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Embarrassing Brony Moments


Embarrassing Brony Moments  

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  1. 1. Where do your Embarrassing Brony Moments happen?

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When I was very closet about liking the show I saw a twilight stuffed animal and I wanted it so I took it and hid it in my fist (it was very small) then I went to buy it at a self check out station, only to find out I didn't have enough money to buy I and when I tried to cancel the perchance the machine told me to "wait for assistance", I didn't want some random stranger knowing I wanted to buy that so I just walked away.

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One time, I had MLP music in. Now, I don't hide things, so my Pinkie Pie earphones didn't embarrass me at all. I did get funny looks, but that isn't anything about what happened. What happened did involve Pinkie Pie earphones though. I was listening to MLP songs, and I randomly sang along completely forgetting I was wearing headphones. You can imagine what happened. 


If you can't, people heard me singing randomly off tuned. (I can't sing.)

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Applejack Fan Club

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Yeah, I've had plenty. The most infamous one I remember, however, is that time when we were talking about "different people" or something. I wasn't paying too much attention. All of a sudden, the teacher called me forward to tell everything about bronies. So I neevously stepped forward and started speaking, slurring words then and then. Maybe it doesn't sound like much right now, but when I was standing infront of everyone and talking about colorful cartoon horses, I guess you could understand how I felt.

  • Brohoof 2

Special thanks to @Proton for making the Signature!
I Am The One Who Hides Those Things You Never Find... I Am The One Who Watches You From The Corner Of Your Eye... I Am The Lord Of All Mysteries... Greetings, And May We Be The Best Of Friends
Ah, back to the classic.

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Okay, this was one of the most embarassing moments ever! So, this past semester, I was in Math and Music class. What I didn't know what that I forgot to mute my phone. So while my teacher was in middle of a sentence. I get a text, my phone goes off and says "W-W That was supposed to make you writhe in agony!". I was sweating like crazy. Everyone was looking at me.

That would actually be very awesome, to me at least.

As for myself, I never really had an embarrassing brony moment, but one will probably come in the future.

Gay ships are yay ships


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My main problem with this entire situation is that Princess Pinkie Pie was real, that would be too much power in that crazy pony's hands. Can you say "Return of Harmony Part III" except with Pinkie Pie as Discord?

That would be pretty chaotic. :P



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Embarrasing moment eh?


After I become a closet brony, I bought myself an Applejack Decal for my Mac. The next day, as I was in the cafeteria, I pulled my laptop for everyone to see. I was prepared for this cos I wanted to declare I'm a brony. Everyone was staring at me and one of the girls asked me, "What the, you watch MLP?" and I was like "Yeah, so?" But then another girl (kinda) defend me, "Well I got my cousin watching this too. I like Adventure Time, so it's kinda like the same." I handled the situation pretty calmly.


Another one.


So before my Spring Quarter ends, I visited the Advisor to register classes for both Summer and Fall 2014. I still have my AJ Decal in my Mac. As I opened up my Mac, my advisor went, "Oh, you watch MLP?" I said "Yeah." while smirking a bit. The advisor told me that his nephew watched it too, so it's cool.


From that day forth, he become my perma-advisor.

  • Brohoof 2



Alicorn Sunset Shimmer!

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Mine isn't as awesome as any of yours.


I walked into a movie theater with an MLP shirt on and with the intent of seeing Rainbow Rocks. 
They knew instantly what I wanted because of my shirt, so I just played along and said "Yeah." I then went to see the movie.

  • Brohoof 3


All My OCS



“The only time a lawyer can cry is when it's all over."


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> Be watching EQG:RR online.

> Mom suddenly barges in

> I get startled and try to close the tab

> I take too long

> I close the tab

> The next tab was a Derpibooru page with a full-sized clop picture (I really like it. It's more cute than it is clop :v)

> I panic

> I close the tab again




> Be at Spencer's (a very weird store)

> Spot little Rainbow Dash plushies

> Friends are with me, and they don't know I'm a brony

> I discretely take the plushie and run to the cashier

> Cashier proceeds to take 5 minutes for processing my order, because he couldn't understand my email (and I think he didn't even get it)

> He says "I hope you enjoy your My Little Pony plushie"

> I get out blushing very hard




> Be at psychologist

> Parents are over

> I need to tell them that I'm a brony


That's as embarrassing as it could get. I felt like shit after that. :/

  • Brohoof 3



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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I accidentally copy-pasted a youtube link to an EQG clip to a colleague on Skype the other day...


