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Which two ponies from the six main characters of MLP:FIM fit together?

Okie Dokie Lokie

Which two ponies from the six main characters of MLP:FIM fit together?  

54 users have voted

  1. 1. Which two ponies from the six main characters of MLP:FIM fit together?

    • Twilight Sparkle and Applejack
    • Twilight Sparkle and Fluttershy
    • Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie
    • Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash
    • Twilight Sparkle and Rarity
    • Applejack and Fluttershy
    • Applejack and Pinkie Pie
    • Applejack and Rainbow Dash
    • Applejack and Rarity
    • Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie
    • Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash
    • Fluttershy and Rarity
    • Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash
    • Pinkie Pie and Rarity
    • Rainbow Dash and Rarity

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Title says it all,

Personally I think that Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash fit together as they are paired together a lot thoughout the episodes. 



Best pony is obviously Pinkie Pie followed by Fluttershy.

BTW ponies rock and so does the series.

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Still waiting on that Rainbow Dash&Rarity episode DHX :/


It was a tough one between FS&RD, and PP&RD, but I've really been warming up to the latter lately, so I went with that

Edited by REGIS MK V
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Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash, of course. You'll notice that they spend loads of time together - they had the most adorable chemistry in Griffon the Brush Off, plus the situation in Wonderbolt Academy, the fact that Pinkie went to see Dash in Too Many Pinkie Pies rather than send a clone over, they generally enjoy pulling pranks together, and it's visually appealing too - their colour schemes create a really vibrant duo n.n


Plus, Pinkie is best pony, and Dash is second best pony - so of course they'd make the best pair.


Here's one image out of many images I have, that show how adorable they are as a couple.



  • Brohoof 4
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Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie definitely, since they do share some very heartfelt moments in a lot of episodes when they hang out. I would say Dashie and AJ but, I see them have more of an athletic relationship and can understand each others pain.


So many choices, but those are the top two that can fit together.



  • Brohoof 5
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AppleJack and RainbowDash make a great pair! They are very alike, both are tomboyish and both of them enjoy outdoor activities. Look at the running of the leaves episode, both of them were so competitive! They're seem like the most realistic pairing out of all of those to me. o3o 

  • Brohoof 1

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Pardon me, but I'm a little confused. Is this about shipping members of the Mane Six, or just which members of the Mane Six share the best (non-romantic) chemistry?


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Pardon me, but I'm a little confused. Is this about shipping members of the Mane Six, or just which members of the Mane Six share the best (non-romantic) chemistry?


Both; they could either look the cutest as two friends, or work the best as a ship. Both come from having the best chemistry of any other pair, so go on whichever you want.

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They all compliment each other quite nicely but I have noticed a couple of particular pairs that click. Rarity and Fluttershy get along very because they are the girly fillies though they are for different reasons that is still of course the case. Applejack and Rainbow Dash are both althletic and fairly competitive and prideful though Applejack has a bit more control over this than Rainbow Dash does due to her maturity level. If we are talking shipping though I really like Applejack and Rainbow Dash because though they have a great deal in common with each other they also have some significant differences and can balance each other out quite nicely. 

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I want absolutely nothing to do with shippings, or love pairings or any of that garbage.  I'm saying that now.  But I will answer your question, though it will be in terms of PARTNERSHIPS, or BEST FRIENDS.  Even though they are all best friends, some are best-er friends than others.


First, I would say that Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash are the best friends, as they are both pranksters, and second to Pinkie, Dash talks the most.  Though it's mostly a lot of hot air.


Second, Rarity and Fluttershy, as they both know a lot about fashion (blech), and they love to go to the spa together all the time, and usually, they let each other know first about anything that happens.  That's how I see it.


And then, that would leave Twilight and Applejack.  You wouldn't think of them as being the bestest of friends in the group, and that I'm only saying this because they were the only two left, but really, both of them are the ones who get put together in a storyline a lot most of the time.  Who was the one who tried the hardest when Applejack was over-working herself?  Twilight.  Who suggested to go look for Applejack and volunteered to go first when she didn't come back from Appleloosa?  Twilight.  And  WHO was the one to volunteer a kidney when Twilight lost hers in a train wreck?  THAT'S RIGHT.  Nopony did, because that didn't actually happen.  But Applejack would have been the first, because my point here is that they have almost ALWAYS been the first to go and help each other out in times of personal crisis.


There's my thoughts on the subject.

  • Brohoof 2


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Just from what I've observed, the closest of pairs seem to be Rare & Flutters (their girl-time at the spa), Pinkie & Dash (trickster duo), and AJ & Dash (competitive duo). Wow...Dashie sure gets around, doesn't she? Total friend-slut, if ya ask me.


