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How many ATHEIST bronies out there?


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I was a Christian (Russian Orthodox) which is Eastern Christianity I think. 

But at 15 I decided to be an atheist for no reason really just because I don't care and I don't believe in someone that is greater than is you.


but I love the song  

God is a Girl


and the Blood Gods < Warhammer 40k Chaos 


also i won't respond to flamers 

Edited by Alex the Insane
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Here's my question, plain an simple.


Should we be good, moral people who care for others and strive to do the right thing because an extrinsic force tells us to, or because it's just what we as humans should do to better ourselves and to better our race as a whole?


I think the latter. I don't believe nor really disbelieve in a deity of any sort. In fact, I really don't care. I think that if there is a such thing as a God, gods, or anything else that is believed by any religion, that that higher being would want us to simply be good people and care for eachother, and that that should be enough to get us into a heaven or whatever you may believe. I highly doubt that an omnipotent, omniscient being would want us to be killing eachother over their interpretation of a book, nor spending our lives trying fruitlessly to strive towards him/her/it, nor trying to force others (especially children) to think the way they do. I think he'd want us to live out our lives as we please, and hope that we don't you it to make others suffer.

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Atheism always finds a way into my posts, but considering this is an atheism thread I'll talk more about atheism (I am using atheism a lot)


I'm a really big anti-theist, like somepony said earlier in this thread though I try to love everyone despite religion. It's hard to do but a noble cause from my point of view. I can't see how people still believe some of these religious stories, I don't see how someone could believe in a book that starts with a talking snake and ends with an Apocalypse that is VERY overdue I mean jeez people, Celestia and Luna are more believable.


/end rant


Now with that, I am proud to say I am now Equestrian because atheist is too mainstream.

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I am an Agnostic Taoist*, but politically I support the secular approach, governments have to take everybody into account and should try to protect the freedom to religion for the religious and the freedom from religion for the atheists alike. Nobody is any more or less entitled to human rights just because they have a faith or a lack of, we are still all equally human.

*That's similar to pantheism btw, no "sky-daddy".

Does being a secularist count?

On second thought probably not as that's a political stance not a theological one...

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Here's my question, plain an simple.


Should we be good, moral people who care for others and strive to do the right thing because an extrinsic force tells us to, or because it's just what we as humans should do to better ourselves and to better our race as a whole?



moral people does that mean I'm not allowed to 


- Masterbate 

- Kill innocent civilians in video games

- Be open minded ( lets talk and see what the world would be like if the Nazis won? )

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moral people does that mean I'm not allowed to 


- Masterbate 

- Kill innocent civilians in video games

- Be open minded ( lets talk and see what the world would be like if the Nazis won? )

Of course you can do those things. I have no problem with anyone who does. Sorry for not clarifying in my original post. I was referring more to being a kind and true person towards other human beings. What you do in your personal time is none of my business nor should I care about it. Plus, I think everyone kills innocents in video games sometimes :P


As for the whole open-mindedly talking about things like that, I completely encourage that. It is pretty interesting to imagine what would be different if history had played out another way. The only reason I'd have any problem with your way of thinking is if you outwardly agreed with the Nazis, which I don't think you do :3

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I am an atheist. I am not an anti-theist, I let people believe what they want to.

For me, it's just way too SIMPLE to be truth, and plus that would not be logically possible unless the universe is absolutely infinite, which is absolutely impossible because everything must end sometime.

The only things I believe in are video games and parodies.

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I came from a southern Christian family.  You know, the "believe everything I say or you will burn in hell forever" type of people.  I got sick of the same crap thrown at me all the time and now I don't want anything to do with organized religion. At least, not the monotheistic type.  I wouldn't call myself atheist as I believe in the possibility of a god or gods, I simply choose not to care.  If there are divine beings I think it's been proven multiple times that he/she/it/they don't really care what happens to us.


Honestly, I'm tired of all the copout answers I hear from religious people as to why God doesn't just directly do something if he is cares so much.  For all we know, Jesus was just another cult leader in history.  Besides all that, the Bible has been proven multiple times to be historically and archeologically inaccurate which pretty much calls all of it into question.


