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technology Any other computer science bronies around?


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public class Tich
      public string DoYouDoComputerScienceStuff()
            return "Nope, not at all, nothing to see here~";

Please don't try to construct objects of me, I am fragile.


But, yeah, uh, I do the computer sciency stuff sometimes. I'm pretty horrendously awful at it though. So don't mind me. Best ask someone better then me, someone, not me. img-1460386-1-biggrin.png

Edited by Vaporeon
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public class Tich
      public string DoYouDoComputerScienceStuff()
            return "Nope, not at all, nothing to see here~";

Please don't try to construct objects of me, I am fragile.


But, yeah, uh, I do the computer sciency stuff sometimes. I'm pretty horrendously awful at it though. So don't mind me. Best ask someone better then me, someone, not me. img-1460386-1-biggrin.png



Ooh, we have code boxes here! But it didn't seem to recognize your linebreaks... (Edit: They're showing up in my quote of your post, but not in your post. Odd.)

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    for(int i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
        if(!(i % 3))
            std::cout << "Fizz";
        if(!(i % 5))
            std::cout << "Buzz";
        if((i % 3) && (i % 5))
            std::cout << i;
        std::cout << std::endl;
Edited by Sairoch
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@@Sairoch, I think I fixed it, I don't know why it's doing that. KEEEEEEEEEEY GEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR


But yeah, we have code boxes, normally. Wonder why they broke so weirdy.


Huh, now the code I posted is borked. It looked fine after I posted it, even after a couple page refreshes. Edited the post and it appears to be working fine again.

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Nontraditional student here majoring in Computer Science at NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology).  Great program here, given the low cost and convenience for me. 


In fact I just finished my last final for the semester, for my database class.  Querying and creating databases in SQL is not the most "exciting" subject, but I'm glad I took it as it's actually pretty useful as far as computing careers is concerned (I've seen it come up a lot in job searches).


Me, aside from SQL, I know a little bit of java, PHP, xhtml, and a *little* little bit of javascript and C++.  One of the things that I'd like to do now that the semester is over is combine my interest in CS and my Brony fandom, and finally get off my butt and create the brony fansite that I've been planning on doing but never got around to.

Edited by hawkflame
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Sig by Thunderstorm

Check out my Rarity fansite!

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I just put in a quote for a dedicated server at a place called Continuum Data Centers in Chicago. If I get it, I'm gonna be working on a software publishing platform on it.


I really hope it's a good price. :P

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Nontraditional student here majoring in Computer Science at NJIT (New Jersey Institute of Technology).  Great program here, given the low cost and convenience for me. 


In fact I just finished my last final for the semester, for my database class.  Querying and creating databases in SQL is not the most "exciting" subject, but I'm glad I took it as it's actually pretty useful as far as computing careers is concerned (I've seen it come up a lot in job searches).


Me, aside from SQL, I know a little bit of java, PHP, xhtml, and a *little* little bit of javascript and C++.  One of the things that I'd like to do now that the semester is over is combine my interest in CS and my Brony fandom, and finally get off my butt and create the brony fansite that I've been planning on doing but never got around to.


Just finished up with my finals as well. Had a database design class last semester, and a database applications class this semester. And I'll be working with a database over the summer for an internship. Not a big fan of SQL, but I suppose that's all the more reason to get as much exposure to it as I can. Knowing how to work with databases is a pretty useful skill.


I'm familiar with: C++, Java, Python, SQL (MySQL, Oracle, and after this summer, PostgreSQL), HTML/CSS, some JavaScript and JQuery, PHP, and a little bit of MIPS assembly.

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Despite my username, I'm still rather ignorant in terms of computer science and programming. I know a bit of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but I haven't had any formal education on programming languages (yet). Hopefully, I'll be able to delve deeper into CS when I get to college.

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Are we talking programming here, or shit like Assembly and binary, and the actual mechanics and engineering of computers?


Either way, I wouldn't really consider myself a computer scientist by any means, but I do know an awful lot about them, more than most 15 year olds do. But stuff like Assembly, and dealing with registers and things like that just goes way over my head.