She didn't say anything so I have no idea if she clicked it or not, but if so...yeah, a little bit awkward :blush:

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My mum found my collection of merch, yeah there was quite a long talk after that. I don't have them anymore (wasn't her fault) so I guess I won't have that issue again, but yeah it was rather interesting trying to explain.

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A few months ago it was too hot in the house and my mom (who for some odd reason enjoys setting the thermostat above 80 degrees) asked me if it was too cold. I answered, "no, it's not too cold, in fact it needs to be about 20% cooler". She, thinking I was making a reference to my prodigious mathematical skills, laughed and said "is that what they're teaching you in school? How can I learn how to be 20% cooler?" I then burst into laughter and just say "Eeyup, and you don't want to know." (we kid around like that sometimes, especially since she suspects I might be secretly working for the government, so that's really nothing out of the ordinary) She then says "You're funny... I think my next Facebook status should be 'How can I be 20% cooler?'" in a serious yet lighthearted way. I should add now that my mom and most of her friends are quite conservative and think that gender roles should be fairly strictly followed, but I know for a fact that some of her friends have daughters who watch MLP. Long story short, she posted the status and someone noticed it was from MLP. She told me about it and asked "Why did you say a line from My Little Pony, and how do you even know a line from My Little Pony?" I said a friend who likes the show says it all the time (which is true) and explained the brony fandom to her (basically "Hasbro hired a good cartoonist who more than exceeded their expectations, and because the show is actually quite decent it has a following in many geeky communities", but a bit longer than that and mentioning the idea that people expected it to be horrible so they went wild when it actually was good).


In the end, the whole thing turned out better than expected -- she thought it was strange but really not much stranger than Trekkies in the 80s and certainly nothing to get up in arms about like some of her friends did when she made the post. She said she has nothing against me having some friends who are into weird things as long as they're nice people and I also have "some friends who are normal". I digress on the second part (I mean, I do have some friends who are her definition of "normal", but having such friends is not in my list of requirements to be a good person). She still doesn't know I'm personally into the show (that's not going to happen), but at least she isn't railing against bronies like I thought she would.

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Nothing really too terrible, embarrassing wise anyway. Only one I can really think of is when I was in Toy's R us by myself looking for pony stuff. I work retail so getting in and out of places quickly has kind of become a habit. People probably think I'm stealing stuff all the time but really it comes from a "places to be" attitude. At work when I'm stocking around people I kind of have to know where stuff is quickly.


So I was in the pony aisle just skimming over stuff trying to decide what I want and this employee comes by and gives me a weird look. OK, fine, whatever, right? So I finish my looking with a couple of different things and go around the store to a couple of other places where they have pony stuff. Same lady keeps following me in kind of a "what are doing with those, you're an adult male" kind of way. So when I was walking up towards the front, same lady followed me up to the checkout as if she was making sure I was paying. 


Really in hindsight I should've asked to talk to a manager. Both to explain bronies and to tell him I was less than happy with how the lady was acting. But in reality I just tried to get out of there as fast as I could.

  • Brohoof 3

OC Pages: Fire Lily, Angel, Flutter Dusk
Loyalty is rare. If you've found it, keep it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So my girlfriend (now my ex...) used to draw artwork for me. Usually it consisted of stuff like flutter-shy and my OC due to a fanfic I was writing. Well, I kept her art and always stored them in my desk for safe keeping. Well... usually. One time I left a small piece of her work in my pocket of my jacket. It was of fluttershy. So I was being visited by my mother, and we were taking a walk together by the local river. So,  I was rummaging through my pockets as we walked and felt the paper, I pull it out... and It the flutter shy picture. My mom looks over and says "Oh, a cute little pony?" As she didn't know I was a brony, she just assumed it was from my gf, and I confirmed it.

Later on during her visit, I was on my computer, on the forums and she snuck up behind me and saw the banner. "Oh a pink little pony!" I only waved her off and just closed the browser.

And finally... I have a friend that always comes over for a bit. Before I was a browny, I was a bit of a hater, and I aways bashed on mlp when he was over. So now that I am on the forums, I get little tabs of mlp on my history. On occasion, he asks me why I had my little pony tabs. I just claim it's ads and dismiss it.

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Ok, embarrassing moment just happened this morning.  My sister and my brother in law were driving 300 miles to visit the area (I'm attending the college she graduated from eight years ago), and I knew she was going to visit my apartment, so I did a little bit of cleaning and I moved anything which shouted "brony!" out of sight.  She comes in, and the first thing she does is walk directly to the furthest corner of my apartment, where I thought she couldn't possibly see any reason to venture, and asks me if I put that MLP decal on the window there (which can't be seen unless you're standing in that corner).  She didn't know it was there until she was standing there, either.  So I said yes, and she says "Ok, I'm not going to ask".