Well, I think I've ranted long enough.  Sorry about that. :catface:

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For a while I was Atheist, then I changed to Agnostic. I came to the personal conclusion that Atheism is almost as close-minded as religion in that it is still deciding that you have an answer to the question.


I know there is so much more out there to be discovered and that there always will be. There are a couple theories out there that pique my interest, like the theory that an entity we may perceive as god like could be a 13 dimensional symphony of vibrations (If you agree with string theory.)

Another is that once you get to the 10th spacial dimension, there is no more space, it is just pure data, all data. (Source)


I think as quantum mechanics expands as a field, we'll learn more about consciousness and/or the human spirit.


Ultimately we as a species know next to nothing, the moments when I become aware of just how little we know are the moments I feel the most lucid.

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I wouldn't exactly label myself as Atheist. I'm basically a butthurt ex-christian who is now Buddhist/spiritualist, but I see eye to eye with many Atheists and I think they have the right idea.

"Religion" is VERY damaging to society and the general well-being of society in general. 

Edited by TheRavenAviator
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I'm a mix of atheist and agnostic. I read the bible once, and honestly it seemed kinda silly to me. (No offence to any religious person reading this.) 


But, if a god came down to Earth, then I would probably convert. I do think that if some deity did arrive here, the religion wouldn't be even similar to what we have now.

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Lets make a group for all the Atheist and Agnostic bronies. That way we can discuss random topics, it doesn't have to be all religious topics either.

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I'm not an Atheist. I used to be, however. I was an Atheist for a good two years or so, before I started being religious again. Learning about the Holocaust and school, and the Armenian Genocide and all of that horrible, horrible stuff just makes you think. Why would some man sitting on a cloud just watch and not intervene if he "loves" us so much. Also, the sick, evil crimes people do every day, and the corruption of the world. 


However, I've had some...weird experiences(my family has too), that made me think about whether death is the end or not. Both my grandmother and I have seen orbs, and felt a warm feeling of pure peace, which the Christians of the internet seem to call the holy spirit. Interesting. Also, apparently 2 of my cousins and I have both claimed to see things when we were younger. One saw angels, one saw a friendly ghost, and I saw my dead grandmother. I have no memories of this, but my parents remember me talking about it. Interesting, indeed. 


I don't necessarily consider myself a Christian, but I don't believe death is the end. I believe in a more spiritual/reincarnation type thing. I do believe in the whole Jesus thing, yes, but I don't believe you die and either burn for eternity or go to a paradise. Eh, oh well. I'll find out when I die. 


I am annoyed by religion. I've had people try to convert me before. One dude told me about how being a Mormon was cool, and yes the man actually asked me "Have you heard the good news?". Another man tried to convert me to Islam. He kept saying how his Koran was a miracle. I really hate it when people try to convert me. I'll believe in what I want to, even if it's a freaking flying spaghetti monster. 


Sorry I went a tad off topic there. In other words, I used to be an atheist, but no so much anymore.

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Atheist here. Although my views aren't religious, I never try to argue with someone who is religious and try to persuade their views. Since this thread is just for atheist though, I'll share what i think. Personally, I think that "God" and "Heaven" are their for people comfort. For example if someone close to you dies, then it's comforting to know that their happy and safe in Heaven with God. I may not think that, but it brings comfort to people who do. Also, Christians state that God created the universe. So a mystical all knowing person just was there before anything and made the Earth, the sun, people and animals just with a snap of his fingers? Right. My final argument is there is no solid proof of God. No evidence says God is real. I have a lot more to say, but I'll stop here. :P

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I am officially now an athiest.


I truly don't believe in god, jesus, the holy mary, heaven and hell, nothing.


However, while I am non existent towards those who believe it, I will still respect everyone's beliefs and opinions towards religion.


I may be an athiest, but I am nice in general.

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I am officially now an athiest.


I truly don't believe in god, jesus, the holy mary, heaven and hell, nothing.


However, while I am non existent towards those who believe it, I will still respect everyone's beliefs and opinions towards religion.


I may be an athiest, but I am nice in general.


By reading your first sentence, I assume that you've recently become an Atheist? I hope I'm not being too nosy but would you mind if I asked you what has made you decide to become an Atheist? I always get really intrigued as to people's reasons for leaving a religion! (:

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I am an atheist.