Anyway, for some reason I haven't really seen Twi as being exceptionally close to anypony so far, other than Spike who's essentially her little brother. I guess it's because she's the one who seems to solve the other 5's problems time and time again, so she seems to have an equally strong standing with each of them? I dunno. Or maybe I just need to watch all the episodes before making such a conclusion. happy.png

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I think Twi and AJ make a good pair because they are the two most serious ponies of the mane six. They both consider their responsibilities top priority and they are both strong leaders, but they also balance each other well. Twilight is the brains and Applejack is the brawn. I'm not by any means suggesting that Applejack is stupid or Twilight is weak, it's just that Applejack is stronger and Twilight has more book smarts.

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Totally Fluttershy and Rainbow. I don't know if it's Rainbow's tough personality that help Fluttershy's timid personality light up, but these two characters totally fit together. Rainbow Dash makes Fluttershy braver (IE Hurricane Fluttershy), and makes Rainbow Dash softer (IE when she introduces Tank to RD)



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This is probably the least popular answer, but Rainbow Dash and Rarity. I think their differences is what would bring them together. They are the most outgoing of the bunch that isn't insane (looking at you, Pinkie Pie), and are also super, super sexy.



  • Brohoof 2
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Probably Rarity and Applejack, I like how they're complete opposites of the other, which is brought up in nicely in Look Before You Sleep. To me, they really complete each other


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Applejack and Rainbow Dash for sure. They're both strong, loyal, and generally all-around awesome. Applejack seems like what Rainbow Dash might be if she were raised on a farm instead of Cloudsdale and vise versa.

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Still waiting on that Rainbow Dash&Rarity episode DHX :/


Same here. It's strange for me to say this since Rarity is my favorite pony and Rainbow Dash is my least favorite of the mane six, but they're more alike than they seem at first glance.


Both are extremely driven and ambitious in their respective fields. Both are known for having very large egos- Rarity is vain, Rainbow Dash is cocky. Both can, on a surface level seem like a jerk. Both are outgoing and not afraid to speak their mind. But in spite of all this, both are ultimately very selfless and represent elements that are about putting others first- generosity and loyalty.


There really needs to be an episode that brings some of this to light.

  • Brohoof 2


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Ehhh...hard to pick. Looking from a generic perspective, I suppose Dash Pinkie is the funniest since their dynamic is so funny, and there's never a dull moment, nor do you know what will happen next. I'm going to go with that. Though I also enjoy Dash and AJ, the two tomboys, both as friends and as a shipping idea. Then, Twi and Dash can be a bit funny to observe, too, thinking of the example used in Double Rainboom that displays them rather accurately. Lastly, Fluttershy and Dash is cute because Dash always acts like the sister that tries to get Fluttershy to stick up for herself and be more outgoing :3


Also going with PinkieDash because, in their R63 form, they're best ship <3

  • Brohoof 1


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@@Okie Dokie Lokie, what do you mean, shipping or as friends?  I guess I won't list any shipping pairs since I don't generally ship the Mane 6 together, but as friends I think my favorite pair out of the Mane 6 is Applejack and Rarity.  They're such polar opposites that their interactions are usually hilarious, but those differences also make their friendship all the more surprising, and their best moments of friendship make it an especially enjoyable, sincere, and meaningful friendship to witness.  Plus their friendship has developed, evolved, and advanced a lot more than most of the other friendship pairs amongst the Mane 6. smile.png



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I seem to really enjoy the interaction between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Their moments are really diverse and are just so enjoyable. I suppose it made me think they had lots of development in terms of relationship off screen? I mean... they knew each other since fillyhood but yet, I felt like they weren't really close until they "grouped up" with Twilight...

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@@Okie Dokie Lokie, what do you mean, shipping or as friends?  I guess I won't list any shipping pairs since I don't generally ship the Mane 6 together, but as friends I think my favorite pair out of the Mane 6 is Applejack and Rarity.  They're such polar opposites that their interactions are usually hilarious, but those differences also make their friendship all the more surprising, and their best moments of friendship make it an especially enjoyable, sincere, and meaningful friendship to witness.  Plus their friendship has developed, evolved, and advanced a lot more than most of the other friendship pairs amongst the Mane 6. img-1514361-1-smile.png



I,originally, left this question up to interpretation but what I mean which 2 ponies look the best together as in the closest friend-wise.



Best pony is obviously Pinkie Pie followed by Fluttershy.

BTW ponies rock and so does the series.

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  • 2 months later...

I'll call it the MLP, but that acronym is already taken.


Anyways, I know it is generally believed that romantic relationships won't be explored, but that might not be the case.  Assuming a relationship will be explored, what pairing would most likely become cannon?

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