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gaming Games you hate that everyone else likes

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I wouldn't say hate, but there are numerous popular series that I've never been a fan of.


Mario - not big on platformers unless they really wow me, or have some other aspect, like puzzles or something. As for platformers I do like, the original Prince of Persia, Limbo, and I guess one could count Metroidvanias as a sub genre of platformers.


Zelda - never liked it for some reason. Can't really put my finger on it.


Call of Duty - the recent games, mostly. They're made like slower paced FPS in every way except damage, which is more reminiscent of a fast paced FPS. The result is that it takes very little skill to get a decent amount of kills, because as long as you see somebody before they see you, if you have even rudimentary aiming skill, you can kill them before they know you're there. I realize this is so any random dude can pick it up and be "good" after a few days of play, but I still don't like it.


Post-Morrowind Elder Scrolls - I actually have barely played any Oblivion, so I can't really comment on it. However, from what I hear, I don't have much inclination to do so. I've played a bit of Skyrim, and it wasn't particularly enjoyable. Everything else, though, was just too dumbed down (sorry. "made accessible") to be very fun. No attributes. No racial abilities (that I can tell). Way less skills than Morrowind, and they're easier to level up. Guild stuff is easier. A lot of customization was taken out (I want my spellmaking back :(). The perk system seemed like just a half-assed attempt to make up for the lack of customization after all of it was taken out of the game because apparently it's too difficult for the average gamer to build stats (they did this to Fallout, too. I am still angry). The left/right hand mechanic was pretty cool, though.


Final Fantasy - I haven't played a lot of FF games, but can anybody say grindfest? A lot of the plots are nothing special, either. I do, however, love the FF Tactics series.

  • Brohoof 2

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Halo 4, I liked the new Spartan Ops and weapon load outs, but the ending completely destroyed the entire game for me, 343 screwed up big time


Assassins Creed 4, its just coming out WAY too soon, less than a year? really? 

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I hate Red Dead Redemption and all the Grand Theft Auto games. Open world games don't really do it for me. Its nice that they can fit multiple cities into games now, but I could care less. I never grew attached to any characters or their stories, either. The only open world games I liked were Skyrim, which was only okay in my opinion, and Saints Row 3, which I absolutely loved, I have no idea why though. 

  • Brohoof 1


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Skyrim. I am stunned that people typically rate this game higher than Dragon Age: Origins. The simple virtue of having an open world does not excuse ineptitude in implementing it. When this massive, snowy forest is so boring to traverse that it makes players groan whenever a quest requires something besides fast travel, you know you screwed up. Boredom is a very common theme in Skyrim. The combat is boring, the dungeons are boring, the quests are boring, the world is boring, the story is boring, 99% of the music is boring, and even the dialogue is boring. It feels like Bethesda was so preoccupied with loading the game up with as much content as possible that they forgot to make any of it fun.


Compare this to Dragon Age, which uses its limited world in a way that makes it feel very open. It has plenty of content to keep you occupied, but it also has an interesting story and setting to keep you engaged, a strategic combat system, haunting moral choices that have you defying fantasy conventions for the greater good, and highly varried environments. Unless you're the type of player that just likes to screw around for screwing around's sake, there really isn't anything Skyrim has that can compete with Dragon Age.


  • Brohoof 2

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I'm gonna say Fifa. Being from the UK, Fifa's huge over here, but i don't really get the appeal of it. Sure, there's nothing better than beating 3-5-2 teams which have sweaty players like David Luiz, Emenike, Welliton, Dede and Felipe Santana, but players also take it far too seriously. They'll ragequit at 3-0 down if your team is not as good as theirs.

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I have never really liked the Halo series in general because I think the graphics just aren't as good compared to other top of the line games and I don't like the futuristic weapons. And I really just hate Team Fortress 2. Don't really have a reason for TF2 I just really really don't like it.


Thanks to LittleRawr for the signature!

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The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Final Fantasy VI, The Legend of Dragoon, Chrono Cross, and Grand Theft Auto III.  Yes, I have horrible taste.  I also wasn't big on Chrono Trigger.

I love you.

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Minecraft, Halo, and Mario I own these But there so god damn awful. the thing that I hate with minecraft is that it just gets boring  WAY to fast one second your mining the next your mining. With Halo is that It went  down hill when 343 made Halo combat evolved,  and  Don't get me started on Mario All it is, is the same game OVER AND OVER!

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Hmm, I never got into the Call of Duty games because I'm not a big FPS fan, also, it seems the guys that play them aren't the nice nerdy ones, only the jocky jerky kind of guys (Sorry if you enjoy those games, that just seems to be my opinion XD)


The Halo games for me were meh...

Though I've seen a lot of hate for Skyrim and that's one of my faves XD so I really can't say much!

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The entire Zelda series. While I do see the appeal, running around and exploring a huge game world just isn't for me. I generally perfer something more linear.


Also, I should point this out: I don't hate them. Objectivley, they're good games. I just don't like them.

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Y'know, I've been on this site for almost ten years and I've never had a proper signature. Ain't that something?

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CoD, Halo, L4D, L4D2, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, almost every game that many people like. I just never really got into them. Halo especially, plus I don't really like fantasy games that much.



L4D was boring, same with L4D2, yet people treat it like the greatest zombie game ever.


CoD, seems obvious enough.


Growing up and to this day, I'm more into games like Counter-Strike, TF2, ARMA, and Battlefield. But also some strategy games (such as Simcity, and yes, the older ones are strategy games).