I feel that it should be noted that not all atheists are irreligious. The only requirement to be an atheist is not believing in a deity, and not all religions have one.


Secondly, I feel that it is a misconception that atheists all say "There is definitely not a deity."


Nobody could state that. Nobody is omniscient enough to do so. However, an atheist can say that there is no evidence to support that so (s)he does not believe in it.

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Atheism? What nonsense. All hail our holy god Gaben!








Srsly tho, I'm kinda borderline atheist/Christian. I have a hard time believing in a god, but at the same time I can't bring myself to reject the existence of one.

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I'm not an atheist neither a religious guy. Most humans are just funny with their extremist rules and religious beliefs.

Doesn't matter in what you believe, What trully matters is who you really are, and that answer you only can get it from your own deeds.

Funny thing, I was saved from two chaotic crashes. In one of them, an invisible hand just took me from my shoulder, and in that second a motorcyclist passed by my side at high speed, driving the most silent motorcycle I ever heard. The guy all dressed in black just stoped in the middle of the night and looked at me behind his dark helmet. Then he dissapeared as silent as he appeared the first time.

Second time. Walking during the day an sudenlly I'm hugged by someone from behind me, there was no one around me, but I can tell that being was a woman or a girl with the most warm and sweet hug I ever felt. Well, I was never hugged as a child so I can't tell.
So a car crashes and after give some violent turnarounds, it just lands a couple of feets from me. The driver seemed to be unconscious or worst, and at his side, over the second seat was lying the holly bible. I suppose this man was some sort religous guy.

I was starting to call an ambulance, but I heard a femenine voice behind me "Don't do a single thing, they are just humans" I was shocked by this words, but I owed her my life, so I had to keep walking without doing a single thing.

Atheism and religion. From my point of view, both sides are equally dangerous. Well, extremes are never good.

Apologies for my english, it isn't my first language.

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I posted somewhere back in this thread and I'll make a post again.


It's interesting how perspective changes everything, I remember one time I almost drowned when I was little and I always thought god has saved me, or the one time I got deathly ill and was probably going to die, and how I thought that these "Shadows" I was seeing were demons. Then I look back and just laugh, I was just one lucky guy with an overactive imagination. The greatest proof that no god exists to me is just the perspective of an atheist. You know what it was like to believe in a god, and afterwards you notice it's all just in your head.


Or maybe it's not all just luck... maybe it's... O_O


Praise Celestia

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Yeah I'd consider myself atheist. I used to be in church but I didn't know what to think about it. I remember my homosexual brother carl got kicked out of church but we were still allowed in.


Our family just decided to leave in general since we'd all rather be together as a family.


To me, I don't wanna believe in a god or deity that doesn't allow homosexuals into a place of heaven because they choose with the people they wanna be with. That and certain events in life where I needed god but never received much...


Life is tough and with me into science, I don't believe it honestly. 


Nothing against people who are religious of course, I respect those who believe in their faiths...I don't respect those crazies who go out of their way and hurt others because they don't share the same views...I don't know if the world would be better without religion, I'd just wish people would be more open minded and respect those for who they are and respect their views and opinions

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People often say "you can't prove there isn't a god" and they're not wrong. However, nobody can prove there is a god either. And looking at the universe and the way it works, it seems extraordinarily unlikely that some sort of omnipotent entity existing outside of space and time consciously created the universe, let alone the Earth specifically, and that "he" is in a position of authority over us, or that "he" gives even a quarter of a shit whether individual humans believe "he" exists or not. It's all so preposterous that it seems like it must've been thought of as a story to prove that people will believe anything.

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People often say "you can't prove there isn't a god" and they're not wrong. However, nobody can prove there is a god either.

The question of who or what is god is easy for me to answer - I think the only thing that can be considered as god is the universe as a whole - but this isn't some conscious being, just the only thing that we will never understand, explore and study completely.

As for the different experiences of miracles and happy or unfortunate fate - a scientific theory can also be formulated to explain those. Just that we won't be limited in dimensions only to space and time - in universe may exist some non-meterial/spectral (supernatural?) interactions and powers that don't require god or other supernatural beings into existence.

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