I've been programming in GML (GameMaker Language) for about 4 years now, but that's not really a computer language.


I just recently started learning Java. (By recently, I mean like I started a few days ago.) I'd tried to learn C++ for around 6 months, but I just do not like it as a language. Java for whatever reason just seems a lot nicer.

Edited by Betez
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Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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While I haven't gone to college yet, I have a broad understanding of how to program in C# and understand the basics of programming in Java. Computers are my passion.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations


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Are we talking programming here, or shit like Assembly and binary, and the actual mechanics and engineering of computers?


Either way, I wouldn't really consider myself a computer scientist by any means, but I do know an awful lot about them, more than most 15 year olds do. But stuff like Assembly, and dealing with registers and things like that just goes way over my head.


I've been programming in GML (GameMaker Language) for about 4 years now, but that's not really a computer language.


I just recently started learning Java. (By recently, I mean like I started a few days ago.) I'd tried to learn C++ for around 6 months, but I just do not like it as a language. Java for whatever reason just seems a lot nicer.


Computer science in general, although mostly just programming in this thread so far. If anyone's interested in talking about the theory side of computer science, though, that would be welcome.


Assembly wasn't as bad as I had expected it to be (MIPS assembly, anyway). If you still have any interest in learning C++, I would strongly recommend Accelerated C++ by Andrew Koenig and Barbara E. Moo. It's an excellent and succint introduction to the language, which manages to cover most of the basics (as well as things like pointers and templates) in about 300 pages.

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I've been writing software professionally for 6 years (primarily web development); yet I am not a computer science graduate, nor do I imagine that I ever will be. School simply isn't my thing. There are interesting classes to take in those courses, for sure - stuff that I would loved to have the opportunity to experience... but since programming is very much a lifelong journey of learning and practice anyway (if your learning stops when you leave school - you're doing it wrong), and since computer science courses have the tendency to produce sub-par developers... I just... it's not my thing :)


The interest and passion has to already exist within you for you to succeed in the industry, and one of the by-products of passion is venturing out into the discipline on your own (and not waiting for an exorbitant amount of external guidance or validation). I admit that it is far from impossible for a person to join a CS program and realize it really is their thing - however, typically (even for developers with degrees) they start programming as much as a decade before they went to college. The industry at large is quickly recognizing this; and fewer and fewer jobs require a degree every year.


My slightly sour attitude in this reply (that, honestly, I didn't intend to have happen!) also stems from the realization that there is very little "science" left in the programming industry. These days, we are mostly plumbers, and every year that goes by it gets harder and harder to become excited about something. There are only so many ways you can write a web form until your fingers seize up and refuse to type another letter: and then you sit there... at your chair... pondering the futility of the industry, and whether or not you will still have a job when the bubble pops.




But yeah. Stuff and things. I don't think I can ever go back to a job writing software that I don't care about for clients with dumb ideas - and get blamed for their idiotic, underspec'd, not-understood, project's failure. I think the most important thing for me right now is less about the code, and more about the project - and, most importantly, the people I work with and those who use my products. When preparing for your career - do NOT let yourself lose sight of these things... even if you don't believe me that your career is about much more than just code.


Here are some great, relevant, articles about the industry:




(For some reason, Jeff Atwood seems to reliably produce articles that I completly agree with; and they're worded much better than I am capable of doing)

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I've been writing software professionally for 6 years (primarily web development); yet I am not a computer science graduate, nor do I imagine that I ever will be. School simply isn't my thing. There are interesting classes to take in those courses, for sure - stuff that I would loved to have the opportunity to experience... but since programming is very much a lifelong journey of learning and practice anyway (if your learning stops when you leave school - you're doing it wrong), and since computer science courses have the tendency to produce sub-par developers... I just... it's not my thing smile.png


The interest and passion has to already exist within you for you to succeed in the industry, and one of the by-products of passion is venturing out into the discipline on your own (and not waiting for an exorbitant amount of external guidance or validation). I admit that it is far from impossible for a person to join a CS program and realize it really is their thing - however, typically (even for developers with degrees) they start programming as much as a decade before they went to college. The industry at large is quickly recognizing this; and fewer and fewer jobs require a degree every year.