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I wouldn't say there are games that I hate in particular and while I could talk about CoD being a bad game it's just meeting a demand really. 


If there was a game to hate I would say Slender and Minecraft. Now I actually like Minecraft as a game and a creative tool, although I can't say the same for Slender as it was pretty appalling. What I dislike is the 10,000,000,000,000 lets plays on YouTube with are all exactly the same! It's either somebody explaining something they made in MC which is actually awful, or they're screaming into the mic at every minor jump scare...


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I don't see the appeal in Minecraft to be honest. So many people love it; at my school everyone talks about it, how big their houses are, how they killed the Enderdragon and other stuff. And then there's me who doesn't give one shit. :|

  • Brohoof 1
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I really don't like Call of Duty. Mainly because I suck at FPS games but also because I don't see the appeal of running around shooting people. I've never been one for shooters. 



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Halo, F.E.A.R, Gears of war, C.O.D, Battlefield... ANY Xbox game. They ruin lives lol..

I hate W.O.W. too, it's just sad.

I hate monkey on the wood chips..

I hate mine craft

I hate sims

I hate Zelda

I hate skyrim

Wow, someone denounces Zelda? That's a rare occurrence. And I was under the impression that most people enjoyed the Sims, since it's the ultimate roleplay and there's so many entertaining scenarios to derive from it. To each his own, I guess, but geez...your videogame hatred is pretty intense

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Call of duty...i hate it all of them they are soooo boring just running around shooting people theres no good story and everyone who plays it are like 7 yr olds who mod it ahhhhh

  • Brohoof 1


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This would come up frequently with my friends in high school.


The only ones I really hated were the later Final Fantasy Games and Kingdom Hearts. Terrible writing and so many flat, unimaginative characters. I honestly don't know how anyone can enjoy FF13 to be honest.


My friends were those people who only played gen 1 of Pokemon and denounced the later games. I can't go back to anything before gen 4. Need that polished gameplay.


Never enjoyed Elder scrolls games. I'm just not into open world.


They all played WoW which I really don't understand. All that mindless grinding for...more mindless grinding.

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Here is a list of Games I really dislike.


1. Crysis-I like FPS games but this game is so boring all I can really tell you about this game is that its pretty.


2. Call of duty-I sadly can say that I have played them all of them because I give Every game a try to see if I like it but Every single one Is every boring plus the story in these game really sucks and sucks hard.


3. Border lands-The game is way to easy for my taste.


4. Skyrim-Boring story,Boring Progression,Boring skill system the only thing I liked about this Game is the music.

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Halo 4, I really despise that game with the same formula and engine. People might enjoy the Halo series but, the only Halo game that I hate is Halo 4 because it is pretty much boring. Mass Effect 3, I also hate that game too.

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Team Fortress 2, because it just isn't fun. I don't know why, either. Minecraft. That game bores me to death, maybe it's better on PC (I tried the Xbox version).

The PC version lets you to have mods in the games, but in the Xbox version you cannot.


Mods make the game more fun.


As for me? Well, neither. I like CoD, Minecraft, etc.



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Skyrim - I swear if I hear another fucking knee joke...
I took an arrow to the knee...(Sorry, I had to)


For me, I really hate Lol and Wow. I just can't get the concept of Lol. I don;t mean to say hate hate, but just utter frustration whenever I play it. I get my ass whooped every single time. Also, I dislike wow, mainly because I can't understand it. The worst COD game imo was probably Black Ops. I just did not like the story line, the mulitplayer was glitchy (for me) and the characters were not portrayed well. 




I wouldn't say I HATE it, just more of a disliking of it. The only fun I had in AC3 is with the naval combat. I still haven't beaten it and I doubt I will. I find the combat to still be boring (besides naval combat) I found it to be the same counter to win stuff. 



  • Brohoof 1

Fun? What is this "fun" thou speakest of?




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Call of Duty. Nothing else to be said here. I can't stand it that every ten year old now and days plays that. What happened to playing Pokemon when you were E for everyone?

  • Brohoof 1



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Where to start?


I never really found the appeal in Call of Duty. Just the whole concept to me is horrible.


Kingdom Hearts. I don't like it, like, at all. I played one game and never found what sparked it.


I played Final Fantasy with high exceptions and never liked it. 


Never found the greatness in Zelda either. A guy with a triangle inside a triangle on a hand? lolnope.


Skyrim was OK, but if I hear another knee joke...oh yeah, I don't like Assassins Creed or Mass Effect. Or Mario.


Yup, I hate Mario. Just never found what made a plumber so heroic.

  • Brohoof 2

Have the courage to think and act on your own. And have the courage to disobey.

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I never got into Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Digimon, Yu-gi-oh, or most other Nintendo games growing up. 


I also can't stand Halo, the whole concept is stupid to me.




Call of duty...i hate it all of them they are soooo boring just running around shooting people theres no good story and everyone who plays it are like 7 yr olds who mod it ahhhhh

Wait? 7 year olds can mod things? 

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A lot of people here rely don't like Zelda.... hmmm.....





All Sports related games

All the Pokémon games (besides stadium)

World of Warcraft

League of Legends

Command and conquer Red Alert 3

Assassins Creed 3

Handheld games

Android / IPhone games

Donkey Kong country returns

Wii version of Twilight Princess

Any Wii games except Skyward Sword and super Mario Galaxy

Any call of duty after 3

Battlefield games

Resident Evil 4, 5, and 6

All the Mario games on Wii and wiiU (aside from galaxy)


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