And then I face palmed.


To relate another, less embarrassing story while I'm at it, I decided to tell one of my friends about being a brony while I was driving us to our friends' wedding on Sunday.  Here's how it went:


Me: "So I've gotten really into My Little Pony."


Him: "Well, I'm out of here."  *Motions to open the door in the still moving car*


It actually turns out that he hasn't watched the show at all because he knows that he'll probably get really into it if he does, which, ironically, is the same reason I put off watching the show for so long.  He'll probably watch it now that he knows one of his friends is into it.

  • Brohoof 2

Thrackerzod is best pony.

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My friend is a little... Um... Overly-Open with his brony status... Imagine my embarrasment when he starts singing "My Little Pony! My Little Pony..!" in the queue for the cafeteria...


You should talk him into singing "Let's Have  A Battle (of the bands)" instead. XD

  • Brohoof 1



I won't be a complete brony until I get a Thunderlane plushie and go to a convention.

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I can't say I've truly had any embarrassing Brony moments, aside from the events of the other night described in this thread: http://mlpforums.com/topic/114745-a-kid-i-volunteer-with-found-out-im-a-brony-what-should-i-make-of-that/ I imagine many people have experienced far worse. For me, it's mostly revelations that I tend to keep to myself, such as that I'm the male equivalent of Cheerilee, who enjoys working with kids, wants one of his own one day, and doesn't have a very special somepony. My eyes do dart to any FiM related merchandise I see, even if it isn't for Bronies, but I never actually do anything beyond just looking at it for a second and moving on. If I want MLP related stuff, I'll order it online where only Amazon knows what I'm buying.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I don't think it'd be as embarrassing now that I'm "out of the stable" but last January I was sitting on a bench in the hallway at my school and there were a few friends of mine sitting next to me. None of them knew I'm a brony. Every time we start talking about something that we need to check up online (who some actor was, when was someone famous person born, etc.) they tell me to look it up because I'm the only one with a smartphone in my circle of friends. Well this one time we had something for me to check, so I take out my iPhone and unlock it. I had forgotten that I had listened to Winter Wrap-up that morning and then just locked the phone without going to the home-screen first. So when I unlock the phone, the first thing that pops up is the background pic for that song, which just so happens to be the MLP-logo :D I quickly lock it again and put it back in my pocket, but my friend who's sitting right next to me was looking and he goes "Please don't tell me that was what I think it was?" Embarrassed, I tried to tell him it was just a video someone linked me, but he doesn't buy it :P Not sure if he knows even now that I'm a brony... He hasn't brought it up ever since.

I have a similar story, but I won't go full into detail here. The story is, my friend was looking through my history and saw all of the pony-related things I had gone to. Although, he's never brought it up.


Nothing is impossible. You're just doing it wrong.

Remember kids, it's not illegal if you don't get caught.

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Well, yesterday I was with my cousin, playing some videogames, after some time, I unlock my iPad and he sees my vinyl scratch wallpaper, then he asks me "wtf with your Pokemon wallpaper?" And then I say, it's not a Pokemon, it's a pony unicorn, he just stares at me and I say, what? Unicorns are super manly!!, I was sweating and nervous :0

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That is the best story ever xD Mine was a bit stupider.


The entire photography class had finished the test early, so we were waiting for the period to end. Our teacher decided to put on some trivia. Everybody was shouting out subjects and I was saying Pokemon, but then I heard these two guys say "MLP" so I agreed with them and started chanting, "MLP! MLP!" But then my friend tapped me on the shoulder and said, "They said MLB." and that's when I noticed half the class-- those that knew what MLP stood for-- was staring at me.


Needless to say, I was quiet for the rest of the period.

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Not embarrassing for me, but embarrassing for my old friend. I asked him to let me use his phone show i could show him some pony thing i found (dont remember now) and I went to google and I go to type it in and a suggestion pops down, "sexy fluttershy" and I just handed him back his phone XD


sometimes I'd give him hell about it because I knew it bothered him but I didn't really care.


Oh, and there was one time I was on an MLP forum that had rainbow dash on the banner and everytime my cousin would see it he'd be like "oh look, it's rainbow bright yipeee!" and he'd screw with me but he was always joking around cuz he knew it'd annoy me.

Edited by NotoriousSMALL
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When I was in math class one time, one of my friends mentioned that I'm a brony in front of the whole class. The teacher was laughing until I explained it to him.

Edited by CrazyMrLunaDash
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