My slightly sour attitude in this reply (that, honestly, I didn't intend to have happen!) also stems from the realization that there is very little "science" left in the programming industry. These days, we are mostly plumbers, and every year that goes by it gets harder and harder to become excited about something. There are only so many ways you can write a web form until your fingers seize up and refuse to type another letter: and then you sit there... at your chair... pondering the futility of the industry, and whether or not you will still have a job when the bubble pops.




But yeah. Stuff and things. I don't think I can ever go back to a job writing software that I don't care about for clients with dumb ideas - and get blamed for their idiotic, underspec'd, not-understood, project's failure. I think the most important thing for me right now is less about the code, and more about the project - and, most importantly, the people I work with and those who use my products. When preparing for your career - do NOT let yourself lose sight of these things... even if you don't believe me that your career is about much more than just code.


Here are some great, relevant, articles about the industry:




(For some reason, Jeff Atwood seems to reliably produce articles that I completly agree with; and they're worded much better than I am capable of doing)


I read that second article just the other day. That's actually why I wrote the fizzbuzz code a few posts up: just to see how easily I could do it. Pretty shocking to hear that so many self proclaimed programmers, people who feel confident enough to apply for programming jobs, can't manage something that wouldn't feel out of place in an intro class or the first chapter of a programming textbook.


Software engineering is an interesting field. From what I've heard, if you can get your foot in the door without a degree, a little bit of work experience is worth just as much on a resume as a degree is. I agree completely with the point you made about constantly learning; a good computer science degree program will teach you how to learn more than it teaches you specifics, and this is something my professors have made an effort to reinforce in their courses. Half the stuff you learn in college is obsolete almost immediately.

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  • 7 years later...
On 5/11/2013 at 10:52 PM, Sairoch said:

I'm slowly working through my backlog of algorithms homework (mostly graph algorithms, probablistic algorithms, and a bunch of analysis), and it made me curious if there are any other computer science nerds around on these forums. This seems like the sort of fandom that would disproportinally lean towards the nerdier majors.

I am still working on perfecting my polygon rasterizer, so yea, I am one of those you speak of!

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I like programming:fluttershy:

Thought I haven't coded anything outside of Unity for quite a few years. Now I'm working on my first multiplayer project and still learning efficient logic behind synchronizing everything between clients (the first days of doing this were so frustrating:angry:)

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I have not studied programming, but I sometimes write some code, be that various scripts that help manage servers or some small program. Currently I use bash, C or php (php mainly if I need to interact with a database), but I have made some programs in Pascal or Delphi in the past. 

I think that the most complex thing I have coded recently is a HLS segmenter - it was fun learning how MPEG-TS works.

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I did one year in info tech which was pretty good if busy.

Tho i missed all the really detailed research into nerdy stuff, advanced maths etc. But I'm pretty okay in programming. Idk if I really wanted to spend like years in a cs course though tbh I rather get down to practicalities. Plus I developed other skills in the meantime. I did hear that some cs courses do teach very outdated stuff or things that aren't really good real world.

On 5/15/2013 at 3:57 AM, nlaq said:

- however, typically (even for developers with degrees) they start programming as much as a decade before they went to college

Not everyone though still since some people may have not had the chance to explore programming at a younger age as often schools don't have it (though they started to again now). often just that as a criteria can be used to disqualify women or people who had less acess to computer, those who weren't into gaming etc. Who needed to go on a course (that didn't have some prior expectations) to start exploring their passion or someone to guide them. There are also those who get into it starting out in maths or other sciency subjects and finding that it interests them. Then there is programming in environmental sciences, even social sciences and things like going into data science which isn't exactly the same but involves programming. Or even creative subjects that are a big more digital like architecture may awaken peoples interest in programming. 

I agree though a lot of people have tended to dabble in it at least beforehand. 

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