutter Dash

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I don't really mind playing any kind of character really, though I mostly choose the male option because I'm male myself. However, any time I'm forced to play as a female character it seriously isn't any problem.


I also don't have any problem with others playing as the opposite gender, whether I know them or not is no factor at all as well.

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I play as the opposite gender every now and again. Not too often though, I usually like to make my character reflect myself. An example of a game I would never be the female gender would be Mass Effect. I know there is a huge following of the female commander Shepard, but I can't do it because I make Shepard myself. There are two games that I am predominantly a female character. Mount and Blade Warband and State of Decay. In Warband it actually makes it more difficult to be a female, because it is set in Medieval times. Dunno just like the challenge I guess. Makes it more interesting.

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Even though I'm male, I tend to choose a female protagonist for my first run-through, and then subsequent playthroughs will be whatever I feel like. However, for some games I just choose a male character. I like to think of it as separating the character from myself, so that I don't end up tricking myself into becoming a person with the "perfect" ethics, and always rescuing people at the cost of their own life, because I'm not that. I'm proud of the fact that I don't think like a normal human being. (I'm probably not. I think I'm actually a robot.)

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I personally see playing as the opposite gender in games as more of an exploration than anything else. Playing RPG's and other games that allow you to develop your own character spans out countless different possibilities for countless aspects of the character you play. When I'm not doing a serious run through a game, I like to switch it up on different save files. I'll only try to mold the character to my personal preferences on my first run. Any other time, I never associate myself with the character, regardless of gender, because I'm more interested in seeing what sort of unique character I can create just by doing things differently. 

I've got an idea! No..... No, wait; it's just a concussion....

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I will play as males sometimes but overall I vastly prefer playing female if I can. I just tend to relate to female characters more.


And I don't have an issue with anyone playing the opposite gender and I find it odd people would care?

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I often play male characters just because it fits my username or name on that character. It doesn't bother me when people play female characters even if they are male, if anything it's just fun. Besides, I do it sometimes. I love being both genders and even on the forum I switch between genders. It's fun and I like fun stuff.

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To be honest with you bronies, I rather pick male everytime there is a gender to choose from.


They look better in swords, armor, cloaks and more!


And besides, don't they look stunning and man-ly?


Even though I'm a female, I like using the opposite gender because in my opinion, male gender makes much more sense in adventure and horror games such as Dead Space 1, 2 and 3. 



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I play as the opposite gender quite often, I just find that it makes me believe the game has more depth for some reason. don't even know why...

And well, they look a lot better.

depending on the game and environment I guess.


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I honestly couldn't care less. Being the opposite gender doing sexual things could be a bit weird, but besides that who cares? Video Games are meant for trying new things. You can do things in them you can't do in real life. I can be an evil bastard in games like Grand Theft Auto, and Red Dead Redemption. I can be a girl in games Mass Effect, Borderlands, Pokemon, ect.


I love playing as the opposite gender in video games. Especially if it's third person. If I'm going to be staring at the backside of my character all day I'd rather be looking at a pretty girl than some bulky dude. Also in character customization I don't like making guys. It's so boring! Making girls is fun, you get to play around with makeup, hair, ect. 


There's just something about being a girl in a video game that's more appealing to me. Being a buy just seem so...bland? The idea of being some generic muscular dude has no appeal to me whatsoever. Girls tend to have more customization options too, which is fun. Unlike some people I know, I don't try to make my girl character look slutty. I just make her the way I like. Anyways, to sum this up I don't care at all if dudes play as girls, or vice cersa. I mean, I do it all the time so why would I care?

Edited by ReverseFaller


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Most of the time I stay true to my gender and create a male character. On the otherhand I don't really care if my character is female. I play the game for the game it is, not because I can pick a character with a specific gender. I choose a character because of it's percs, not it's voice. Why should I care if my character wants to kill things or pet them, as long as I can decide what it'll be? To cut it short:

I don't care what gender my character is if he/she just does what I'm telling him/her to do.

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I don't see it a problem for someone to play as the opposite sex because gender is such a grey area. Gender roles and identity can vary significantly between person to person. The reason to play as the opposite sex character can range from identifying with that gender more or just simply lulz.

  • Brohoof 1


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I think playing as the opposite (Celestia, why did I write dictionary?) gender is perfectly acceptable, and I do it all the time.


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Do you believe there is a relation between playing the opposite gender and one's sexual orientation and/or gender identity?






Does it bother you when others play as the opposite gender; if so, why?






Are there situations where playing the opposite gender is more acceptable?


Can't think of any.




For those who play the opposite gender, why do you do that?


If I have to stare at the back side of my character for hours killing things then it better be a good looking back side.


Presonally Growing up with Video games, I have always felt that Female characters are just Stronger.  Maybe not always physically per say, but in general they always felt like a "stronger character".

Other's more Talented than me.




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Alright, it's finally time for my post. 


I've always had a habit of creating a character of each gender when I play a game where you can make that kind of decision. So in games like Skyrim and Oblivion, I have at least one male and one female character. In Pokemon, I switch genders for every subsequent version and sequel I play. The only exception to this pattern is with MMOs; I just don't have enough time to devote to both characters normally, so I end up focusing just on my female character. On the whole, I play female characters a little more often though.


I don't think there are any strong connections between gender identity or sexual orientation when it comes to playing one gender over the other and it doesn't bother me when someone plays a gender other than their own.

  • Brohoof 1
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I think main problem here is that there people who associate here they play and themselves, so people like that couldn't understand how is it to play for opposite gender, and yes I could agree that then people like that really playing for opposite gender it's a little strange.

I am myself playing mostly male characters, (75% of times I think) of course there you could choose you gender. I'm interested in story my character creating and why sometimes main character couldn't be a female? For example then I've played WoW, I had two characters Male Troll Priest and Female Troll Warrior (well I disliked male Troll animation with shield, and played only Trolls).

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